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Golf. Mid, I do get your DH going golfing. Hey I would be all for that. My DH does gym. He doesn’t do 'feels' like me.. sit at the beach, take a bath. He's better to go do something physical. What are feelings anyway? Vibrations in the body I've heard. So why not play golf & let the vibrations melt away that way?

I believe having some separate activities as couples is completely healthy.

The House. I think I would want zero to do with it. Not care at all what happened to the outside, the inside, the contents, photos, anything.

I watched an old episode of Mother & Son (did you ever get that series?). There is one where the OB decides to buy the Mother's house. For $1. Therefore cheating the other brother from any future proceeds from the estate.

OB wants to buy the house? Surely there are other houses...? But as long as he pays a far price, sure. My care factor would return to zero.

Oh Mid I hope if you close this post down you might start another one. You are so loved and supported here. I hope you feel that way. Occasionally I wonder about Dorker but I guess one has to want to communicate here. I am recovering from foot surgery and going nuts. I hate to feel so apathetic. Hope the moves go well. You sound in a good frame of mind.


I am with you the golf topic. I tried it once with my friend and her husband and my husband and I. Oh my gosh, it was a disaster!

LOL 😆 I can’t golf and don’t especially like the sport. My husband rarely goes golfing anymore. He was never an avid golfer.

I love walking, hiking and I did enjoy cycling until I had a horrific bicycle accident. My orthopedic surgeon told me to only cycle now on my stationary bike.

I agree that we all need things that we enjoy individually and things that we enjoy doing together as a couple.

I think traveling will be a good way for the two of you to enjoy your new found freedom.

You have your children and your grandchildren that you can visit. Plus, planning other trips could be healing for both of you after dealing with your DH’s family issues.


Yeah, I remember that episode on Raymond. It was hysterical.

Geeeeeez, I could NEVER be married to a guy like Raymond or have a MIL like Marie.

I broke up with a guy who had a horrible mother! Hahaha! 😆 He was a sweetheart but I remember thinking, “Oh no, I don’t want to go down that road with his mom!

My MIL was an angel. She told me that I was the daughter that she never had. Honestly, she was like a second mom to me.

I was truly fortunate to have my MIL in my life. Sadly, she died far too young, age 68 (non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.) I dearly loved her. I still miss her, but am glad that she is at peace and out of her misery.

I don't golf. I think it is the stupidest game invented. But I know that for DH, as an aging jock--it's the only sport he can participate in and not require being in traction afterwards. He can golf everyday of his life if he wants. (You remember that he traveled extensively all our marriage? I am NOT used to having him home, day after day, snoring away in his recliner. Retirement has not been 'fun'.)

AND-it gets him out of the house, playing with friends and family and when he has a 27 hole golf day, I am blessedly alone for 8 hrs.

Everybody needs something to do to blow off steam. Until I broke my foot in a spectacular manner 6 years ago--and walked on it for the next 4 in pain, unable to find out why it hurt so bad---did a huge surgery to fix it-BUT, my daily 5 mile walks with friends ended. I cannot walk far without pain--but it's better than it WAS and so I am happy enough to do what I can do. I do miss those long rambling walks with friends. I can't keep up with anyone any more.

Dh is grieving both his mother's death AND her life. Going through her junk is cathartic for him, in some way. My OB telling me not to touch any of MIL's costume jewelry until YS says so was hurtful. I get 'directions' from all side. "You can do A, C and F, but not B, or L" comes from my DH, the YS says 'Oh but please don't do A, C or F. Do Q, N or P". Dh tells me to ask YS about everything.

I've decided that I am not going to help at all anymore. I don't want a single thing from MIL's house. And the pictures I mentioned? Those were pictures of MY KIDS AND GRANDKIDS--she is not in any of them, it's pics I gave her to put on her fridge. She has not, for years, displayed anything anyone in "My" family sent her. If you looked at this pile of photos you would not know she HAD these 'extras'. All her cheesy talk of family being 'everything in life' didn't resonate with us, we knew she didn't care squat-all for our kids. In the family room she had a 3x5" photo of Dh and me on our wedding day, Next to that hangs a 36"x48" portrait of her daughter on her wedding day. Ours always looked so funny. Like an afterthought, which it was. I took that down and threw it away. If OB is mad about that he can fish it out of the trash.

They are somewhat under the gun--the ALF apartment has to be emptied 100% by Friday of this week. So that pushes the sibs to also move the stuff out of the house. They've hired movers and everything that's left in the house is going to Goodwill. SIL wanted more time, to touch everything and have her emotions, but she's not going to get that.

