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FF my friends cats boys (brothers) are 15yrs old and have never had illness,bad attacks,fleas,ticks or mites?? she does nothing has never been to the vet? just luck i guess?

beautiful afternoon here at m's farm . friend is gonna come help me split my 4 hr norm of wood in just an hour or so then ill look at her sons motorcycle . ordered edna a 5 x 7 of a field of purple flowers . I know she'll love it . NH has hooked her up with new padded footrests to ease the weight on her behind . I guess they were listening to me after all . glad I left it to them and remained patient . im developing a good relationship with NH . the real focus here is nurse dorreens azz . divide and conquer , slash and burn , scorched earth, etc ..
pia is already down to a couple of visits a week . it isn't the time for me to let up my daily visits ..

Cap what do you do with all that wood???????

I think my cat gets fleas from birds? hes had a good summer and a few kills! i hate to see a dead bird but hey cats are hunters i cant stop him from being a hunter its his life! Also ive told him to only get the birds that have pooped on my nice clean clothes on the clothes line!!

Yay! A huge carton of briefs arrived and I was so afraid they were going to be the kind that do not do a very good job considering Mama's situation. The nurse told me she had ordered 8 packs so I hoped they were the right kind...and they are!!!! yay!!! perfect! another huge checkoff in the positive column!!!!!

Oh dear hope the things that make you happy eh?

I know, right??? lol

Well, the "letter" came know the one...the one letting me know the bank will be selling my home on the courthouse steps the 27th of this month...yep, the dreaded foreclosure....I fought the good fight, but twas not meant to be apparently and so with the loss of my house I will have lost everything material that I have worked my entire life for.....oh has been a long and hard road and while I was able to keep the payments up for a long time, I wish now I had just walked away from it way back when...what's done is done. Can't fuss at the bank, I think they hung in there longer than most folks would have...once I started having to pay the Medicare Part B penalty because Mama didn't get it when she should have, it just wasn't doable I have a lot of thoughts right now...most of them not printable, and yet, I know I am right where I need to be...and this is just more the only thing remaining is to get the rest of my personal things out before then...that is what I need so I can walk away and leave it to the all of them to bicker and argue like the weasles they are....I didn't know it was possible, but somehow the developers all know exactly what my payoff is on the first as well as the HELOC about feeling an invasion of privacy...I didn't know that information was realtor says anyone can get that...I still don't believe him, but I guess it's a moot point. Right now I feel like I have been beaten up physically and emotionally so many times over the course of the past almost three years now I just want it to be over. Maybe with this behind me, I can finally just hunker down and focus on Mama...not that I haven't all along...but always had that nagging on the back burner....I could write a book on this...I am a person of a lot of faith....and I still know that God can use even this for my benefit though I cannot see it now, there are reasons for everything....I have to believe...I don't have anything's just Mama and me now. Say a kind word in your thoughts or prayers for me please that I can just remain calm and get through this dwell on what should have been is so pointless.

Hope22, so sorry to hear about losing your house.... I can't imagine what that must feel like. Like you said, now you can concentrate on your Mom instead of worrying about the house... one less item on your plate.

See if Animal Planet has anything interesting to watch, two of my favorite shows are "My Cat from Hell" which makes me appreciate the herd of 3 that I have, they aren't so bad after all..... and "Bad Dog" which has some comic relief when they show a bad cat :0

Hope it's only STUFF. You are so right to let it go.Blessings

Got Mama all freshened up and fed and just happened to turn on the TV and there is Crossbones...I LOVE this show...LOVE John Malkovich ... sp???? ....but have watched this since it started and didn't know it was on times...enjoying the simple things...and not worrying about any of the rest of it....Sat and talked a bit with Mama tonight...made sure she knew I loved her...she just looks at me so intently...and finally said....I love you too....a million houses are not worth what those precious moments are to me. :)

