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Ali: Prayers sent.

Ali, speedy recovery! Start now! 😁🤗


I hope your problem is resolved soon!

My whine moment has been more like a whine week. Why can't the younger generation think beyond the end of their noses? They can't function without a computer or cell phone, and it seems the "system" is always going down.

After calling at 8 AM when our thermostat wouldn't turn on. After being assured someone would be out between noon and 4 PM. The unit is only 3-4 months old! Of course I questioned if they could come earlier after telling them we were senior citizens and we couldn't get warm. Of course they couldn't because they had the repair people booked out all day.

I called at 4:30 PM when no one came. I was told "the System is down". I asked what the gentleman meant. He repeated "our System is down". I asked what they did in an emergancy? He told me "we don't have anyone on site right now". I asked again what he meant. He repeated the same phrase. It seems they cease to be able to function without the computer! They sent everyone home!

Evidently, as soon as the "system goes down" they cease to work entirely! I've never heard of this in my 74 years! I advised the young man I would appreciate being the first in line in the morning, that I was angry and found all his answers unacceptable. I had an appointment and didn't have time to listen to more excuses and left.

My husband, even having Alzheimer's, was able to locate the business card of the supervisor who lead the team that initially installed the unit. He assured my husband there would be someone out within 30 minutes. It streatched into an hour later after I got home. I got on the phone, again speaking to the young woman I had spoken to earlier. She assured me the "system" was back up, apologized for the inconvenience.

I couldn't contain myself any longer. I asked her, "what did you do in the olden days before the advent of computers and cell phones"? She responded, "I don't know madam, I'm only 32"! I then asked to speak with her supervisor after asking if he/she were over 50. She informed me she didn't know if the supervisor was over 50 but was in a meeting. I could only hope the meeting was due to the "system" and their dealing with it wasn't acceptable. I called back and politely and informed her the supervisor hadn't called back and asked her to relay this information. "In the olden days we worked with a rotary phone or a touchtone phone, pens, paper and 'walkie-talkie'". " I'll pass that on", she replied. I doubted she had a clue what I was informing her of how things used to be done.

During all of this I was also securing vehicle insurance after finding out after 5 months the previous company cancelled us. Why? It seems when I offered to pay for a full year, when they entered the trransaction to my bank, it didn't go through. I knew they had to have entered a wrong routing number and never bothered to try again. We how have insurance and was assured I would not be told that after payment was made and then ask for more money as the previous company had.

I fear for these people are the ones going to be running businesses as well as the country. I can only say "I'm glad I won't be around to see what happens. My never-ending aches and pains won't be bothering me any longer".

8AM the following morning, nobody was at my house. I waited until 10 AM, and proceeded to call. This time I heard the ever resoning sound "our system is still down". This time it was a young woman. Explaining again this was the 2nd day and the 3rd call, that I was hearing that excuse.


Sounds miserable! Hopefully, you have been through the worst of it and you’ll start feeling better soon.

Hugs! You need your energy to finish up your studies.

Take care . Plenty of fluids and rest when you can . Humidifier in bedroom .

I need a little support here, please

I was whining on this thread about my cold-turned-sinus infection that dragged on for several weeks and only ended about 10 days ago. On Monday, I had a long day at work and by the time I left, I knew I was sick. My throat was so dry and painful. I can't take the dry indoor air this time of year, and it's common enough for me to get sick.

But I'm pretty sure I have covid, and I've had it since Tuesday. I took two home tests which were both negative, but I have no sense of smell. Besides being so tired and needing a lot of rest, I started a double master's course load this week. I still think I can do it, but this was a heck of a way to start the term.

I've taken Ethics before, so that class will be review for me. I can take a leave of absence from my job if I have to. I want to and can do this schoolwork.

But I better get over this sicky business fast. I had my flu and covid boosters about two months ago. I hope this goes fast. If you're a praying type, please offer up a few requests on my behalf.

I sure hope this is the worst of it. Everything in life gets put aside when you're this sick. And I've been back-to-back with several things all this Fall.

I'm taking 2-3k vit C per day. Just hoping so much this will run its course in a few days. Thanks for support and prayers. I need to turn a corner on this ASAP, and I'm fearful that being sick already so much, my body is just getting whomped. Boo. :(

Need ,

He couldn’t even see anything . That’s the thing . He faints just at the thought of blood .


Oh gosh! Yeah, some men do pass out. Too funny!


