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Linda could you and your husband think if things he would like to do and would be able and then issue the invitations. maybe not the entire group but those you feel would be most empathetic. I was gong to suggest as CM did that you take up golf too.
Are there other activities that would get you both out and about and provide some mental stimulation. Hubby I think you said is still working and driving but the chief problem is muscle weakness. Would it be possible to reach out to some of his coworkers and invite them maybe for a casual meal or perhaps to go to a movie or concert whatever interests you all.
All we see is the good side of Michael J Fox and he looks fabulous when we see him in public. But I wonder what happens when he gets home and collapses for a couple of days.
Is there any reason hubby can't use a golf cart? if he did that i bet some of his friends would be quick to hitch a ride

I probably sound controlling and maybe I am a little. But when you care for someone who cannot care for themselves much anymore, you have to constantly be the one to do what needs to be done. That means one has to be responsible for 'organizing' their lives. I get weary of walking behind her, so to speak, and keeping her in line with what she should do.
She's diabetic, as well as suffering from vascular dementia. NOTHING you say to them sticks so you are constantly repeating--telling them over and over what they need to do. I am tired of hearing myself and having to say things. She is too because she makes a pissy, mad face at me every time I do. That wears on me too having to be the 'bad guy' all the time. To have to suffer the energy of her anger at me beats me up.
Her sugar issue is one example. I try vigorously to keep additional sugar from her diet. But she is a constant eater. She always has to have something in her mouth. So I keep healthy snacks around but she often bypasses them for the sugary crap. If she goes for a walk to our neighborhood clubhouse, she picks up the candy (not sugarless) and puts them in her pocket to snack on during the day. If I buy her low sugar ice cream, she sneaks it at least twice a day. If I buy her almond milk, she complains. Regular milk has milk sugar. If she goes to the clubhouse to get coffee, she puts sugarless packets in it and then goes to the freezer and puts ice cream (not sugarless) in her coffee too. And, of course, if I find out and tell her or take it from her, I get the attitude.
I'm very tired this morning. Sometimes I just want to say 'screw it' and just let her do what she wants. It's defeating and demoralizing.

daughter, I know just what you mean. My mother tends to snack all day, then either forgets or fibs about it. I do what I can to keep anything really unhealthy out of her way, but crackers and sugar free things still have sugar in them. When her sugar gets too high, she wants to take an extra shot of long-acting insulin (Levemir). I tell her she can't do that and she flies into a rage. She used short-acting insulin in the past, so she doesn't really grasp the difference.

When someone has diabetes and dementia, we end up in a position of letting them eat things they want or sitting there watching them all day. For me the only solution is to keep the really unhealthy things away and not worry when her blood sugar goes up due to snacking. She is 87. I worry more about the nighttime hypoglycemic episodes, which is why I don't want her taking an extra shot of Levemir.

In the past year I've been comfortable as long as the glucose stays around 100-250. And I no longer sweat the occasional spike, since I know it will soon come back down. At 87, her long-term problems from the spikes is not so much of a concern. I worry much more when she has low blood sugar, since it can be quickly lethal.

Daughter 52 a lot of older people diabetic or not have a sugar addiction and you know how addictions are difficult to break especially if they don't want to. My FIl had heart failure and high cholesterol and was found frying nice fatty English sausages. He said that at his age he really did not care if was the quality of his life he was interested in. made perfect sense to me. He did go on to live to be 92.
So I would say let up on your loved one she is going to do what she wants regardless of what she is told. I realize it is "bad" for her but at the end of life what is "good' for anyone. You are doing your best and she is still relatively independent so continue to monitor her diabetes and adjust her insulin as necessary. Continue to make healthy meal choices but beyond that your job is done. Don't make your life and her miserable by trying to make her do what is healthy for her. ask yourself what bad habits do you have yourself? Yes say screw it and let her make her own decisions while she can and save your sanity and her happiness. The more you pull in one direction the more she will pull in the other.

daughter52, I don't do hands-on care for my mother, and couldn't possibly (we'd probably kill each other). I do all the other stuff though. She's very stubborn and totally uncooperative, and I don't have the time or energy to get into a battle of wills with an 84 year old woman with dementia. Our situation though, is that she needs to be in AL/Memory Care, and won't go. That's different from doing one's best to provide full time, round the clock in-home care. So I'm doing my best to provide responsible oversight/management, but not enable her to keep 'living independently' as she calls it.
This week, the one thing I let slide was when I discovered that my mother might very well try to attend a hearing at the DMV to get her license back. I found out about this several weeks ago, and frantically dropped everything else I was doing to try to cancel the appointment (explained who I was, faxed them the 25 page POA document). I never got confirmation one way or the other, and couldn't devote more time to this, so I just hoped for the best. I was mainly worried about her being embarassed--trying to make a case for herself, when she's 100% unable to. It's scheduled for tomorrow, and I lost a lot of sleep thinking about how to deal with this. My solution: back off. She'll have to suffer the consequences of whatever happens. I can't keep juggling every one ball up in the air all the time. I don't think there's any chance that she'll actually get her driving privileges back, but even if that were to occur, I get her mail, and wouldn't let her know about it. She's in no shape to drive. I'll only handle what's necessary to comply with the law, with her homeowners/community regulations, with what will keep her (and others) safe.

