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8 more hurricane season, how many more mini-drama can take place in 8 months??

Your SIL's ridiculous reason for putting off MIL coming are so transparently stupid--sorry, she's just not helping.

It should not take more than a month at the most to go through MIL's stuff, pack what is needed/beloved and have it sent ahead to IL. Then pack up MIL and beloved dog and send them on their way. Get the house de-junked (yeah, that's going to cost a bit) and get rid of the house!!

Dorker, could you step up to SIL and simply tell her you're facilitating the packing (hire someone) and flying MIL and dog to IL in, say, 2 weeks. Period. Buy the tickets, send the drama queen to her daughter's. Don't ask permission--DO IT! I bet DH would support this 100%.

OF COURSE MIL will be mad, but she's gonna be mad no matter what happens. I bet she's already regretting saying she's done with drs.

Can you do that? It does involve you being involved, but this wagon train is going NOWHERE.

The sooner MIL is a resident of IL, the sooner she'll get her benefits. You have done all you can, or should have had to, and more. Time for the daughter to step up.

I don't know how quickly you can get the house "moved" but if there is nowhere for MIL to come back to, she will adjust.

How many people have been inconvenienced by one narcissistic old woman? 10? 12? Ridiculous.

Who here want to go to FL and help de junk this house and move Dorker's MIL to IL? I do!!

There's a real possibility that the AL idea is a red herring to force a knee jerk reaction. I think she may be trying to guide SIL and DH to "No, Mother - we don't want you to be in AL. You should live with us". The mention of SIL not being able to uproot, move to where MIL is, change her husband's doctors etc. , so MIL will be the one to uproot and change doctors - I know it's convoluted, but I think MIL is trying to plant the seed with SIL about moving to FLA.   And then MIL can stay in her own home. She knows SIL will run around taking care of MIL's needs so she's the perfect family to have in town. It's just been my experience that manipulators will put out a farfetched idea (that isn't at all what they want) so that the idea they DO want seems reasonable by comparison.

I'm actually am starting to feel bad for MiL who has two children who find so many other ways to occupy their time. I guess they've been burned by her before. Time to take a page from their book, and be far too busy with the babies....

Just remember that no is a complete sentence, Dorker.

Oh I agree. You guys are preaching a sermon I know very well. I agree! They need to, if they cared about her well being, hop on all this and move swiftly.

Is it going to happen?

Not only no, he&& no .. it's not.

MIL calling the shots indeed. Makes her grand proclomation .. but no one hops to, to see to any of it.

Finally talked to SIL (and no I don't argue the point anymore, that got me nowhere but more frustration). She isn't entertaining a notion of hauling her right away .. because ... ready for this ... get ready .....

Her son is coming, beginning of Nov .. for closing on an investment property he bought.

And .. she is slated to *dog-sit* for her daughter .. and so, she is looking at coming this way .. long about December before she will be able to scoot down this way.

And why .. why not take your mom back at that point ...

Well there's just too many open ended issues that have to be dealt with ... there's too much to sort through to get any of it done that rapidly .. and .. winter .. it's just too hard there .. life in the winter .. and so .. they are looking at perhaps spring/summer.

Yea okay.

I maintain .. I am out of it. No that doesn't somehow engage me in it all .. "oh gee, see now dorker they are all stepping up at this point and seeing the writing on the wall, won't you just hop back on into it and be the fetcher in it all, til we can tie loose ends up".


And yes .. a lot can happen in the several months time that they seem to think it will take to begin to make any forward progress. That still does not mean that I will be over here sticking my big toe in it all.

I don't understand it, and I didn't ask ... "so .. let me get this straight ..??.....your mom says it's just too hard for her, she admits that .. and yet you guys think it suitable she continue in that setting for another several months .. because there are loose ends to begin to unravel in it all before you do so ...???.....splain that to me".

I didn't ask.

Their mom, not mine.

I am looking forward to my mom moving to SC. It will be a "get away" location for me, to escape all this bull squeeze and believe me, I will be doing so.

