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My mother's doctor said that she was relocating soon, so that Mom would have to go with another doctor. Sigh. Mom started seeing this doctor last July, when her other doctor retired. The new doctor immediately went on maternity leave, so we haven't really had a chance to work with her. I don't look forward to going through getting to know another doctor. Sigh.

Wish we has a DIS-like button. Sorry Jessie, staring over with another new Dr. will be tough.

wish a sheep would stand in front of my truck and act halfwitted. my son has a kitchen aide mixer thats also a grinder and sausage stuffer . him and his vegan GF ( salad shooter ) are going to see alice with me on nov 2 . we hope to make some custom link sausages and of course some meat free ones for apple core #or .. her first name is a hard one to remember -- work with me here .. shes an alice fan and neither cubehead or myself knew that ..
cuban missile crisis went to see alice with me in merrillville once and to this day he still has a hard time explaining his opinion of the show . he was raised during the time when evidently belts werent in fashion , azzcrack was the theme of the era and the music was just booming base and a lot of blaming the man for your own lack of motivation .. ( rap )
i wrote a rap song once to humor him..

man be breathin heavy down my m - f ' in back.
i make more sense when i smoke a bunch of crack .
i hate , hate , hate, despise and detest,
getting something for nothing is when im at my best .
we destroyed our own city , its totally demolished.
m - f -in cracker done sent my kid to college ..

lol . these lyrics arent racist, they apply to any race that does more complaining than self improving .. not much sympathy here . ive worked so hard 4 of my 5 lumbar discs are damaged . what am i gonna do about it ? lay stone thats what ..

I am having a bad day. My chest is very heavy and my anxiety is really bad. My sis and bil came up yesterday for 4 hours. Today they came over for 2 hours and you could just tell they were chomping at the bit to get out of here.
they changed there dinner from 4 to 3 so they could leave. my sis was getting aggregative for the 2 hours. So I kind did not want to talk about mom buying a car and driving AGAIN. So I lost it a little. She said she was hungry and so was I so I made dinner and she went into her room and lied on her bed. Its 100 degrees in there and the air is on in the living room. I have asked her 3 times to come out and eat while it was hot and she said she will heat it up. She does not get herself anything to eat anymore and I do it for her. I swear that I refuse to heat it up for her later. (but I will) Just needed to vent. Please no judgements here

freqflyer, I'm wondering if your Mom is noticing the "new" or "improved" recipe. If the packaging were either, without actual ingredient changes, that would be misleading, IMO. Of course, it's more likely her prejudice/preference is showing.

I really messed up.

Me and my young man helper where out back most of the day cutting down one of our tree's. It's very hot out and... the pool looked so inviting. We started doing flips into the water... silly me did a running dive. Hit the hard bottom on the right side of my back/shoulder. Heard 2 loud cracks and my first thought was OMG I paralyzed myself. I was sooo scared... pulled myself up and stretched to make sure it was ok. Already I could feel the burn coursing up and down my right side. Quickly came into the house, fixed mom dinner and popped 2 ibuprofin. Laid flat on the floor. Within an hour I was literally sobbing from the pain and shaking. Finally got in touch with my oldest brother... him and his wife came. She stayed with mom and he took me to the ER. Seems I cracked 2 ribs in the back area and re-injured the 2 ribs I cracked a year ago. My right arm is numb and I can barely move, even with 20 mg's of oxycodone and flexerill in me.

I have to remember that I am not a young person anymore.

I just coughed and almost passed out.... hopefully my girlfriend is coming over to help get mom fed and cleaned up. If not, she's staying in her pj's with me all day. this just sucks...

hope, glad your move went good and momma is home safe and sound with you.

fligirl... deep breathes

Oh Jeanette that's terrible... The pain is unbearable... I'll cross my fingers your friend is available to help with Mom.

So sorry Jeanette! This is the last thing you needed! Hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Oh woe, Jeanette. Ribs hurt for AGES. I'm so sorry. Keep taking a regular dose - NOT TO EXCESS - of painkillers once the codeine's got it under control a bit; and as soon as you possibly can get working on breathing exercises because otherwise you really will be a sorry girl. You're going back soon for a second check-up, I hope? I won't hug you! - just gentle pat on the other shoulder.

ouch, Jeanette...I sure do pray you feel better soon....that is terrible to feel that way with everything else that is going on...keeping postive thoughts and prayers going for you....

and thank you for those kind words...I sure am glad all that mess is moved....I don't think I EVER want to do that again...Should I ever move again, I definitely will start way ahead getting rid of everything that I absolutely know I don't need, want, have to have, etc...I had to just grab and go due to the limited time, but all things considered, it went really well....and my brother truly did step up to the plate. I was more worn out than I even knew and he really got in there and got everything heavy loaded for me...don't know what I'd have done without him....

