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bookluvr, I dislike those huge computer monitors, too overwhelming, I still use a regular 13"x16" flat screen both at home and at work which does the job. If you haven't tried this, hold down the Control key at the bottom left of your keyboard and move the wheel on the top of the Mouse one click toward you, it should make the wording smaller.

I use computer glasses, they computer glasses has been a godsend for me.... I have anti-glare on mine.

Same here regarding water, never was a big water drinker, just a bad habit. I've heard where ice cold water can give one a headache and/or stomach ache .... For me, I have my water at room temperature and that helps.... out of all the bottled water out there, I prefer Deer Park... I keep a bottle at my desk at work, in sight, to remind me to drink it.

I think they also sell an anti glare screen that attaches over your computer screen. Wayyy back when I used to work, I had to use one to keep the eye strain down.

Wow... never thought I'd miss work!

Hi Book you don't need to drink water to stay hydrated. Have you tried some of the herbal teas?
The cost of your glasses is shocking. Will the big clinic give you a prescription that you can have filled elsewhere. In case you don't know it is not necessary to change the frames each time, they can just pop in new lenses.
Good idea about getting rid of the pain that certainly worked for you. Are you bending your neck back at work to see your monitor, that can get very painful and cause headaches especially as you have osteoporosis and you neck probably has some damage. Try sitting on a big cushion so your monitor is at eye level or lower. I sit in a recliner with my laptop on a board on my knees so I am looking down slightly and that is very comfortable as my arms are also supported.

57twin She gets very aggressive as i have to keep an eye on the card as she has lost it so many times we dont live near a bank so its a taxi into town to get to a bank. She has bills by direct debit which are not being paid and she just cant understand that she cannot take ALL her money out of the bank? I am seeing a geriatrician this friday but if she will not agree to sign things for me to have more control theres nothing i can do. She can get me put on her account then theres no problem as we would have 2 cards but she wont agree to anything and still wants control but weve had no food here a few times because shes cleared her bank out. I get my unemployment and that goes on bills so she buys food i am not in a position here to threaten her with walking out as i have no money yet but when i have she will have to learn that if she wants to stay independant here she has to wake up to some rules ie that her money will have to pay for her care?
Its a mess and until i get POA theres nothing i can do. I just hope i get on this plane as im burntout with her now i shake when i hear her getting up and have been avoiding her lately as shes in a right mood. I just have to hang in here and see what doc says but dont you know she will act out a right little play with him but i dont think this guy is that stupid! Roll on holidays do you know im actually nervous about being out there again and socialising??? HELP! what a life!!

My whine for tonight:

Returned from vacation last night w/Mom to find that my friends who were supposed to have 2 rooms and a hall in our home painted when we returned didn't complete the job - in fact, they were still in the house, windows wide open, yelling at each other to hurry up when we pulled in the drive. They had plenty of notice that we were on the way, and kept asking for another hour and a half...then another hour...I finally said, "Sorry, but we've been on the road for 12 hours and we are coming HOME. Mom is exhausted!" So we get there, and they're still scrambling to clean up and finish everything - so I get mom out of the van and into her lawn chair and I start unloading the van so I can get stuff in the house as soon as we're allowed entry. For the next hour and a half, Mom and I sit on the lawn, surrounded by our suitcases, boxes, bags and some kind of refugees from a third world country. Mom's cranky as heck, and so am I. Even the dog is looking grouchy.

We finally are allowed to enter....and it looks nice...except that they didn't finish. The trim in the living room has been removed and is in pieces on the floor, not painted - so that has to be done. Everything is covered in a fine layer of dust, because they neglected to use the drop cloths I bought to cover things - including all the dishes in the cabinets (doors were removed to paint cabinet frames, so dishes were all exposed), my computer desk and everything on it, including my computer and keyboard, the telephone, the glass-topped stove, pots and pans....everything. I couldn't even cook a meal here today. I had to go out and pick food up. The ceiling in the living room needs another coat, as do the windowsills - I can see major thin spots in the paint. I mean, I know they're not professionals, but the job was just too rushed. The thing is, I knew they had other things going on this week that were going to occupy their time, so I told them if they couldn't do it, not to worry about it, we'd do it later - but they insisted on getting it done.

I'm not a super neat freak, but....come on now! (Did I mention I'm paying for this work? It's not being done as a favor. I laid out a huge amount of money before the trip to buy the supplies, only to come home and find I have to spend hours cleaning up.)