No she didn't say why she'd *need to be there* when her son comes in .. to close on the investment property he bought .. apparently that's something she doesn't feel like she can be down here dealing with her mom, but needs to be there .. wants to be there .. I don't know.

My days of trying to configure all this .. over. Maddening? You bet. Absolutely. But my days of saying, "gee, seems to me your mom having admitted that she can't manage alone anymore, that would be kinda an impetus to put a fire under the situation and get it going".

Nope, not going there.

But I also am not hopping back into it ....

Maybe someone in all of this thought .. (mistakenly) .... *if I say that I realize I need more help and I can't manage .. maybe dorker will feel bad .. and hop on back into it all, knowing there is an end in sight to it all*.

Thought wrong.

I do feel bad for her, .. and how (indeed) frail she is and compromised .. and over there staggering around trying to manage. But .. backing up these last several months .. it has given me some perspective that I've shared before. If they find this suitable . then why should I hop in it all. She's not my mother. So be it.

Barb....100 percent agreed!!!!!"

SUMMER of next year is 8 months away. 8 months!!!!! So much can change in that time.

Why don't you tell DH and SIL to just DO IT ALREADY! Sorry, this is driving me crazy. MIL still holding all the cards. I'm thinking her grand pronouncements were all for show. .

"Work together"?

That really takes the cake, Dorker. You've been howling like a banshee for months now, but MIL flips a switch and now you must all "Work together"?

SiL and DH need to have a conversation with their mom, all three of them, and decide what needs to happen. 

MIL needs to be moved NOW, before there is another hurricane and before the winter storm season in IL. She needs to establish IL residency so that DIL can get started on the Medicaid application. She needs to be in Illinois so she can be gotten to an eldercare attorney who can advise on all these matters.

The thing DH has to do right now is fond an eldercare attorney in Fl who can advise on the RM and the sale of the house.

The packing up can happen after MIL leaves.

Hi, Dorker!!! Act II of the Narcissa mini-series. 6 months is a nice number that is FAAAAR enough away to be putting off anything without DH and SIL calling her on it (not that they will). I am quite certain the SIL text to set up call to you was to put a toe in the water to see if you would re-engage with all the sorting, packing, cleaning, organizing, finding movers, finding packers, finding people to prep house for sale, place for MIL to stay while house is ready for sale since dog in house with smells is big non-starter for sale. . . DH already tried to get you roped back in to discuss with MIL. This is not your circus, and as much as they throw poo at you, they are not your monkeys. If your DH has time to work with church, he has time to set up MIL. And yet??? Keep working with DD and the babies, you are obviously well-needed to help with that little family. Take care!

We had the 3 g'kids over the other night, so the mommy and daddy could enjoy a quiet dinner out. WOWZA .. the twin baby girl .. just WOW WOW WOW. Been a long long time since I've dealt with an inconsolable little baby. She got in a fit of crying .. and nothing would do. Talk about feeling inept. The paci wasn't working, the baby bottle, walking her, rocking her .. talking to her .. nothing .. nothing was working. This went on for like 1 1/2 hours. THANK GOODNESS DH was here and dealt with baby boy twin .. while I did everything I could think of to console the little girl twin. She finally did pass out .. but it was heartbreaking!

Ya'll (as the southerners say) .. it continues to this day. I put in a text to SIL yesterday .. and just mentioned a couple of things outside of any MIL issue .. and then mentioned what I'd heard about the decision MIL has made .. and she texted back with what I'd quoted here, followed by "can I give you a call". I told her no, .. that I was doing thus and so . but we'd talk another time (I presume she wanted to talk about the "we" in this whole saga, don't know). She texted again later, .. wanting to know if she could call me, (evening), told her no, that I was interested in something on TV .. told her I'd be available this afternoon .. thus far, no call from her.

Obviously .. the "we" thing in it all .. it's "we" as in .. will you hop to the beat of my drum, when I beat it? If not .. not much to talk about ..

So be it.