A little advice.....take a stool softener with every pain pill.....been there....just sayin....

Sending you a nice soft pillow to tuck under your bad arm. When you need to move cough etc hold that against the painfull area for support. You may be most comfortable sleeping sitting up with pillows under the fractures, leaning towards the bad side.
Keep your pills at the bedside and plenty to drink BUT everytime you take one write it down or just put a couple in a saucer but still write it down. That way you don't have to make unecessary trips to the kitchen. drink plenty and eat what you fancy.
if the pain gets worse, you can't breath or start coughing up blood call 911 immediately that may be a life threatening puncture to your lung. Not to frighten you
but just in case. We all have to learn the hard way to be old ladies so it is no surprise that that the loved ones fight their caregivers .
Get better fast

Yo Jeanett!! No dancing for YOU! I feel for ya. Now patience will be that you are the patient and someone will need to caregive you. When you come out of the big pain period and start healing (this too shall pass) you'll probably look back and see a lesson in it that couldn't have come any other way. Please be careful to not get addicted to those powerful painkillers. There are many natural remedies, herbs, supplements, and homeopathy that will help you later after this initial period. My prayers and all our healing thoughts are with you.

my only whine is the little gmc truck is getting so firm that theres not many more ways to pour money into it . that was this years tax shelter damnt .. maybe i should convert it to propane fuel , bet theres a writeoff there ..
good luck jeanette . stop showing off for the poolboy . he already had designs on you , you didnt have to do anything rash ..

"Stop showing off for the pool boy"........I spit out my diet coke on that one! LOL!

Ouch Jeanette! Hoping you can find a comfy position to sleep.
My grocery shopping habits well I do go to regular grocery stores but also the cheese store, the artisan bakery, the meat markets and the farmers markets and well as my veggie garden!
Stopped in to see had have to hem one pair of pants pretty easy. Dropped off some cucumbers, small tomatoes and green peppers for salads. I like that dad this way is still eating some of "my food". He was doing well today!

Thanks everyone, for your support, kindness and great tips. Yeah thanks everyone except you Bob! I LOL'ed too, which caused a thousand burning knives to twist in my back and knock the wind out of me. ;)

No worries and me and the pain pills.... they make me nauseous BUT, I'm gonna take em. Got some 600 mg's of Ibuprofin as well For those that know how hurt ribs feel... I'd not wish it on my worst enemy.

How lovely it would be to have someone to take care of me.. better yet and it would probably make it easier, is for someone to take care of mom while I try and recuperate a bit. Even just a few days.... she's been off the wall today, just awful. Keeps trying to escape, keeps saying I'm trying to kill her or she wants to kill herself. Can't find the bathroom, cant find her chair...can't can't can't. I explain as nice as I possibly can how much I hurt... this just seems to make her worse. She see's me wincing and walking in a slow stoop with tears streaming down.. I don't get it. Guess I shall just convince myself she really is concerned but doesn't understand how to express it :(

Veronica, I am too scared to cough and sitting upright is the only way I find some relief. Man... I am so UPSET I let this happened. Last week of summer... had plans for Labor Day. Yes, a valuable lesson learned :(

Please please OH PLEASE don't let this drag on for weeks.... waaaahhhh

You'd of thought my brother or his wife, after seeing how much pain I was in and all that happened, would have just volunteered to keep mom today. Ha... they haven't even called to see how I was doing.

Guess who's wining about their dinner? She's lucky I was able to even PUSH the button on the microwave as I can't lift either arms up very high. I need a good long cry :(

Hugs all...

Jeanette, healing vibes being sent your way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Feel better soon, gf.

This morning my significant other took my Mom [96] to the ear doctor because she was convinced she needed a new hearing aid.... even though the one she is wearing is only two years old. The doctor told her that a new hearing aid would no longer give her better hearing.

Of course, on the way home my Mom would say about the doctor "she doesn't know what she is doing".... and that Mom wants to go back to the gal who first gave her a hearing aid 15 years ago, because she was able to hear with THAT hearing aid.

My Mom is completely in denial that she is getting older, her ears and her eyes are also aging and are now at a point where they cannot be corrected. I feel for her, I understand her frustrations, but there is no magic wand anyone can use.

If we weren't in the middle of this, ff, I would have to laugh. They say we stay forever young in our minds. The body still goes to pot.

JessieBelle, my Mom thinks she knows more than the doctors :0 She does that often, especially if the doctor is a woman. Mom thinks male doctors are a lot smarter.... [eye roll]

Oh, mine is the same way, ff. She thinks men are more patient and better doctors. She probably just thinks men are cuter.

My mom bugged the crap out of me to get her hearing aides. We went for many visits and had to full out paperwork for a partial refund and follow up visits. She still played plenty out of pocket. She wore them for a couple of months and hasn't worn them since! She has done this with other things too. It drives me crazy!!!

