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Oh Lizzy, you are definitely NOT the only one on this board who talks to her husband that way!!!

Lizzy, I'm pretty nice. But I don't appreciate getting played. My husband's brother tried it once ( i sent him money to cover his daughter's airfare to our wedding. It was met with, but what about my wife?) Yeah, right.

I'm generous. Not dumb.

Thanks Barb,
I thought I was the only person that would speak to my husband in such a way.

Sorry if I am sounding like a total harda $$ here, but MIL and SIL are playing hardball, i.e., " mother won't hear of it, she's so stubborn". You don't play nice with me, I don't play nice with you.

Yes. Dorker can be stubborn, too. Just watch.

Exactly Barb. Dorker, Your reply  should be "This #% is your mother! Take care of it!""

Can't you join DH to your texts with SIL? Via iPhone or Android? Then take yourself out of the conversation and it will be between them. At least join to a 3 way text message. 

Don't answer her texts. Don't even read them!

I would not be pussyfooting around my husband either. His decision - his responsibility. Pretty clear. 

Dorker your husband said he "gets it, you are out". I hope this doesn't cause a lot of marital discourse but it may. He doesn't appear to have much patience for his mother or you. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks. 

No one has  POA? 

Just to remind everyone (including Dorker)...

MIL was in hospital for three days.( and therefore eligible for rehab).

MiL telling her children " they are going to release me, someone needs to pick me up".

No conversation with discharge planning that I can tell.

Dorker's sil arranges to be " on her way". Dorker's DH screams " i don't have time for this $hit" ( your mom, really?).

So Dorker, with no authority, hustles to hospital. When attending says dubiously, " there WILL be someone at home with her, right? Cog impairment, no driving, etc., Dorker assures doc that daughter is on way.

Followup is a comedy of sil over-talking medical professionals, assuring all that it was just he UTI. Meanwhile, Dorker has been seeing medication mismanagement, noncompliance with TX orders for months.

Next time, Dorker needs to yell back at verbally abusive husband, this "$hit is YOUR mother".

That's my take on this drama.

Dorker, I don't envy you the next few weeks.

Very good point Barb. Dorker has told them all she's out of the stepnfetch business, and if DH brings Mama home, Dorker *can* go stay with her grandbabies/hotel nearby. She does not need to be at the hospital to say NO, she's already done that. It is time to allow the children to take responsibility, and for her to trust her husband that when he said she would not be part of it, she won't be. And she can enforce his statement.

BarbBrooklyn - you are so right in all that you say. I think what will happen is what finally happened to my stuborn dad - he mismanaged his medicine and resulted in a bad fall where the doctor put him in the nursing home - my dad/stepmom really had no say at that point.

Kimber, et alia;

The one thing to remember is this: MIL HAD a crisis, and her children handled it badly. They showed up, they convinced Dorker to show up and convince the attending doctor that all would be okay, that there would be help at home.

They TOTALLY dismissed the follow up; took mom to her own doctor who is apparently a well trained moron and repeated the mantra UTIUTIUTI" so that no further testing was done.

No rehab, even after three days in the hospital.

So, lesson learned, I hope. DON"T show up.

Dorker - i have been thinking alot about your posts again - for some reason your situation resonates with me so much. I can see your husband reaching out to you "can't you do this one thing, dammit?...." not because it is an emergency but he wants SIL off his azz. If it is not an emergency - he can do sometime when he has time. If it is to get SIL of his azz - he needs to man up and tell her to leave him alone. But this is not your chit to deal with - you've done 15 years of it already. Why can't she look at an assisted living? Someone to help with the groceries and all of the other stuff she needs? It is not an institution where she gets locked away and never seen again. our mantra to our ILs "If you can't manage your house/yard/yourselves and refuse to hire help - they you need to move to assisted living where you can get assistance". I wills o be watching to see what happens in the next week. All of the SIL harassment of DH to step and fetch ignores the one big issue in all of this - your MIL is alone and a fall risk and your MIL is alone and clearly mismanages her medications. Your MIL is going to take the choice out of your hands by a medical emergency. God bless you!

