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The best thing to rub on a burn in a freshly sliced raw potato. I forget what the science is, but it really works!

Son was prescribed Merbentyl when he was seven weeks old, and four weeks in to his three month colic - I gave it to him that night, he slept for fourteen hours, and although I never ever gave it to him again I've never wanted to know what was in it.

Mind you, the state I was in by then I don't suppose I'd have cared if it was straight opium!

My Dad, who immigrated from Wales, UK used to have his Mother and Brother send him LLC lozenges over to him. These LLC lossesnges contained Licorice, Linseed, and Chloroform, also ether. He said that they helped him with his Asthma symptoms, and they probably did.

Not many of us liked the taste of them, but I Loved them, LOL, they were a little beige rectangular and flat wafer, and they would give you an exhilarating whoosh of inspiration when you sucked on them, he only gave them to us sparingly, but I would sneak them out of his drawers.

I know that he also used to find them in specialty candy shops and pharmacies up in BC Canada, before they finally took them off the market in the 80's, of course he stock piled them! Later they were repackaged into what you can now get, VICTORY LOZENGES, but they've taken the Chloroform out of them, you can get them on Amazon, but they are not the same , no more Whoosh!

My parents (for my Mom's Arthritis) used to also smuggle 222's out of Canada. We live in Seattle, so we often shopped up in Canada for the Brittish goods that you cannot find here. The 222's are a Aspirin/tylenol like product that also have Codeine in them. My Mom ate them by the handfuls, terrible, but they helped her with her arthritis pain, so you couldn't really blame her. Later she was treated with the usual narcotics, her arthritis was that bad. God Love her!

God knows if these old remedies contributed to their life ending diseases though, my Dad with PSP, and my Mom With Uterine cancer. Their parents gave them all sorts of "home remedies" when they were young. Of course that was in the 20's before modern medicine and all, I'm sure they tried everything!

My grandson was given phenobarbitol for colic.

When I was about two weeks overdue with my first child, my mom insisted I drink a small bottle of cod liver oil mixed with orange juice. She promised me it would make my labor start. It didn't, but BOY, it did start three days of pure misery!!! I think it was her payback to me for the grey hair I gave her as a teenager!!

NHWM, I don’t remember how long it took for my burn to heal, but I’m sure it was too long as far as I was concerned. It was the first and last time I’d been scalded.

CM, calamine lotion helped me as an anti-itch agent, for bug bites and such. And when I’d gotten a bad sunburn that was just beginning to heal, I would feel a maddening deep itch that was too painful to scratch. Calamine lotion was the only thing that quelled that itch. That, and lots of Benadryl.

My husband was given huge doses of cod liver oil as a child but just as a health-maintenance thing.
My parents gave us horrid-tasting vitamin losenzes that I would shove under the sofa as soon as mom wasn’t looking. I didn’t know how to swallow a pill, and I wasn’t about to chew that mess and swallow it. I’m sure my mom found them, but she never said anything. Maybe she tried one.

The only thing we use calamine lotion for is poison oak. I tried it when I came down with head to hoe hives during early pregnancy and it did not help. Nothing helped actually haha!

Barb, I’ve never heard of rubbing a freshly sliced potato on a burn! I will definitely try that the next time I burn myself in the kitchen!

I haven't heard of any but this one just made me 😁 Thank you for sharing...

I remember butter for burns, and in this area 'bag balm' was put on whatever was wrong.  It was usually good for the cows whose udders got sores or chapped.
As for potatoes on burns - never tried it, but I do keep aloe plants.  Just break off part of a leaf, stalk, whatever you call that growth, and spread the inner liquid on the burn.  It works well.

Midkid  - I loved paregoric.  Mom used it on our gums when teething, but I know it was good for upset stomach or spasms.  Only a little did the trick, not like a whole pill of opium!

I've been told that spider webs have a bit of antibiotic effect if put on cut skin.  Not the kind with dust on them, like the cobwebs I sometimes have.

I remember Bag Balm! It was one of the souvenirs I took home from a trip to Vermont. Now I use Burts Bees, a gift from my sister that makes my hands feel like silk. She lives in North Dakota, and she knows from cold and dry.
Yeah, Bag Balm stinks of menthol. But it’s a great barrier ointment.

Paregoric - I think that’s what Edgar Allan Poe drank a bunch of when he killed himself.

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