Another disaster last night! was going out to a friends for a drink supposed to meet her at 9pm but stubborn mum didnt want to eat when i had cooked at 7 so i couldnt leave until shed eaten as she will burn the house down! i was getting miffed with her and told her she had to eat something then she replied" i am eating ive put on the pork to heat up" oh thankgod i went into the kitchen to check she put the wrong ring on and a butter dish on the back ring was already on fire it was plastic again sometimes i think im being a little paranoid with her but no i know her too well and this is why i cannot leave her cook alone! Am even more stressed out now as this is the 4th incident god love her though she went back into the front room and looked so sad! it must be awful knowing you just cant do stuff anymore but at least she knows she did wrong BUT will this stop her from using the cooker again when im not here? Also the fire alarm went off the noise would wake a corpse BUT NO mum never even heard it? so damn scary and this house is not insured? we had better insure it quick.
the only way i could handle this was to tell her in a soft non threatening voice that maybe dont touch the cooker when im not here as youre getting a bit forgetful! YIKES!
I may call an electrician to see if he can do something with the fuses as the cooker fuse is linked to the fridge fuse so i cant knock both out?

This is getting a bit too common now and the stress now as leaving her alone is building up shes been lucky so far but everybodys luck runs out one day?

What do you guys do to avoid this happening? its very scary and so lucky AGAIN that i was there?

(Kazzaa obviously I don't 'like' what went on with the cooker but there's no other way of registering agreement that it needs highlighting!)

Um. Yes, get the fridge and the cooker onto separate circuits. Have you had Social Services round to look at home safety? - 'cos you might be able to get some help with that, or at least an approved electrician who only charges "mates' rates".

Before she wasn't able even to do this much, I used to leave my mother's supper microwave-ready, on a plate, in the microwave, with the time and level set so that LITERALLY all she had to do was press 'Start', take the plate out when it beeped, and eat. But I'm not sure your mother would co-operate with that much babying?

The only other thing I can think of is explaining to your friend/s; maybe if they could come and meet you at your house before you go out together it'll cure the frustration of being late? Depends on the friend of course, but good ones won't mind.

Jazz, no insurance on the home? Yes, that better be addressed NOW! What would happen to you and mum if the place were to burn down?

So you call a stove a cooker? And the burners on the stove rings? Learn something new every day.

Just to add my friends mum had alz and she said mum is progressing very fast now and that this is what happened with her mum her son came home (god must have been around) and the whole kitchen was on fire with his mum in a very agitated state outside? she had put toast under the grill then went outside to garden boy was she lucky after that they got in 24/7 carers BUT they had alot of money so its not an option for me. I think a home is in sight now as i cant live in constant anxiety i never enjoyed a glass of wine as much last night i was shaking like a leaf! no this cant go on much longer i cant leave her alone unless shes eaten as i know then she wont touch cooker once shes fed?? but how can you trust them now? So pissed off!

Yeh Gm brother was supposed to sort out the insurance last year BUT he dosnt think mum has any mental problems??????? well now they will have to wake up to how serious this is!!
OH gm its not uncommon here to not have insurance especially when times are hard but its not that expensive so ill get it sorted asap! Just need family to wake up now!
I guess we are a bit too laid back here with things and count on the "ol luck of the irish".

Yeh and we call vaccuming "hoovering" here? i hope thats not something rude in the states? guess we call it that after "hoover" who invented the vaccum?

You say tomato we say tomatoe............potato potatoe!!!!!!!!!!

put the fridge on a heavy gauge extension cord and plug it into another circuit , then you can drop the breakers to the " cooker " . ( kitchen stove or range over here ) . an electrical supply store can make you a heavy cord or sell you the wire and connectors to make it yourself .

Right now I only trust my mother with the remote to her TV.

Leave the fridge plugged in. Turn off the gas to the cooker, unplug it and cut the end off the cord. That's the only way to be safe.
Yes, we "vac" the house. Hoover was a US President and a lousy one who picked his nose when the Great Depression hit in 1929. Homeless people back then lived in shanty towns known as "Hoovervilles".

I call my dogs "Hoovers" since they can spot/pick up a crumb on the floor from across the room... they also "hoover" around the table during dinner :D

HAPPY SUNDAY! My son turns 33 today. 2nd Birthday I've missed. :((

I had a wonderful visit with Mom last night, watched the NFL Hall of Fame show ( she loves football). She's has a new pt guy and he's apparently an eager beaver. He's got her on this pretty aggressive program, including 30 minutes on exercise bike. Her arms and shoulders are so sore she's having trouble propelling wheelchair. Good heavens, to take a sedentary 94 yo with post polio and do much walking and bike. And...he's telling her she needs a new leg brace( hers is three years old and designed by an ortho doc whose treated and designed braces for countless polio patients). My suspicion is the pt knows nothing about post polio and appropriate therapy. So I'll be finding this fella tomorrow and explaining the very real possibility of him damaging what little muscle use she has in her better leg. We need to preserve her ability to pivot and transfer. Oh, and she's using her cheaters to read. Small victories, friends.

