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I have had to cut wood the past 3 days in preparation for the cold and snow that is predicted this weekend. It has been exhausting. DH has been busy working on cars trying to get them repaired before the cold. (He also is a mechanic aside from farmer and construction work we do), So I told him I would take care of it.
Anyway today I went and I really was praying for strength and energy to do what I needed to do. So I drove up in the woods and I saw this huge tree that was fallen but caught up in another tree. I thought if I could get that( I like getting wood that does not have to be split), then that would be all I need to get and last for a while. But I did not have a chain on me to pull it down. So I continued on cutting what I could get to. But that tree just kept asking me to take it home.:) So I loaded up what I had and decided to come get a chain. I came back to the house and DH asked what was the matter, I said I came back for a chain and explained the tree. I went back hooked the chain up to the tree and to the front of my vehicle and prayed that it would come down nice and gently. I put it in 4WD and backed up slowly and the tree gently came to the ground, I pulled it further out into a more open space so I could cut it. I got most of it cut up and then my chain came off the saw. I did not take tools, and I was determined not to have to go back a third time. I loaded up what I had cut. Adjusted the chain on the tree and to the back of vehicle and pulled it home.
Now it is not unusual for me to pull a tree home for wood. I used to bring trees home for my Dad to cut in his last 2 years when he couldn't get around.
And I hadn't pulled one home since he passed.
When I got home, Mom saw the tree and she said "Your Dad would be proud of you." Wow that hit a tender spot. I just said yeah he would have liked that one.
I miss my Dad so much and sometimes it is hard to talk about him without getting sad. Especially with Mom.
I am just grateful to the Lord for the time I had with him, especially his last 2 years were the greatest ever. Even though he was declining. But the moments we shared will always be in my heart. I will see him again one day. And I really try and have special moments with Mom, for her to have goodness and for me to have wonderful memories burned in my heart.
God is wonderful in that he has answered several prayers that have been going on around here. Oh what love HE has for HIS children.
Thank You Lord!!

Counting my blessings...

Tomorrow is my dad’s thirteenth anniversary, and it seems unreal! It feels like I just saw him yesterday the last time. And I have been thinking about how amazing it is that I can remember him so perfectly, down to each wrinkle in his sweet face, his eyes, those eyes! My father had such deep and beautiful eyes, his arms, his hands, I don’t think I will ever forget one detail of my dad.
I am so greatly blessed to have had a father that was such a wonderful human being. My dad truly was the definition of integrity, kindness, sacrifice and love for my mom and I! And although it sounds like lack of modesty, I’m so proud to say that I’m trying to learn to follow his footsteps as far as his capacity to love. My dad taught me so much about what matters in life just through the way he lived it, and those are the best lessons a child can learn for a parent.

I am also counting the blessing of my mom’s bright and inspired mind! although I know she is very down and deeply affected because of the memories and sadness this time of the year brings, she always finds the courage and inspiration to put together the most precious words and write something special about my father, every 19th of January she does the writing and I work on the image and graphics, sort of a PowerPoint slide. I’m also very thankful and blessed for having great memories with my dad! We used to sing together a lot. Thanks to him I seem to have an old soul! I know almost all the beautiful old songs; we also used to share the same sense of humor, which now in his physical absence helps me so much, the ability to laugh and find joy in the simplest things. I’m also blessed for still being able to feel his embrace! of course not the embrace I used to, but it is a deeper embrace, one that comes from his soul to mine.

I am truly blessed! I was blessed the exact moment God gave me the parents I have!

Dad used to have the weirdest sayings. I never thought I'D say anything like that but, in my increasing years, his "pearls of wisdom" come out of my mouth without thinking. Then I smile and think "the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree."
Miss you Dad. 😔

Rosses and Sue- Our Dads were special people we will miss dearly, but their words and wisdom will always be a part of who we are. I find that I say things my Dad did too. I smile and just think yup, he was right about so much.

I am counting my blessing this night that I have just finished up our taxes. YAY!!! I am always so happy when I get them done. And no one is ever as excited as I am. The thing I find joy in when doing my taxes, is that being self employed(God employed, we do nothing of ourselves), I really get to see how the Lord blessed us through the year. His love truly is Bountiful.
Also, that the snow passed us and we did not get any rain or snow, Hallelujah!

Much love to you all, hoping your day has gone smoothly and that you have found a piece of joy in it.

Smesque, oh my goodness, you finished your taxes? Wow, that is fantastic and inspiring.

Lord, thanks for the taxable income you provide for us and all the wonderful, unable-to-be-taxed blessings, gifts and treats that you have given us both for tax year 2018 and 2019!

Yup, Snoopy- completed last night. Yipee Skipee!!!

“I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” 

Psalms 91:2

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:8

I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine and weather we had today. It sure helps.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17

Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Psalms 85:10

Thou shalt not worry,
for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.

Thou shalt not be fearful,
for most of the things we fear never come to pass.