I do find it rather funny that the 'plan' I had conceived as to how to make these moves in a very organized and efficient manner was pooh-poohed by DH, yet a mere day later, he is telling his sibs he had this great plan to do the move/move in ONE day and with ONE set of movers. Sometimes I ain't so stupid.

I know everyone's emotions are on high alert. I know OB's wife is doing worse, more rapidly declining than they thought (I'm not supposed to know she's having problems, but all my kids knew, so what's that all about?) Don't know, don't care. Right now OB is trying to decide if she is 'safe' to be driving now. That's something that's come on in the past few months. So I cut him a little slack, as he is soon going to have another 'patient' to look after. That has to be hard.

I do appreciate the comments. I am glad MIL is now gone, but I am also feeling a shift in the family dynamics. As a general rule OB and Dh do not get along, even to the point of simply not speaking for months on end. That will come back, and that's FINE. Once the estate is cleared out--and the last check is cut, DH doesn't have to talk to OB ever again.

It will be OK. In fact, I will probably close this whole link down in the next couple of weeks. I'm just now learning to deep breathe again.

And for the record--I have bee

@Need that golf suggestion reminds me of the Everybody Loves Raymond episode when Ray and Debra decide to play golf together. It starts out great but ends with Debra admitting she hates golf and then there's no more golfing together.

Just because she passed away I had a feeling things would not get better. All the sibling are damaged. I would be so offended by what OB said to you. Please stop helping. Not only is it not appreciated, it seems to annoy them.


Do you play golf? Your husband seems to love it. I wonder how many couples golf together. My husband would not want me to play golf with him. The most I have done is putt putt with the kids.


I get it. Everyone has been through crap. We grow and learn from it. It seems like the ‘kick me again’ would get old fast in a marriage.

Sometimes we need a bit more help to sort things out.

Mid would do well to make an appointment with her therapist.

My current feeling is that Mid needs the ‘qualified therapist’ herself. The family is dysfunctional, and part of the dysfunction is Mid. She is quite ridiculously tolerant, to an extent that is also dysfunctional. 'Kick me again' is not a good line.

If that's offensive, I apologize, but I'm feeling a bit dysfunctional myself at the moment. Perhaps it takes one to pick one!

Staying silent to keep the peace rarely works. Suppressing emotions is so unhealthy.

The entire family lacks good communication skills. They need an objective mediator (a licensed therapist) to help them navigate their way through their messy past and help them to build a better future together. Therapy is certainly worth the time and money.

This forum is an outlet for Mid to vent but it doesn’t take the place of a qualified therapist.

There is a difference between maintaining dignity and allowing oneself to continue to be treated without respect by those who are still living in this family . That is a “ practical “ lesson .
Suggesting therapy and marriage counseling and Mid carving out a life for herself while DH golfs is supportive practical advice .

Mid also did not speak with or see her MIL for 4 years . During this time the disrespect she has been getting is from the 3 sibs .

Mid has been clear in her desire to stay with her husband. It’s not up to anyone here to understand or judge her reasons. She’s a woman being guided by her conscience and faith, seeking support here after dealing with an impossible in-law for years. Let’s offer practical advice that doesn’t involve questioning her stated beliefs. I, for one, have benefited and learned from Mid, as she’s both stood up for herself and maintained her dignity. Hats off to you Mid!


I second EVERYTHING that you just posted!

Enough is enough! Stop the insanity! End the unhealthy cycle that has been going on for far too long! What is the point of being in a relationship that is one sided? She deserves to have an equal partnership.

We can’t force others to be responsible for their actions but we don’t have to accept it because that’s the way it’s always been.

Hopefully, Mid will consider your suggestions.

Mid definitely deserves better treatment from her husband than she has received. He should have defended her to his mother every time she spoke out against Mid.

Mid may feel as if she doesn’t have a voice in this marriage. I hope that one day she will realize that she does have a voice and will speak up for herself instead of being ignored or shamed by her husband.

The idea of DH wanting Mid to be nice to his mother was ludicrous. His mother was not interested in being friendly with Mid at all and would have only said more ugly things to her. No one deserves that kind of treatment.

In-laws can place a strain on a relationship but they can’t damage a good marriage if the husband takes up for his wife.

We have read Mid’s postings on other threads where she openly admits that she wanted to leave her husband.