Linda, did the PT guy say it was 30 minutes or did mom? It might have FELT like 30 minutes to her. Just a thought. Does he KNOW she had Polio? Gosh I hope so.

I'm so tired.

Kazz..that is scary. I don't even know what to tell you other than what others have said, get it on a differernt circuit so you can turn it off altogether when you're gone....We had a similar issue with Mama even with just the microwave. Had it marked so all she had to do was turn it to the very obvious place and press start but she never got it right..would turn the timer all the way around and hence COOK her coffee for ten minutes, etc..obviously it was boiling hot and usually gone as all of it had either boiled out or evaporated....Looking back we were fortunate she never did anything serious with the Lord bless her she can't move from her bed so no problem there now, but until you've been throught hese issues with our loved ones other folks just can't imagine.

Well, brother is here for his "visit" for some reason, his visits always end up being him doing a bunch of piddling at something else, me indoors watching Mama...he just does not get it...he tells me I can go somewhere...but who is going to check on her???? If he'd ever think ahead just a little he'd soon realize why so many things that I used to get done all in the same day rarely get done in the same week...I have to constantly run in and out checking on her...he just walks here I am ...watching Mama while he piddles with something I asked him not to do...sometimes I just throw my hands in the air and say to heck with it.....He is acting strange today as well...It is like he's ready to jump on me about'd think HE was the one losing HIS home because I had not helped with OUR Mama.....I was able to do it until we had to start paying the huge Medicare penalty because Mama didn't sign up for Part B when she first got on that penalty was my house payment.....and brother felt ZERO obligation to do anything about any of it...just like he has everything else....

Hope22, I believe it is the Venus vs Mars thing.

Oh apologies turns out hubert cecil booth invented the vacuum!! phew got that in before anyone noticed!! We call it hoover as that was the big brand to first come out here!

You see guys we all need a man like Capn around how hes still single boggles me? He builds,cuts trees,knows about electricity,plumbing,could knock you up a shoe wardrobe at the drop of a hat!! why hes every girls dream guy! i dont know that there are many men like that around anymore all gay and wont get thier hands dirty!! Capn mum would pay you to come here and work!!

My whine for the day, this isn't elder related but relationship related. My significant other and I went to get mulch.... just old fashioned bags of mulch... I didn't want red mulch, nor black mulch, nor brown mulch [isn't it already brown???], nor yellow cedar mulch.

Anywho, we got ten bags of the real old fashioned stuff My S/O lift the bags out of the vehicle and carried the bags to the back yard... then I opened the bags and he dumped the mulch... I raked it to where ever I needed it.

Afterwards he was tired, so was I [we are both pushing 70 years old].... then he said 10 years ago he said he had more energy to do yard work.... I had to bite my tongue.... this man was NEVER EVER into yard work, I was the one who did 99% of it.... [sigh].

You see FF thats why im still single? i want a man to be a man yard work is for men!! Ill cook and clean house but dont ask me to do yard work id feel like my femininity was being threatened!! Yep im going to be an old cat lady!! Had a big guy in here last year to clear the garage after an hour i heard a big scream went to the garage to see what was up he said theres a dead mouse in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i picked it up with the shovel and threw it in the bin but i felt like hitting him with the shovel saying "you big girls blouse" i mean i blame the mothers are there any real men left apart from Capn? Maybe its the military maybe "military service" should come back make a man out of these mummys boys!!

Kazza, Captain's idea of a shoe wardrobe would only have two compartments, one for work boots and one for motorcycle boots. No more than that.

Freqflyer, LOL he HAD the energy for yard work, but he used it for Golf.

Hope, brother probably still expects mom to feed him like a nestling.

jlkkts- take a nap, you deserve one.

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