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Hope22 just sending you a hug. It seems like when it rains it pours and you my friend are going through a lot of down pour. It will all some how work out. hugs

Why; is it, on the days I am just exhausted... mom is full of energy?

helpontheway....thanks.....I think it threw me for a loop today when they had already told me earlier everything was handled and they would be out Monday morning to get her and simply have her meds ready to go with that is where my head was at....when the other lady called this afternoon and started with the long list of stuff she needed, including all of her nutritional supplements, bathing items, gowns, threw me for a huge loop....then to be told I would do her laundry...I don't mind doing her laundry that wasn't the point, just thinking to myself, if I'm coming every day to do her laundry when do I actually get to have a day for ME ME ME ME think it is that coming from a school of thought when I was in business in my former life, in client services, you set peoples expectations regarding service, time frames, etc...and when they know you have it covered, that customer doesn't this expectations had been set high...and then suddenly to be told I needed to do this, do that...have this ready, send that....and all along having been told "just let us pick her up and you put your feet up and relax" somehow the two didn't seem to gel....anywho...I finally just calmed down and called and asked for THE PERSON who was coordinating Mama's respite and now I have my list of things to have ready to go with her. Their comment regarding the laundry was to just let it be placed in a plastic bag to be picked up when she goes home....I don't generally let her clothing sit and smolder, and while I won't be able to do it on moving day, I already know I'll be peeping in on her during the time she is away, so I will just get her laundry's not as big a deal I guess as it at first seemed to me, but was just a shock to have been's ok..we've got it...then to learn that was not the you're right it will all work out for sure...a huge part of it is I am seeing how much I have gotten attached to Mama during the course of the past three years... we have always been close, but facing this I am seeing how VERY attached I have become ....and the sense of panic I feel with her not being here for just a few days is frightening to me....I thought I had my act together better than this....and when I get scared...I can get a bit "bitchy"'s my way of dealing with the emotion...

JeanetteB.......oh do I ever know what you're saying never fails when I am my most exhausted ...those are the exact times Mama gets in to one of her off moods....she doesn't have them often...but seems she always chooses the times I am beyond wore out when she is her most fractious.... :)

same here hope22 . hope things lighten up for you .
this seems trivial but my new used saw gave me some guff today . i traded it for something new . about all im makin out of wood cutting is firewood for myself and upgraded equiptment . a used saw is not an upgrade . wont fall for that again ..

Captain...I have a lot of saws that were my Daddy's...are they worth anything now? I don't really need them and if they're not safe don't want to sell them to best course to just scrap them? trying hard to clear out the is a very nice table saw...he loved making all kinds of stuff so he had just about every kind imagineable....

people dont want to pay for anything hope . they would cause you more duress standing there haggling and insulting your wares than its worth to you . id scrap them .. its my revenge to buttholes who like to haggle you down to nothing . junk it . most are buying to resell and screw someone else anyway .

I don't mind paying for good stuff. After all, you get what you paid for.

My interviewing of a part time CG is ....depressing at most.. She called and cancelled tonight's meet n greet... why? Her charge fell... really? Someday's it's just too much.

oh dear JeanetteB....that tells you all you need to know there I guess....bless your heart....if you were closer I'd share my bag of cheetos with you :) hugs

I tend to agree with you Captain...I hate when folks come here and insult what i have....I tend to be in the camp of finding someone who needs something and GIVING it to them, rather than selling something to someone who is just going to sell it for profit to someone else least then I feel like someone was helped...other than some greedy gus

I love cheetos ...and orange fingers :)

You are a dear soul hope

I'd rather give away all I have than barter with people over it. It's just easier.

yes, the orange fingers are part of the fun :)

I have a question for all of you....Regarding changing of the underpants....I change Mama very often...and always use tons of barrier far we have been so lucky to not have one episode of bedsores, etc...when your loved ones are sleeping really soundly, and it does not appear there is any major clean up needed, have yall ever just not woke them up for the sole purpose of changing pants? or should I wake her up? I personally don't think I'd want to be woke up for that purpose, especially if it has not been that long since the last one...but I usually change her anyway, yet, was just wondering what your thoughts are on this. I am by no means suggesting it is OK to let them remain in pants that need changing, I just struggle with waking them up when it appears they are really sleeping so peacefully and comfy....I really would appreciate your thoughts

And yes, I have been into the candy jar now so I am hyper and thinking about all sorts of things I want to know about....those little nut rolls you buy at the dollar store are very good.. :)

If mama is sleeping peacefully and comfy.... no need to wake her up. Just my opinion hope.... my mom is not incontinent just yet. Amazingly, that is the only thing she can still do. Wait.... I do have to SHOW her where her bathroom is a kathousand times a day... meh, small price eh?

hope, honey.... you'veo got me googleing gowns... for ME and Mom!!

