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Had a fun story.... got whiped

that's my whine!!

I have no sisters.... just older brothers. Haven't seen nor heard from them in 7 weeks. Ahhh... lovely I say :) Haven't felt so d*mn free since I arrived here.

Thanks Kazz, when I hear that song it makes my stomach My sister's birthday is tomorrow and mom asked me to pick up a card the other day. I thought this is not good giving me this much power! As I was looking through the daughter cards and how sickening they sounded I had to laugh, but then I couldn't bring myself to get a good daughter card because it would be a lie. I wound up buying a funny card instead. I really felt like getting a sympathy card, would that be f-ing funny! LMAO!

sp'ose someone could put hallmark out of business by printing greeting cards with what we would REALLY like to say on them ..
i gotta get one more cup of coffee and get out to the farm . those guys keep putting good firewood in the burn piles and its driving me nuts . i drag it back out for myself ..
you can have the greeting card you want printed on zazzle but theyre kinda expensive . i have one coming for the dental hygienist with a pic of ike , myself and the kids on it . its hard to invite her to go riding on something she cant even envision .. ike is camera friendly -- i look like the third guy from the left on the evolution chart ..

Capt, I would be glad to pay good money fir a real smart a** card for the sister from H*ll. Good luck with the wood chuckers!

Wow, a good thing I got up super early today and had Mama all bathed and hair done and ready to go as the EMT's got here about 20 minutes early...I had her bags all packed and ready to roll so she is already en route to empty this house is is the strangest feeling on earth...but....also great knowing she is not in the hospital, just taking a little break from me ....and perfect timing for me to get my stuff cleared out of my house....finally...and I will know she is in good hands. I am going to check it out just to make sure she's settled....but so far all has gone no whines thus far....

Funniest card i ever got was when i was about to sign the divorce papers my brother sent me a card with a woman walking out of the court house with a huge pair of testicles in her hand!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunetlyi only managed to get a 1/4 of a testicle!! LOL

Hope your mum will be fine try and enjoy this break and make time for you to get things done shes in good hands!!! Glad youre having a bit of a break you deserve it!

Sadly, I've come to the realization that it's just not a good idea to take mom out on activities anymore. If she becomes agitated the day is done.

Took her, my bff and our 3 combined dogs to a fun day on the river. Dragged her heavy yet comfy lounge chair and parked it right close to the bank and in the heavenly shade. Lots of people, kids and dogs all splashing about being social and truly having a great time. It was a great socialization experience for my big pittie...she did so awesome!!

I've been training my big pittie "water rescue" in my wal mart blow up pool so I thought it would be a great time to actually try it out. This particular spot on the river is where a lot of tubers/floaters come in. As they'd come in I'd hand them the bamboo stick tied to hear harness and she would pull them right in!! Yay!! I was soooo proud of her. Since she's so big and a pit/mix she "looks" intimidating but is actually very loving and playful. All the itty bitty kids in the river lined up so she could pull them around in the water:)))) Anywhoo..... I tossed this one group of tubers her robe/stick.... instead of holding onto it they tossed it further, now Sydney loves to fetch so off out into the deeper current she went, chasing her stick LOL!! Off I go after her cuz downstream she's heading..... 200 yards later we laughingly drug up out of the river.... 6 kids behind us in their floaties making sure we made it. What a fun TIME. Now....back to mom....she decides she wants to go home NOW!! Nothing we say or do will calm her down.... the Hispanic family sitting by us offered her a Corona with Lime :) she took it, took a sip and told them she hated it. She was threatening death (this is normal) she wouldn't sit still and every 3 seconds was attempting to walk towards home. Home is 6 miles away, good luck mom! My friend was exasperated by the time we left, me? I am used to it... it is just another day. When we get home she is really really having a hard time... just meaner than a rattle snake!! She flooded the kitchen out, kept trying to escape and later that evening (it was dark) I caught her gripping the pointy meat thermometer like a weapon. Not sure if she wanted to use it on me or her but it was rather scary. It was way after 1:00 A.M. before she settled down enough to finally sleep. Woke up at 10:00, took a few sips of her Ensure, complained about something.... then fell asleep in the recliner. I have noticed a lot of new changes occurring at what seems an alarming speed. Food decline, weight declining,speech and mental abilities declined further, agitation irritability increased and sleep increased.

The big fist is clenching my insides again.

Got all the way to Mama's spa vacation and the nurse called and asked me not to forget the daily chart so they could make their notes...also needed her "comfort care" pack...DIDN'T need all the other stuff I now am back home and about to go back..and it is a pretty hefty drive and right through the heaviest traffic in town....oh well...

Jeanette, it sounds like a fantastic day (aside from the issues with your mother, or course). Your dogs sound great!
That does sound scary -- the increasing paranoia and agitation. If only there were a warning system for sudden changes in people with dementia. We never know what works or what no longer works until we're smack in the middle of things.

Evil sister just rang and shes not coming in September? Have chest pains! told her mum set cooker on fire she said nothing? I am not going to talk to her anymore she will give me a heartattack! they just dont want to know any crap here mum on the phone as sweet as pie chirpy chirpy laughing and joking havnt eaten my dinner yet as feel sick!

Kaz call evil sister thing in the morning and tell her Mum burnt the house down and she will be on the 8 am flight from Cork so be sure to get to the airport in plenty of time because she has a LOT of luggage.

