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I"m a little late replying, but Kazaa, trust me - Mom's not afraid of water. She's told me more than once when we had the shower discussion that she just doesn't feel like getting in there. I know it's hard to get in and out of the tub, but I am right there to help her every time, to be sure she doesn't fall, and I lift her leg in and out of the tub so she doesn't have to step over. I think it's just part of the dementia process - she's lost interest in a lot of things she used to do, and prefers to just sit here and watch tv, and if I never made her shower again, she'd be happy as a clam.

Kaz have a pint or 6 for me!!

SusanA43, I wonder if some people start having a fear of being in a small place, like a shower stall.... I now I have developed that phobia and I found if I left the sliding glass doors open at both ends, it does help a bit. Never had that problem when using a shower curtain. Very strange.

Susan why bother a good spong bath works just as well.

Just a little whine. I am sitting here trying to concentrate and hubby comes in turns on the TV and my train of thought is trashed.

You are right on that one SusanA43. The dislike of showers and love of TV are common. Today is "Shower Day" again and I am expecting "the look" when I tell her. Unfortunately, mom sweats and develops a not so nice smell if I don't. I am currently getting an evaluation for in home care services. It would be nice if they would get someone to come in and take over that one for me and then I would be free of the shower fight.
Also I do try to get her away from the tv too but it's her go to.

well , my tobacco is getting a little dry , thats always a small irritant .
otherwise i dont have a fuss this am . gonna have more coffee and go see edna . poa is giving me a little hassle but im staying focused ; ednas QOL near her end of life . family always gets emotional and lashes out during these times . aint gonna let it bother me .
themmmmn ,
f themmmnn..


Got the full bath and prettiest gown on today and used good old soap..the foaming rinseless kind is ok but when I bathe her I like to use the soap...takes a little extra time and have to make sure I get all the soap residue off, but Mama really enjoys that good feeling I think...she's ready for the day...I look like crapola..but that's ok....when I am here alone I can just pull the curtains and if brother is here, he can entertain....think I'll have another cup of coffee and then get me a nice hot bath....easing up on myself is helping a LOT......

Veronica - no offense, but a sponge bath is *not* just as good. Mom is just over 300lbs - she has skin folds and areas that are *very* difficult to reach with a sponge bath. I refuse to cave in to that until she is no longer able to get into a tub or shower. She refuses to let me help her wash, and she cannot reach all of her necessary areas anymore due to her weight. I am doing all I can to help, but if she won't let me help her wash, then a shower at least gets water into those areas and rinses them down. Daughter52 - you understand exactly what I'm saying - if Mom doesn't wash at least every other day and put a protective cream in certain areas of her body, she ends up developing a yeast infection on her skin in those folds and the odor is enough to make you gag - not kidding. If you've never experienced that, you have no idea - it's BAD. If it's let go long enough, the skin will break open, and there's a huge risk for infection - and then she'll end up in the hospital. So by insisting that she shower and take care of these things, I really do have her best interest at heart.

Mom *did* shower yesterday, after we really had it out over the shower issue. This is *not* a case of being afraid of water, small spaces or anything else - it's part of the encroaching dementia - the loss of interest in doing things she normally would do as part of her daily routine. She simply doesn't care to shower, and it's difficult (too much work) to lift her legs and get into the shower (I do help with that) - so she doesn't want to do it. After a very long talk, during which both of us broke down in tears - me in frustration because all I want is for her to be healthy (part of which is being CLEAN), and she because she felt I was being too hard on her about the shower thing, which she sees as a non-issue - she finally understood that all I was trying to do is what is best for her.

I felt like a wrung out dishrag at the end of that one.

Today, though - my nephew said at breakfast (Mom wasn't there) that before I moved in w/Mom, the house "smelled really bad", and that no one wanted to visit. Now, he said, it smells nice in there! The smell before I moved in was from the open sores on Dad's legs that weren't being cared for, and lack of showering by both Mom and Dad. I count that as a major victory.

Shoot, I hit send too soon.