No Midkid, I'm not shoring up any dam. Haven't really had to, . w/SIL here in attendance, running circles around MIL with all her busyness.

She flew home today to go see about her husband and the health crises with him.

I suspect I will be on here ... looking for shoring up from the fine folks on AC .. as I get called upon.

I don't intend to to be the "go to" for all things MIL and the ever increasing support need.

Nor do I intend to be the "go between" .. of DH and his sister as she dictates from afar as to *perceived* need on this end via her mother.

Stepping out of that role is going to be tougher than it should be (maybe because I'm not the hardazz I need to be and have a kind heart, to my own detriment).

But that's what I'm (somehow) determined to achieve.

I have been out of the country for the past 11 days or so. I come home and am trying to sort out life "not" on vacation anymore--one thing is bill paying and catching up emails---

One thing that has obviously remained a mess is Dorker's, this is turning into one of the worst best posts. It has made me super-aware that I need to get my house in order and my hubby needs to have "The talk" with HIS mother. (who by the way, I have zero relationship with--by her choice.)

This whole running commentary has been a "failure to plan" and, sadly, a "failure to launch" ANY kind of workable plan. I sit back and skim the comments (primarily from you, Dorker) and I feel so bad for you. I'm sure you are shaking you head all the time wondering how in the HECK you came to this position.

IMHO, I think you are still way too involved, but in your shoes, I'd be doing/saying/feeling just what you are.

To say "No", and walk away and truly shed yourself of this whole mess--may never happen. I feel for you, your hubby and in some sad way, for you MIL who obviously is still calling all the shots here, whether you can see that or not.

Until MIL is placed in a NH, I don't see this being anything other than a continuing mess coming between you and DH. And being a huge pain for you. Yet, you realize she's never going to go into any kind of LTC, don't you? So sad, when kids can't make that jump and kind of lovingly force their parents.

Keep tough. I hope that when you are telling us all that you are saying "No" you aren't the turning around and still trying to shore up the dam.

All the best to you and those babies.

So, Dorker, as far as I can see, there's your answer.

You've been mil's go to for 15 years. It's become a burden that you are no longer willing to bear.

You've told the responsible parties that you are not longer able/willing to play ball.

This is THEIR mom who needs help.

You've sounded the alarm.

If I were a tough guy, I'd say to DH, next time he asks you to do whatever for his mom '" what part of no did you not understand?. I know she's stubborn; that's not MY problem. Deal with it".

.......and as Barb so succinctly put it. I have zero traction with this family as to any assertions.

Can't even get the two of them to talk ....sit down and talk.

Can sure live it though, that they both turn in this direction for the fetchit/stepit role

This is true, NY DIL. So like many folks here, they ( DH and sil) are waiting for
" the fall". Except, it happened already and they missed the opportunity to use  the event to make any changes.

Problem is, BarbBrooklyn, Dorker's husband doesn't have the authority to do
A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. And neither does his sister.

Dorker; When DH husband says "I don't have time for this $hit", tell him point blank:

"this is YOUR mother, who has more needs than anyone can provide for her at home. She needs in-home help, or she needs to be in a supportive care facility" .

I wholly agree with Lizzy and BB and would add: "...You need an attorney to get your mother's important paperwork in order. Until one of you has durable power of attorney to act on your mother's behalf, I am stepping away from the situation. Please stop texting me about anything related to your mother."

Get out of the sandwich, Dorker. You are being nibbled away by two people who have been groomed by their narcissistic mother to take care of her without question.

You are an adult and far from powerless. Stop talking. Start acting. Find the name of an elder/family attorney in your area and hand the card to your husband. Then get busy being busy doing things you enjoy. Do you remember what that's like?

Lizzy; You are totally spot on.

