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Your parents' behavior is outrageous, and they are abusing you. Being in their 80s is no excuse. You need to get away from this abusive relationship just as if you had a husband or boyfriend who is being abusive. This will not change until you yourself draw the line. Block emails or change your email address, stop going to see them, ignore their friends and return any mail marked "refused." This has gone on too long. They are never going to change. It is up to you to change--by protecting yourself. Golden Boy bro can take charge, ha. If you do not think you can protect yourself from them, please, please, please see a therapist. You do not want your children to be exposed to this or to see you being abused without defending yourself, or they will grow up to accept abuse themselves. Love and prayers!

I would stay out of recommending any faith-based counselors unless this is what you really want. I would just go with a qualified, experienced professional, whether that is a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Taoist, whatever. I would prefer to keep "religion" out of it.

That's what DELETE MAIL button is for and as has been mentioned, label it as spam or have it otherwise filtered to a different box. You don't need it, they do. It's a toxic environment that only makes them feel better if they know it jerks your strings. Cut the strings.

I often wonder about " the wisdom of elders."
My 5 year old step-grandson has more compassion, intuition, love, nurturing, understanding, and kindness than YOUR parents and MY MOTHER EVER, in her life, COMBINED.
You may print this or download and forward as an email to them.
Mean people SUCK!!!

Much wisdom has been expressed in this discussion. It breaks my heart to know that so many of us have had similar experiences. My mom lives with me, and our relationship is very painful. I am just beginning my journey toward healing. For me it entails acknowledging our issues, working with a counselor, journaling, praying, accepting that she's not going to change, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, taking care of myself, enjoying hobbies and other relationships, and so on.

I wish you only the best in your journey.

Look at the one bright spot you have -- they aren't in the same house as you. You are lucky. The behavior you describe is like my Mom's behavior but she's in MY house. If I had your situation, I would put distance between yourself and them and give yourself a break. My mother broadcasts any business I have to anyone who will listen. She snoops in my financial business and tells it all. If I have a health issue, she gets on the phone and I catch her telling my private health issues to others.

Give yourself a break and let them stew. Block their emails. If they need help, let them call your siblings for a change. Let your siblings see how it feels to have them threat them that way. I know this may sound cold but take care of YOURSELF and ignore them for a while.

It's rather difficult to love parents who abuse you. It's also difficult to love siblings who won't help you in caregiving and who criticize you for complaining about caregiving being a tough job. Not only have I developed a thick skin, but also a rather cold and distant feeling towards my family. I do not feel any emotional burden doing this job. Rather than the emotional toll that caregiving takes on you, for me it is the PHYSICAL toll of caregiving that has impacted me. Anyway, someday this will all be behind me. I have a mom who is "bedridden" and a dad who could do more than he does, but prefers, rather sadistically, to have me do a lot of "fetch and carry" for him. In fact, I do a lot of "fetch and carry" for the both of them. I don't see either one of them living past the age of 90, so in a few years time this will all be behind me. When it comes to caregiving, relatives are seen as being "meddlesome", which is why I have absolutely no use for them whatsoever. I distance myself from them whenever possible. I am glad that I have turned out to be an independent thinking, as well as an independent acting individual. Nite all. :-) Wayne

"they simply act like they never sent any of those things to me" ... it's called gaslighting ... a trick of some narcissists ... good luck - hang tight and get a good therapist if you can

I assume you are hanging in there for an inheritance. From my own personal experience, it won't be as much as you expect and it isn't worth it. When you have a narcissistic parent (not strict or mean, but truly selfish) leave and never look back.

Wow- I thought I was the only one who got labeled and rejected by my family of origin. I was labeled from the outset and blamed for any problem they had. I left at the age of 14 and of course was then blamed for breaking my mother's heart. My siblings have joined in the fray all of my life and I am nothing like them anyway. They are materialists and I am not. I am cerebral and don't follow christianity either. What I did was live away from them and create my own family that accepts and loves me for who I am. When I go back to the area, they still treat me as if I am crazy and out there because they are from small hick places and I am not. It has been a deep painful crevice in my heart but I don't give it a thought nowadays. I am just thankful I finally let go of caring what they think. If they ever sent me emails such as the one they sent to you, I would reply in such a way that their computer would burst into flames and they would learn not to send me emails again. Some people should never have been parents at all in my opinion. :)

Haaaa, butterflygrl that is funny. Part of the problem I have is my mother and brother are from a little hick southern town. Never been anywhere and they know everything. They can be as mean as anyone but they are "christains". That seems to be their pass for doing mean things to others who are "not like them". Funny, I really know where you are coming from.

I went to "settings" in my e-mail and found that I can delete mail w/o having to open it. I changed my settings to that. I see the title, though.

