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Hi all! I hope you had a GREAT Xmas!

THANK YOU for all your support and good wishes for me. It helped a lot.

True to my word, my screen name changed from So Unhappy to Sooo Happy.

I want to let you know: the judgment already came out (instead of February). I won in court against the bullies in my family. They’re extreme bullies. I can’t tell you more details.

Justice has been served.

glad you popped in a movie and treated yourself !

OK. Felt a big whine moment approaching yesterday.. like the dark blue-black rain cloud I saw. Air all crackling & tense. No good for walking the tenseness out so popped on a favorite movie & treated my 'whine' with wine (sparkling Shiraz) 🍷😊

Today, clear skies & clearer thoughts too.

I am now done with the nonsense. 100% DONE.

I HAD been well stepped back.

I CHOOSE to step in, just this time, (as it was Christmas time) BUT stayed neutral (no push to stay home or transfer to ER). I left that up to the Paramedics.

Literally stepped back in the door after seeing the ambo crew out, to find LO calling for help. Now stuck in bathroom. Had walked in with a walker, somehow closed the door behind but now unable to open the door coming out.

I tried to respond calmly while the calling out to open the door became angrier.

Was very tempted to just quietly leave.. await LO to work it out but I didn't want my actions (or lack of) to cause another fall. I was there (this time) so I opened the door.

I will not even do that again.
I have decided to not visit alone again. Done.

Thanks, Alva.

My husband had some as well and highly treatable, regularly checked and so far all good.
But with Parkinson’s we learned levodopa increases melanin, which in turn increases risks of skin cancer.
I am grateful for good days and then good weeks, months and so on.

Oh, Need, so sorry to hear about this woe for your other brother now.
And to hear of the "spot of bother" on your leg. Those are usually highly treatable, and yeah, sun damage and shows up with age. My bro had SOOOOO many of those, and as he had terribly thin hair and was a sun lover, many on his scalp in latter years. And yeah, he just had to keep after them. Southern California boy, don't you know.
You take care and just keep getting checked as they recommend.

I just read about your cancer. So sorry, but it will be OK.

I bought a wide brimmed cloth hat with a string under my chin that I can tighten . The wind always blows hats off of me .🥺.
I recently had a pre cancerous spot on my cheek that the dermatologist gave me cream to put on for a couple of weeks . Very common these days .

Need: You're welcome.

Thanks, Llama

I appreciate it.

Need: I am sorry about your brother's diagnosis. Hugs.💛


Do bucket hats fit smaller heads better? I may have to look at those.

One of the reasons I watched Downton Abbey was for the fashion! I am predominantly British. Maybe that’s why I am so fond of the way hats look!

I even wondered if I could buy a hat in a larger child’s size. They make children’s fashion so grown up now. A lot of children’s attire is just mini versions of adult styles.

Our children’s clothing was juvenile looking. Not today!

I love hats too! But they mostly always too big for me too 😞.

But I perservere & keep buying them.. last summer bought a casual bucket hat for walks, a smart wide brim for dinner out & a terry cloth retro beach hat. Now I just need to leave the house & go somewhere.. 😆

Where I live, some form of skin cancer being dx before age 70 is now 2 in 3. The fairer you are, the higher your risk. My Doctor told me Gingers have 3 in 3 risk. (But luckily many are very slow growing & very treatable).

My gen used to tan in baby oil too! Or coconut oil. But then we became enlightened. My kids gen were slathered in so much sunscreen they started lacking vitimin D.

Finding a male farmer or other outdoor worker over 70 with both his ears intact here is becoming very rare indeed.

"My brother doesn't go for any holidays, so I have to go" - No you don't 'have to go'. In fact, don't go.


I have a hard time finding hats to fit. They are too big for my head. I happened to find one shopping with my daughter a while ago in Whole Foods of all places. It’s a size small and fits pretty well. They didn’t have an extra small. I don’t know if they make that size.

I wish they had more hats in smaller sizes for women. I try them on and they swallow my head. Other people try them on and they look adorable on them.

It’s a hat for gardening or just being out in the sun.

My husband wears a baseball cap. We take the my daughter’s dog out to the dog park a lot. He always puts his hat on.

My dermatologist said that sun damage is very common on the face.

When I tanned I would lay on my back and my stomach so I exposed all of my skin to sun damage.

Need - Sun damage is what R and his mother have/had. I think it is common among farmers. I encourage him to keep slathering on the sunscreen and to wear a hat to shade his face. His cancers have been on his face mainly - especially on the side that gets the rays when he is driving truck or whatever. He doesn't have to go back for six months now.

I gather for skin health sun burns are to be avoided. As a teen, tanning was the thing to do. I have fair skin and burn easily so I stay out of the sun though I did get a few good sunburns as a kid just from playing outside.