I would love for her to call .. I'd like to ask the above myself, "what in the world valid reason is there to wait until next spring or summer .. it's not like we all travel by wagon train anymore and inclement weather has to be factored in. Dead of winter, snow/ice storms . yea I get it, .. but those .. even for folks who live up north .. are not imminent, not right now anyway .. in a few mos, possibly yes, but not til then.

I don't know, to answer the question, what's the hold up.

Curious as the why the timeline of 6 months from now? What's wrong with getting a fire lit under everybody and moving MIL now? Or at least beginning to show some signs of movement?

Is SIL not really wanting her mother to move in with her until she can find housing? What's the holdup? I know you have a lot of hoops to jump through, possibly state of residence for a certain length of time before an IL place can be found-- being one..I don't know, having not gone that route yet.

Just seems like MIL made this grand pronouncement ( and I would have loved to be a fly on the wall at that performance!) and went home and thought "Oh, shoot. What did I just do??"

I am a quickly decisive person. I hate shilly shallying around. I make a decision, ponder it for a moment, or a day and the move. My mother hates this quality in me, as she will complain about something over and over and finally I'll say, "Ok, I got it" and I solve the issue and she is left with nothing to fuss about. (for now). Yes, I make bad decisions sometimes, but not making one is MAKING ONE. If your fail to plan, you plan to fail.

I guess I am a little confused at to why it's going to take all winter to make this move. Hopefully there's stuff moving along underneath that you aren't seeing, but somehow, I doubt it. DH isn't going to do a thing to help until it's time to haul out the furniture, and so this seems to be SIL's issue.

Dorker, I think you just feel unappreciated. I would. I do. I do a lot for others and I find that it is very rare that someone notices and "validates" what I have done. Part of this is just the way the world has become--selfish in many ways. Your MIL is the queen of selfish. I think you want some sign of appreciation--even as you are feeling "guilty" for starting this ball rolling.

Any time we have a "new norm" to deal with, it's hard. The older we get, the harder it gets to adapt to changes. Your life is going to be VERY different if MIL actually moves. You've got a lot of time to think that through, & do bring up these mixed feelings with your therapist so you can be strong and composed if MIL follows through. She has been a big part of your life for a long time, for good and bad. Her leaving will make a huge difference in your daily life. I'd take that time and enjoy the grandkids.

"We all just have to work together to make all this work,"

The "we" will mean SIL and H, NOT YOU. You did your part, and, as you know, there was no "we" when it was all dumped on you.

You have every right to be angry. Setting aside that you love your MIL and have fond memories with her, the fact remains that you were the one closest to the situation. And I know what that feels like. I walked in your shoes for nearly five years before burning out and getting sick from caregiving for my inlaws. Trust me when I say that, if you get sick, you will no longer feel guilty!

I appreciate the words of encouragement. It helps so so much. At a time when I see that these changes are to be upcoming (yet to see them transpire though), and I am feeling a bit of .. almost .. oh I don't know .. a sense of "guilt" that maybe if I hadn't been so selfish . and been willing to keep stepping to the beat of that drum .. then no one would have to face this "unhappy" fork in the road.

It's helpful to be reminded by the good folks here on this board .. she's not my mom .. she has offspring .. they are the responsible parties here . .not me. Enormously helpful to be reminded that I did indeed prop this up for a long long time, 15 long years.

Something hit me last night .. I don't know why it didn't hit me originally .. but I will impart it here .. it has made me .. oh I dunno .. more *resolved* if I had any doubt at all (and truly I didn't .. not doubt .. just morose .. more than anything).

The text I sent to SIL yesterday .. just a couple of things outside of the MIL thing .. and then also mentioning to her that I understand from DH that their mom has made a decision to ask her help in finding an AL in her area ..