Mid has been suffering from migraines due to the unnecessary stress from DH and his family. Let’s hope that DH and Mid go for couples therapy and can heal together.

Margaret ,
I had the same thought . The first thing DH does is go golfing instead of doing something nice for/with Mid . If I was Mid I would not be happy . And why help this crew with the MIL’s house just to be diminished again by these people . I would not keep trying to help these people . Let DH handle it all, the house , the siblings, the will and his golfing . I wouldn’t wait around for scraps from this man. I’d go on a trip without him . I would ignore him , see how long it took him to notice . Then I would insist he go to therapy and marriage counseling .

Midkid, I’ve just read your comments on Kartyjib’s post about sleeping with/without DH and with/without TV. I’ve also been thinking about how DH is going out golfing now MIL is dead, which was another of his escape mechanisms to avoid putting you first.

Why have you stayed married to this man? Will you put up with anything and everything indefinitely? The whole thing continues to be really bewildering.

As if you wanted to steal any of that old bats jewelry. OB needs to get a grip and a clue. Yes you should definitely let the monkey's complete the circus regarding their mother all alone. It seems these 3 siblings cycle between being normal and being weirdos. Whatever. Leave them too it. Hopefully OB buys the house and that will be done. It would be great if BIL lost out on the commission to sell the house, he is a real d-ck-wad. As for the pictures - screw it. Do you really want any pictures of that toxic woman in your house? Let your DH handle it all and enjoy your migraine free days....

Thanks for the insights!

Actually, Dh simply removed the bolts to the rail and he and his OB lifted the whole unit out of the stairway and parked it in the hall.

It looks like there's a good chance that OB and his wife are going to buy the house! I am beyond surprised--but hey, why not?

They retired here and bought a 3 story condo--which has proven to be too many stairs for them. OB can make it up and down the stairs once or twice a day, but they have 3 flights of stairs AND the snow out there is horrific.

So--at present, we're leaving the stairlift for them. I think they'll make a decision really quickly--as the house will need a lot of reno to make it right for them. It would be nice to sell it to them and not have to pay any fees....BIL will be mad b/c he's looking forward to a nice commission--which he now won't get if OB buys it.

We did get the ALF all packed and we're trying to get rid of all the leftover furniture. Nobody wants it, quality that it is, it's VERY definitely 'old lady' brocade style and looks very dated. Next Friday they plan to move EVERYTHING out and then we'll see what happens.

I did go to help and then got slapped back by OB who told me that I didn't have the right to look through MIL's jewelry--So I had a little moment where I once again felt diminished by the family.

Sadly, as I was going through photos (I was allowed to touch those) there were tons and tons of the 'other' grands & great grands a smattering of ones of my family. So I had some sadness over that. It's OK. I'm going to opt out of trying to help any more. I'm not wanted by OB (he's never thought I was smart enough for his brother AND I'm religious, which he acts personally offended by...) so, not a lot will change.

You are right--that stair lift was 'built in place' and will only work on a stair with the same slope and angle. Not my problem.

Mid, my parents have stairlifts for both staircases in their house. I plan to sell them when the time comes. There is a market in NYC for them.

Mid. My daughter is in Park City and just put her house on the market at the beginning of February. She has already dealt with 4 offers. One fell through but she is now in contract again which is a relief as she is expecting her 3rd child in May and has gone to contract on a house to buy. If MIL's house needs cosmetic work as I imagine it might I wouldn't worry too much about the stairs although a buyer may not want to deal with the furniture left there because of it. It sounds as though the sale will be an easy one.

What my daughter has discovered in the market there is interesting. Their house is in great shape as they completely renovated it after buying it a few years ago. They also are in one of the more desirable subdivisions. They are buying a house that is a better size for their growing family yet needs alot of cosmetic work. They love doing this. They did a house in SF and did very well. The house they are buying has been on the market for several years because it is not up to date. In all of Park City this is the only house they wanted to consider.

I know the SLC market may be a little different but I think you could go ahead and list it as is with the offer to take out the staircase if so desired by a strong buyer. At least this is not a difficult problem. It is always great to be a seller in a seller's market.

Mid, It's so wonderful to hear from you! It sounds like the funeral and dinner went as well or better than anyone could have hoped for! I think it's insightful that DH now feels that mom should have been moved 5 years ago. That's so much better than believing that the move somehow harmed her. As you said, there is going to be a lot to unpack emotionally. This will take time.