It’s interesting how some of us love the sun and others don’t. When my husband and I were younger and went on picnics in the park. He liked the shade. I liked the sun. I would put the picnic blanket half in the shade and half in the sun.


Thanks. I have spent a lot of time outdoors.

The dermatologist said that my cancer is caused by sun damage to my skin. It is common and that it will most likely recur in other areas of my body.

It’s not supposed to be an aggressive form of cancer and is treatable

Plus, instead of going to the dermatologist for an annual evaluation. I will have to go back more often, she recommended that I go every three months.

I have to admit that I was ignorant in my youth about sun exposure. As a teenager I wanted my tan.

I loved laying out to get a tan. I remember the little old lady next door saying to me, “Honey, you’re going to have wrinkles when you get older if you keep laying out in the sun.” I told her, “I don’t care if I have wrinkles when I am old. I want to look good now!”

Typical teenage girl, right? I was so foolish. My friends and I would fry ourselves with baby oil out in the sun. Plus, I was an avid cyclist. I rode for miles and miles and miles out in the sun without bothering to apply sunscreen.

I did learn to do better. I did apply sunscreen on my kids.

My dermatologist said that we damage our skin when we tan. I am going to be more vigilant about applying sunscreen and wear a hat when I am outside for longer periods of time. I can’t count the times when I got sunburned going to our outdoor jazz festival.

Thank you, Gershun.

I appreciate your kindness and support.

(((((((hugs))))) need. Such news to get so soon after losing your other brother. Hope the Namenda helps him and that your leg cancer is treated easily. R is checked regularly for skin cancers as he has had a few and they have been treated successfully. His mum had them too.

Try to relax and find some peace in this season. You never know what life will bring you.

Need, so sorry about your brother. Also I hope all goes well with the skin cancer. I'm sure it will.

I'll say extra prayers for you tonight.


Uh Oh isn’t any better than Oooooops! 😝

You sound like my mom. She had all of us in less than an hour! All my brothers were born in the same hospital. For some reason my mom went to a different hospital with me.

The doctor went to the same hospital where all my brothers were born. By the time he showed up at the hospital where mom was, the nurse had already delivered me! More proof of nurses doing most of the doctor’s work!

My cousin who is a nurse in anesthesiology, says that they do most of the work. The anesthesiologist shows up at the end and they get paid the big bucks!

Oh no ! Geez , flipping the baby by accident ??
When I was in labor with my first , the nurse came in and I told her I felt like I had to push. She said “No Way , not yet , you haven’t been here that long “.
Then she checked me and said “ Uh Oh !”
I said “ Uh Oh ? What Uh oh ? “. She said “ you are ready to push but don’t because I have to call the doctor ( at home ) to come in “ .
I had the next kid by appt . I had short labors , and little babies just over 6 lbs each .

I couldn’t imagine 14 hours .😬

Thanks, I hope so too.

My husband is a much better patient than I am. He’s Mr. Chill.

I try to be relaxed but I don’t always succeed. Some situations are impossible to be relaxed.

I had an emergency c-section. I was in labor for 14 hours and I was completely miserable.

The doctor finally showed up. The nurses were wonderful! Anyway, he examines me and says, “Ooooops!” I lost it! 😆

I screamed at him, “Why the hell did you say, ‘Oooooops?’ He said, “Well, I accidentally flipped the baby when I was checking the position of the baby. So, now the baby is breech and we are going to have to do an emergency c-section.”

My husband had the nerve to say that I was rude to the doctor. I told my husband that if he was in my situation he would be frazzled too! I had fever, my BP was up, I was ready to have the baby! I gained a ton of weight with my pregnancy. I was horribly uncomfortable!

I hope your brother has good results from his meds.
I hope your treatment is successful as well.

Sorry, Allusedup27.
Holidays can be difficult times for caregivers . (((Hugs)))


Don’t go, if you’re going to be miserable. Or make your visit very brief if you do go.

Dreading going to my mother's house for Christmas. After years of sacrifice of my time, she talked smack about me to everyone. She uses me, then treats me badly. It's not my imagination, my husband sees it too. My brother doesn't go for any holidays, so I have to go. She stabbed my husband and I in the back.


I don’t know why I told you that this wasn’t my brother who had the stroke recently. He has had so many complications, my other brothers too. Being upset earlier, I couldn’t think straight.

Yes. this is the same brother. For some reason I was thinking about my other younger brother who lives near me that had a tumor removed a while back. He’s doing better.

They both have been in and out of the hospital with various issues. Three of my brothers have had major heart surgeries.


I think you are right. He has hired caregivers in the past to help him. He is most likely going to have to do this again.

He really struggled with his cancer treatments. Honestly, his doctors were shocked that he survived. He also has heart disease and suffered a stroke. He isn’t good about following his diabetes diet or heart diet.

He was on a ventilator with Covid but he got Covid before there was even a vaccine. D.C. was one of the hot spots for Covid.

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