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Veronica, you are lovely woman. Thank you once again for putting this into perspective.

She will not go to bed. Up. Down

my mother had two fingers hacked off by a chopping axe in the forest at about 12 yrs of age . her brothers had sought employment in the factories and grandpa was trying to make do with three daughters and himself battling health problems . my mom suffered ptsd and depression for the remainder of her life and it greatly affected her mental health and ability to be a patient and nurturing mother . edna threw us in her bathtub , fed us a few times a week , kept our toenails trimmed , cut my hair , etc . she was a big deal during my childhood and 50 yrs later im honored to return the love and nurturing ..
much time and energy can be saved by packing household small stuff into heavy duty garbage bags . they hold so much more than boxes . glasswares can be preserved by wrapping them loosely inside towels and clothing .
next time you are able to buy a house buy a small fixer upper . the low monthly payment leaves you money to remodel it and will expedite you towards an early semi retirement . i know what im talking about . at the age of 55 my mortgage is 174 per month and the payoff is at around 22k right now .. it gives me options ..
yes you can remodel by yourself . home improvement stores have videos on everything from drywall , plumbing , to ceramic tile installation . nice home improvement materials have never been cheaper than right now .

Hope Mom will be fine and be well cared for in respite. Visit but don't make it your priority. Label everything as you pack so you won't be running round like a headless chicken when it comes time to unpack.
Start out with three boxes or bins keep, garbage, donate like they do on the hoarders shows.
I get good sturdy boxes from the liquor store.
I would not leave the house littered with garbage but heavy things you don't want just leave them. Save yourself all the energy you can. Rent a dumpster if there is a lot to get rid off. It is not too expensive and saves a lot of work and trips to the dump. get one of the walk in ones. You can do it girl, you have faced bigger challenges. We are all here with virtual helping hands - for what thats worth. Good practice for when we have to move ladeeM into her new doublewide. hugs and a nice take out pizza with the works.

Kaz the pencil trick was a new one to me we used a whip on the horses - need to stand clear of those hind legs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks of my friends bought a pallett of the medium sized moving boxes and the really heavy duty contrator refuse bags for me and those are waiting. I got some that were a little smaller for the things like china, glassware, etc., I rented the furniture dolly and the appliance dolly and in my mind have virtually loaded the truck a hundred times it seems. today's mission is to free up enough space to put the furniture I am moving home...I decided I will donate as much as i can to the humane society animal rescue that has a little flea market down is easier to let go of things if I know it is helping the animals....I am hoping this will be such a huge burden off my mind that it will help me in more ways than one just to have it done and once and for all be GONE from that place...Sad how a place that you used to call HOME is now called a place...but after they killed my ducks so brutally, I would never want to be part of a community like that again...nonetheless, it is strange how the closer the day gets the more stress I am feeling. I think there is more mentally going on there than I am admitting and at some point I'm guessing I will have a "moment" brother I know is expecting it....I am thankful he is going with me...the way this has happened I think is bothering him more than it is me at this point and it may be a way that he and I can heal our relationship....keeping in my head that all things work together for good....some days just better at it than others....

I also keep remembering things I have that I had bought for my home that have never been taken out of their bedspread sets, towels, even clothes and shoes and handbags that I had gotten and never moved them maybe if I look at it like a fascinating "discovery" experience it will easier to get a handle on.... maybe???

Oh Captain your poor mum ouch! god love her that must have been so painful no wonder she never recovered big trauma to happen at such a young age yep some people get thier kak in life not fair never seems to happen to bad people?

Captain, yes I am a fan of the heavy duty garbage bags. I have a ton of towels and sheets so will use those to wrap up and buffer the breakables as I will want to wash all of it once it is home here...I have learned to fix things by myself as well ..for one my Daddy let me pal around with him and help him with all kinds of was like adventure to me...and later on I sure was glad . I took out the toilet and pulled all the carpet, pad and torn vinyl and put down ceramic tile in the bath and adjoining foyer by myself...Had gotten a ridiculous, although average price to have it done...and did it myself for a little over $70 in took me a little while but I got it done and it look great and still doesn....I did have a toilet sitting in my living room for a little while...but no big

Mama chose today to be a pill. I have to move the old junky stuff out of the basement and to the curb today and the weather forecast shows temps nearing 100 I have excellent timing...Still trying to get Mama to eat a bite but about to get it done and stop whining about having to do it.....I should have started early when I got up before it got so hot...but then it was already hot and steamy at 6:30 this morning....ah well.....gotta love the south

Hugs Hope just couldnt begin to know the stress of moving a house AND trying to look after mum i dont think i could cope! I dream of the day a big skip arrives here and this house will be decluttered once and forall!
Mum decided to go UNDER the stairs today and you cant move in the hallway now when i look i get a twinge in my chest then i know "LET IT GO" walk away go for coffee PRAY? thankgod she cant get up into the attic then id lock myself up in a padded cell and throw away the key!