She goes on .. yadda yadda .. telling me that she as surprised to hear .. that her mom had come to the realization that it's too much to manage, between her house, her dog and her own well being and that it was her idea . her mom's .. and that it's likely they will at some point (likely spring or summer, not the winter that's upcoming) make a move up there .. MIL to stay with her .. and then from there placement in AL. That she needs more help and she knows it. That her husband is on board with bringing her into their home (her husband is, and always has been a saint .. patient to a fault .. yes, suffers from mental illness .. *Bipolar disorder* .. but has never been someone who is impatient or unkind in anyway, even though MIL finds it hard to cope with him, .. basis for that, I don't get). She goes on to say that they will just have to get it all figured out.

But here's the important point she made, that dawned on me later ....

She goes on to say: "We all just have to work together to make all this work, It's been a real struggle for me from 1K miles away as I try to piece together assistance for here and transportation to medical appointments".

I don't know why it didn't dawn on me, when I originally read that part. But it did, .. in the middle of the night hit me like a ton of bricks.

I'm sure it is a real struggle. Indeed it is. Welcome to my world, when you aren't here .. for the last several years .. thus my exit.

The "we all just need to work together".

My thoughts on that. How long was I screaming from rooftops here ... "this isn't working, I can't do all this ... it's too much to manage". How long did that go on? Far too long.

Only to be told by MIL .. ."Now I will manage her, .. now don't you call in those church people to help me here, I will manage, .. don't you bother my neighbors ... now I will be just fine, I will manage here".

****All the while I'm screaming .. BUT YOU DON'T manage that's the problem******

And SIL with the ... her mantra through it all, as I'm screaming the above, to both she and her son .... "I know, what are we going to do with her, she's so stubborn", and DH with his, "she's just a fighter, .. she's so fiercely independent".

That went on .. for what seemed like forever. Resulting in my exit from the whole thing.

That whole .. that one sentence, "we all just need to work together" .. and the "it's been a real struggle for me to piece together assistance/transportation for her, from 1K miles away".

It makes me .... oh I don't know .. angry .. but also .. a bit sad.

You want to say back to her (but I'm done arguing fine points with her, I have stepped back .. and so yes .. hard to manage and a struggle, .. I'll say, yes it is! ... For sure .. no argument from me on that), .. but it's like I wanted to say to her (but didn't, no point in doing so).

"Ya know where was the whole .. *we all just have to work together* .. when I was shouting it in every direction .. that I can't do all this .. we need more help .. she needs to go spend time with you .. she needs to allow that others be summoned in all of it, it's too much for me. Where was the "we all just need to work together".

There was no "we all need to work together". It was dumped on me .. that's what it was .. for far too long. And yes, she'd breeze into town .. (and to her credit she didn't come to town and sit on her azz, quite the contrary) .. but she'd breeze into town for a few weeks and stabilize things .. but the one person they depended on in it all .. that one lone person .. me. When I began to make noise that it's no longer manageable, was there any "we all just need to work together". Nope.

It angers me. But it also saddens me .... only from the respect that MIL .. inside of the 4 mos or so that I have stepped back in a huge way .. out of it all ... the writing has been put on the wall at this point. It is indeed, not manageable.

I didn't address that which was cited above .. didn't hit me til the middle of the night when I should've been sleeping but I wasn't .. because I have a lot on my mind ... not just MIL but other things ongoing.

I likely won't .. what's done is done. And arguing with SIL .. or trying to draw her attention in some way, futile usually. So why bother. And things are, .. at least there is lip service at this point, progressing in more of a direction of the very real realization that it's not manageable. So .. belaboring the finer points .. why bother.

But at least I can vent/rant here.

Dorker, your MIL is not your responsibility. She is mother to SIL and DH.

If SIL doesn't think she can bear living with her mom, then it behooves her to find an AL quickly and get MIL qualified for whatever financial assistance is out there.

You did the running and participated in the dysfunction as long as you were ABLE. You ONLY said " enough" when it was time to care for your daughter.

You have nothing to feel guilty about.

Dorker, it is sad that MIL is gradually declining. Of course it is! Wouldn't it be lovely if we could all toddle along living our lives until we drop off the twig one night without even being aware of it? Sadly not many get given that "cease upon the midnight with no pain" option. So yes, you're sad about it. Let alone her status in the family, you like this woman and she's part of your history. It's sad.