Ha! like shell react? If they are all not careful ill just take mum and my cat and burn the house down then disappear!! She just makes my blood boil as soon as she rings complaining straight away that she rang twice??????? like i jump when the phone rings? i told her i was cooking mums dinner and mums deaf WTF she says its soooooooo annoying when noone answers? well its kinda annoying when youre up to your arms every day in pee and poop but you wouldnt get that would you?

The sick and twisted joke of Groundhog Day. Oh with the grand exception of the Groundhog Day with added bonus trailers. Those days are extra special. I'm sounding sarcastic I know. This Alz is exhausting. Good news I hope. Meeting with financial advisors tomorrow to see if there's any way we can figure out how to send FIL to assisted living without us having to live in the streets. Prayers welcome. I pray for you and your loved ones too. This caregiving is not for the faint of heart.

Kazz, sorry to hear that. Don't you just feel like strangling them right then and there? There have been times where I told my husband if my sister was here I think I would hurt her! I think I'm going to start making greeting cards for this group to send to the evil people in their lives.

Here's my first card saying... I thought you died, but I was wrong. You ignorant B*TCH where have you gone!

Best of luck Heidgreene!!

It is exhausting. It is NOT for the faint of heart. Add 100 degree weather and 2 small portable A/C's....

looloo, it was FUN, it was FREEING! I love the water, love being in the water with the warm sun ( guess this is why I love and miss FL)...I love being outside. I also love my mom and guess this is just a small price to pay for her happiness before she passes over?... if only I could find something to make her happier? About what works and not works, you are correct and win a prize!! We don't know what it is until smack dab middle. Frustrating.

kaz, I have found zero contact with siblings is so much easier , on me, them and mom.

The house sure feels empty tonight. Mama seems to be settled in and resting well, so that's great...and I don't think I realized how absolutely bone weary I was until suddenly I have a little time to myself...I think I really needed this a lot more than I realized.... deep relaxing breaths...... :)

well i got my greeting card in the mail today . its a good sharp print . i dont for one moment think this gal is going to ever spend time with me . shes pretty well to do , i haveta assume her cheating hubby was too . im a laid back hill jack and dont have plans of changing much . all i can say is her squeaky clean lifestyle hasnt gained her any more than hard work and dirty fingernails have gained me . at the end of the day were both still alone .. she has money , i have all the things money could buy but with no debt . we just got there different ways ..
she asked me when im going to let someone in after 15 yrs alone -- prob'ly when i meet someone who sees herself and myself as equals . we went to different schools . mine didnt actually have a brick and mortar building ..
her hubby reminds me of al coopers song " man of the year " .. at the end of the song man of the year eats a bullet .. great tune , youall should check it out ..

Hang in there Captain, I love reading your posts, and so many things seem to looking up for you!

man of the year

love Alice Cooper... :)

i think i understand why dental girl and i made such a connection . while shes been slaving for the last 40 years ive had more parttime work and spent more time reading . imtimacy cannot be realized until one or both people let their guard down and show their vulnerabilities . you just cant love someone whos arrogant and claims to be perfect in every way . we inadvertantly shared our vulnerabilities with each other . that doesnt mean we have enough in common to ever become an item it just means that for the hour or so we spent together we connected on the most humble and human terms .
i have no fear of being rejected by her because the card im sending is purely meant to alleviate her pain somewhat and make her feel better about herself . shes smart enough to know the difference between someone whos trying to take advantage and someone who truly empathizes with what shes experiencing .
the woman knows as a professional you just dont use a customer for personal therapy . i still sense that she felt she could trust me and was trying to tap into my age , life experience and thoughtful mannerism . no harm can come from a thank you card and a bike ride invite ..

:) Captain. That's a nice thing to do.

i just do not have a fuss today . im sleeping well and never felt more like cutting firewood in my life . it doesnt pay a lot but its sure helping me rebuild my physical strength . ill take aunt a donut , drop my card off for dental girl and get with the wood cutting . if dental girl has good personal manners she should email me and accept or decline the bike riding offer and thank me for the kind compliment anyway . in my mind " i think youre hotter than hammered h*ll " is a pretty kind compliment .. ( considering the source )

Love this gripe thread. I have a gripe today. It feels like I spend half my life picking up trash left here and there by my mother. She can be three steps from the trash can, but it is too far for her to bother. It doesn't do any good to say anything. She is like Pig Pen in Peanuts.

I have a work-related gripe right now. I had too coordinate a 2 day offsite conference, and we have a corporate meeting planning dept. that we go to for this stuff. I've never had to plan an offsite like this before, so I dealt with them for the first time on this. Our 'planner' was kind of hard to reach, the paperwork was difficult to decipher, but I understood (as did my boss), that she had negotiated a rate based on our budget. NOW, I get the invoice, and it's TWICE as much! I'm freaking out. I emailed her, and all she said was "well, the food you ordered looks pretty expensive...." I emailed her back letting her know that the food was the cheapest I could get at this posh hotel. I just double checked the paperwork, and re-did all the math. Everything was within budget that I signed off on. She better fix this.

Jesse! i know how you feel! mum drops her dirty washing at the back door NO dont open the door and put it into the laundry basket house is always a mess theres day it gets to me and ill go mad cleaning up then theres days when i run into town and dont come home until dinner time just to avoid the mess! cleaner comes every friday for 3hrs does everything two hours later house is a mess again????????? you just keep picking up like a robot. She did the dishes today while i was out shopping OH PLEASE DONT! she cant see and dishes have to be done again as they are not clean yep brown paper bags deep breathing and pray like h*ll!!!!!!!!!

GO captain!!!!!

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