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Capn stop your "whining" we all work like two borrowed mules everyday 24/7 with no freedom!!

When my significant other was asked to fly out of town, by his manager, for an extended period of time, he refused citing that he is helping me with my aging parents [92 and 96] who still live in their own home....

His manager said "can't other family members help?... how about their church?".

My whine is why do other people assume everyone comes from a large family of siblings and grown children who live in town? And why do they assume we or my parents belong to a church? Neither I nor my S/O have any of the above.

Well FF i suppose he comes from a fairly "normal" family and like alot i know people just assume its not badness its just people dont know how hard it is or what peoples situations are!
I get it all the time "well you cant do this alone where are your brothers and sisters surely they HAVE TO help? then im too embarrassed to tell them what a selfish family i have as its a small town and it would get around in no time and ive enough shit without people talking about what a lousy family i have and looking at me with pity!!

You're right, Kazzaa.... we do get advice from those who have never been a Caregiver.... even my parents give me advice, and they never cared for their own parents :P

Well my mums mum was very ill with kidney problems and died young so my mum being the eldest had to do it all from an early age so youd think shed understand but with the dementia they become self-centered she was never like this! she has no idea how much hard work she is its her constant moaning i cant take anymore it dosnt matter whats done for her she will have a moan BUT she was always that way the illness just made that worse!

My whine is the usual tonight. The shower. So far this week, I've been able to keep her on the every other day shower schedule. Last week she went 5 days without one, and went round and round with her about it every day.

Come September, I am shelling out $800 to have the tub cut down so there's an opening for her to get in and out without having to step over the tub. And you better believe that every time she fights me on the shower, I am *going* to remind her that the tub was made accessible for a reason. I think if she had her way, she wouldn't shower until then. (sigh)

My whine is MAGGIE MARSHALL??????? who the hell is this witch? shes doing a great job with her mom bully for her she just told me to back off if im not looking after mum AS A GIFT? who are these a@#holes on here who think they are do-gooders and when we rant and cant cope we should all just run away and leave mum to family? boy did she piss me off but theres always a few on here isnt there? you know the martyrs who think we are bad people because we rant and are honest at not coping with living with a mad person? or maybe im mad? get really sick of these "holy joes" piss off and give some real advice and dont come on here and tell us HOW WELL youre coping with MOM! BS

kazzaa, some people don't realize we are not all the same age, with the same health, with the same cookie cutter elder parents.

I know I whine about driving my parents but I do have a reason to whine... I hate to drive.... I get panic attacks.... it makes me physically exhausted. That isn't the case with everyone else, we are all different with different levels of patience, different personalities, etc. I wish others would remember that.

apparently she has GREAT patience with MOM??????? maybe she should be waxed and put in a museum for the person who had the most patience with elders bully hoo hoo for her! shes put me in a bad mood hate these martyrs with no real dept and honesty Mmmmmm would i love my life back OR clean up pee and poop all day? Mmm thats a hard one oh what a terrible daughter i must be?
Sorry needed to rant really get pissed by this BS. Must be so great to have normal cutsie elders?????????wtf.

Susan ive read that they become afraid of water? its advised to run a luke warm bath for them and have all thier towels soap etc.....nearby so they know what they are doing? also the bath is not too full half fill it? ive tried this with mum and the first time she seemed happy that it was all organised for her? maybe give it a try? mum washes everyday at her sink and is bathing once a week so not too bad yet? but i am just honest with her when i tell her politely "you smell" she will go and have a bath! OK so then she comes down nice and clean with her depends hanging down her leg BUT shes had a bath lets not push it eh?

i was only kidding earlier . i guess youd have to cram stumps thru a log splitter all day , come home feeling youve been run thru a log splitter then sit down and crack open the whine thread to get the joke .
crappy joke i reckon .
you guys elbow deep in caring for crazy elders need to whine .
i wish everyone good luck and a better evening / weekend ..

We know you were kidding! youve had your fair share of whining on here! id much rather be cramming stumps through a splitter all day than clean up things here! ah youre getting old and crabby you need LOVE and a good meal!!! have a great time in chicaggy as mum calls it! told her you were going and shes jealous she loved it there! and stay safe watch out for assholes on the roads! i always think "bike" when im driving but then im a good driver!!

Woohoo!! ive just won 4 euros on the lotto!! see not such a bad day! ah lifes not so bad!

assholes on the roads are busy looking out for me . i WILL stick em in the fence if the forget about the buffer zone ..
this aint mine and ikes first rodeo ..

So tired of everything... Tired of the whining, tired of effing waiting for Mom to get out of bathroom, get dressed, finish eating, forget making a decision!!! If I hear it's cold one more time! It's friggin July in Massachusetts!!! It's summer for God's sake...Moan, moan,moan, moan....

Dementia sux!!!!