Dorker, SIL needs to STOP texting you with updates, requests, etc.

If you are going to stand firm on this, then YOU must stop being the middle man; otherwise, as Lizzy points out, you will be the bad guy, delivering messages to your DH.

As Lizzy states; "You two need to have a discussion about what the plan is for your mom, going forward. I can no longer support her many needs, as it is obvious that she can no longer live alone without substantial support that I am unwilling to provide. When you two have a plan worked out that takes into account her very obvious cognitive and physical impairments which predate her recent UTI by at least (a year?), let me know how I can assist in getting her outside assistance. " Or something like that.

I know. You are not me. You are a very kind hearted soul. I respect that.

Your very well thought out future discussion with SIL above is great. But, there are a lot of words there, issues you know that won't happen. More whining from SIL. Yes she is torn in two directions. I sympathize with her also to some extent.

Shorter version of your very thoughtful discussion.

SIL, please do not call or text me with messages or problems that I am supposed to forward to H. I will not catch he!! with each message I forward to him. This is ugly but it needs to be between you and H.

I hope your counseler can help you form a plan for self survival.

I think that Dorker is finding out quite late in the game that her "insistence" has no traction in her family.

They do seem to be quite the nest of narcissists, don't they?

Do this, do that, but don't question anything.

It is a terrible bad awful idea to take responsibility for someone without having the written authority to do so.

The easiest way to extricate yourself from this circus is to insist on husband and/or SIL to take their mother to an elder or family law attorney and get her paperwork in order and that includes your husband getting durable financial and medical power of attorney with his sister as his backup. Period. End of story.

I hear ya, Dorker. It's not going to be pretty. Hope your visit with the counselor goes well.

Blackhole: Thanks for that. Yes indeed, the resentment, it is aplenty .. in every direction, and yes even on DH .. and his "just this one thing", .. as he's so quick to allow status quo as to his mother and her living alone .. all while his "I'll just have to step up more", then throw the ball into my court. Yes, resentment, plenty!

Finding a way to compartmentalize that and put it on a shelf and leave it there ... and not drag that ugly misfigured box out off the shelf every time he throws my way, "I just need you to do this one thing".

Barb: Who knows if that's what precipitated his stroke event. But that too, is on SIL to work out with her husband. If a setting such as bringing MIL into their home .. brings upon him so much stress that he then suffers a health crises .. that doesn't then negate her responsibility to her mother's well being.

Doesn't mean she has to bring her mother into her home and damage her husband .. certainly .. but it does mean she will have to look at alternatives .. and this direction.. looking upon me .. to step/fetch . to support/prop it up ... isn't one.

And as to the gantlet on the full battery of cog assessment, I'm fully aware there is little likelihood of any willingness there.

That's when your line comes into play, as you said it: No I won't be supporting this any longer, little droplets of support so that she can stay in what I consider an unsafe situation, you and your brother need to make a plan and let me know when you need my help with that, until then I'm out of it.

Dorker: Taking a step back, you simply got too good at doing a job that wasn't yours. It became your habit and their habit. For years.

And they all took you for granted. Even hubby. That hurts.

Stepping up your resolve to respond differently is one thing. That is largely task management  and re-forming your verbal responses. A linear process. With occasional glitches, of course, cuz you are human. But primarily a straight line.

Then there's the emotional realization. That you have been their pack mule for the past 15 years. On any given day, nobody gave one thought about your sacrifices; your sanity; your competing priorities; your parents.

Those emotional blow-backs are not linear. They can flare up at any time. With or without provocation. 

You can be minding your own business and doing nothing in-law related, and suddenly have a surge of how much you have been screwed and unappreciated by that whole crew. It will take some time to work through that.

Long story with different hot buttons, but I am working through the realization that I am nothing but a buffet manager and a front desk clerk to my in-laws. And as far as they are concerned, I hatched from a pod and have no family of origin.

Sometimes the in-laws put on a brief show that suggests differently. Most of the time they don't.