Three whines today. Contacted admin because I was only receiving the ocassional email notification. they said they had reset everything. Have not had a single notification for 2 days. minor whine.
Went to the lab this am to get my PT and INR checked. Looked on the website for the results and both were fine but they had been entered in the wrong order so it looked as though I had a severe bleeding risk. got that sorted.
Went to the pharmacy to pick up my second steroid inhalor and the pharmacist told me I should not be using two. I told him I was inhaling one and swallowing the other. He still said it was bad for me and would damage my heart and kidneys. I told him I knew that very little is absorbed into the blood stream when taken this way, He still insisted and said I needed to discuss with Dr. I almost asked him which one Gastroenterologist, cardiologist , immunologist or neurologist or maybe PCG. Anyway I left because I was quite upset ahving spent so much time with drs in the past few months adding conditions to my problem list I never knew I had. Anyway hubby is going down there to hit him round the ear with his stethospcope. The elderly Immunologist asked me when I first protested "Do you want to live a long or healthy life". I told him I had been a hospice nurse and would settle for quality over quantity. He had explained that if I did not treat my oesophagus it would likely get strictures then I really could not swallow and they would have to be stretched and that carried the risks of tears and bleeding. That's it for me today don't want to contemplate tube feeding

Denzel Washington is on, My whine...........hes happily married and hes not mine!!

oh hell. the guys on the farm want a pasture cleared NOW . theyve been piling nice firewood logs and burning them . nope .. i asked them to give me one day to pull the good firewood out of the burn piles . i didnt make money today but i made it home with almost 6 rick of excellent mixed firewood . in my business every hour can bring something different , much less each day . 20 + years of this is why i cant adhere to routine . every day requires a whole new direction ..
its both exciting and unnerving at the same time ..

Not a whine...but a big sigh of relief as I got so much done all the heavy old worn out furniture to the curb by myself, by getting the truck as close as possible to the basement door, then loading the stuff and making little trips to and all the mess cleaned up and got on my hands and knees and scrub a dubb dubbed the floor with my good lavender scented Pine Sol including the stairwell...yay me...I feel so great getting this done...I should be able to get every bit of my stuff stored in there now til I can place it where I want or sell it ...whichever I decide to do.... :)

High five, Hope! :)

Kazzaa, I had a brush w/Denzel and didn't even know it! My husband and I were at LAX, and hubby saw him walk right by. I didn't see him at all. Waaaaaaa...

It is very common for people with dementia to loose taste buds and loss of appetite.
But is very important to maintain good nutrition.
There is a new memory home in Monroe New Jersey specializing in care of those with dementia.
Great food, fresh juices, residents participate in cooking, nutritious snacks.
I facilitate support groups for caregivers and it is a good time to share experiences and find solutions .

Way to go Hope. You are doing fantastically. Get a few beers in for after the big effort to relax before mom comes home.

Looloo Ill bet your husband saw denzel coming a mile away and just hoped you wouldnt notice maybe didnt tell you until it was too late!! Well I think Denziel could turn a straight man gay!! Drooooooooool dont ask me WHAT the film was about all i know is denzel showed his bod and eva mendes is a lucky b*tch!!! Saw him on tv recently in an interview boy pushing 60 and still hot!

Rough day yesterday. Mom and I apparently had different agendas for the eye doc appt. I figured they'd give her glasses for the right eye, tell her the left had advanced mac degeneration. She'd go into a funk and I'd refrain from telling her that it would've helped if she'd told us she couldn't see a year or two ago. But that she can see really well with the one eye, thanks to the laser treatment and new reading glasses. Her agenda was to convince me that the NH was a horrid place and that I needed to move her back in to my house or my sister's house. She spent every private moment of that 2.5 hours, launching into me. I stayed calm, logical explained that we'd gone thru every option (her home, our homes for 18 years, AL, now NH) there was and we were out of options and it is what it is. By the time the doc told her there was mac degeneration in both eyes but the right one was doing really well, she was pissed and told him she had no interest in reading any more. He looked a bit stunned, as they had done all sorts of tests and had a plan, all so she could see and read again.. So now she's telling everyone, including my sister, that it was heartbreaking because she told me all the horrid things about her life and my response was "it is what it is". Yes, that's often my response - it helps me stay sane and functional when doctors use words like cancer and Parkinson's.

looloo was in a lift in Prague with Brad Pitt but hes not my type yeh hes goodlooking but cant act he asked me if i was irish? i said YEH and your irish accent was pretty crap if i may say so! Good on him he laughed and said sorry yeh nice guy but cant act! Denzel is HOT and a great actor!

Regarding losing ones sense of taste and smell.... I found that happening to me the lost of ones sense of taste... it was so weird. Couldn't for the life of me figure out what was happening.

Then I started to narrow it down, turned out it all started to happen when I began using those teeth whitening strips, whitening toothpaste and whitening mouthwash. After stopping those things, my sense of taste returned after 2 weeks. Whew :)

Denzel is HOT! Capt, would he make your head turn? Lol

FF thats interesting! although i smoke so i guess id eat cardboard if it had salt on it! they say your sense of smell and taste comes back when you stop smoking? Maybe thats why when you stop smoking you put on weight?

Five years of sitting here watching tv looking after mum is it any wonder every thing i want to watch now is a repeat im running out of programmes!

i have no idea who denzel is , havent had a tv or watched a movie in years . a petite smallish breasted woman is what trips my trigger . makes me trip over my own feet ..

im going to crash right now . these 8 - 10 hour sleep sessions are healing me by the day .i have millions of dead virus cells that my body has to dispose of . sleep seems to be the key ..

cap they used to call that bartering! seems like alot now are going back to the old ways my friend fixed a guys computer and he gave her a pair of sunglasses as he had no money! scary times!

Sallie cap didnt answer your question? men dont like it when you mention Denzel!

Lol Kazz, he did answer and he doesn't have or watch tv. I should send him a photo of Denzel. Ha!

Yes sallie when a new denzel film comes out i dont care or want to know the plot JUST does he take his shirt off? Dont know how captain lives without TV or movies id go crazy!

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