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Freqflyer, we just completed a remodel of our bathroom, and are so glad we kept the shower curtain instead of getting the doors. The doors do look really nice, but it IS so much easier to deal with a shower curtain!

twocents / veronica,
america is a vast country and in fact the smaller towns are shrinking in population . my advice ; head for the hills . several years ago my family had an automobile snafu coming home one day and there was a literal traffic jam of people stopping to see what kind of help we needed .. the minority people in the big cities have my genuine sympathy and best wishes but like the peoples of central and south america , theyre going to have to help themselves a little bit . i talked online with a lady from mexico a few years ago . she said nearly everyone is on the cartel payroll in one form or another . easy money usually comes at a price ..
the old homes in the cities wouldnt be falling in if i lived in one of them . theyre falling down not from old age but from neglect .. jmho
oh well . i have a slight whine today . about two hours of wood splitting found my lying beside my truck in the shade again . the hepc treatment was a little rougher than i let on .. the med hangover could last for months . well worth it ..
barb, i wish i could tell you how to find peace and the strength that you need . i improved a lot when i started approaching end of life / dementia care as tho i was night watchman at a loony bin . we cant change the inevitable , only keep the patient safe and as calm as possible ..

Finally Great News for Ireland and Alz/dementia! government has finally listened and are now putting 30 million for funding for this illness and its carers YAY! lets hope other countries now take note!
It means they will try and help the old stay in thier homes as long as is possible and more help for carers this what weve been trying to get for years so yes a GREAT day for us over here!
I hope other countries are going to change thier attitude soon too!

Kazz that is great news! How did it happen? Was there pressure from an advocacy group?

Well V like ive said here before theres been no real help or support here so people like me and other carers have been pushing for more support for years i mean there isnt even a centre here for daycare they have to beg for money to get one built? It just came on the news so its great and a few have texted me for a drink this wkend to celebrate I did a few fund raising discos 80s music that was a huge success BUT never got even near the money we needed now there will be more funds AND a new centre will be finished here finally!
I dont know the ins and outs yet as ive just heard but i hope mum can stay here and i get more help caregiver stress was highlighted too which is great finally people are listening but its taken awhile to come!!
Yeh a good result!!

Yeh just to add we needed one hundred thousand to finish the centre asked the national lottery and they said NO? not much money really to ask for and a good cause? still it will be finished now and has a lovely coffee shop in it for carers!!!

this place has so much personal pain that positive , uplifting things said are a gift to the recipient .
my mother with a lifelong bipolar disorder would sometimes drag you down into her negativity until it would make you ill . hers was a mental illness but still near impossible to deal with at times . i like this thread for the purpose of explaining our daily difficulties but the new one about counting your blessings sends a good message imo ..

Capt I share your philosophy and have headed for the hills already. it is my husband who wants to flee the country not me

This website saved my life. Strangers from around the world comforting me. Me learning so much faster than I would have without it. Me feeling the JOY when I've helped somebody or made someone laugh. Getting many laughs myself, and always when I need them most. Feeling proud of my "dinner " post and so glad it was enjoyed so much, before it went so off topic recently.
It has been my saving grace. I have learned to love peoples hearts, having never even met them.

Oh. Dang.

I needed to say that first I am going outside to knife Ken the Gardener who is chainsawing my neighbour's cypresses.

Then I am going to find and kill whichever telecoms engineer is responsible for our 'super fast' broadband connection [hysterical laughter]

On my way home I am going to prowl the M50 for truck drivers on cell phones, and when I find a fat juicy one in a fat juicy container lorry I shall speed up to 90, pull a handbrake U-ey, and meet him head on coming back. See if that makes the stupid b*st*rd drop the call.

There see? Feel much better now and won't have to do any of those not-good things :)

Boy CM you certainly have your bristles up this morning. Did the bedbugs bite you last night?
Is there internet in UK prisons now? or the morgue? otherwise this is the last we will hear from CM may she RIP she will be sadly missed.

PS in case anyone was wondering this was not hate mail. CM is one of my favorite people - if only she did not smoke
PPS The full moon was last week

The full moon might explain a lot.

Sometimes the internet works beautifully. Sometimes it leaves me frothing at the mouth. What is REALLY infuriating is that there is no pattern to this. Like many things out in the sticks, it toddles along at its own sweet pace and appears to be astonished when urban refugees get upset or stressed (even God forbid on occasion driven to losing their tempers) or find this in any way remarkable.