DH fainted in the delivery room with our first before I even delivered . For the second they had me in a birthing room . I made DH sit in a chair in the back corner of the room behind my head and ordered him to not get up or to pass out this time. The nurse chuckled .


I hope your DH feels better soon. Don’t you find women tolerate not feeling well better than most men? I can’t imagine how they would handle pregnancy and giving birth! 😆 LOL


You’re right. Personally, I don’t believe anyone who claims that they heard directly from God. I certainly don’t believe someone who is claiming to be God.

Lots of people out there with mental illness who are totally delusional!

Unreasonable requests from FIL in AL ….Nope !!

DH is sick , bad cold , Covid who knows yet . He is the worst with a man cold .

But Need, would we believe HIM if he returned?
I can't imagine we would. We can't agree on anything, let alone who might be God.

I watched a few documentaries on HBO MAX last night. Stayed up too late and now I am dragging.

I watched the crazy documentary on the cult in Crestone, Colorado. It’s a very remote area that attracts ‘new age’ types. This woman and her followers thought that she was God!

She claimed to be reincarnated many times. Very bizarre story, she died young, age 45. Her cult followers took care of her since she refused to go to the hospital for care.

YES, Need.

I’m watching the documentary, ‘Let Us Prey” on Max. It’s four episodes and presents the facts from the victims perspective.

It’s incredibly disturbing to see women and children were being preyed upon by monsters. Blaming the victims is disgusting.

As sounhappy has said about her situation frequently, “Let justice prevail.” No one has the right to take away someone’s dignity and self worth. Justice gives a person their self worth back to them.

soun: You're very welcome.


soun: Hang in there.

Hanging in there.

Hang in there, Soun

Sending hugs your way!

You already know what I’m going to say, but I have to say it again.

Let justice prevail.

You’re so right, ITRR! Cell phones can be sort of like an electronic leash! A blessing at times and other times a curse, right?

We rely on our cell phones for everything! I have a funny story to tell about my experience with my cell yesterday while out running errands.

I was in Walgreens buying my usual stuff. I had to use the restroom and I had my cell phone in my hand because I had been looking at reviews for certain products.

I placed my phone down on the back of the toilet instead of putting it back in my purse. I had three cups of coffee and really had to pee! LOL 😆

I was walking to the car and realized that my purse was lighter than it usually is and thought to myself that I must have forgotten to put the phone back in my purse.

So, I ran back to the bathroom to look for my phone. Some people turn lost items in, others don’t. I was relieved to find my phone in the bathroom.

Our entire lives are on our phones! I no longer have an address book with people’s phone numbers and it would be disastrous to lose my phone. Plus, all of our banking accounts, doctor’s portals, photos, etc. are on our phones.

All of this reminiscing about rotary phones and I found one in my closet this weekend. I was shocked it was still around.

Nope! Didn't throw it out, keeping it to prove to the youngest generation that phones used to stay home when we left. Such a missed part of life, I dislike the connectedness that everyone thinks should be.

OMlands, I was almost reported missing because I turned ALL of the tech off for Thanksgiving weekend. Who would have thought that not being instantly available would be a problem. We enjoyed it so much, it's going to be a new tradition.


Thanks for catching my typo! Should have read one BATHROOM! Not bedroom.

I didn’t have my own bedroom. We shared bedrooms. Three bedrooms and one bath.

My parents had a bedroom and we shared ours. We had bunk beds.

Ha, we had our wall mounted rotary dial phones well into the 90's. I still miss the ease of answering and sound clarity, although with the change to 10 digit numbers calling out would sure be a p.i.t.a.


Only one bedroom for the entire family ?
Or one for your parents and another one for all the kids ?


We had one phone placed in our hallway when I was growing up. Yes, it was a black rotary phone. One of my friend’s had a pink phone in her bedroom that was a more fancy style called a princess phone. I wanted one so badly!

One television in the living room. It wasn’t common for everyone to have televisions or phones in the bedrooms.

Oh, we only had one bedroom in our house, no dishwasher, no garbage disposal, no clothes dryer. Times were simpler then. No air conditioning until much later. My school or church wasn’t air conditioned either.

Those rotary phones were in the U.S. too. My grandson found one when we cleaned out in-laws home and he thought you pushed the numbers inside the holes. It wasn't obvious to him that you were supposed to twist the plastic thingy to dial. When I showed him he scrunched up his nose and said that's stupid.

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