Today, she forgot how to turn the ceiling fan off and said it must be broken. I stood up and pulled the chain - fan off! She said, "Oh...I guess I was pulling the wrong chain" - so it never dawned on her to try the other chain - just stood there and kept pulling the wrong one.

I hate this for her. It's these little things that the rest of the family (one sibling in particular) doesn't see and brushes under the rug, because they don't want to believe Mom is aging and the decline is progressing more rapidly these days. The one sibling asks if Mom reads, or keeps her mind active. Yes, of course she does - I make sure she has books, magazines, and her senior newspaper - I pay for the subscriptions myself - and she reads them, but says often that she can't seem to focus for very long and would rather watch tv.

Dry tobacco! thats bad but i woke up to NO tobacco! hate that as had to walk to shops half asleep hungover and no coffee in me (not a nice person without my morning coffee) especially hungover! Had a good night 3 glasses of wine though and i was quite drunk? slept until 1pm!! its sunday thats what you do on sundays OR make love all day sunday but being single that aint possible so its sleep now! gosh how sad is that!! yep i guess thats my whine no sex on sundays!

OR mondays tuesdays wednesdays,thursdays,fridays OR saturdays!!!LOL

Susan you are doing a good job with your Mom but standing in a shower with water running all over her is not getting into the skin folds as she can not wash them and refuses to allow you to assist.
I agree with you that a yeast infection is very unpleasant and painful so it is very important to be vigilant as you are. Those under breast areas should be cleaned every day even if you can only use a wipe.
When I suggested a sponge bath I was thinking more in terms of laying on the bed rather than sitting or standing at the bathroom sink
Put a bath sheet on the bed and have her lie down and cover with another bath sheet. She can wash whatever she wishes but you can take over and get the under arms and under breasts. Only uncover the part you are washing. Wash right down her belly but not between her legs. Wash her legs and feet keeping the genital area covered (another place I am sure she doesn't like you to go.) Pay special attention to her feet and between her toes which is another area where the fungus can grow. Be sure to dry between the toes well.
Now have her roll onto her side and wash her back. Now you can get at the genital area from behind and do a really good job. Apply Peparation H tm to any area of redness around the anus, and inspect the vaginal area for any discharge.
many women refuse help with bathing especially if they are older and it is a family member because of embaressment Respecting her privacy may go a long way to getting her co-operation and getting a thorough job done.
Now if after you done a few bed baths and she is willing you can try the shower again and she may be more prepared to let you touch those private areas.

Kaz there was a poster on hesr looking for ways for her elderly father to satisfy his sexual needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha! V and you know i turned down a fit young man last night i mean i was flattered but he was too young my friend thought i was nuts as he was quite good looking BUT how do you get rid of them in the morning? had 1 one night stand in my lifetime and swore never again i couldnt get rid of him i eventually thought of setting the flat on fire just to get him out!! nah not for me!

Im saving myself for someone special?? hope thats not my "epitaph".

Oh and V ive been in touch with that elderly dad and i wasnt his type!!!!! LOL

Sorry Kaz I tried

Susan ... the folds of the skin are very susceptible to yeast infection when folks don't get bathed enough. Mom was getting yeast infections under her breasts until we started blow drying her skin after a bath making sure to get all the creases and crevices. Then putting on a thin layer of Vagisil under her breasts or anywhere else that was susceptible. Her skin has been holding up great with this regimen after each bath.

We just make sure all the moisture is dried up.

fadinshadows i swear by teatreeoil soap or gels also coconut oil is great for killing anything on the skin!

ROFLMAO!!!!!! Veronica I seriously....seriously spit my coffee out!!

Kaz, we apparently had the same night and woke up without tobacco. Ugh.

Apparently I cannot party like a rockstar anymore. Sure was fun trying!

Big outdoor bbq in a lovely country house, big pool, big drinks, big sunny day and big eats = big headache

JB we had a good laugh watching the young girls trying to dance in those "heels" glad im not young anymore they were dressed like tarts and those "heels" OMG how can they walk in them?
No i can still party just with less alcohol! i guess im a cheap date now!!