Herefordshire is like the eye of an eddying current, so undisturbed it seems to be a law of nature. We're not wurzels like in Somerset, nor frankly hostile like in Shropshire ("who's that, Bill?" "A stranger." "Well, 'eave 'alf a brick at 'im…"), nor outright foreign like in Wales. In Shropshire they remove road signs so that you can't find your way. In Herefordshire they're not doing it on purpose, but the signs swing round or fall over and you find you're in the next unpronounceable village to the one you expected to be in. The natives are friendly and caring about the world and interested in outsiders and lovely… and completely imperturbable when it comes to DOING anything. If you really need help - if you run out of heating oil or your car's in a ditch or your child's ill - they will move mountains. But if you just expect them to get on with something because… well, because that's how the world works… forget it.

You go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription. You stand there clutching your px for fifteen minutes while the assistant enquires after the health and love-lives of her last customer's entire family. You don't object or interrupt, it would be mean-minded to. When it's your turn, the smiling assistant informs you that the pharmacist has had to pop home. She will be back "later." When is later? Ooh, can't really say. Probably not long.

The correct protocol is to wait until you're out of view in your car before you tear your hair out, because otherwise people will think you are a bit strange and not very friendly.

There is a tractor that belongs to the large farm behind our house, and its brakes need attention. They shriek like tortured banshees. There is a slight incline down to the crossroads, where there is a stop sign, and the potato harvest is on. Eight trips a day or so hauling goodness knows how many tons in its trailer, this tractor's doing. Our neighbour over the road was talking to his BIL about it. "Wants doing." "Ah, 'e does." Yes? And??? Will they speak to the driver? Or to the farmer? Or offer to see to it? Not A Chance. And the one time I directly addressed the operator of a piece of farm machinery it did not go well. I think he was Polish, and he couldn't understand why I was dancing around in front of the cab where he was sitting having his lunch with the engine running at fast idle for half an hour. Finally he slowed the engine so that he could at least hear, if not understand, what I was saying, so having accidentally got what I wanted I shrugged and gave up. I suspect that the reason he did not turn the engine off for his lunch break was that the machine was brand new and no one had shown him how to start it up again.

I also need to find out how to ask sheep nicely to return to their field and not stand in front of my garden gate when I'm trying to unload the shopping.

I think I'm safe on the roads now, thank you Veronica, but it's possible somebody else had the same idea. Dual carriageway in the other direction was backed up for four miles outside Monmouth when I was on my way home this afternoon. Presumably that person didn't have the forum to vent on!

Oh please product manufactures, do not change the outside design of your box or packages.... it can really confuse some of the older folks. Yes, I know the "newer" and "improved" items need new color packaging for marketing, etc.

But try to explain to your elderly Mom [96] that it is the very same vendor, very same product inside. "But it's not the same company".... "yes it is, Mom". Then later in the week you hear "but it taste funny".... [rolling eyes].... "but, Mom, it's the same identical product right down to the ingredients and sodium content".

Shopping superstar here. Dad has gained 10# since he moved on top of the 10# he gained living with me. He was a bit underweight so the first 10-12 pounds were ok but pants are getting tight so armed with coupons in the newpaper I cruised the sales and clearance and got him 3
new pairs of pants for less than $45 and saved at least $100. This new size hard to find due to long but skinny legs. So I dropped them off and visited with him for a while.

Whoop whoop!! Awesome 57!! Shopping trip well done! Did dad like his new more comfy pants? This may sound weird but my mom likes jeans.... especially my dads jeans... poor fellow would hide a few pair of HIS jeans so she wouldn't wear them now that he's gone.... she's daddy's 501 queen. It's all she will wear and that battle I acquiesced to long ago.

On a lighter note.... makes sense why her name is JEAN!

Countrymouse, I lived in Rickmansworth Hertfordshire for 5 years. Lol

Sallie I hate to tell you that Hartforshire is like a different country to Herefordshire where CM lives

Cm So the inhabitants of Shropshire still turn their road signs round. Maybe someone should tell them the war is over and the Germans are not comming. In Sussex they just got taken down and hidden often never to be seen again. They were too busy watching the skies to see if any German parachutists were drifting down disquised as nuns.

Jeanette it could be worse there was a man in town about 30 years ago who dressed in his dead wifes clothes skirt and stockings included. frequently saw him in the supermarket, there was only one in those days. Before the arrival of the Walmart superstore etc

Freq, Had a moment a while back with my mom, trying to explain to her that the fact that the label said "anti itch cream" did not mean that it was the cortisone cream we were looking for. This from the person who taught me to read labels. I think that was the moment when I "got" that "mild cognitive impairment" meant that she no longer had reasoning ability.

ba8alou, a week or so ago, I wasn't quite sure what to say to Mom when she mentioned that brown eggs "taste funny" compared to white eggs. Come to think of it, growing up I never remember Mom using brown eggs. I knew those eggs existed because my Dad's grandparents lived on a farm and I would gather the eggs. Dad thinks this whole thing is comical :0

CM, if the sheep follow you to the garden gate, cut one up for dinner and the rest will leave.