Shhhh............she finally went to bed and so far isn't worried those people are going to kill her.... I LOVE those nut rolls!! My fave candy bar is the Payday ya know! Salty n sweet..... mmmm

I'm having a really hard time dealing with my mom. She is a complainer, doesn't understand that I have things to do for me and could win an award for guilt trips she lays on me. There are days when I try to avoid her..but since we live in the same house that's impossible! She criticizes regularly..especially if I cook something she doesn't like (but doesn't cook anything for herself). I feel like I'm gonna lose it. My husband is annoyed with her because he doesn't like how she treats me like a damn servant. I do EVERYTHING for her and frankly..I'm tired of it.

No whines for me for the past 2 days, some kind of record. Mom can't seem to get enough sleep but says she's okay, just feels on the weak side, allergies bothering her maybe, will eat one good meal per day as per usual and not so much sweet snacks (while I'm cooking and eating for her and everyone else, okay that's a whine). Captain, like your comments about finding a fixer-upper/smaller to no mortgage, that's all I think about here lately, cutting expenses. I watch too many you tube off-the-grid and "little house" type videos but I got no skills really. Drove around last Sunday to see some of these places from the curb but better find a real estate agent first to sell my place, not smart enough to tackle it on my own. My transcription work is beginning to dwindle more lately, kind of in limbo now since they won't tell us if we go or stay another year. I need to get serious about cleaning the carpets and painting here with the potential downtime. Glad I have a brother and brother-in-law who can do stuff for me. I'm suddenly seeing more for-sale signs everywhere I go, surprised with fall-winter coming on.

Jeanette....I am agreeing on the non waking thing....I didn't wake her last night and she slept so good all night long. She really gets disoriented when I wake her up from a deep sleep and I totally understand that...I just make sure I use a LOT of barrier cream so we don't get into an issue with that.

I tell you what you can find all kinds of gowns on the internet...the hospital ones I got Mama are perfect! They are very pretty prints and kind of a seersucker fabric so much more comfortable than the "hospital" gowns...I still use her pretty soft knit ones too but after all the yammering by the bath aids and knowing it is harder and they don't have the time I just gave in and found a buy five get one free deal and so far I am loving those little boogers...very easy care too. I guess I'll be packing them for her "spa" visit...I told her that my brother and I had to go and get all my pretty things to use here and so as we wanted to make sure she was well looked after we were letting her go for a little spa vacation but that she would be back before she knew it. I know there will be some confusion but hopefully not too much and I will make sure she is tucked in Monday and they assured me they would call me and let me know how she is doing on Tuesday..the day of the big move...also if there were any changes in her health I would be notified. I know she will be's just the worry wart nature of me..

yep...payday is my favorite....I was excited when I found those nut rolls in a bag for a dollar until I realized there were only five little ones in the bag..heck I could have gotten the enormous bar for 65 cents ..heck...oh well....we must be sisters Jeanette.... :)

cindyoh..Mama is sleeping more these days it scares me sometimes, but when she wakes she seems to feel good so I guess that is the goal...she seems to fare better to let her live on her terms, as long as her needs are met and she is clean and well fed, I am trying to let her "do her own thing" and be here when she needs (or wants) me...

Hope 22, yup, the more I let her do her own thing within reason, the better she seems to be. The "clean" part gets to me sometimes but if I get aggravated enough with her, she will make the effort or at least let me help her.

