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Need, that's hard news about your brother... I'm so sorry. A cousin I was close to was diagnosed at 68. That was a few years ago and she's in hospice but never got meds for her ALZ.

You've been on this forum for some time now so you know that it's critical he gets his legal ducks in a row. His Will is not the priority, although I'm sure it seems that way to him right now. Along with your loving support, you're in an excellent position to provide really useful guidance to him.

He may need a system or person to help him remember to take his meds so he gets the most out of it. I tried doing this over the phone with my MIL (she lived 6 miles away), but even talking her through the steps on the phone I discovered it wasn't effective: I'd get to her house only to find the meds scattered on her dining room table. She was telling me she took them but hadn't. So, encourage him to set up a fool-proof system for taking his meds.

May you gain peace in your heart over this news, and your skin cancer.

I hope that meds will help him, Evamar.

So sorry. Hopefully right meds will keep him well.
Friends Mom lives fairly good life with Alzheimer for close to 20 years. And she is in her late 80s, still does everything except for using oven, stove.

Thanks, Barb.

I didn’t exactly know what to say to him when I spoke with him earlier. He was trying to sort through his emotions and I didn’t want to pressure him into any decisions at that particular moment.

He’s only 62 years old. My godmother got Alzheimer’s disease much later in her life. Is it worse if a person gets it younger?

It’s been rough for him for a while now. Cancer has been in remission. He has struggled with heart disease. He is participating in the study at NYU for long term Covid.

Plus, we are all grieving the loss of our older brother who died recently.

I went to the dermatologist earlier in the month to have her look at some moles that I was concerned about. The moles are fine but she found something on the back of my calf that she sent off for a biopsy. My doctor called just before my brother did saying it is cancer.

My dermatologist said that it is treatable and will discuss my treatment options early next month. It has been an upsetting day for me.

I keep thinking about my godmother who had Alzheimer’s disease. When her Alzheimer’s disease progressed she didn’t even know who I was when I went to see her in her nursing home. I can’t stand thinking about my brother becoming like that.

He came in town for our brother’s celebration of life. I haven’t been to D.C. recently. I used to visit him more when he was living in Manhattan because I love NY. We have a lot of wonderful memories together from when he lived in NY.

Thanks, Pam.

I appreciate your kind words.

Oh, Need! Such sad news!

Would he consider you or your DH, or maybe one of your daughters POA?

Need I am so very sorry. And at the holidays as well, not that there is ever a good time for bad news. My prayers and thoughts are with you both

Way, Thanks.

No, different brother. I know that he was looking at facilities in D.C. He loves NY too. He has many friends in both NY and D.C.

I’m bummed. 🙁 I don’t know anything about the drug they prescribed for him. I am not up for reading about it at the moment. I think I am going to take a walk. I need to get some fresh air for a bit and let this news sink in.

I feel like I am going to start crying. I just lost my older brother and I am sure that is making this news so much harder for me to deal with. It’s been a tough holiday season for me.

Thanks, sp.

I’ll talk later about it. I am going out for a bit.

Need that is sad news about your brother. The only bright spot in it all is that he has the finances and resources to make sure he gets proper care and treatment in a facility when he needs to and that he is making arrangements now and getting all his ducks in a row.

It is true you never know what life is going to throw at us. That is why I try and be grateful for all the simple and boring day to day things because tomorrow who knows that storms could be just on the horizon.

so sorry to hear about your brother . Would he be looking to move closer to you or stay in D.C?
Is this the same brother that had a stroke not too long ago ?

Just got off the phone with my younger brother in D.C. He has been having memory issues for a while now.

He’s has been through quite a lot regarding his health, colon cancer, heart surgeries, long covid, diabetes, etc.

Anyway, his doctor has diagnosed him with Alzheimer’s disease and has prescribed a drug called Namenda. I certainly hope that it will help him.

He’s single. Never married. I don’t get to see him as often as I would like. He moved to NY right after graduating college and then to D.C. We talk on the phone all the time.

His doctor told him to start bringing someone with him to his doctor’s appointments. Apparently, they prescribed these meds for him earlier and he said that he didn’t remember it.

His doctor asked him to stop driving because he has started getting lost. In fact, the doctor doesn’t want him to travel anymore.

I asked him if he had assigned anyone to be his medical power of attorney. He said that he hadn’t but needs to do so.

One thing that we share is a passion for cooking. He’s a wonderful cook. I am concerned about how he will be.

He had to take a leave of absence from his work. He worked insane hours as an investment banker. He isn’t going to be able to work anymore, which I know hurts him.

He has started researching assisted living and memory care facilities. He owns many properties all over the world so he can sell them and live in a nice facility when that time comes.

I was so hoping that he would not receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

We never know what is in store for our future. He has travelled all over the world. His life is going to change drastically. I’m very sad for him and have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach right now. 😞

He is looking over his will. He is thinking about what charities that he wants to leave the bulk of his money to.

insurance issue fixed!! only 2 phone calls, seems medicare still had hopkins as his primary ( but mine was fine) s they adjusted it to them as primary. Now what will be next??