Pam I wouldn't dare! They're quite confrontational. I just say "excuse me, please" and they let me through. When they're ready. The one who was real trouble was just standing by itself in the road, and didn't respond to gentle tooting. Deaf sheep? Suicidal sheep? That was the one I needed to catch but didn't get very far. Fortunately two of the drivers queueing up behind me knew what to do or we'd all have been there all night.

FF I've noticed "now high in Omega 3!!!" emblazoned on some egg boxes in the supermarket over the last couple of years (I don't buy eggs so I haven't paid close attention) - they're not changing the hens' feed or something, are they? I'd assumed it was mere marketing and not related to any real difference in nutritional values, but come to think of it if the producers (the farmers, I mean, not the chickens) are trying to boost omega 3 content perhaps it could be detectable in the eggs' flavour.

Sallie Rickmansworth is the other side of the country but I do know Hertfordshire quite well - how did you get marooned there? :)

CM I bet Mum would appreciate a nice sheepskin rug! very soft on the tootsies.
Trouble is she might think you skinned the cat.

Not sure on how dad's fit as I try to combine my shopping trips due to my vision and had groceries in the car that needed refrigeration. But my whine is I got dad's 30 day review from AL and it was good. I texted my sister stating I want to go over this info as I have to sign and return. Not a peep out of her. I am not calling her but texted again as I noticed she had been on Facebook since I sent her the messages and texted her again telling her Facebook must be more important than Dad. I have hung up on her already once this week as she said she was going to start sending postcards to dad but the line was too long at the post office for stamps. Guess what is going to be her Christmas present.

I'm joining the WHINE PARTY today! Took my mom grocery shopping. It's the same thing all the time: all about her. She yaks non-stop, trys to get my attention while I am driving her. Gives me only $5 for gas...only sometimes. While I am in the bank writing out things she comes up and says, "LOOK the card I bought!!" just like a kid. "I will after I am done writing this." Drama queen makes a scene at the bank. "OH ALRIGHT, be that way!" she says turning up her nose.
Later in the car she is talking about how interesting ants are. Then, "you know in nature animals who are good to their young have more families and animals that are SELFISH have no offspring."
Oh boy, this ought to be interesting, I am thinking. She used to be physically abusive to us. I listened with my now familiar stoic face.
"Well the first one didn't have kids because of his selfish wife, and the second couldn't because she was blind, and YOU didn't have any because you are selfish."
Where is the ejection button in my car? She makes me puke.

This afternoon I am going to a James Montgomery blues band concert; it's free. I am going to blues dance my behind off! Hope I get rid of the Angry Momma Trauma Blues.

Yah last year my mother laughed at me with sarcasm and venom. "Ha ha. How do you have TIME to be sick?" She was implying I had no right to be healthy or to take care of myself and that I should only live for her. Yah right. sicko!

Countrymouse, regarding Omega-3 Enriched eggs.... basically, those eggs are like conventional chickens [those raised in warehouse settings] except that the hens feed is supplemented with an Omega-3 source like flax seeds.

Some of it is just hype, the food fad of the moment. Here in the States the newest food fad is gluten-free food products.

57twin, are you an area that has on-line grocery shopping where you can order everything via computer and then pick up the grocery bags the next day on a set day/time, or have it home delivered? OMG, what a life saver that has been for me.

You can go "grocery shopping" at midnight :0

What a whirlwind of a week! Mama just got home from respite care....they took excellent care of her but it sure is good to have her home! My brother and I got all my stuff moved home except for what one car load will accomplish and brother assures me he will sit with Mama while I do that one day this week. soooo very hectic, very tiring, but very productive...mission accomplished....I can't believe how much has transpired in one week and at the beginning didn't think I would make it...but just pushed on and now it's done. I am enjoying routing around in my belongings and finding things I had forgotten I even had...but will prove enjoyable for us to have up here...yay!!!! what a great week!!! Maybe next time we are eligible for respite care, I might actually get to relax.... :) but so thankful this was available to us...and so happy with the care Mama received while away. Missed you all!!!

Hi hope Welcome home Mama. sounds as though she survived really well. I think respit is every 60 days but I may be wrong. What a busy bea you have been. must be nice to see your stuff again. Hugs

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