Got Mama all fluffed up and ready for the day and no worse for the wear in letting her sleep through the night instead of waking her this time....let her wake on her own when my efforts initially failed....she woke up bright and perky, I got her bath done, got her fed a good nutritional drink, and we had some time together. I told her I was hers for the day, so what did she want to do....she said "I don't know"...I said do you want me to sing? she said, I sung "I'll fly away..." with the parts included in the chorus..she was watching me and listening and then told me "good grief, that was awful" cracked me up...I told her, you mean you didn't enjoy that? She said NO!...just a bunch of mess. hahaha....she kind of smiled, like she usually does....I know she liked it..or at least the interaction of it...I never said I had a great voice.... :)

I love that song, Hope. Have you heard the Johnny Cash version?

Yes! We love that version!!! He doesn't have what I would call the most melodic voice...but it is "real"...and from the heart...I always loved his music..especially the hymns :)

Oh FF my fella whines and whines too so funny he sees me coming up the road and he runs and whines until he gets to me then rolls over for a belly rub sooooo cute! this is mums house so she has two front doors and two backs doors for security so i cant have a catflap which is a stress as you have to let him in and out! its ok during the day i leave the upstairs window open but i cant wait to have my own place one day so i can get a catflap! OMG your cat rings the doorbell they are so clever!!!

Big whingy whine! i have a corn on my toe and its killing me its very painful! I am putting a corn plaster on everyday and its got acid in it boy does that sting!! Never had one before thought it was a blister until i noticed a little hole in it? so sore cant walk in shoes but chemist said should be gone in a few weeks? wow that long?

Got the yard all cleaned up ..again...and brother dropped by but came to carry my car to get the oil changed and everyone was backed he just brought it back home and picked us up some lunch. Getting ready for the big moving day and the closer it gets the more I dread it, but the more anxious I am knowing one day closer is also one day closer to having it done....Going to try to be tough with myself and really get rid of most of it...donate, donate, donate....we are having one of those rainy thundery days now and it feels like it has set in for the balance of the day...which I love. I worked hard enough already Mama changed again, lunch has headed home...I am going to put my feet up and have some coffee....and a twinkie..

kazz...those things hurt I know....I got a part time job once selling and so could never sit down and had to wear heels and mine had those pointy little toes and it didn't take long for that to happen to me....OUCH.....bless your heart...hope yours goes away soon...

hope, your focused on the real deal , imo . ive probably fried a couple thou on edna in the last year . i dont care , i cant stress that enough .. its money , i can make more ..
at worst i could be the most innovative , boozemaking sob who ever lived under the white river bridge . this elder is the second most priority in my life after my mother . i have sons , g kids , they need this lesson .
i know its a necessity but itll come closer to bringing you misery than happiness ..
my sons are watching me more closely than you think ..

wish my gd chicken livers would thaw , im freakin starving ..
BUT i have a 4th load of firewood .. always with the looking ahead ..

hope , i write hymns ..
mostly when my sons pizz me off .

F - hymmmn .

Captain, I sing that hymn a lot myself :)

I am 100% with you on the money thing. I do know that you need to pay bills and such, but the love of money can cause more trouble in this world than anything else. While my brother was visiting he once again brought up the house, how maybe it would sell (hasn't in almost three years so not holding breath on that one) but it is almost funny to me now that "I" am the one who is losing the house...why is it bothering him so much????? hymmmmmm......there you go cap.....

I think people think I am lying when I say how much I hate focusing on money...that has probably been my biggest downfall in the eyes of "normal" society folk....I don't label success by my bank account balance and that doesn't seem to fly in my I am not in that circle or any circle now. I kind of live in my own little world...and if someone needs me, I'll be there...but then I'm coming back to my little world....because I don't like all the clutter and drama that lives in the other one...I have always been kind of a loner and the past three years have shown me I am even more so than even I knew...but the way I am is also the reason I am here doing what I am doing, so instead of folks being so critical, they need to just be glad I am the way I am...I'll figure it out as i go along.....I ask nothing of anyone...but I'm here if they need me.,,,unless they have proven to be a selfish "a"...then I may be there depending on who else may be involved or in need......why is it that seemingly knowing what you want and need out of life makes people avoid you like the plague

Do not think for one minute that in your wildest dreams that even though you calmly, methodically, lovingly explain something that they ask you about--and have asked you about SO MANY TIMES BEFORE (and in the same day even) that they will remember what you said because they won't. Even though your annoyance will probably come through a little, remember to breathe and count even though it feels like they are purposely ignoring what you have told them a million times.

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