They are hopelessly self-centered and most of their exchanges are transactional. They never spend time together to just hang out or enjoy a shared hobby or try a new experience. 

Every phone call and every encounter is: someone needs a heavy object moved; someone needs a car/home repair; who's going to cook and clean for 2 days to host the next holiday. (On the upside, thank God this crew doesn't take family vacations. I never been expected to travel with them. Yes, I do count my blessings!)

I kept my own counsel for a long time. Convos about this with my sig other have not been great.

My guy is their go-to for a lot of their b.s. But when he was unable to walk/drive for 6 weeks after a serious accident, only one of his 3 nearby sibs offered any help. At a different time, sig  other was unable to drive for a few weeks due to a different health episode -- and not a peep from all 3 of them. 

To give some perspective: One bro lives a half-mile away with SAHM wife (if that's what you call it when the kids are pushing 30 and been out of the house for years). Other bro lives 15 min away w/SAHM wife w/"kids" of same age/status. Divorced sis lives 20 min away, and drives past our street on her way to/from work 3x/week.

These sibs all regularly run errands in or near our neighborhood for themselves and their in-laws. Some of them find time go on church missions to help tornado victims (for example) halfway across the country. Others are obsessed with rescuing animals.

And not a one of these "caring souls" could so much as stop by with a pizza to give me a break from doing everything (after 10+ hours @ work) and to serve as someone new to talk to while my guy was temporarily housebound. If anyone had stopped by, they might have noticed that our yard looked like holy helll and offered to mow the grass. But no.

I finally initiated a convo w/my guy about how shabbily they treated him when he had needs. His response? It was sad, almost. He said that he's so used to them, that their lack of interest didn't register. He only noticed after I pointed it out to him.

So.....I try not to lose sleep over no one sticking up for me. My guy is somewhat blind to their insensitivity. Altho after them leaving him hanging after 2 health crises, I'm more vocal about I do not have time for. (What he makes time for is his business. And he is free to be their stooge as much as he wants. Himself. I'm not installing anyone's hot water heater or replacing their brake pads.)

There are a few family shows I cannot get out of. Just yet. While MIL is still alive, I will put on a baseline performance. A few family dinners and cookouts --respect for elders and all that. There is also an out-of-town contingent who lean on us too much when they visit. But it's roughly 1x a year. I can take one for the team when they are here.

What I no longer do is: I no longer initiate any family gatherings. If my guy wants to, fine. But he limits it cuz he knows how I feel about the lack of reciprocity.

I no longer volunteer to bring XXXXX to an in-law's shindig. If they ask me to contribute, I will. But after umpteen years of them showing up at our house empty-handed and leaving with a week's worth of leftovers, my default setting is that I will do the same. Unless ASKED to contribute.

I no longer offer to take anyone to medical appts or run errands for them. No matter what sort of crisis they are having.

I also retired from being their Bad Information Translator. That's all on my guy. And oh what a thankless job it is!

Seriously, Dorker, it takes a long time to get past the SUCK of it all. There's a lot of back-stabbing talk amongst my in-laws about how bitchhy and "uninvolved" a couple of the brothers' wives are. As years have passed, I suspect that these women are smarter and have better self-preservation than anyone gives them credit for.

The "new you" will not be an overnight adjustment for H and family. 

The "new you" will be tough on you at times, too. The contrast will be your constant reminder of how much you overextended yourself in the past. That grudge does not go away when the grunt work goes away. No sirreee. It can linger like a virus. 

Try not to fume away at hubby, and find a way to compartmentalize your resentment. It might be your ugly companion for a while.....and you'll need to manage it. ((((hugs))))

Dorker; A full cogntiive battery? 6 hours of paper and pencil testing (because that's what it's going to take to get the full picture)....MIL "won't hear of it". Trust me.

It's a good approach, yes, But MIL, much less SIL, won't go for it.