Assa! hang in there! ive just done my angel cards and it keeps coming up "show more compassion" i try i do really try but waking up everyday like "groundhog day" to constant moaning and negativity sucks your energy! i want my life back and to be around happy shiny people!!!!!

mums in the middle of a dispute with her sister she wants to visit but mum dosnt want her to? im been dragged into it but dont want to know anymore. My aunt is nuttier than my mum and selfish the last time she visited last year she expected me to wait on her? i just want to stay under the duvet until its all over!
I can see my mums point so i snap and tell her "whats the problem if you dont want her to come then say so?" but mum just goes on and on and on about all the things my aunt has done to her in the past 70yrs? enough already!
I want to run naked out of here and just keep going until i find some peace! im now just wondering just how long more can i hang in here? my fortune teller said alot will be sorted by september? thats not far away BUT it feels like ten years away! my court case is in October so please god it goes my way and then i can finally start to make plans i am now just trying hard to concentrate on ME and getting fit again ive started cycling again and my legs are like bricks!! but i can feel a bit better fitness wise i just have to keep it up when im not out of breath after my ride ill now im getting there! its a hard job to look after a dementia patient its HARDER to look after yourself because you can get so depressed and lose motivation! i had a holiday to look forward to which helped so i got to keep going keep planning ahead more wkends away take up a hobby i may do spanish lessons anything to stop me cracking up? i went to the free courses board last week and the only thing available course wise was a forklift truck driver course PUT ME DOWN i said anything to get out of here and do something? HA! who knows maybe my future will be driving a forklift?? the woman looked at me funny? i said your not sexist are you i mean its ok for a woman to drive a forklift? yeh im losing it!!! cant wait to pick up boxes with my forklift! may come in handy here for picking up mums depends!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god help us all!

ASSA im off now for a walk and a coffee somewhere? its my escape! costing me a fortune in coffees but keeping me saine! its nice to meet normal people and have a normal conversation with strangers whove no idea what youre going through? i just put on my happy face and none knows the crap in your life!!

I think I have finally figured out it doesn't necessarily mean you come from a bad family, a family of weirdos, mean folks, do gooders or whether it is a huge family or just a few, it ALWAYS seems to fall on ONE person to do it all...and I too HATE it when folks assume with their stupid "can't you get so and so to do it? " wth .....why heck no I can't ....if I could do you think I'd really be this po'd and crazy by now? My ultimate conclusion is that unless and until you have physically taken care of someone 24/7 who is totally bedfast you will NEVER understand the absolute and total insanity that frequents my soul. I am often ashamed at myself for feeling like such a worn out and utter failure and then at the same time, I KNOW without a doubt not one single one of the blasted bible thumping holier than thous that permeate my family would still be able to do this with as much grace or composure as I am...And I also know they would not have done it in the first place, but they sure would have stopped a long time ago.....I am also learning to not take it personally when Mama laughs at me at the most innapropriate times...yesterday, while changing her, I literally felt..and heard something pop in my hurt like hell. I screamed out and she just started laughing up a storm...I know that is normal with used to make me angry, but I try to suck it up and go on..but if I am being honest I think it still makes me mad...why is that when i know she can't even help it........the other day, when I finally gave in to the dark side and just had to accept that for now I am not going to be that great to be around all the time, I kind of went off on social media and changed my normally happy go lucky personal picture to a picture of total darkness, except for a few stars...because that is where I am at right now...I feel totally alone...I know that God is sure feels like sometimes He's kind of busy doing other stuff though....but one of my idiot high school friends who KNOWS my situation and who, by the way, bragged about how they were taking in her Dad, turned a den into a bedroom for him, on and on it went...and he is still of complete sound mind, able to go dancing at the local church social....took her all of one and a half months to put his ass in AL.....and they didn't have to stay home and be with him, just moved him in with them and in a month a half his butt was gone...and she would msg me about how fed up she was within two weeks of his being there....but her comment on my new profile picture was... "beautiful".....REALLY???? I was saying, without saying soul at present is in a place of utter and complete darkness...and the bitch is saying "beautiful" stupid idiot....

helpontheway...yes, thank you! on a very positive note, the dentist came out yesterday afternoon, looked at Mama's teeth, told me the one that was broken appeared OK, no inflammation and apparently no issue...the one that is loose, he said, is not compared to so many he sees in the elderly and he did not think it would ever be a problem for her, especially as she is on a totally liquid diet and does not chew...he told me that if it was his mom he would just let it be..which seems to be the consensus of what I am hearing, but he also said if we decided to have it removed, he would COME TO OUR HOME and do so....thank you God! yes, it made me feel hopeful just knowing there are actually some good caring folks still in the health care industry... so that was a very positive moment...and so I will live on that one for a while...

One semi comical incident this past Sunday brother had dropped by for his weekly visit and I have just learned to try and enjoy those. He does bring my lunch and the conversation is pleasant enough...We were sitting there enjoying Mama and all of a sudden, I'll be danged if here his ex mother in law was standing there at the usual, dropping in she came....all dressed to the always...and started up with her usual whining about how hard her life is....THEN, I'll be danged if here didn't roll up one of my brother's friends, in his fancy ass convertible sports car...dressed to the nines, wearing shades...looking like Richard Gere in American Gigolo, and here I sat, in my loungewear, no makeup, hair not even combed, thank God I had bathed, but you know what? I didn't want to deal with it so I just got up, told my brother "deal with em" and I went to bed. Didn't come out til everyone was gone and let my brother take care of Mama til I got back up...that may just start happening a lot more....looking back it was almost like a Seinfeld episode......