I went back and forth with the ear Dr. for over a year. He says her hearing is perfect with the aids. I figured it out. She CAN hear, it just takes her brain longer to process whats she heard. What???? Huh???? Say that again??? This is automatic.I've learned to stop repeating my self (exhausting!) and just give her a little time to comprehend.

Bent over to get a bottle of water last night and threw my back out.... ladies, remember after childbirth, how if we coughed or sneezed we were amazed at the pain in other parts of our body???? Had a coughing fit this morning and I know the neighbors thought there was some wild and crazy sex going on over here with all the noise I made from the pain of coughing and my back hurting.....

I am so sorry Jeanette that you hurt so much. So sorry that it took so long for me to respond. That must be a nightmare for you, with everything else on your plate. Please feel better soon. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

I'll skip all the details, ordered on line from Kmart, order kicked back 3 times,48 minutes on hold, order cancelled, hours of shopping time wasted...I can sum this up with 2 words. K-MART SUCKS!

Having an ugly moment this morning...resenting everyone in my life ...have been trying so hard to pray and have faith and believe and etc. etc. and all I feel at this moment is totally and completely abandoned by everyone...including God. I am ashamed for saying that......I cannot believe how exhausted I am and this is AFTER a week of respite....dear Lord, there is no help for me....I have to go tomorrow for one final trip with the car to get a few things that I do not want to leave behind, the rest will have to just go, and now everyone is so sorry this is "all happening to me"..well, know what??? had ANY of them done anything along the way to help me it wouldn't have happened. I have now been informed that even though my home was almost paid off, so there is way more than enough to pay off the first and second mortgage and a small ilen that the HO Association put on there, the first mortgaqor is only concerned about themselves and so I may not only lose my home, all that equity, but be left owing the second mortgagor and lienholder.....after thirty years of pure h*ll, and people always "hating it for me" I have finally realized I am indeed "a doormat"....I like to think of myself as someone who goes the extra mile, gives when they don't have it to give, etc. etc. and I know I am that...I am that WAY TOO MUCH...something has to be inherently wrong with me for continuing to try to give to others and do without and then the one time in life I could have at least used a shoulder, now everyone is "so sorry this happened to me".....I am aggravated about owing that money, but there is nothing else to get from me with the loss of my home, so while I know they can aggravate the hell out of me, they can't put me in jail.....I fear the stress of the aggravation is going to put me in my grave though...just the thought of it has almost done it this week......I am sorry for venting....but I am so freaking weary.... I am a fool who wants to believe the best in people....I don't feel sorry for myself...I just feel stupid....STUPID........I am not a good person...I am a stupid, ignorant fool...God help me get through the 27th...and then help me deal with the army of creditors who will be coming after me...this feels like a hopeless morning.....I am fighting myself even to post this...I'm afraid to post it is to make it real....but it is real...knowing everything is gone is one thing...what is hitting me the hardest is of all the people in my life whom i have looked up to and loved all my life (excepting Mama) have totally abandoned me......I keep thinking if I just hang in here and keep caring for Mama then one day I can at least know I did the best I could...the way I am feeling I do not feel like I am going to live long enough to think anything....I see all the jackasses whom I used to call my family on social media bragging about all their fine and high lives and I literally hate each and every one of them....God forgive me....yall please don't fuss at me......I already know I am a fool.....don't feel sorry for me either......just say a prayer maybe that I can hold on .....and sometimes, like last night, I was thinking....'You know God, I know you are there....I know how many mistakes I have made, I thought you had forgiven me....but now I just feel like for some reason, you are going to just flatten me....there is no help coming for me, I am so lost....and I am so a shamed of myself...more than anything else, I am so ashamed of myself.........

I think for the first time in my life, I truly fear I am fighting real suicidal thoughts....

Hope, I will not insult you by feeling sorry for you..... I have been where you are right now.... on more than one occasion.... and I so deeply understand how you are feeling..... it took so much courage to say all you did.... and God knows I know what you are feeling.....but I am going to ask you to hang on for a little while longer.... don't disappear before the miracle happens.
You are exhausted, hurt, angry and the world looks like such an ugly place to be.....but with all that is going on.... you have every right to feel defeated.....
For me, I didn't want to be dead as much as I just wanted some relief..... some rest from it all.....
If you look back, you will see how hard you have worked, fought, and persevered...... so there is no way you are stupid.... you are hurt and angry, but are not stupid.....
Please find yourself some help..... call somebody, anybody.... go check yourself into the hospital..... you are very courageous.....very !!!! Please don't give up on your life..... am sending you lots of gentle hugs and buckets of understanding..... I have been there, and I made it to the other side with lessons learned.... as weary as I was..... I was so proud of myself on the other side...... please keep us updated.... I am worried about you...

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