SIL isn't ignoring you or grumping at you. She's coping as well as possible in difficult circumstances. But she doesn't resent your absence and given that she's stopped badgering you to chase your tail on fool's errands it sounds to me as though she understands your point of view perfectly, and supports it. She gets it. It's fine.

Meanwhile, back at MIL Ranch, people are stepping in and stuff is happening and MIL is being carried along willy-nilly, which means she's bound to have something to say about it! That's okay too. Changes are inevitable. Doesn't mean she has to *like* them.

Do not imagine that people will even internally accuse you of not caring. You do care. There is a world of difference between saying "my help is not enough to support this person, she needs more than I can give" and saying "I don't care what happens to this person." And if you need time off from the frustration of listening to MIL's fantasy game plan, that's fine too.

Rest easy, you've moved mountains for this lady, you've recognised the need for change, and you're doing fine. Take care.

"she is talking of maybe in the spring ... (not in the winter time) making a move to stay with SIL in her house .. and then from there, transition to AL." "Maybe" in the spring? Uh, oh...more likely maybe NOT. Maybe never. Didn't Narcissa state recently that she would never live with DIL?

Regardless, there are months ahead before it will be springlike in IL. There is a good chance that a medical crisis in FL will land her in a facility here.

Keep staying out of it and do not feel any guilt!

Dorker - your MIL is crafty! My inlaws tried the old "We'll move in the spring" line on us "kids" but we knew that, if they didn't move in the fall, that it would have been too late in the spring.

Oh, my....not moving until the Spring?? That's almost 6 months from now. Anything could happen in that length of time. Perhaps SIL is not as good at "managing" when things are close to home?? In 6 months MIL could do a complete 180, decide to stay at home, figure out a way to circumvent this whole move---sorry, I've learned not to trust anything MIL says.

Dorker, you are feeling like you "caused" this, and in some ways, you did, but only because you stood your ground. It's a Phyrric victory--as these situations often are.

I wouldn't waste too much time thinking about the "what ifs". I also wouldn't bet a dime on MIL actually following through by moving to IL. 6 months is a still have her very firmly in your radar for a long time yet. Maybe not your hands on the steering wheel, but you're still in the car.

Oh yes, I'm aware .. the "pull" will be there for a long time, to hop back in. Aware of it, and recognize it, and vow to never get pulled back into it all.

It's just a feeling of .. oh I don't know .. hard to describe .. would things be status quo, me running to the beat of that drum continually .. even still .. had I not stepped off. Most assuredly they would, yes. So, my having stepped off of it, .. and the reality of how difficult it is to manage .. absent feet on the ground to do it ... pushed that decision forward.

I guess one has to reconcile themselves to .. "well dorker you have a choice ... you can run on that treadmill fast as you can go .. and never get off .. you've done it .. you know how it goes .. and all the micromanagement from afar .. and all the triangulation .. or ... dorker .. you can step off of it .. and let the chips fall where they may".

It's a .. how I wish I was just a cut and dry .. and cut to the quick person .. without much insight or "feeling" .. it's a sense of maybe my lack of participation .. having pushed things in a direction that no one is happy about.

I will say that I've yet to reach the "happy" that she's had to make any decision at all. I know d*mn well, MIL isn't "happy" to have made that decision. I know that DH .. it saddens him that things have gone in this direction, I'm sure SIL too .. would much rather manage from afar .. sans the flights here to run like a race-horse.

But in the above ... to keep it all afloat ... was my participation. I was no longer willing to do it.

Hard not to feel somehow responsible for a decision that .. while .. I stand firm .. is needed .. it's one that doesn't make anyone "happy".

Not even me .. I'm not over here cheering "hooray" .. that's what I said all along .. hooray hooray! Nope.

I'm trying to find my solace in the fact, she will be "safer" in a supervised setting, or for that matter, even living with her daughter. A decision neither wanted (SIL questions whether she can live w/her mom .. and her mom the way she is towards SIL's husband). MIL questions whether she can live with SIL with her running circles of busyness always .. driving you and anyone else in her circumference, up a tree.