Thanks for all of the above input. I definitely need that book. My mother is definitely NPD, and this forum is where I finally found a name for it. Before I was just scratching my head and couldn't figure it out. My Mom is in independent living because after a year in our house, she had to go at my insistence. Unfortunately she is still manipulating and controlling, but here's the good part......she doesn't live with me. I am trying to distance myself and be not available all the time like she thinks I should. She has been running me ragged for 2 years now. I try to take steps to disengage and she manipulates more. Yes, we do have to take control of our lives. It is so difficult. I didn't hear much about guilt trips here. My Mom is a pro at this and blaming everyone and everything but herself. She is also very sarcastic. My husband is bipolar and can't handle her. He gets upset when I talk about her and what she is doing or saying. This is a good forum to get info and other peoples take on NPD. I really appreciate all of the comments from my fellow travelers. Thanks and big hugs to all.........Marilyn

Hi everyone, there is another thread on here - if you search "how do I deal with a narcissistic mother" you will find tons of info......most of these bullying parents are narcissists and that is the way that they have learned to get what they want, when they want, without regard to anyone else. It might not change your situation but at least you will be informed. Can't hurt!!

It's crazy-making stuff. My heart goes out to you, and I pray you find support persons and systems soon, that can best help!
I have learned:
===Never allow them under your roof, unless you have lots of OTHER staff to care for them, & they live in a wing of the house to themselves [as if that is do-able by most--really being sarcastic on that!]
---your home is a "safe place" for you, away from their behaviors.
IF you let them into your private space, after identifying those hurtful behaviors, it only allows them to do it more.

===Check your email preferences: you may be able to have the email program automatically shift emails from their email addresses to a file just for them
--that way, when you feel emotionally stronger [or with a supportive person by your side], you can take a quick look to make sure there is nothing important in them.

===An email program I found once, allowed not only automatically filing the emails from specific senders in their own files, but also bouncing a copy back at the sender---I had to do that with one relative, to put a buffer between their rages & my inbox.
With all the changes in just about every email provider, you might have to dig for that these days--otherwise, just create a folder to put their emails, unread, into, yourself.

===Get any/all communications in writing or by email
---while you might feel hurt from reading their garbage posts, it is a "paper trail" that they wrote & sent to you
---that means, it's documentation, which might be usable in court, if needed. OTHERWISE, any verbal communications, they can claim never happened.'s called gas-lighting, but it is also called "plausible deniability"
---which can be harmful to you.

The ONLY way I know of to catch them out AND save your own tush, is to get everything they say on paper or in an email---
---it does NOT mean you have to read it all
---only that you file it in case of need...."NEED" may be proving they have lost their wits/ability to take care of their own affairs;
OR, it might be proving [using their own words to do it] that they have been slandering you to your friends & family.

Brain injuries [infections, high fevers, strokes, head injuries, suffered abuses, etc.] can cause "frontal" behaviors, in their interactions with others
--sometimes they only target persons they specially pick, for reasons only they understand [[my Mom always needs at least one target person--always had someone to spew her nastiest verbiage at, and sometimes act out at]].
"Frontal" behaviors cause saying and/or doing all sorts of nasty behaviors & words, that, IF they were "normal", they'd never have said/done. It could start at any time during a person's lifetime, depending on what might have caused harm to the brain.

Brain injuries don't always mean they can't handle their own affairs; nor always mean they have some sort of dementia...
--it just means some bits of their brains got damaged, & they lost the ability to interact appropriately with others, to some degree--they no longer "govern themselves" properly. At some level, they usually know it, but cannot stop themselves.
Some might even get by in life appearing --fairly-- normal for some years, then fall back into their behaviors, and get worse over time.
Dementias only make it worse; it's hard for family especially, to figure out where the brain injury behaviors start being complicated by dementia.
WORSE, apparently, nothing can be done about it much....except to grow thicker skin, & take measures to protect yourself from it--like letting others take over the tasks of tending to their care needs, & putting distance/protections in place to prevent them doing more harm to you.

IF family members choose to believe your Mom's lies / vitriol &/or slander against you, it might be necessary to keep your distance. [[that includes telling others nothing is wrong]] Keeping their garbage in a file that can later be referred to if needed---
==but that you do NOT have to read unless you feel like you are in a stronger moment, helps you buffer the immediate fear reaction of seeing their emails in the inbox &, still lets you keep records of it that could be used to protect yourself
----those could even be used to help their Docs diagnose what their problems are, if circumstances are right for it.

In the meantime, you need to do things that heal your broken spirit, get clarity, knowledge about this stuff, to be on the strongest ground you can stand on.
IF that means asking your siblings & other family to take care of parents, DO it.
The price paid for constantly getting verbally &/or physically hurt by others, is far too dear.

Putting time between getting their letters/emails, & when/how you read them, allows looking at them in different light.
SOMEtimes any others could read those same words you interpret as hurtful, & not see that hurtful verbal dagger, because they don't know the historical context you read them through--which might help you to also see those words in different light---or not.
Once hurtful swords are spoken to an already "tenderized" person, it takes very little to rip open wounds all over again--other readers of same words are not aware of back-stories that cause a hurt person to see context others cannot.

