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I wonder if the same thing is happening with Ozempic. Everyone is taking a diabetes drug for weight loss!

Adderall is considered to be a controlled substance since it is a stimulant. So, it’s a pain in the butt to switch to a new pharmacy. The doctor has to call in the prescription to the pharmacy.

She found one pharmacy that said they had it in stock. By the time her doctor got the message the pharmacy ran out of the drug.

Thanks for prayers and support during my rant of a week. We finally got heat. Have insurance now also.

Doesn't it frighten you all that people aren't taught to think critically to solve problems. I guess they've relied too long on "Siri". I'm suspicious that pretty soon "Siri" will be running the country.


Sorry to hear that . When my daughter was in college she told me that the kids with ADHD used to share their pills with friends who didn’t have ADHD . It would help them to stay up all night to study .
Your daughter needs to go back to campus to find it.

My youngest daughter has ADHD. She just called me and said that she has called 15 pharmacies in New Orleans to fill her Adderall prescription. Apparently, there is a shortage.

Grrrrrrr…she’s stressing out.

Re: adjusting in relationship.
I had to convince my husband when we started living together 20 years ago his shirts from 80s were no longer in fashion. He wanted bigger closet!
Well, women have skirts, dresses and pants, men only have pants!


I have faith that you and R will work through it all. Same with your daughter, I am sure it is a time of adjustment for all of you.

It’s obvious that you love your daughter and have always been supportive of her. She knows that you love her.

I am glad that your daughter’s BPD is manageable. It is still going to be challenging for her at times, as well as you and R.

Hopefully, she will sort things out and see that you deserve to live where you choose to be. Your life is with R now and she will have to accept that you can’t see her in person as much as before.

It’s hard to be further away from your daughter but you can still remain in contact with her. There’s nothing wrong with taking a breather from time to time.

I hope that she will take the time to process the text message and realize the reality of this situation.

Nice to hear from you Golden. Always enjoyed reading your posts. Happy Holidays.

eva and need - Thanks. I am here and reading. Just posted a long one on my "adjusting" thread.

The adjusting also applies to me adjusting to my new situation. I am not missing my old home or city - the adjusting is in the relationships. R and I are working it out. He has lived here by himself for well over a year and I have moved in and am making things mine, both of which are not easy for either of us in some respects. But overall it seems to be going well and we are enjoying seeing more of one another.

The biggest problem is with my dd who suffers from BPD (although well treated) and for whom abandonment is a trigger. Me moving away has changed things considerably. That combined with my aging and the distance from the city where she visits her kids and will eventually move to means we can no longer have the frequent in person contact we had. Our "rituals" have been upset. She blew at me through a text and I am keeping my distance. There's more and it's complicated but I am still thinking it through. I will come to you all for advice/ideas in a while.

Take care all - remember one of your biggest jobs is caring for yourself. 😊

Alva - I'll be the third horseman riding a black horse -"Let caregivers look after themselves".


You know that I adore your wicked sense of humor! 😆

Your holiday cards sounds cute. My grandpa, who was a thin man his whole life but larger than life to me had a beautiful black lab. He had a fabulous sense of humor. He named his lab, Snow! 😝


She was busy with work, so I suppose she didn’t have much time to post any longer.

What happened to Bundle of Joy?

Dog yes, snowflakes no!
Although it looks pretty driving at night with display of lights everywhere.
I wish more caregivers took better care of themselves and stop feeling guilty!

Going for HUMOR in this post.
(Reminds me of "This program contains ____________and may be triggering to some. Watch with care).

I can already see cwillie mounting up to ride in and SMACK me up side of my head (which I occasionally NEED). Because my loud whine is STILL that our OPs so seldom return to update us, comment on our comments, tell us what worked or what didn't, and update us in general regarding their often long and desperate posts.
And wow, do I love it when they DO.
So many of them are dealing with some dire situations, and their sticking around (I know, like they have the TIME, right?) to answer our OPs would be such a help.
And I THINK about them. I actually CARE about (some of) them.

I kind of remind myself of Sounhappy saying "Let Justice Prevail".
I can be the 2nd Horseman of the Apocalypse saying "Let our OPs Respond".
Anyone up for third horseman with some nifty short lament?

On that note, out to you all, I hope the holidays are going well, or at least OK. I always have to just hang in there until real life reappears. I DO love the lights!

I admire all you regulars so much. I think this is just the BEST community.
Please all take care and stay well.
My real Christmas card has a black dog drawn, standing looking up with wonder at the falling flakes.
Can't get him transposed here.


Me too. I miss seeing Golden’s posts. She is one of my very favorite posters! She has always given me wise advice and is a lovely person.

I posted a few jokes on the joke thread in honor of Bundle of Joy! Bundle kept us laughing with her wonderful sense of humor!

How about Golden?
I hope her move went well.


Have not seen Bundle of Joy in a while. Miss her jokes!

Need, I'm not having any tech problems.

On another topic:

Has anyone heard from Bundle of Joy?

Is anyone else having to repeatedly sign into AgingCare? I log on and keep getting signed out and then have to sign back in.

Ali, Thanks for your reply. It’s sad my mother had to be like that during what might be my daughter and grandkids last visit to see their grandparents. But that’s on her. I was very proud of my grandkids. They are 17 and 15 and they actually carried the conversation with stories about car restoring and ballet classes and their future plans. It was a nice visit aside from my mothers complaining.

I really try hard to hold onto the good stuff but find it hard sometimes.