I did a quick Google search, and those stairlifts CAN be removed. The track is custom to the staircase but the chair, motor, etc. can be installed on a new track. I guess it will probably be the buyer's call.

Thinking of you and wishing you all the best!

As the days pass, and it has now been just over a week since my MIL passed--I am reflecting on so many thoughts. Sleep is filled with the craziest dreams and I'm up a lot during the night. Normal, I know, but still, I am needing more sleep and not getting it.

DH is being himself, kind of roller coaster of emotions, but he's doing OK. He 'allowed' me to accompany him to the ALF to get the last of the stuff packed. It's ready now to be vacated, and SIL had spent a couple of hours packing, so with what we did yesterday--it's done. He actually thought my plan to empty the house and ALF in one 'blow' was a good one and will keep the moving hassle to a minimum. He has the death certificates and has to register something with the state, IDK, but it's not a big deal. They can start to pay off her few final bills and close out the house. I really hope my SIL doesn't get over emotional about the house and the few contents in it and will allow us to help her. She was talking to DH yesterday and was asking if there wasn't ANYTHING that we wanted, and no, there's not. Maybe the stationary bike, but even then, if someone else wants it, we'll let them have first call.

One of my daughters wanted a piece of jewelry-if there is any (MIL threw away a LOT of stuff in her waxing dementia, so IDK what's even left). None of the kids had any great memories about anything, which is kind of sad.

We've already gotten calls about selling the house! It's a great neighborhood and will sell without even being listed. SIL's DH is a realtor and he will take care of the sale and collect the commission--so I doubt it will sit empty for long. As they stand to inherit 1/3 of all her money--well, follow the trail.

Today DH and I are going to her house and taking her pictures back-they are some that the sibs may want. They're very 'old lady' and not appealing to us at all. But, one of the kids may like one? Who knows!

One weird thing, so I do have a question: MIL had a very expensive stairlift installed in her house years ago. It takes up almost half of the space of the stairs. Do y'all think that's something that should be removed before selling? Or should we leave it and let the new buyers deal? I don't think these can be re-used and they are very specific as to installation. We can't get the sofa and TV out of the basement with this in place, and I thought to just sell the house with this.

Thoughts? (Yes, I am going to ride it today!)

All in all--we've had some moments, I am learning to give DH a LOT of time to think things through. I'm also keeping him well fed, which will help.

I asked him yesterday if he felt that moving his mom pushed her death along faster and he said "We should have moved her here 5 years ago". So, if that is how he feels--well, if it helps one person to not attempt to prop up am elderly LO in their home--that's OK. It has been so hard and now that she's not a constant source of anxiety, I am hoping for some peace, some joy and a LOT less stress between DH and myself. I always hated to 'blame' MIL for our marriage issues, but as time is passing, I can see that she really did have him bound tightly. He's free. At age 72, he's finally free.

Let's all make that commitment: to care for our LO's the best we can, but to not destroy ourselves in the process. Had we known---it would have been completely different.

What did I say in my very first post here?

If you aren't serving as a good example, you might be serving as a horrible warning.

BTW, I did have a ceremony with the 'brown rug' last week and it was actually very healing.

Happy to hear everything went smoothly.

"Someday I will be able to sort through all my 'feels' and put them away. Today I begin that journey." Prayers for you as you walk thru this new journey of healing, Mid.

Mid that 9 month migraine must have been hell. I think your DH is going to be OK now that his mother is finally at peace. 🏌

Closure. In so many ways. 🤗💐🌤

Wonderful update, Mid. Yes, today begins a new journey.

Thank you for the update. I’ve checked several times wondering how you were doing. Let the healing for all begin. So much of what you’ve written is very relatable and a huge lesson to many, you’ve not only worked out some feelings for yourself, you’ve helped others

Celebratory Hugs and a great big sigh of relief to you, Mid, for living through that nightmare.

May God bring healing to your whole family! 😘

Mid, written very well. I am glad everything worked out well.

I so hope this has opened DHs eyes. If his kids went out of their way for him he can't be all bad. He just needs to realize that it was never him that had the problem it was Mom. And he needs to forgive her because it may have been something in her childhood that made her the way she was or a mental illness. He needs to now realize that her treatment of you was not normal and should not have been tolerated. For your marriage to heal correctly, he has to apologize to you. But first that golf outing and then some therapy. Its time to have a happy rest of your life.

Truly a wonderful message from you Mid. Everything sounds as though it fell into place. Best wishes moving forward with the house and room at facility. Your future looks bright and promising and certainly well deserved.

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