So my day has consisted of:
-wash laundry from trip
-help mom get out of bed and back in (she's exhausted, has slept all day)
-wash sheets after mom wet the bed
-wipe up floor from bed wetting incident
-more laundry from trip
-pick up "lost" incontinence pad found on bathroom floor and wonder if Mom has one on...
-run out and pick up dinner from a local diner, because I can't use any of the dishes or pots/pans here yet (and we don't have a dishwasher, unfortunately - but trust me, it's on the list)
-10 hours of work for clients (a work in progress)
-restock groceries (haven't done yet....)
-pick up cat & birds from sitter (not done yet)
-clean out van and wash it after our off-roading adventure (not done yet - it's 89 degrees out there...probably do that around 10pm when it finally cools down)


Oh Susan I do feel for you. When we were first married we rented the top three rooms of a very old house. One day the ceiling began to bulge and I told the landlord who lived downstairs. He came up and looked and said he'd take care of it in a few days. So off I went to work for the night and left everything out in my kitchen. When I came home in the morning you can imagine what I found!!!!!!!!!!!
Not easy but you will get through it after all you get through everything else. Dusty Hugs

Aerobics91, I just saw your post about someone stealing your hugs. It made me laugh out loud. I hope they give them back. I think the Devil made them do it. Lol

Susan.... I will refrain from any whining tonight. Wait, maybe I will whine FOR/WITH you because your day was without a doubt AWFUL!

My whines for you kiddo !

Thanks Veronica and Jeanette -

We'll get through it - I'm just frustrated with it. And now, when I should be out picking up the cat/birds from the sitter, I'm waiting for mom to come out of the bathroom. She is SO close to a fall, I can almost see it coming. Her back is hurting a lot from the trip, and she requires my help to get up out of bed now, and very tipsy when she walks to the bathroom....I can just see this fall coming, it's just a matter of time. (She will stay in one spot when I'm gone to get the critters and groceries - bed or chair, one or the other.) We have another vacation trip coming up later this year - and I'm worried. I keep asking her if she thinks she'll be able to do it, and she's determined we'll try. Her mobility is declining so quickly, though.

Susan, my best beloved was always keen to 'help' with decorating, too, in the days before we shared a house. I used to grit my teeth, shut my eyes and remind myself that things always got worse, and worse, and worse, before eventually they got better - and then I could clean up.

I suspect the moral might be, unfortunately, that there is no halfway house between do-it-yourself, i.e. yourself, and the skilled professional. What really used to stick in my throat wasn't the mess, or the time wasted, or the fact that it didn't actually save any serious money in the end - it was the obligation to smile and be grateful. Even light-hearted quips like "oh! - and you've even done the carpet, too - shall we get another can of paint and finish that bit in the corner?" were misunderstood as base ingratitude.

I picture you and your mother sitting there in the garden with pickets' billboards saying "can we come in yet?" and "is it safe?" Oh boy, what a homecoming! Hope you're both settled in again soon.

My whine for the day, once again my big boy cat decided to give a chipmunk a guided tour of the house... every day is Open House here according to "Charlie" as he is always bringing friends home. The day we found a huge raccoon dining at the cat bowls in the kitchen was the most interesting.

Last year the chipmunk that "Charlie" would bring into the house he or she eventually knew the way outside. This current chipmunk is new to the neighborhood so it took my significant other and I two hours to carefully guide the little rascal out the door. OMG, all the dust bunnies behind the sofas and under cabinets... so at least that got cleaned :)

LOL CM! That was about it - we were looking like lost refugees out there in the yard, surrounded by all our stuff.

I just returned home from picking up the critters - birds are happy and cat is checking out the "new" house and no doubt wondering what that SMELL is (paint). He keeps walking around and looking at the walls - you can almost see the gears turning in his little brain. He knows something is very different.

Off now to get the groceries and clean up the van....

Mum was in garden too long told her several times to go in as its too she knows better she is now in bed with sunstroke.

What do you do when its just unbelievable stubborness if anyone saw her youd think i was abusing her burnt head and face? i just dont know how to handle her anymore i mean she was always a stubborn woman but now its a living h*ll with her. They say "cherish" the good times? im seeing less and less good times with her i hope this dosnt last or will this get worse? My friend says she is getting worse but her mum had als so its hard for me to tell. I think she is afraid and is hitting out at me and scared she will end up in a home you just cant talk to her shes so nasty if you say anything.

freqflyer i cant believe your cat has a chipmunk friend thats too funny! my cat stressed me out today as he is now at night as its warmer but he didnt turn up until tonight hes never done that but he turned up looking "sheepish" he rubs his head on me when hes in the "cathouse"!!!!

