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Barb -that progress is totally awesome!!!! So glad DH has turned the corner and the robot is in the closet. YAY!!!

Barb: Bravo to your DH for walking a tenth of a mile today! Praises that he got some relief. How sad that three people coded.

I, too, miss CountryMouse and wonder how she is on 'the other side of the pond.'


Yay 😁!

Fantastic news! One step at a time, right?

So happy to hear this news.

DH walked 1/10 mile today! The robot is back in the closet.


I wonder how Countrymouse is doing. I miss seeing her posts. Talk about a knowledgeable and extremely sensible woman. She never pulled any punches. She told it like it was. I have a lot of respect for her and learned from her too.

Barb, you need to be collecting a salary. With overtime!!! Are you getting rest for yourself?

More gratitude. Thee folks on this floor coded today, including the 30yo in the next room. This of course happened just as DH says "I gotta go". Poor guy is quite backed up from 3 days of opiates.

The only reason I know how to operate and bedpan and chucks is because of what I've learned here over the years.

My husband was beyond grateful...and shocked that I knew how to do this. I said you guys get all the credit. Especially CountryMouse, wherever she is


It sounds like you have a terrific relationship with your stepdaughter. I am glad that you told her about her dad.

Barb, I so agree. That is a great phrase, "the standing up person and the lying down person".
Hope things are still going well.

Barb: Prayers sent for your DH and you, too.

One more thought.

My mom, a very wise woman, who, as a medical secretary during WWII did lots of the jobs usually reserved for RNs (because the RNs were all in the Service) used to tell me that when someone is the hospital "you need the standing up person and the lying down person". It was such a a funny way to phrase, but it's always stuck with me.

Barb, Such good news. Please get some rest.


Good news. And that doc is right.
I saved my husband as well after a potentially fatal complication after surgery . I took him back to the hospital a few days after surgery .
My DH tells people that I keep him alive .

The head Honcho ICU doc said to me yesterday that wives like me are why married men, statistically, live longer than single ones.

It was a proud moment. And my bonus daughter thanked (after the initial procedure) for taking such good care of her dad. I told her that everyone needs a hobby.

Good news Barb. DH is a lucky guy to have you standing guard. I’m sure his DD is grateful for you. Hugs.
Drink some water. Deep breaths. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

Barb That's great. So good to hear. Sounds like he is on his way to recovery. ((((hugs))))

So very relieved for you and your DH, Barb! Wonderful news!

AMAZING NEWS No active bleed. They are able to start him back on anticoagulation meds (very low dose and quickly reversible) shortly!

Barb, thinking of you & your DH today - may this QUICKLY resolve.
Sending more support your way I'm glad you could share with his DD too. ❤️❤️

Barb, I'm truly relieved that DH is in your good and capable hands, and that he chose to tell his daughter and brother. Before my Mom moved up her to MN, she used to withhold info about herself/her health and it only made me fret about her more, not less.

I got DH's permission to email both his daughter and one brother.

My stepdaughter is a lovely, non histrionic young woman. We've known each other since she was 7; I was an administrator at the day camp she attended for many years. My relationship with her predates my meeting her dad by about 15 years

And we've been down this road before, when my DH had emergency surgery for an aortic aneurysm.

Thanks for all your support!

Barb, I am relieved it’s not sepsis. Hope they find the bleed and he improves soon.

GOOD Barb, on the no sepsis thing.
Trust you to know what is best for letting daughter know.

No, no sepsis. "Just" Hypovolemic shock.

Oh, Barb.

If this is sepsis (wasn't aware of this) it is so iffy and a moment to moment thing. They just must find out where the bleeding is coming from and it must be stopped. They are pouring in a lot of blood. I hope hubby stays in ICU.

Barb, dependent on how this daughter typically "is" I am telling her if she is any way reasonable. You will be blamed if she isn't told. I would tell hubby she has a right to know that this is serious. If she isn't a reasonable type then don't and you can always tell her "Your father didn't want you told and I honored his wishes in that; I am doing best I can. Sorry". I have two daughters. One I would tell no matter what "he" said and one I would not. Because in the latter case it could make trouble for all involved in this fight.

I am so sorry. Fight for him to stay in ICU. As long as these bacteria causing sepsis are kept at bay with antibiotics he has a good chance. But organs can shut down fast with sepsis if antibiotics don't work and I feel his daughter should know. Encourage her not to fly in as he's uncomfortable and there's nothing she can do to help that. Mostly, do it YOUR WAY.
Are you getting rest? Do you go home to sleep? How far from hospital are you?

I personally think that when you are looking at a bleed you can't stop let alone identify and sepsis that a discharge planner showing up is kind of ludicrous, but that's me. I am certain well meaning. I know she doesn't mean "today!"

Yikes. Truly thinking of you so much.

Morning, all.

First, I'm so glad for all I've learned from all of you over the years.

DH got another unit of blood overnight. CT with contrast will be done today to localize whee the bleed is. Hoping that the dye won't damage his kidneys, which are not up to snuff yet, but improving. Still in ICU.

Just talked to the Nurse Manager who came in to discuss discharge. Only because of all of you do I know that THE MINUTE you are admitted to the hospital, Discharge Planning is involved in "next steps."

I know some folks get outraged by this; my DH is still in ICU and you're talking discharge?!?! But it's in CMS regs and that's how it's done. They will refer him to our preferred Acute Rehab facility and we'll see what the Physiatrist says.

Thinking of you, Barb.


Sorry to hear DH is struggling . Not sure what to say about daughter . You don’t want to upset DH , maybe hold off a bit longer and when he’s getting better you can get him to give you permission to tell her that he had a complication but is on the mend. 🤷‍♀️.
Take care of yourself too.

Hospitals.. sigh. Machines that constantly beep, lines to twist & pull, always someone ready to draw more blood out. The bordom of beige furniture.

The Beeps! I dread the next stage of health'care' when the robots will learn to talk.

Maybe for variety & for nostalgia for human staff, a new voice will activate per shift. A sweet friendly kind one, a curt professional one that can spit out facts & list all side effects. Maybe a gruff one.. like a Dr Who Dalek: 'Occluding! Occluding! Straighten your arm. Straighten your leg.

But if he needs to be there, well be there he will.

Thinking of you Barb. Thank goodness sepsis did not take hold.

A hard one indeed re the daughter.
Maybe check in with DH in a quieter moment & ask if a simple text update would be ok. Eg This happened, getting some treatment at X hospital. Expecting to be home (date). I usually go VERY short with Serious, Stable or Doing Well.

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