I have actually given some thought to go to the doctor myself. The stress of dealing with my 95 year old mother and 73 year old brother (Loosing his eyesight) is making me crazy. They do nothing but sit all day and stare at each other and the TV. Neither one of them can cook or clean up anything. And I still work everyday from home thank goodness. Otherwise I would be living at the funny farm.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. None of my siblings want to know anything that is happening in my home with these two and it lifts a burden off my shoulders to know that I am not alone in my plight.

Mum left the shower running all day while i was out? i put up a sign "turn off shower" she pulled it down and said "im not an idiot".

Going to find some drugs!

Kazzaa please tell me it was only cold water not hot!!!

At least she took a shower Kaz or did she just turn the water on? next time you go out turn off the water at the main.

Barbara51 is the house yours or Mom's?
Can you contact whatever is the association for the blind in the US.There maybe somewhere that he could be placed. he is going to need care for the rest of his life.
Do you actually want either or both to be living with you? If not tell your useless siblings that you have done your best but can't continue and you will be looking into placement for both of them. Do you have POA? It sounds as though both would do better in a supervised living situation where they would have the opportunity to engage in activities if they wish.

It was hot water! she had a shower and as she cant hear or wear her aid she wont hear the water running? I could turn water off at mains but would have to leave enough for her to make a cup of tea but i know shell go mad?
she is always leaving the hot water on too which is great for the bills coming in. I feel so sorry for her though as she was upset she left it on. What an awful illness just bloody cruel.

Jessiebelle would it make sense to have some short acting Insulin available so you can cover spikes when Mom gets into something she shouldn't? i would not let Mom get her hands on it but if you have a sliding scale available would that work? she definitely should not take an extra dose of the long acting.

Abused Adult you need to fill out your profile before others can help you.

loo - good thinking. Jessie too - We can't save them from all their bad choices - whether is it the appeal your (loo) mother made re driving, or eating sweets (jb). So we try to pick our battles according to what we feel is most important, what is most critical to their welfare, and in the case of driving, the welfare of others. We can't do it all, we can't prevent every crisis, but we can address, at least to some extent, those things that we think are most vital, and have to let go of some things. Even with the things we address, sometimes we will succeed and sometimes we won't. We all are battling the effects of disease - like cancer - sometimes the treatments work and sometimes they don't. There is an ongoing grieving as we see the disease progressing, and our ability to fight it diminishing.

Hello all. Missed a few days as my cataract in my left eye must be growing again as vision still sucky! seven weeks till surgery too.
Anyhow took dad back to dentist for his three cavities-yikes expensive! Going to try to wean him off candy and switch to trail mix. Not sure how well he brushes teeth. Dentist suggested I supplement with a rinse which means either that is another task he will need help with in AL or when I see him I will have him rinse then.
I had sent an email to some of my cousins and aunts informing them of dads move to AL. One replied its difficult to know how things are going since mom passed away-hello just pick up the phone and call me.
Though my dad only lived with us for 4 months and I was mom and dads caregiver 3 months before that and I suppose actually going back about a year before they moved- well this week I think I am returning to the land of the living. Still not sleeping well but better, went back to the gym this week-first time since March. Eating less as I was stress eating a lot in June and gained some weight. also in about 3 weeks going back to work 2 days/week at a job I held almost 2 yrs ago.
Dad's AL has happy hour on friday with wine and beer-going to make this a permanent day to visit dad.

lol , happy hour . in 5 more years itll be coffee shop with little packets of herb . i say this because an old lady at ednas IL tried to jack me for some weed . i look the part but really dont care for it anymore -- too dam potent ..
im guessing the lady to be 65 + yrs old ..

( d*mmit ) .
jack me for some weed is not a literal term . its slang for " hit me up " ..

For those that are sick of this thread, I would like to stand in support of it. It is the one place I can come to when things are stressful. And, yes, I do whine a little but I also get some very helpful comments and advice to get me through.

daughter 52 i haven't heard anyone complain about this thread. The beauty of it is that it is current and people whine about things that are happening today. Some other threads which follow a question someone asked. may be several years old and you don't realize it until you post your answer.
My whine today which is not at all important is that my husband won't use the phone when he needs to check on an appointment, he has to actually go to the Dr's office and ask!

I like this thread because it gives us a chance to vent about the little things that drive us crazy. I don't like to start a new thread about every little thing, so I usually don't write anything. I would clog up the board with all the things.

My whine today is about the air conditioning again. Mom closes off the vents, then complains about the house getting too hot in the afternoon. Surely we must need to replace the system! I know the system is working because it is freezing in my rooms with the open vents. So I open her vents. Then she turns off the air conditioner at night and closes her vents, so I wake up to a warm room. It is a never-ending quest to keep the temperature right here. She won't leave the vents and thermostat alone. If I covered the thermostat box, she would take a hammer to it, so that isn't a good idea. Besides, she could still close the vents.