My whine is nothing compared to Susan's! I'd be furious, to the point where I don't know if I could be friends with those people after what they did. It's beyond thoughtless.
Anyway, here's my whine -- thought I put the issue of my mother's losing her driving privileges to bed, after devoting most of last week to breaking the news to her, and then explaining again and again, until she seemed to understand. Very draining. Saturday, I get something in the mail from the DMV. It's a notice for the "requested hearing." Evidently she managed this. How, I have no idea. Today, I called to see if I could cancel it. I need to do this by faxing a formal request, and they need to see my POA too. That's about 25 pages. I can't email the PDF. Just fax or mail is all they'll accept. Honestly....

CM you have such a kind heart :) Did mom ever catch the cat? My mom loves my dogs, especially my blind/deaf/full of life 18 year old fluff muffin. She carries him around upside down and he never complains.... such a good boy.

frreq, I also have a cat named "Charlie". I rescued her a year chipmunks for us just snakes and meesees. Lately though since I rescued my big Sidsy ( her name is Sydney and she's an 80 lb American Staffordshire mix) my Charlie only comes around late at night, like 3:00 A.M. she's taken to sleeping in the attic and meowing throughout the night. She's trying to bug sydney - but she likes cats. NO, not for a snack!! LOL!

Ohhh, Susan, so sorry. I said I'd give up my whine for you but....

FLIES. I have never ever in all my life seen so many d*mn flies?? I use bleach to wash the counters/floor/bathrooms, you name it.... pick up all dog poop, but the flies? I have now armed myself with double barrel fly swatters!! Keeps me entertained :)

Book- you might want to turn down the brightness on your computer monitor that can make a big difference.

my son in chicago has a big cat . im friendly to cats so what a surprise that the cat was indignant and hateful -- till i met his GF . wow . just simply an arrogant prick . when she came home from work we offered her a choc cookie and she rared back and explained that she might try one but on her terms and certainly when she got d*mn good and ready . s*itty manners dont cut it with me . i treat women as absolute equals and when i meet one who thinks she has something to prove it shakes my confidence in the human race both male and female .
had a woman on a dating site this am request to see some close up pics of my face . i wrote and told her thats rich coming from a gal who posts pics in a balloonish dress and calls herself thin . its no wonder im single .

Yee gads Cap!

First off, your appearance is a bit intimidating. Your way of life (nothing wrong with it) is a bit intimidating) your love of liver just sucks a** buddy....

we all know you're a big hearted kind softie on the inside though :)

Cats are different from dogs. Men and women are different. None of us are equals, we just have great things to offer each other.

thats noteworthy jeanette . if a man acted so indignant and hateful about something as simple as a choc cookie id probably ask him what his malfunction was .
most females ive had contact with in the last couple of years were bankrupt , nearly homeless but still smoking 5 . 50 a pack name brand cigarettes . maybe theyd do good to look more closely at my frugal lifestyle ..
that wasnt a generalization or exaggeration. that is fact in the case of 5 girls out of 5 ..

Expand your expectations buddy.

Noting is wrong with being frugal.... it's CHEAP. When i was oh man i miss my job, anywhoo., the lady who has worked there for 35 years told me that two words do not belong. Cheap and broke. To this day I say Inexpensive or I don't quite have enough.... We are who we are.

Hey, I set up my pup tent outside. Too hot to sleep inside No, I am far from afraid to sleep outside. So much cooler and I get a peaceful sleep (she can't find me)

Oh, my dog Daphne (13) has no use for cookies. Not from strangers or the vet. She will not indulge in stupid human tricks.

Jeanette -

Flies...ick. On our vacation to the wilds of the U.P. last week, we dealt with one of the worst mosquito seasons ever. Even the locals were running for cover and the stores couldn't keep bug spray on the shelves. We were thankful that for most of the week, the stiff breezes kept them at bay - but those last two hot, humid days of the week were horrible. I could barely take the dog out to do his business without him running for the motel room door to get back in!