Can i just point out that women in the philipines never get yeast infections why? all thier food is cooked in coconut oil! It kills yeast and any bacteria in the gut and on skin! i love this stuff its great for everything skin,hair,gut,even been known to boost brain cells and MAYBE help with avoiding alz in the future?

Ive just put on "benjamin button" for mum to watch thought shed enjoy it?? this is crap she says?????????????????????? cant win shed prefer jeremy kyle??

I think we should get all these parents online together to "whine" to each other that way we could have a break! instead of b*tching and moaning at us they could b*tch and moan with each other wouldnt that be great!

Im hungover and drained from mum today YEH not easy with mum when your head is like a "bag of frogs".

No matter what i put on tv shell b*tch and moan? i just come online now and give her the remote and pray that she goes to bed soon?

Right now shes watching "hoarding buried alive" oh just shoot me!

Got a call from the NH at 9 p.m. last evening. Mother had tried to get out of bed and fallen. No harm done but she was obsessing that her mother had just died - grandma died in 75 so that would make her about 120. They said they would watch her over night. I called the desk at 6 a.m. and they said she'd been ok all night.

This morning, on my way to the hardware store, I dropped in (lunch time and she's been refusing lunch for ages) with a sardine sandwich, her favourite, soft bread with the crusts cut off but I couldn't persuade her to have even one bite. I said just have a nibble, there's nothing like a nibble in the middle of the day. She smiled but still refused, saying leave it and I'll eat it later. She also said she wasn't going to supper as she was so weak and tired. She said "I'm going soon" to which I responded "You're not going anywhere until you eat that sandwich!",

She also said she was out in the halls yesterday looking for her cat (which staff confirmed), the little black cat. Her cat, Pixie, is a tortie, 5 and lives with me. She's taken a great interest in Lucy, a wee black starving kitten I rescued off a back road recently. She couldn't remember the name but she had to find her little black cat and where the canned food was kept for it. At supper last night a table mate left meat on her plate. My mother asked for it for "her cat" and the woman refused so I gather there was WWIII.

I spoke to the head nurse on my way out and she will have staff attend to at least try to get her to eat the sandwich. She agreed that my mother has pretty much given up, eats next to thing and drinks little. It's only a matter of time but at least she's in no pain, just fading away. Little Lucy, though still so small, is stronger and healthier now and has had her first shots. I'm thinking of taking her to visit in the next few days.

We've never been close at all bit I'm all she has, in fact she's been the mother from h*ll but to see the way she is today, well I don't know how I feel, sadness that she was never ever happy in this life no matter what possessions and grandeur she had, or lifted a finger to be nice or help anyone unless there was something in it for her. Pity sure, but when I think back over how evil and mean she's been to anyone and everyone who dared cross her path ... well, Karma is a b*tch.

Today my get up and go got up and went though I've done basic chores and cared for my critters. My muscle/helper guy, Joe, is coming tomorrow and we will continue with the renovations. For now I'm going to nap and try to digest what is surely coming very soon.

ash, your mother IS going soon . aunt edna feels things dying in her too . id guess kidneys , digestive -- both stemming from that ongoing " back of eyeball " headache . she told me today , while in a fine mood and out of the blue , that shed just as soon get " this " over with .
at her final 3 days of life my mother walked beside me and asked me how she was going to get out of " this " one . if you had a selfish and abusive mother i dont blame you for not being very sympathetic at this point but i think your hurting yourself .

Yes Ash bring her in the kitten that will do her alot of good! be strong ash this is going to be tough on you know that everyone is here for you and your animals will comfort you thats the beauty of them!!

Hugs feel for you now as been there!!

Cap your mum sounds like she was a very funny woman my mum too has a great sense of humour! she collapsed in macdonalds one day years ago when the ambulance arrived they asked if she was ok? she said "no i wanted to collapse in marks and spencers they give you a free voucher if you collapse there" the ambulance man said hed never heard anything so funny!

Kaz ... didn't know that about coconut oil. May try that in the future.

my mother was afflicted with the brilliant madness . manic depression -- old school . its why ive never lied to her in my life .. pretty calculative when theyre " up "

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