It’s true the grandparents can push away the grandkids with their behaviors. My adult kids do not visit my mother in law because she grills them about their lives and criticizes and lectures them . She is wanting great grandchildren now. My kids would very much prefer if she was not interested in their lives .

Hot... your situation with your mom sounds familiar to me.

My bro's kids have rarely been in the same room with my maternal GM except for a few hours during family get-togethers. GM is often bossy and cranky when they're around and shows zero interest in their lives or getting to know them. They're all young adults now, and maybe she'll have a great-grand in the next couple of years, but there's no relationship there because why would there be..? They know her as someone who is mostly standoffish and sometimes mean.

You'd think grandparents and great-grandparents would want to "act nice" during visits for the younger gen's sake they don't see very often, but it's like some of them can't help their cranky, self-absorbed ways.

I'm sorry. I've seen how hurt my mom and aunt have been because of my GM's demands and angry remarks, which are always directed at them because they're the closest, easiest, and most familiar targets.

The eternal question for NPD types: "Why can't you be nice...?" lol It's beyond them, I guess. (((Hugs)))


Despite being sick, I finished a good part of my school work for this week, and my chest congestion is down from yesterday and is a less ominous color. Grateful.


Hot and sour soup is wonderful! I like it very spicy!

Feel better soon.

Ali, I agree with you. Hot & sour is awesome for rounding em up and kicking em out. The hotter the better IMO.

Feel better soon. What a lovely friend to show you love and support in such a useful way.

Ali, I hope you feel better soon.

A good friend sent me $100 to order delivery meals for myself. I don't need the money or the meals delivered, but it's awfully nice of him. I ordered two large hot n sour soups, which are superior to chicken soup imho when one is down sick.

Thanks for helping keep me sane right now, all. Thanks, Send. I've ticked most of those items. A couple of hot baths a day, or at least one, sounds helpful and comforting. I put mag salt and a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the water. 🙏

Clean out that humidifier-it is only clean for about two days.
You can feel the slime, use vinegar, rinse well.
You are using distilled water only.
For hot steam, take a shower.

Wipe surfaces and door handles with Clorox Wipes.
Stay home. Don't go out.
Use a little Mentholatum under your nose, and on your lips (or Vicks Vaporub).
Use a Manuka Honey cough drop (with Zinc would be good).

When taking Vit C, if you skip or stop, you do get cold symptoms.

Have some chicken noodle soup, okay?

Disclaimer: My advice in no way means you should not be seeing a doctor.
When the phlegm gets colored (a bit yellow?) see the doctor two days before that happens. Go to Urgent Care.

Hothouse ,

I too defended the staff by NOT always running to admin . I only fought the important battles. My mother was nasty to the staff. If she got some comments back I figured she deserved it . Next time Mom tries to guilt you , you tell her “ I didn’t make you old , I can’t fix old” . This is what I resorted to and it would render Mom speechless .

As far as Mom threatening to not ask for anything . “ Fine Mom, have it your way “. My Mom pulled that too , to try to make me do everything .
My mother never said please or thank you her whole life either.

When she’s like that change the subject or cut visit short. “ Sorry mom, have errands to do “.

Wish my mother could be nicer. Yesterday she told me that one of the staff told her to say please if she wants something. She was all upset about it and told my she will never ask for anything ever again. I suppose that was to make me feel guilty for placing her in this facility .

In a normal situation a daughter would get upset and run to complain to the NH admin about it. But knowing my mother as I do I lay the blame at her feet. She is a nasty person. Therefore I’m not doing anything about this.

This little tirade happened during a visit with my daughter and grandkids, who traveled 3000 miles to visit their grands.

I might add that there she rarely said please about anything to me when I was a kid, only issued demands. I guess the aide got insulted and miffed. I can’t say I blame her. She doesn’t get paid enough to eat s***t.

Im sure the fam are wanting to come back again real soon for a repeat performance .

I can’t stand her.

Thanks for all of your support and prayers; I so appreciate it. 💙

Way, my bedroom humidifier has been running 24/7 for the past few days. It's a cool mist type, and I hope it's effective enough. Those types don't seem as effective to me as the "warm steam" kind.

And thanks, all, for humoring this next late-night study-break slightly delirious thought here... lol

But really! I have to say that I have a new understanding and appreciation of why expectorants are so helpful in OTC meds! lol I never gave them much thought before when they came in a packaged med like Tylenol Cold and Flu liquid or some formula like that. The special feature of this latest sick is definitely the phlegm furballs I'm coughing up! lol Thank the lord for expectorant!

I found out on Friday that a coworker had this same funk two weeks ago. And now I think I gave it to my roommate because he's feeling lousy. Seems it's very contagious. I've never lost my sense of smell before, and it's completely gone... which is creepy. I can't smell perfume, scented candles... nothing. I can still taste things.

I'm going to wear a facemask as much as I can when out or at work for the rest of the winter. It's not just about preventing catching something; masks make the air I breathe in more warm and humid, too. I remember reading a study done in a hospital that examined environmental factors that contributed to illness spread, and they found dry air was the top factor.

That sounds so frustrating. I understand and I've had similar weeks! I also think the complete reliance on tech hasn't made things better in many ways. I hope you were able to get some heat in your home. (((Hugs)))

Talk about bad timing. Pls take care of yourself. I'm responding to your request for prayer and praying for your full and very quick recovery! (((Hugs)))

Prayers for your husband's recovery too! My man doesn't handle being sick well either. It seems like most of them don't.

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