I try to find my own solace in the fact, simply put .. I couldn't keep doing what I was doing .. didn't want to and shouldn't have to .. and it's not my mom.

My solace .. trying to find it in, .. it's not my fault she lived to be this frail and disabled.

I find that I am angry .. that I ever *agreed* to step up to that plate and that they .. they being DH and his sister both .. were all too willing to let me. But that anger, at this point is eclipsed by just melancholy of the sadness of the turns that life takes when one gets to be this age.

I do realize .. she could be a lot worse off .. there are those here on this board .. a whole host of other more serious issues. And there is comfort in that fact. It could be a lot worse.

But yes .. "cancelled all doc appointments".

Well ... except turns out ......some sore that has come up on her lower right leg .. and no, I saw it .. it doesn't look like cellulitis .. it looked to the PCP .. as maybe a skin cancer ..??...wanted her seen by a derma doc. She did go to that this afternoon, so I hear from DH .. taken by housekeeper .. and it does appear to be such .. a sampling of it taken for .. ??...I guess biopsy .. and there is talk she will need to be taken back to have it removed on Nov 8. He and his sister discussing that.

Red flags here - you need to keep staying out of this -
Supposedly cancelled all doctor appointments, but is going to doctor's today
Looking at moving "next spring" - lots of time for changing her mind
Move in with SIL and then transition to AL, rather than moving directly to AL

It has been quiet here, yes. Had some other upheavals, but none having to do with the MIL/SIL issues.

I haven't reached out to MIL. I know that I should. But I haven't yet found it within myself to do so. Likely all I will find is a mere mention of the decision she has reached .. and the why's of it all. It's not like she will say to me, "ya know, you aren't able to help me like you used to and so I'm forced to make this decision that I didn't want to make" and then I'm left feeling like I need to justify. I doubt that would happen, seriously doubt it.

She seems to have a penchant at this moment for telling those in her orbit (this according to DH) .. of her decision and of course included in it, how she phoned all her doctors and cancelled all appointments .. and her having stood in the waiting room to announce to the receptionist there, she'd not be keeping her appointment(s) for further testing, etc .. and that the doctor could call her, and a waiting room full listening to this.

Never forget her flare for drama.

Seems she has related to DH who she has told (only a brother in law .. and a sister .. those are really the only two that remain as part of her world, for the most part), but telling DH .. telling the story he heard .. but telling it again in the vain of "and I told her .....", blah blah blah. The drama of it all.

I haven't reached out to MIL .. only because .. I don't have the stomach at this point to hear the drama of it all. There is in me, a sense .. (not enough to step in it all) .. a sense of sorrow .. even though, yes I was pushing for this, or something similar. It has, in me, created a sense of .. pondering whether I've been selfish to have stepped out of it all, which of course, .. seemingly .. did in fact, precipitate a decision.

I did reach out to SIL (she has been eerily quiet) this morning .. just on another couple of issues .. but mentioned, "I hear your mom has decided to have you look on your end for an AL facility".

**I tried to call her, but didn't get an answer*****

She tried to call me back, but I wasn't available. So I ultimately texted her ..

She texted back .. she explained that her mom says it's just too hard to manage, between the house, the dog, her own well being, etc. .. and that she realizes it's not possible for her (SIL) to sell her home and move down this way .. SIL's husband more firmly entrenched with his medical team and various issues .. and easier for her to transition .. and new docs .. and so she is talking of maybe in the spring ... (not in the winter time) making a move to stay with SIL in her house .. and then from there, transition to AL.

Outside of that she only explained why she'd not caught the phone when I called, that she'd been on the phone talking to the cardio doc here (get free Elliquis here .. via the doc and a pharma program) .. and that she'd been on the phone with them, that the housekeeper is taking MIL to a different doc in the area this afternoon for a different issue (the sore on her foot, the one that looked maybe pre-cancerous) .. and she'd asked of the housekeeper if she'd stop in to the cardio doc while in that vicinity for the free Ellisquis.

