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I started back to exercise in 2008 and started Zumba in 2011. I have kept it up all these years, adding personal strength training one day a week back in 2016. I do 4-5 days a week. I've lost 40 lbs. When the gyms closed earlier this year, I struggled a lot. Zumba online is not the same! I filled in the time with outdoor hikes and walks, picking ones that were 4-5 miles at a time. It felt good to be outdoors again! When the gyms opened up, it has been awesome being back with everyone again although small class sizes are the norm (Zumba used to be 30-40 people -- now limited to 12. We're spaced over 6 feet apart). You have to get there really early to get a space and now, as of last week, we have to wear a mask while exercising which is really bad and really hot. I feel so much better being back to my normal 4-5 days a week. Besides feeling better for ME, the Zumba and strength training continue to keep my body strong. I have seen all those people in my dad's AL all hunched over and hardly being able to walk. I just can't go there. It is a huge motivation for me to keep going.

Yay, glad to hear about other folks getting their exercise in!

I'm sleeping much better, too. I also tightened up my diet a bit (cut out all alcohol and now strictly limiting caffeine to one large mug of coffee that must be finished before 10AM) which is helping me wake up much more refreshed with the mental bandwidth to even WANT to exercise!

Hi Julia,
I find I am sleeping much better. I used to get up frequently in the middle of the night, but much better now. Did some pool exercises yesterday. Plan to work out this morning. Thanks for asking. Have a good day!!

Welcome, Earlybird! Sounds like you have a good start on exercising. I also like the increased energy I feel when I eat right and exercise regularly. Do you find that you sleep better, too?

I started exercising about a month ago. First I went on a 21 day diet change. Had more energy for exercise. I would love to join you. Bought a Body Gym online. Love it and it is a great workout. Walking around our neighborhood every day.

I exercised yesterday! Really need to get back into it. I had 10 minutes before getting ready to leave, so I exercised along with a cardio video on Amazon Prime. It felt good!

OK, back exercising again! I'm doing the JJ Virgin 4x4 workout on YouTube (15 minutes long) every other day, and a few reps of weights after getting dressed in the morning on the other days to keep the habit going. I was horribly sore at first but now that's gone and I'm even starting to get just a hint of definition going!

Sending encouragement to all other lapsed exercisers to get back in the game! You can do it!

Since my doctor’s appointment 9 days ago, I stopped exercising. I woke up this morning with a stiff neck and shoulders, and headache. All day, it was painful to turn my head. I knew immediately that I needed to go back to exercising....

I did it tonight with my left shoulder popping a few times I stretched my arms upward or wide. My body feels relaxed now. I hope I will continue to be inconsistent, rather than doing nothing at all.

Cwillie, because of yours and others advice below, I was able to find an exercise to fit me (as in not be so boring that I quit.)

Today, at my follow-up doctor's visit, the doctor asked me if I'm exercising. Now, this was before he showed me my cholesterol lab result. Not knowing if it was the same, worse or better, I briefly paused and decided to be truthful and yet cover all my bases.

I said timidly, "I have been exercising."
He said, "Good.."
I interrupted quickly because that's not exactly true. "But I'm not consistent. I'm really trying to be consistent."
He didn't respond.
Me with an upbeat positive tone, "But I can tell you this. All the exercising I've been doing these past 3 months is waaaaaaay more than All the past years!"
A small smothered laugh burst from his mouth.

Thanks, everyone who posted here and I gleaned some info from it.

Last night as I drifted off to sleep I was picturing myself getting up and going for a run. This morning I have to face reality - my hips ache just from walking, running on pavement or god forbid concrete will kill my knees and shins, and my actual ability to run farther than a block at a time will need months of training. I keep reading about all these buff looking athletes who didn't start until they were in their 60's or 70's, how the heck did they do it?

With the nicer weather and longer days I've been doubling down on my walks, I've logged over 17,000 steps today.

I am back at it ladies! Who is with me! Off to get my 15 minutes of movement in tonight!

Back to the kettlebell in the morning after getting dressed. Ten reps for each arm, then some squats or something else similarly unpleasant. It feels good to get it done.

Keep going, everyone!

Gentle swimming is a good exercise.
I heard that we should only move to the point of pain. Then do not force it.
I hate exercise because it always hurts me.

Book, I think this might be your body complaining: "I am not accustomed to this cruel and unusual punishment- !!!"

But as long as you're gentle, your body will learn to love it, promise. Just don't get carried away by the beat! Hugs to you x

I've given up believing anything is as simple as those exercise YouTube videos. Exercise for kids (like elementary age) - I was struggling. Seems a bit complicated for elementary kids to me.... Exercise for elderlies - I was dying. … Warm up exercise - I pulled a muscle (and it never returned back to norm.) It's reached a point that when I start telling oldest sis about this new exercise I found, she's already cringing before I even told her what happened... Ahem, you know those chair exercises for the elderly? I happened to twist my upper body enthusiastically to the music - and felt an excruciating pain on my left back side. I definitely felt my inside jerk. When I told this to fave sis, she theorized that my past 2 major abdominal surgeries must have caused some scarring inside. My twisting like that - well, it must have pulled those internal scar tissues.... sigh... In exactly one month, I will have my lab works done. I'm failing on the exercise dept.. but atleast I'm faithful with my 2 Rx....somewhat... In 5 minutes, my iPad alarm will go off with the words "Exercise!"