Totally agree hope22!!! It does usually fall on ONE person (normally a female) and people DO tend to assume if you have a large family that you've got all the help in the world. NOT!! Funny how people tend to disappear when you most need them. I'm thinking there is a lot of stupid idiots out there.... clueless people fer shur. Personally, I find it so much easier without my siblings around. Life is quieter ... I can make my own decisions and go about doing what needs done. Not to mention it keeps my crazy level down.

Why is it, our mother's at times, find our ailments funny? My mom did the same laughing bit yesterday at the Dr's office. Her blood pressure is awesome. Mine is about to explode at any moment. Seriously. Anywho, she laughed and said ha ha mine is better than yours. *smirk* well that *smirk* quickly faded when I told her if I had a heart attack or stroke her next stop was a nursing home cuz her precious sonnnnsssss where damn sure not going to do what I do. HA!

Get your happy back seems easier when you ignore the stupid and find sunshine. Speaking of sunshine and summer.... it can be 98 degrees outside and someone I won't mention will wear a sweatshirt and jacket. I finally had to hide her knit hat cuz I swear she'd wear that too!! Last night she must have been cold (I'm sweating buckets) so what does she do? She piles blankets, shirts, socks... on top of the DOG!! LOL!! She likes to project her feelings/wants onto the dogs . hehe... this is how I know what SHE wants. If she says the dogs are probably hungry, it means she is.... if the dogs have to go potty, she means she does.... never a dull moment trying to put the puzzle together :D

At least she gives you clues rather than potty in the garbage can!!!!!!!!

So true...ignore the stupid and find the sunshine...I love it! I think that is why I've retreated into my own little world again...the people out there are mostly idiots...I'd rather just not deal with them...I told Hospice if they could not come at a time that actually helped me, there is no point in the bath aid coming at all. They didn't come this week after that...said they were going to start on Monday coming early. we will see. I am keeping my blinds fixed today so I can see approaching and also ignore any of the ones I don't want. I have gotten the household settled down for a spell, so I think I am headed for a nice hot bath with my Daffodil Apple bubbles...that is the bright spot in my day these days....

Very true Veronica!! It's these little things I'm so grateful for!! LOL!

Hope we all feel the "darkness" at times in this game! BUT there is no light without darkness! so just know that one day your life will be full of light again! I think we have to go through crap in life just to appreciate how good life can be and make the most of it! Ive done things like you if there are visitors which is rare? i just leave the house i dont want small talk im not in the mood AND ill tell you now if anyone came here hoping to dump thier "im not happy crap" on me id boot them out the door! as Jack nicholas says in "as good as it gets" "were all stacked up here!!!" love that line! You must have great patience i would not entertain ex MIL telling you her problems? if my friends moan i change the subject or avoid them thier pissy little moans are nothing compared to what im going through so im not a good listener these days!

jeannette B that poor dog!! so funny but i reckon my cat knows mums nuts hes always following her in the garden like "whats she up to now?" so funny im sure the dog knows shes not with it!! animals are so in tune with people its funny!

Yep, Daphne ( my dog) is very in tune with ma. I let mom do what she will with Daphne. I lost that battle long ago. Daph is 12 and very much a girly dog. However, my rescue girl I got 5 months ago is MY dog and I do not allow mom to coddle her. She's 80 lbs of love and enthusiasm and can knock you flat!! Besides, I need to keep something that is mine, just mine!! Mine mine mine! DO NOT TOUCH or FEED!! MINE! hehehe

Kaz...yep, sick of hearing other folks bitch about how rough they have it....because none of it seems to stop em from visiting, going on trips, buying whatever they want whenever they want it, getting to get up and get dressed and go somewhere without having to worry about who is going to watch someone back damn hoo......this MIL makes it especially bad as she and her daughter aka ex SIL are the two people who totally disrespected my family the entire time my brother and she were married. I have told my brother and told him why in hell does this woman think we want her here...sad truth is she is now getting senile, I can tell it and I honestly think she may have forgotten what a bitch she was to us..and especially to my Mama...I have blown her out of the water more than once but she keeps coming now will do what I did the other day, just go to my room and take a nap....It has taken my brother almost three years to see the toll this is taking on me, but isn't worrying him enough to take any of the toll off me either....Normally I would be out int he yard today, mowing, pruing weeding, etc...I have decided it is too stinking hot and I am not going to do any of it...whatever doesn't get done in the house is OK of my friends just sent me a note that says "God loves the caregiver".....I started to send back several responses, and finally just didn't do my heart I know that is true...but we also know God loves us all, including the do nothing back stabbers who abandoned our butts a long time right now all that is somewhat mystifying to me....other than trying to take care of Mama, I don't see a lot of accomplishment in this day for me...whine, whine, whine..sorry folks...some days are just worse than others I guess.

Well ive gathered up a few pennies and am off out for a few drinks with a friend hope its a good night as i could do with a laugh right now! i havnt been out in a pub since xmas?? mums fed watered and cleaned!! Yep im going to get a bit drunk and forget about my troubles tonight!!

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