Looks like my actions, . .. or lack thereof ... did indeed cause some serious/frank discussions on the whole thing.

I'd like to say .. that wasn't on me .. that there were discussions that took place, outside of any involvement or lack thereof, on my part .. because to do counter to that, makes in me, a feeling of, "gee .. maybe I was being selfish .. to refuse to partake in all this any longer".

Just a bit of melancholy ..

A quiet day on the post might equal a quiet day for Dorker..

I think Dorker is in a state of many years of the "old" and now this "new" thing--which, even though she's been pushing for it, is still a big change.

And, may I add, MIL has not been particularly "good to her word" in the past, and the actual change, if it happens, will take some time.

I for one, hope they move MIL immediately to SIL's house where SIL can then facilitate everything at her own pace (tornado)...and Dorker can help clean out MIL's house, or not.

I also hope Dorker took a long nap yesterday!

Yes, I've been thinking the same thing! I admit to checking this board in the past few days to see if there were any updates from Dorker.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.....Sure is quiet here.

I get the sense no one is hopping all over it. But .. I'm out of the loop here, having removed myself from it. For all I know, SIL has already moved heaven and earth on her end and has some things in the works. I really don't know.

I haven't called her, only because it's so very clear to me, .. MIL needs a more supervised setting, it's been clearer than clear. Haven't .. until I heard this, this morning, been able to get anyone else on that page.

Feels like if I were to reach out to SIL or MIL for that matter and hear something contrary to the above (and that very well could happen), It will be yet one more exercise in complete frustration.

I truly had kinda come to a place with it all, that I will be backed up and removed from a situation that is just really untenable for her, and that it will be a situation that is somewhat painful to watch from afar, but that's just what I was determined to do. Knowing it will be messy and ugly, but not my horse to pull.

Had taken quite a bit of anguish, and more than a few tears, to get to that point.

It's like, for me, I'm still having to stay back with a 10' pole .. because it will be too frustrating, too maddening .. to reach out and find out, "oh no .. no no .. that's not the order of the day anymore, no .. what we're going to do is ....................", and then explain that nothing changes .. it's still the same.

Just gotta stay away from it all, until I hear there is some tangible "action" ongoing.

What you are experiencing is "pre-grief"--how we feel when something we've been waiting for finally starts to come together. You didn't EXPECT her to choose to move to live near her daughter and I think you feel a little, well, used? Unappreciated? You know that in your heart, when MIL moves to SIL's state, you probably won't see her again--or only very infrequently, I didn't ever get a read as to whether or not you visit SIL and her family. You still want the "old" MIL and that isn't going to happen. And you know that.

It does seem good, though, that MIL came to this conclusion "organically"...she saw that she was losing help and support, she feels her age and lack of mobility and maybe the clouds parted for a minute and SHE made that decision to move. I DO hope she goes along with it. Knowing how she's been in the past would make me VERY wary of anything she said she was going to do.

Is SIL ready to jump on this one? She's got her work cut out for her, that's for sure, but it's not YOUR work, and that's good.

I hope you can stay back, allow people to be hired when needed and not take more upon yourself than is absolutely necessary.

Very few people get to lie their lives filled with vitality and great health and die a calm, quiet death and leave no ruffled feathers behind. MIL isn't getting what she WANTS but she possibly now sees what she NEEDS.

No, it's not a celebration, but it's progress. Your marriage, your life, your family, will all benefit from having MIL somewhere safe and cared for. I hope she's moving to SIL'S state very soon and then you have that glorious task of un-hoarding. I daresay that's one thing you could be involved in and not have to worry about her hounding you.

Hopefully you can get her moved before winter hits--the change from FL winter to IL winter may not be the best...but that's up to DH.

Hope it goes along with as few hiccups as possible.

Is it wrong that I find a sense of ... oh I don't know the word ...???.....validation maybe ...??.....