So I'm looking at all these online websites that tell you how fit the average person is according to age and gender, supposedly the average 60+ year old woman can do 5 - 11 push ups. I'm looking at all my friends who are more or less entering that age range and I really doubt that any of them can hit that mark, I sure as heck can't. Who are these "average" women, and where do they all live?

Ohhh, we supposedly can run a mile in 14:47 too. If we can actually run a mile. 😝

The breath holding is something I have to be mindful of when I am working out, it helps me to always keep my mouth open when I'm exercising. It's surprising how some difficult tasks are much easier when you remember to breath properly - inhale on the easy part, exhale on exertion.

cwillie, never heard of fitbit. I'll google it. Thanks.

I forgot that one of the side effects I get from exercising is a headache. I forget to breathe. Tonight, as I was exercising at 9:15pm, I kept noticing I was holding my breath as long as I could. I had to force myself to let go my breathe, breath in deeply, breathe out. Back to holding it again... Upper shoulders were definitely tight/tense from stress... It feels a bit loosened. It's an hour later and I feel a good kind of exhausted. My body wants to go sleep now...

Hi Book! I used to roll my eyes at people who had one but I've been surprisingly pleased with the Fitbit I got for Christmas, I like the little reminders to get up and move every hour and the challenge to get my 10,000 steps each day. Just getting out of my chair and moving makes me more likely to add in a few other exercises while I'm up too.

I came over here to check out some of your exercise stories. I'm suppose to be exercising (along with my new meds) to improve my health issues. Unfortunately one month was wasted. I have 2 more months to become 'active' or I will fail the next lab work...

PBear, you reminded me that I downloaded a chair exercise app in my Kindle when I was trying to get in shape last year. I will re-download it. My problem is that I don't want to nor have interest in exercising. It's going to be difficult to stay on track... By the way, those warm up exercises you linked up - is one of my favorite go-to ones...except I tend to rush it and … skip a few numbers to 'get it over with.'... And you're right, I should just aim for 3 minutes (ugh, I just tried 5 min. before coming here and I was huffing and puffing). Since I did my 3 minutes, I'm done for today. =)

It's always nice to get exercise doing something you enjoy.

Gardening is a great motivator, because just moving around and going outside is beneficial exercise. imo.

Good Going Snoopy. Glad the shoulder thing went away.

I am still exercising everyday. I do not even let myself not think about doing it.
It has become natural to ride 3 hours in the evening as I do some computer work.
Then I still vibe, only not so much everyday, but at least 3-4 times a week. time has been lacking.

Come on everyone the new year is approaching, we can go into this new year feeling better than we did the last.
Polarbear- are you still utilizing your standing desk?

Where'd everyone go?

As Snoopy said, " Let's DO this!"

OK, just getting back into using the kettlebell a bit in the morning after getting dressed. (Was sidelined for awhile with some mysterious shoulder pain that went away.)

Anyone else exercising? Let's DO this!!

I just turned my regular desk into a standing desk by putting a low step stool on top of the desk and then put my laptop on it. Now, I can stand to work on my computer and exercise at the same time. I work from home so no one will be staring at me while I wiggle my hips and kick my legs. ;D

KLS, that’s a fantastic idea to watch virtual walking videos while exercising! You might find it difficult to walk every day (I did!), but keep at it and you’ll change your habits. But also be kind to yourself If you miss a day or two. We are cheering for you!

My activity level plummeted after moving my mother in with us and I have only recently cleared out the boxes from the room that has my treadmill. I was a daily outdoor hiker/runner and gym goer until a couple of years ago, and now I am struggling to get back to a routine. I have a large screen TV in front of my treadmill, which I play YouTube Virtual walks/runs/hikes. I simply choose a location on the planet that I want to visit and go there virtually. My goal this week is a simple 5k treadmill steps each day. My plan is to increase the steps each week until I have somewhat of a predictable routine with my new job as caretaker.
I would love an accountability person/group that I can "virtually" walk with and share my progress and setbacks.

Well it is wood cutting season around here so that will be my new addition of exercise.

You are doing great PB.

Hi Angeleyes - you did the hardest part - getting started. Now, just have to keep going, slowly and at your pace.

Everyone else, found 2 videos I want to share. Both are chair exercises.

The first one, about 4 minutes, is from at guest on Dr. Oz show, for people who sit too much at work. Very good exercise. I like it. Here is the link.

The second video, also about 4 minutes, is a "Can't Stop the Feeling" in my Body Chair Yoga Dance with Sherry Zak Morris for senior. Looks very fun. Here is the link.

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