Dads doing OK in the new facility. I am 7 hours away and my sibling is 5 hours away. His sister is close, and she visits every 2 weeks. Sibling goes once a month. Aunt called because his phone was not working. My sibling handles the phone, I do everything else. Trying to tech support it from here was a nightmare. Her trying to manage his PC I set up was just as bad. Anyway, called the sibling and she just as normal yelled at me. So, I just let her go and put the ball in her court. Anyone else call a sibling and always get yelled at or just me?
Frustrating because I took care of him for 10 years on my own in my house but as usual, I am always wrong.
I try to avoid her as anytime I call it is never good enough, I have never treated her bad in my lifetime, she has always lorded over me. I figured when mom died, she would be a little nicer, when my brother died, she just yelled at me Infront of everyone at the funeral.
I have had to manage all dads finance, placement, funding his final expenses, manage his monthly expenses deal with the social services and people at the home and take the calls when he falls. She pops in and brings snacks to him. I thought my BP would lower when he went to a NH but still the same. Will see what kind of cheap refurbished phone she gets him this time. She complains that she has to pay for it. I keep my mouth shut that dad could buy one but Ill let her deal with it since I will be wrong anyway. The last time she bought him a cheap phone was a flip phone which mysteriously got lost at the hospital when he was with her for a few weeks and he had to go back to his old i phone he was used to. Trying to explain it is too old but what do I know.
Dealing with family sucks.

Barb: Isn't it Kareem Abdul Jabbar who is in the recent TV ad where he states something akin to "I have A-Fib; wasn't feeling well, but I tried to let it. - pass?"

pamz: Okay. That is crazy, right?


I love watching people do Tai Chi. I remember seeing a group of people doing Tai Chi in Golden Gate Park and watching how fluid and beautiful the movements were.

San Francisco is a beautiful city. I have always enjoyed visiting your area.

Barb, all nurses and PT folk know this. Old people WILL FALL. I have written over and over about balance, balance exercises (can help A BIT) and how the deterioration with age of the lower balance centers WILL happen. There will be falls. No matter what, there will be falls. It is a part of aging. All I can say to anyone of an age is try to do balance exercises, Tai Chi if you love it. Anything to try to keep that lower brain centered. Watch any 20 year old stand on one leg like a stork. Try it yourself it you are 70 or over. And a clear understanding will dawn.

Proof positive that older folks falls, no matter what!

That old insurance thing.
I always hear the young complaining of cost of insurance and how they can't afford the monthly cost.
I wonder how many know that we seniors also pay. That Medicare for me is about 175.00 a month and supplemental (Kaiser) is about 98.00 a month, bringing the fee for monthly insurance for myself to close to 300.00 a month. Add to that there are copays, and etc.

I have heard young people say "But you don't understand because you are on medicare now and don't pay for insurance. " Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm what ARE they thinking.

That said, and I know I am saying something controversial as "Wear you mask" , but I love Kaiser. And what do I love most? No bills, no checking on who will pay or IF they will pay. No record keeping. One and done. I see their docs in their system (unless they send me somewhere else at their cost which HAS happened) and that's that. Easy peasy.

Who out there is happy with their insurance? My bro was well treated with his United Health Care but it WAS pricey.

Yep Llama he sure does, and they have that information. They just keep reverting to the old insurance for some reason.. LOL Some one is asleep at the wheel in that office!

pamz: Just wondering why your dh received a bill or does he not have Medicare Supplemental Insurance?


so much for having free time in retirement . You have a new job now .

The drs offices are still sending our bills to my old employers insurance plan, even though they have our new insurance info. So Mon I have to call AGAIN to get the bill sent to the correct place! I now just get these huge bills and laugh,, it is what it is, but I hope it ends soon! Hubs just had his first medicare check up, should be covered 100%,, we get a dang bill for over 400, and for his blood work. I thought retiring would be easier than this,, LOL but nothing has gone smoothly so far. But on the plus side my insurance gal did get my prescription bill plan down to .47 cents a month ( that is not a typo) due to some mixup at my old insurance not cancelling me in time.. so its all good, just time consuming


I can’t count the times that I have burned myself in the kitchen! 😆

Your quick bread sounds amazing!

My hats off to all bread makers or any pastry chefs. I have only baked the bread with yeast once in my life! It’s a lot of work. I do like to bake quick breads which are really more like cake! Quick, easy and yummy.

I have always been captivated by chocolatiers. What a dream job that would be! I would love to make decadent chocolate candies all day and own a chocolate shop!

I was wondering about Golden & Bundle of Joy. Sending kind thoughts.

I am so very grateful to be able to type here ☺️. Sometimes I do wonder what 'label' I'd be slapped without it 😆

Yes, I have missed you Golden.

golden: Hello! Good to see you posting.💛

Was making some cinnamon swirl quick bread to test the recipe before making it for the neighbors and I burned my arm on the oven. Ouch. The good news is the quick bread tastes yummy. Not burn worthy yummy (nothing would be). But really good. It tastes like a cinnamon bun in bread form.


Yep! We all google everything.

The trick is to verify what we google. Lots of good info online and lots of crappy information too.

Need and Drosie, I think many of our elders were taught to respect certain professions and not question their judgement. So perhaps they are more comfortable with authoritarianism. We do use Google as a search engine but investigate our sources for bias and credibility. I think that’s a skill the next generation will hone, as they were born navigating the internet. Hopefully they won’t fall prey to misinformation, Because, you know, if it’s on the Internet, it must be true. 🙄 The differences between information, sponsored content, and advertising.

Perhaps AI will contribute to governmental decisions. Might be better than rule by a greedy narcissist surrounded by sycophants.


Siri, Google and Alexa! Take your pick. 😝

I agree that many people have lost the ability to think for themselves.

As to your statement about Siri running our country, hmmmmm…I doubt that Siri would do a worse job than we already have, considering the choices that are available! 😆

Wait, did I say that we have a choice? Nah…we don’t really have viable choices. We just have to go with what we feel are the lesser of the two evils!

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