Good counseling is really helpful---find one w/ good credentials/training/many hours of their own personal counseling to straighten out their own baggage...
...that you feel comfortable with [sometimes several counselors need be tried for a few visits, to find right one]
Many who say they are counselors have "their hearts in the right place" but lack real training for it. Nothing can take the place of proper training & process, to help others properly & not do further damage.

Butterflygirl, your story sounds real similar to mine--I too, had to leave home at 14--found a way to do that safely...just worn out ragged from being used as a bargaining chip, target for their moods & suspicions, etc.
It DOES make a hole in the heart--It's taken decades to learn enuf to let them break off relations and prevent being sucked back into their behaviors.
Children get taught by family to accept dysfunctional behaviors as "normal", which sets them up as adults to "not see the train coming" that is about to hit them again with same.
It takes plenty work to leave it behind, let it go, walk a different path without them.
Gotta stick with it, or risk more of same. It's constant process.

My best wishes /meditations /prayers, for good outcomes!

Excellent advice, Chimonger -- I think you covered everything!

Cyberbullying is against the law even with emails. They send you any more bad emails reply back that you will go to the authorities. If you can prove they are slandering you, tell them you will sue them for defamation of character. Bullies are cowards. Stand up to them and they will back down. Distance yourself as much as possible. Bullies target victims. Bullies run from those who stand up to them.

Chimonger.....thank you so much for your valuable insight. Yes, I have probably needed counseling through-out my life because of the abuse. While, it wasn't all was mental and emotional and at times it did take away my spirit. My co-workers have asked me over the years how I managed to come away from it all a "normal" person. Honestly, I don't know what "normal" is suppose to look like.

The emails continue to come into my spam folder, but now the titles read "Wisdom" and "God" and "Forgive"......Please! My parents shudder when someone mentions a God to them. They only go to church to attend a funeral or a wedding. I think they know lightening would strike if they were to attend regular services!

I have not spoken to them since I posted on here. They are getting anxious now and I am sure they are wondering when I will "come around." However, it is spring now (sunshine and singing birds) and I am loving it. I wake up feeling refreshed. I had no idea how stressed I was when dealing with their never-ending drama. How I wish I could give this feeling of inner peace to those who are devoted caregivers. My parents just don't realize what they have given up (or maybe they do). They will both end up in nursing homes because they refuse to stop the controlling behavior.

Another big decision I have made is to put my house on the market and move from this area. It is crucial to my well-being and for my family. I will be moving closer to my sons homes. They genuinely love and care for me. How lucky I am. Thank you all for being here for me. I love this place.

Wow.....what a powerful article. I hope everyone on this forum reads it. I was literally mesmerized by the content. Immediately, my mind raced back to my very difficult childhood. A sad place that I do not revisit much. Over the years, when dealing with my parents, I used to tell myself they didn't know any better. They both had miserable upbringings, so I tried to be the bigger person. Trying to stay positive and wanting to be "the good daughter." Obviously, that thinking got me no where. Will I have closure when they are six feet under? I sincerely doubt it. Will I have regrets for being a "bad daughter?" Why should I have regrets when all I ever did was reach out to them, only to be slapped back into reality? Perhaps closing the door, as the author suggested, may be my only option.

Good article, says just what I have felt all along. Sometimes you must close the door to alot of things and move on.

Take this letter you wrote to us and cc it to every friend and relative you have including your parents. Next, create a junk box and let all their critical emails go there unread. You don't need their sturm and drang in your life. Finally, notify all the slackers, the four males in your family that they can set up a schedule of when they will do their part to take care of your parents, or they can pitch in with money to PAY for a caregiver 80% of the time so you can get a break. You are not the family asswipe but that's what they will use you for as long as you allow it. Cut the cord now. You are worth it. This is your one and only life.

And you have my permission to copy my comment to your letter and send it along with yours. Don't wait.

RIGHT ON, FedUpNow!! That is exactly what I'm going to sibling has "freeloaded" for four years, seeing my mother once a year, never ever calling either me nor her, not paying a penny toward her care, groceries etc.
That is exactly what to do!

But I do have a big surprise for him when the time comes.............

Don't wait for your big surprise time to come. The time is NOW. It's the only moment we have. I tried all these other solutions for the past 17 years of caregiving. It NEVER gets better. I started up freeing up time first and foremost by taking back my guilt and desire to please and ability to eat shit. NOTHING ELSE WORKS.

Hope they die soon.


Why would you consider this honesty "spam"? My in-laws lived to be 98 and one is 93 and I am still taking care of them and still being abused because no one else stepped in to do it. And I have been hit. See that picture of my split lip? That is from one of the times I leaned over to help one of them in bed and she clocked me. May all abusive parents rot in hell.

Block them. I did. It's great.

I live by 'do the right thing even if no one else does'. That just means...doing the right thing, not taking crap. Block the emails. You don't have to 'be having that crap'. I don't go for the old forgive and forget. We have memories for a good reason. Separate yourself and be able to look your own self in the mirror each day. That's it.

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