Last week someone called about looking at our air conditioner. She made an appointment with him, even though our system is under contract. She didn't know who she made the appointment with, so I couldn't call to cancel. Fortunately, he called back to verify and I cancelled. I looked at the BBB complaints for the company and saw they were scammers. They offer a cheap cleaning deal, then tell old people their systems are bad and need to be replaced. The company called several more times to speak to my mother, not to me. I finally told the man do not call back again. I wonder how people live with themselves, sucking the life blood from the elderly. This scammer is the worst type of human on the planet.

my whine is mum wont stop whining? getting sick of it! from the minute she gets up shes giving out, the usual crap cleaning lady didnt do this and that its so draining and hard to live with she is so bored with her life that all she can do is whine? you just cant make this woman happy and am done trying shes so negative it just sucks the life out of you. Im sure NORMAL people would be so happy to wake up to a clean house with everything done but NO not mum she has to whine,whine,whine am so pissed off with this! and rain is coming so summer may be over for us soon how depressing looking after mum was bearable in good sunshine as i was outside all the time and shes too hot to come out so i had a bit of peace! i will have to find an outlet a pilates class or something or i may not survive the winter here!

JeanetteB, your right :) We are all here for the same reason, and Im going to just jump in I guess and make myself at home everywhere here and try to help anyone I can.

You do just that Me1000 !! :)))

Kaz... this will be my 3rd winter in Oregon. Every winter I swear that I am going to pack mom up and winter back in Florida. Sigh. So far that hasn't happened. Lack of sunshine just about kills me during the winter. Winters are the WORST!

JessieBelle -- scammers, don't get me started on scammers! We're lucky that nothing awful has happened yet, but they're EVERYWHERE. Several times a week in the mail, I rip up magazine subscription 'invoices' which aren't even invoices. Someone at the bank convinced my mother last week to open up a line of credit! I cancelled it the minute the letter arrived. Last year, another jerk salesman tried to sell my mom solar panels, plus financing. AND, I strongly suspect that the air conditioning company sold her a brand new unit ($$$) when she may well have not needed a new one, but I don't know that for sure. My mother's no longer online anymore, thank goodness for that, because she's received a few very tricky phishing emails that I had to re-read a few times to make sure they actually were scams. It's never ending, how vigilant we have to be.

Well, be careful what you ask on here have heard me whine about hospice. And I absolutely KNOW they are great about so many things, but as some of you know I finally changed providers, was soooooo excited as they roared in with all the bells and whistles and all the promises of what they were going to do....some of it did happen, right at the first, but now...has been almost an entire week and had a bathing aid one day this week (monday) although they had said they would be coming in the morning from now on, because that is what they promised...anywhooooo, the main thing that made me change providers was the seeming lack of concern over my Mama's dental issue, specifically the loose tooth, as it appears the broken one may not be an issue, nonetheless, they were "on top of it" "working on it".."getting it done"...long story further than we were this time last short, there is not a dentist in this small southern town who wants to deal with it, one even went so far as to say they did not think it would look good to have an elderly patient come in on a gurney...and besides they are covered up with their younger patients getting them ready for school...well...ok.....I have worried and worried that this tooth is going to come out during a time when I am not sitting right here and Mama will swallow it and choke to death....BUT today I remembered our old family dentist, who has now passed, but his son assumed his practice. I called his office for what reason I am not sure but I have to believe the angels were on Mama's side . We were talking and I had not even asked him, when suddenly he told me, "let me just come out to your home and see what I can do".....OMG.....this amazing professional is what I would have hoped most professionals would be but are far too often not he is headed this way to see what he can do to help her before the weekend...and I only called him this morning...I am exhuberant... got Mama all changed and ready so after she can just take her afternoon nap....oh thank you Lord...this has been driving me out of my mind....

i work like a borrowed mule all day , come home and have to listen to all this whining . maybe ill go find the cooking thread and tell em about my salami sandwiches . theyre not so dam downtrodden over there ..

Its the WHINING THREAD, cap, surely you're making a joke? Lol! I'm back in South Holland, btw, darn bully older bro sent me running home. Hard to stay with someone like him, who even looks at me like I am "less than." That's my whine.

And looloo, JessieBelle, I understand about the scams. Its a shame there isn't more regulation to prevent companies, mail order stuff, home improvement contractors, all of it, from targeting elderly. I find it telling that one of the biggest abusers of this sort of thing, at least in my house, is the AARP themselves! They send my dad monthly "renewal" notices and cards for "new memberships." My father tells me he has sent them money several times but they keep sending new cards, saying he needs to send money. Hm. It just doesn't look good when the AARP is engaging in this sort of predatory mailings, too.

I've signed this house's phone number up for "Do Not Call" list but there are still regular calls to try and sell home monitoring, home safety, call buttons - that sort of thing.

hope22 I am so happy that you found a dentist to come. It's good to know that there are still good, honest and caring people around.

Cap you might have worked like a borrowed mule today but your acting like an old crotchety one!!!!!

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