Thou shalt not cross bridges before you get to them,
for no one yet has succeeded in accomplishing this.

Thou shalt face each problem as it comes,
you can handle only one at a time anyway.

Thou shalt not take problems to bed with you
for they make very poor bedfellows.

Thou shalt not borrow other people's problems,
they can take better care of them than you can.

Thou shalt not try to relive yesterday
for good or ill, it is gone
concentrate on what is happening in your life today.

Thou shalt count thy blessings,
never overlooking the small ones
for a lot of small blessings add up to a big one.

Thou shalt be a good listener,
for only when you listen do you hear ideas different from your own,
it's very hard to learn something new when you're talking.

Thou shalt not become bogged down by frustration,
for ninety percent of it is rooted in self-pity
and it will only interfere with positive action.

Elodie Armstrong

Smeshque, thanks i needed those words from Elodie Armstrong. Lost my wallet, but tomorrow’s another day.

DH uncle is maintaining. Hoping and praying.
Mom was feeling bad this morning but got better by the end of the day, Hallelujah!

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

Psalms 103:2

I am grateful for the nice warm day we had, and that Mom had a great time on our day trip. And we are back here safe.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” 
Psalms 34:19

Counting the blessing of having the awareness to recognize when I am moving away from the path I want to be on. I have had a couple of hard days, struggling with humbleness and patience, yet, I am aware of this and have been trying, praying, and really trying to get out of this bad mind frame. And I’m finally succeeding! I know it could be easy to start justifying my “bad mood”, but if anything that would be the explanation, never a valid justification.

So, I feel blessed that I am aware of myself and finally able to modify my mood and my behavior. NOT easy, but doable!

Had the wonderful blessing today of being outside in the sunshine and fresh air. What a pleasure. Thanks, Lord!

Rosses- It sure helps us to be aware, doesn't it. Because then if we are aware we can change it. What a blessing that the Lord gave you that understanding of yourself.

Snoopy- Oh how refreshing outdoors can be to our minds, bodies and souls. What a blessing to be able to appreciate that.

God is Great!!!!

Thanking the Lord for the beautiful spring like weather we had today. And I am so sorry for those who are freezing.

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” 
Psalms 95:6

Im thankful God gives me joy and kindness to share, reminds me to Praise Him even for the rough stuff, gives energy, strength, motivation and focus to do anything. Grateful that my MIL is here with us rather than with strangers. So thankful to be able to give her love, happiness, safety and gentle care in her final years.

Love this idea! Today I am blessed because I am giving up the need to control how my mother feels, if that makes sense.


It makes perfect sense and it is a very profound conclusion, hard to do in practice, but it is the only healthy way to be able to give care and love without feeling guilty for something we cannot control. The way our parents feel is really determined by them, as long as we are doing all that according to our judgment, our conscience and our love towards them is the best we can, there should be no guilt. But that is much easier said than done.
Hope you can find peace in your resolution to give up the need to control how your mom feels, and may God bless you and enlighten you, and her!

I am thankful to the Lord for sustaining us and providing for all our needs and even some of our wants.
I am thankful that we are all safe and sound, and I am thankful for my Aging Care Family.

To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.

Psalms 30:12

One can tell it has been a tough day, when what we are most thankful about is to have our loved one(s) we care for -and deeply care about- to still rock our boat and not necessarily in an exciting way..may feel like the Titanic at times!..🥺 BUT we still have them! As well as the strength, that only can come from God, to face life every day.

Rosses- I concur
That is a weekly occurrence. Those days I pray so hard for more patience and endurance. It is so hard, no matter how much we love them. I have such a hope of figuring it out. So that it does not hurt me as much and I do it well. I pray for this, and I strive for this. So I am hopeful. Sometimes the Lord says HIS grace is sufficient, so it may very well be, that this is as good as it will get. That brings terror, because then it all points to MY weaknesses. But I hope and pray to figure this out before it is too late. I so want to do it all with love and willingly and patiently and humbly and gently.
I so do.
May God give you strength and endurance.

Lots of blessings today. Dad and I got out for his allergy shot and a brief walk and took in the "super moon". Lots of fresh air and glimpses of snow on the far mountains. Now Dad is peacefully snoring away. Thanks, Lord!

My motherinlaw celebrated her 94th birthday last week. She enjoyed visits from family and friends and received lots of cards which she’s enjoyed looking at again and again. She even went with us to visit our son’s new house on Sunday which was a big deal. So lots to be thankful for this week.

Snoopy- that sounds so lovely. Glad you got to do that.

Marybee- that is wonderful.

We are a blessed people.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalms 100:4

I was sitting in the waiting room of the X-ray Dept. to get a Dexa-Scan (for checking osteoporosis). I’m thankful for health insurance and being healthy.
I spoke with a lovely young man who had his right knee bandaged and in a brace. He tore just about everything in his knee in a motorcycle accident and had surgery.
I am definitely thankful that I am in one piece, even though what is intact hurts most of the he time.

Sue- hope tests come out fine.

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