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My son doesn't know how to write a cheque - he's only ever known contactless cards. Also he has no idea how to dial those old rotary style landline phones - was that a UK only thing or did the US have them as well?


Oh my gosh! LOL 😆

Live and learn, right?

When I cooked my first turkey I didn’t know to take out the paper that held all of the gizzards and stuff! LOL 😆


I can believe it! They have no idea what it was like back in the day. They have never lived in a world without modern technology!

I'm probably more connected to the past than a lot of people my age because I grew up rural and had grandparents that only got indoor plumbing in my early childhood - they didn't have a furnace either but a fuel oil space heater in the tiny living room (I loved sitting beside that thing when it cranked out the heat!)

I have a reverse type of story . About how kids don’t know what things were like .
When my son was in college he filled the ice cube trays to make ice. My son’s roommate then asked him “ how do you get the ice cubes out? “
The kid never saw anyone twist the plastic . He always had an ice maker at his house .
That kid is now a mechanical engineer Lol.

NeedHelp, your story about the microwave oven made me smile. Years ago when I was a penniless starving student, I treated myself to a bag of croissants to take home after a long day in college. I popped them in the brand new microwave when I got home and gave them TEN MINUTES on FULL POWER while I went upstairs to unpack my lecture notes. When I went back to the kitchen it was black with smoke and the plate of croissants had turned into what looked like a massive lump of coal. I had a lot of cleaning and explaining to do and went hungry that night.


Congrats on owning a ‘big girl’ phone! You’ll figure it out.

What’s the funniest tech incident that you remember?

I can tell you a funny story about my grandmother.

My dad approached me about helping him select a microwave for my mom. This was many years ago when they first came onto the market for home use.

I helped my father pick one out to give to my mom for Mother’s Day.

I signed my mother up for cooking classes that a home economist gave on microwave cooking.

Mom enjoyed using it to heat up food, cook frozen vegetables and a few other things.

My husband said to me, “Let’s bring some popcorn over to your mom’s house so we can show her that she can make popcorn in her new microwave.” I told him that was a good idea!

My grandmother was sitting at the kitchen table and saw my husband place the paper popcorn bag in the microwave oven.

Grandma got all excited and said to my husband, “Stop! You can’t place a paper bag in an oven. It will burn up!”

Everyone giggled at her remark and we explained to her that paper packaging could go inside of a microwave. She said, “How about that?!”

I often think about what our ancestors would think if they saw the technology that we have today!

They would be amazed seeing smart phones, smart televisions, Ring Doorbells, computer chips in our pets, GPS in our cars and all of the many other conveniences that we have today.

I have my grandmother’s sewing machine that she bought from a door to door salesman! I do have a modern sewing machine now that I use. Hers still operates perfectly well though.

I still marvel at the medical advances that we have today since my grandparents time!

Exact same here!!! Computer and printer not finding each other again! Just solved this last week. So much time wasted trying to solve the newest technology problem of the day. Almost every day it's something on one device or another!

Wow, Sounhappy, you have the goal in sight now. February. Holding good thoughts here, all of us, for success. Glad that the end of this uncertainty is in coming soon.

Pam, I hear all the good new ALFs have tech support "consierges" to help seniors with their devices. THAT at least is an incentive for BOTH partner and myself! We spend an unbelievable amount of time just trying to get stuff to "work". Our last one half day adventure involved getting a printer to work on my laptop. Finally did it and were so happy. Lasted all of a couple of weeks and now is my laptop is claiming it is NOT connected to any printer at all.
Geaton makes the point that we MUST all stay as tech savvy as we can, and I pride myself on finally moving from my little jitterbug flip phone to "a big girl phone", albeit an android smartphone3 (love it and it's actually easier than the flip). But now all my photos want to go to google instead of my microsoft onedrive collection, and I am once again flummoxed.
It is truly difficult to deal with the 21st century!

You’ll know it, because I’ll change my screen name from So Unhappy
to So Happy.

soun: Wishing you the best court decision in February.



We’re hoping for the best outcome for you!

Court decision in February. Let’s do this.


You have a good man! Please thank him for the recipe that he shared with me!