Mom n Dad did not put A/C in this house. At 95 you know those d*mn flies and mosquitoes are being ....being....b*tches!! My brother told me the flies here in Oregon hibernate and ball up in well, a giant fly ball, When it gets warm....zzzzzz The vacuum works pretty d*mn good to suck em up. (shudder) hate the buzzing

i dont have to expand anything jeanette , im not the one bankrupt and having my home foreclosed . my vehicles are paid for and in top shape . there isnt a fly in my house or a filthy animal . ill leave your thread alone . im more about resolving problems as opposed to whining anyway ..

Bob, you are always welcome here. It is not my thread just a place to whine about whatever is going on. Hey.... we didn't have flies either, but here, Omg Those buggers are everywhere.

Cap I am far from bankrupt. Where and why did you get this from? I was asking about flies in my house. I could be OCD clean and they are still here.'
I dislike the buzzing.

I will say it again I am here for my mom who is in 6th stage AD

Thanks Everyone. I took note with all your recommendations. I made sure (like I aways do) to make sure my chair is as high as possible. Veronica, I checked. My monitor is not high but because I cannot read it straight ahead, I’ve had to tilt my head up so that I can read it on the lower portion of my progressive lens. Hence, the severe neck pain yesterday. When I got in the office, I sat and stared at the monitor. Since the straight view is far view, I started pushing the monitor further and further from me until I was able to read it without tilting my head up. So, now, you walk in my office, and you will see my monitor is far away from me- further than my stretched out arm. It has helped a lot but at least my back neck’s pain is not excruciating. At work, I googled how to lower the brightness on an Acer. The control switch is at the bottom where I cannot read. I hate to touch those buttons not knowing what I’m pressing. I’ll figure it out eventually.

Kazzaa – my dad also won’t give anyone POA over him. He ain’t stupid.
Susan – You… You are a much better person than me! I would have lost it when I saw how the painting was incomplete, etc.. You have Patience, woman!! {{Hugs}}
FreqFlyer - shook my head as I read of your cat’s neighborhood friends.
Looloo – Your mom is sooo sneaky! I recommend you read more threads here on AC. I tell you I’ve read some strange and ingenious things they can do!
Jeanette – I can’t stand flies. They are so smart. They find their way inside the tied plastic bag into the food, or find their way into the microwave to get at the food. Sis says our flies are much smarter than the flies at her home.

Captain, I understand what you mean about women spending money.... most of my girlfriends will shop until they dropped.... I am a rare one who isn't crazy about shopping, and won't buy anything new unless the cost to repair would make more sense to add toward the price of a new item.

Guess that is why I still drive and love my 18 year old Jeep.... it still looks as good as when it rolled off the showroom floor... and it has most of the bells and whistles of today's cars.... what is missing the backup camera, but heck I can turn around and look out the back window.... and missing is the talking GPS.... I can read a map and talk, so no big deal :)

My parents [in their 90's] were teens during the Great Depression so they both taught me well about being frugal and not to try to keep up with the Jones.

freqflyer I'm with you! I've shopped thrift stores forever. My decor is a cross between late cellar and early attic lol I drive a 7 year old SUV (essential to get a 4x4 when I moved into the middle of nowhere) covered in mud and dog hair.

Captain I too love the single life ... no fuss, no drama and do as you please, when you please.

FF this'll make you laugh: when she was revising some group of nerves or other for her medical exams, I asked my daughter "haven't you got a mnemonic for those?"

"No, I've got an iPhone, " she said.

When I reported this to her (doctor) father he said "tsk! In my day we just had two tin cans and a length of string…"

Oh curse those GPS voices, curse them! Other Half was an early adopter: we once spent a merry half hour driving up the highway with the d*mn woman saying every 30 seconds "Turn around at the next available exit. Turn around… Turn around…" I wasn't allowed to touch it (possibly because OH suspected, correctly, that I'd have chucked it out the window) and he couldn't remember how to turn it off.

Genuine whine - as in, I really am whining here - for today: I have just wasted an hour and a half of my life with a very nice lady from the Alzheimer's Society. Very sweet girl, and rather less well-informed about dementia than I am, which is not even damning her with faint praise. Also looked about fifteen and, guess what, has a grandmother and her mother and two aunts can't agree among them who's going to take charge… well I never.

Takes one to know one, I suppose.

But the reason I resent giving this girl my time is that she is the FOURTH person in a row who has turned up here offering "help and support" by which they mean suggesting who *else* might do some helping and supporting. So we trot through the options - not applicable, not applicable, not applicable, over mother's dead cold body, not applicable - and then they go away with their check boxes duly checked. And I am how, in what way, any further forward?

"They *mean* well, darling…" Humph.

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