It was like 4 months ago that I came here, having reached the end of my rope, this whole thing completely unmanageable by me and solely me.

This all started as I was reaching the end of my patience with it all, running like a mad woman all the time, spinning all the plates in the air trying to keep it all afloat, yet manage my own life and responsibilities.

I'd stated that we need more help here (what I had hoped was that SIL would come here .. at the time I'd be so preoccupied with a dd and her complicated pregnancy and the arrival of twins, .. that's what my initial wish was, or that MIL would go there for a while).

That, as you all know, the blow by blow .. was met with MIL and her "now you all needn't worry with me, I will be fine here, I will manage" .. as SIL once again exited stage left .. for her home, .. and once again .. it all settled and on an even keel, only to fall off the cliff again and again . My knowing in my know'er ... "she doesn't manage, .. she doesn't!".

Is it wrong to have a sense of ... it's not even a sense of "told ya so" .. that's not it, that would be more celebratory than I feel about it all, but maybe just "validation".

I don't celebrate it all. What I wish, .. probably what most here have wished .. is that I could somehow turn back time, to make MIL be young and functional again. I can't, of course. Wish that she could live with all the vitality she would want, and then lights out, the cloud arrives. Many things I wish .. other than this. As I know it's not what she ever wanted.

It's not a celebration, not at all.

But there is a sense in me, .. a sense of ... ya know, .. I tried to tell everyone you idiots .. every single one of you, this isn't working!!!!! Now, . .in 4 months time .. we have MIL (at least for the moment, if it doesn't de-rail) .. that she can't do this, she wants to go to AL.

Also, call me old fashioned, but a mom needs her daughter and vice versa. My mom lived in New Jersey & I in Maryland. She was less than a four hour drive away (210 miles to be exact) which to me was not a problem & I  went frequently. I really wanted to get her down here but she wouldn’t leave my brother, who has a mental illness and she felt he needed her more than I did as I had my hubby and family. She would never leave him alone. Thankfully my brother did everything for my mom, never got an argument from him ever. It got rough there before she got sick and had to go to a NH as b/o my mom’s escalating dementia she would sneak outside in the middle of the night to give her leftovers to the animals (depression baby) under my brother’s nose but undetected, and took a couple swings at my brother with what was becoming regular screaming matches (her doing the screaming), and almost set her apartment on fire forgetting she left her oil deep fryer on in the kitchen. Caused soot all over the kitchen walls that brother had to clean.

 You don’t want to go there Dorker, as your MIL slowing sinks into the abyss of dementia petite Catholic who had never missed Mass since my dad died in 1965, as time progresses. My mother, who never cursed, the swore like a sailor during those days and made even me blush. Oh yeah, lots of fun. *F* bombs all the time in a pretty loud voice.

Those ever increasing episodes were akin to grabbing my heart out piece by piece. I shed many many tears.  It was awful seeing her decline. And dealing with her unfounded anger. Once she got me by the hair at the nursing home while I bent to reach my cell phone that had fallen under her bed. Her bed was by the door, not the window, & I just remember the looks of the people passing by the room. She didn’t hurt me much as I adjusted my head height to her grasp. How sad that her mind had left her. 

Oh boy, those were the days....when I would get called anywhere between 11pm - 3am to be the Referee because mom was harassing my brother for reasons know only to her. Packed my bags, called my boss to call out of work and head to NJ. 

Fascinating Dorker that you think your sister will find a way to foil this plan!

Let’s see if MIL’s stubbornness endures now that she has decided to go to AL, if SIL puts up road blocks. Hope MIL stays true to form. 

Get her on Medicaid stat! Even if it’s in Florida so it can be transferred. From my experience that’s not too difficult but does require time and paperwork.
Oh my! Anxious to see how this develops.

I still would have preferred she be nearer to me hands down as she was my beloved mom. 

Can’t wait to hear your updates!

Barb, maybe MIL is thinking about the recent situation with the hurricanes. Also, SIL is more likely to be doing the fetching than DH or Dorker.

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