Pam ,
Keep him!! He cooks and he’s tech support !!

Whoo HOo!! Hubs got it to boot up! Maybe I have a few more months!! I hate trying to do things on my kindle or phone.. too dang small!

Sounds like a good plan, Soun!

Well my laptop seems to have passed on so I guess I'll be getting a Christmas present if I'm gone for a few days that is why!

I solemnly swear to get rid of all people from my life, who are bad for me. Let’s see how much better my life gets.

The Sinus Blaster is sprayed in the throat, not your nostrils.

If Colloidal Silver has worked in the past for you, and you are out, can you buy some more?

This time there were Santa Ana winds, my dH did not get a sinus infection because he used the oregano oil as a preventative. I nagged him daily.
You put a drop on your palms, rub it, and hold your palms over your nose and mouth, breathing it in. His chiropractor recommended it. We us a good quality source, one source is Doterra.

If you ever had issues because of mold, continue seeing your doctor, and making a plan for prevention, long-term.


You sound confident in your decision.

You’re on your way to reaching your goals. I am happy for you.

Some people may not understand but others will learn from your example.

Thanks because your right, what people think shouldn't matter and I know I made the right choice under the circumstances.


Yeah, that happens and it’s unfortunate that people don’t understand.

I will say that you don’t need anyone else’s approval to have validation that you are doing what is best.

Validation from within is the only thing needed to lift your angst and find peace of mind.

My whine moment is sometimes we make choices in the best interst of our well-being and other people misunderstand.

Gotcha, Dr. Alva! Hahaha 😆.

My youngest daughter considered becoming an anesthesiologist for a while.

She started taking college classes while she was still in high school and spent some time participating with a program in the hospital. She received her credits and enjoyed it.

An anesthesiologist invited her to view his work. She found it interesting enough that she enrolled in university classes geared towards her goal.

Well, then she decided that she preferred biomedical engineering and took different classes. Then she said that she really loved math and became a business major!

We told her, ‘Just pick something and graduate!’ 🤣

My cousin is a nurse anesthetist and always says that the nurses do all of the work while many of the doctors are arrogant and collect the big bucks!

Several of my daughter’s friends graduated with nursing degrees and were struggling horribly because they got caught up in working very long hours during Covid. I felt horrible for them.

Well, Need, my surgery was unplanned; I had intended only to pull the cut portion of the nail out. Apparently it was still too well attached up high under the top of the nail's skin. Quite the bloody mess, but sure did take care of that nail for a WHILE.
Anyone needing appointments--I am booked through the holidays!


Pulling a nail off with needle nose pliers? Ouch! You have more guts than I do. Hey, I suppose that is one way to handle it. 😝

I just got home from my check up. Blood pressure is good. Got my flu shot while there. I have to go to the pharmacy to get the newest Covid vaccine and the RSV vaccine. Scheduled my bone density test for next month.

Our bodies require more maintenance as we age!

I have a few moles that need to be checked and I was hoping to get an appointment before the end of the year due to my deductible. I have had moles zapped off before, it’s quick and painless.

The dermatologist is booked solid until January, so as of now I have a tentative appointment for January and they have me on a wait list in case they have any cancellations.

I giggled while I was on hold, listening to the recording of all of the cosmetic services that dermatologists provide! Such a big business these days, it’s no longer just about moles and other skin issues.

My "whine of the day" (other than elevated BP, ingrown toenail and etc) is the rapidity with which some problems we on AC had thought/hoped had been addressed seemed to re-occur.

I want to thank our admins for their monitoring, and for their fast work.

And just to let you know, I can still REACH that toe at 81. Hopefully I won't pull the nail off with a needlenose plier like I did in beginning July.
On the other hand, it sure solved the problem for half a year!

My elderly aunt is doing well. One less thing to think about.

I hope everyone in the forum with their troubles is doing OK; believe me I’m full of troubles too.

“I could use a small hug please.”
Here’s a hug!!!!!

Need, no worries! I just wanted Robin to understand that I was referring to the people that are directly impacting her life and making her feel bad.

For ALL current caregivers remember it is not bad to be:


If that is what is required to ensure that you or your loved ones are receiving proper care and treatment.

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