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Barb I'm sorry. Poor guy. He is going through a bad time. Don't know what to s=say about his dd. ((((((hugs)))) Look after yourself.

Oh no! So sorry to hear it!

Tough call. Her demeanour? Big emotional response type or "Thank you for keeping me in the loop." type? I think I'd tell her if she is the latter, letting her know that he wasn't ready to tell her/worry her, whatever. Maybe tell her he'll call when he feels like discussing the details.

Hugs to you.

Oh d@mn, DH's hemoglobin dropped again. They are giving him another unit of blood. #6.

At his request, I haven't told his daughter (almost 40, 2 littles kids, just married this summer). She knew about the original procedure. She lives a plane trip away. Do I call/email her? I asked yesterday if he wanted to talk to her and he said no.

Lol, they got DH out of bed today to sit in the comfy chair. The poor guy is so uncomfortable and antsy. Still has 5 IVs running, a pulse ox taped to one finger and those annoying inflatable things on his legs. He keeps moving around in the chair and the robot keeps shrieking at him.


You can't make this stuff up.

Barb: Thank you for the update and also your cool new avatar.


So glad that you got your husband to the hospital for help. Prayers sent for a full recovery.

Hugs for you!

He is still in ICU, at least for tonight. They will reevaluate tomorrow about sending him to a stepdown unit.

And then we will talk about rehab.

Alva, they did a regular CT and visualized the bleed yesterday. Apparently, to see if it's still active, they would need contrast. They don't want to use contrast because his kidney are not yet up to snuff from the sepsis and shock. So they are inferring from the fact that they've gotten a reading of 9 for Hemoglobin twice today that the bleed has stopped.

Barb, thanks for update. So are you saying scans are done and they cannot see an active bleed? What is their next step, do you know.
I am flummoxed by the robot and want one to yell at N. just for the fun of it.


I have seen the automated robots in restaurants on television shows. So, I am assuming that Koreans don’t tip the robots! Hahahaha 😝.

I fell in love with robots when I was a child watching The Jetsons cartoons. I wanted a Rosie to clean my room!

I hope your hubby will start to feel better soon and can return home. Have you been able to get any rest?

My new profile picture is of the robot!

My daughter tells me that restaurants Korea use robots as waiters.


That certainly is an interesting use of tech. Does he shout back at it? I bet some people do!

Okay. Thanks for all your concern!

DH has had 5 units of blood. Hemoglobin still isn't stable. Still haven't ruled out an active bleed.

He has a robot watching him! It shouts at him when he tries to get out of bed. Excellent use of tech!

Hoping for a checkin from our Barb soon to see how things are going today.

Thanks for the update, Barb . Yikes. No wonder dh was not feeling well. Prayers that the antibiotics continue to do their job.🙏🙏🙏 Be sure to get some rest, You must be exhausted!

Thanks for the update. Hope you rest well tonight and all the meds are doing their job for DH.

Barb: Hoping that your DH is better soon. Hugs.

Barb, I'm so sorry to hear this. I pray for a successful outcome for your DH.

You've been having such a rough time lately. Hang in there!

Oh Barb, so sorry. Hope DH is doing much better. Prayers are going up.

I'm so sorry, Barb. What a rough time. He's in the right place, thank goodness. I hope things get fixed and hubs stabilizes. 🙏

Barb, continued prayers for you and your dear hubby.

Alva, I'm so touched! Thank you all so much for you good thoughts!


Hoping all goes well for your husband and that both of you are able to relax soon.

Hang in there Barb. I am so sorry this is going on, but so thankful you got into the hospital when you did.
I waited around for your update and will sign out until tomorrow. Know you will be in my heart.

Oh . Geez Barb . Hope he recovers quickly .

Ok, a little update. We are in the Surgical ICU; DH has a large retroperitoneal hematoma and came into the hospital septic this AM.

Infection markers are trending in the tight direction. Waiting to talk to the surgical team. He has had 3 units of blood and is on 2 antibiotics.

Barb 🙏


Me too!

Oh dementia dirty . I’d bet money on it .


Her mom has been driving her crazy. Something has to change. I have a feeling that she’s going to be researching facilities soon.

Her mom used to be very clean and dressed nice. Now, she’s fighting my friend on bathing and washing her hair. Something is off with her mom.

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