While cleaning the cat litter just now.....wondering if BIL's stroke was precipitated by his wife's phone call telling him that she was going to have to bring MIL home with her.....

I'm thinking more and more ... let SIL go home, let her get a finger on the pulse of things on her end with her husband's well being. And then lower the boom on her,

"Okay .. I tried to get your ear while you were here, in fact I've tried over the last several visits here and it never seems to happen .. so here's the score going forward ... here is my requirement as to any involvement going forward .... I FERVENTLY believe .. with all my heart .. your mother has some real deficits and should not be living alone any longer .. I KNOW IT, I BELIEVE IT, I'VE SAID IT REPEATEDLY .........tired of saying it .. so here's the score going forward, there was that cognitive assessment done in the hospital and deficits found.... yea yea yea .. I'm aware .. yea yea ... I hear ya .. yea yea ... they shouldn't be hanging a screening on people who are stressed and not feeling well and hospitalized .. I hear ya loud and clear .. and yea .. I hear ya .. the neuro doc ... an NP that has never met her .. he didn't think it necessary .. whatever .. yea yea yea …. What ever, it was the UTI the UTI the UTI .. whatever, …. here's the score . .. you get that lined up .. I don't care how/where .. but you get it lined up a full assessment ... and I will make sure she gets there to it, even if it means several visits to get that completed. If that cks out ok …. And MIL is fine cognitively … then great … we just hang all the shortcomings on the fact that she is being stubborn and obstinate and she an then deal with the consequences or her actions or lackthereof .. assuming she is fine cognitively speaking having been tested.

If not .. if it cks out that there are indeed some issues .. then at least you guys have the picture as a whole to base your decision to leave her alone to manage …

I don’t see the harm here SIL, it isn’t invasive .. it isn’t something she has to be anesthetized to have done .. where’s the harm in any of this. Let’s get a clearer picture, you assert she’s fine .. I say she isn’t. Who is right? Let’s find out.

I’m just about at that point to lower the above on the whole situation.

Now, here is what will be the response, because I did go there .. somewhat .. previously .. but didn’t put a gauntlet down on it.

Her response was: “OMG I’m barely holding my head above water here to haul her here and there and everywhere, between docs and labs .. and OT and PT coming and going and DME .. it’s all I can do to keep up here … much less her, at 87 years old … I don’t think she can stand to have one more stop in all of this .. I can barely do it all myself”.


Here was the other response from her:  "Oh I don't think any of the docs are hanging her problems on any kind of cognitive impairment or dementia or anything, just the problems of aging and being able to continue to manage ... ".

That’s where it went previously when I tried to assert, “well have it done anyway”.

So I’m thinking I may just take the above approach .. and let it be known that absent any willingness to address the above .. in full ………….. you guys all know my requirement here … get on board or step off as to any involvement on my part. Got it? Capeesh?

Sil shoukd have gotten on a plane the minute her husband called. She shoukd have told her mom, "my husband needs me. You need help at home. Hire it."

What I mean to say, Dorker, is that your SIL has her priorities all wrong.  Your blowing up wouldn't have mussed her hair.  Only in your head.

Dorker, I clearly see the downside. One way or the other, you're going to have to say no to something.

This way, you say " I've told you what I can do. That's all I can do. I cannot do more than that".

Dorker, please do what feels right and comfortable for YOU. This is your life.

I probably would have blown my stack 5 years back. I took my husband's mom to the doctor exactly once. Saw that she was not going to do anything that she was tokd, misinterpreted what was said, got angry and never went back to that doctor. I never took her again, her own kids were going to have to deal with her $hit.

Thus is all about boundaries and respect. And right now, your family doesn't appear to have any where you are concerned. So pushing back, and pushing back hard, may be the only way.

When SIL calls with her next mission, I would say " no, I can't do anything until there is a full discussion of what the plan is, going forward. I feel strongly that I'm endangering your mom's life by giving little droplets of support. Someone has to make a realistic plan. Call your brother when you're ready to do that".

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