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Robin: Big Hugs.💛


So sorry for my misunderstanding of what you posted.

Yep! You went through a lot with your dad. You knew how to handle it though. It’s true that sometimes we are provoked by other’s actions or lack of actions.

I have seen people comment only from their perspective on the forum so I suppose that’s why I assumed incorrectly. Thanks for the clarification.

I don’t know Robin’s story but whatever it is, I hope she finds a good resolution. Caregiving can become quite challenging for many of us.

I find it puzzling as to why people don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. If we screw up we should own it.

Need, I wasn't referring to this forum, I was talking about what Robin posted. She is getting crap for advocating and being called a jerk.

I have to say, many people involved in my dad's care would have been super happy if I was only being a jerk. I had to go straight up b***h with some of the idiots I had to deal with to ensure my dad got the best care possible.

I say, " do your fricking job and I won't have to be a jerk or worse."

But, goes back to nobody takes any responsibility for their actions nowadays. Truly a sad situation.

Robin, what you're describing resonates with me a bit. I felt like I had to fight everyone just to get what I felt was the best treatment (not special treatment, just good, adequate treatment) for my grandma and my dad. I felt like I had to bug and bug people and figure out half their jobs for them just to get things done. It wears you down. It was the most thankless experience of my life, and when it goes on for years, it really takes a toll. Big hugs (no small ones; you need a proper hug lol).

Can you go for a massage or anything to help with your own tlc?


I finally got around to cleaning my Austin Air filters today, and boy, the one in my bedroom was filthy! I need to take them apart and clean them once a year, but it usually takes something like me being sick to finally break down and get to it. Even though the one in my bedroom was a new filter replacement two years ago, it was far dirtier than the one in my living room. I look forward to being less stuffy at night, hopefully.


ITRR is correct in her assessment of receiving answers from a variety of people on a forum.

You will see some answers that aren’t well thought out. They are usually thinking in terms of what they have done in their circumstances, which may not be applicable for the OP’s situation. Let’s hope that they weren’t deliberately trying to be hurtful.

Indeed, as ITRR says, sometimes they end up backpedaling instead of apologizing for their comments.

There are times when misunderstandings occur on forums. So, take what is relevant to your needs and discard the rest.

Most posters on this site are genuinely trying to be helpful. They may not even realize that their point of view will be upsetting to you.

There are also situations where posters are offering points of view that the OP isn’t ready to hear yet.

Wishing you all the best.

HappyRobin, Great Big warm Hug!!!!! And a small one :-)

Please don't let others opinions get to you. We live in a world that NOBODY wants to take responsibility and they will divert and redirect to others to cover their own useless backsides.


Sending many hugs your way today!

I could use a small hug please. I never realized until I had to deal with the facilities and lawyers and medical people how unlikable people find me. I would do anything as an advocate for Mom, I try to be helpful and kind and treat others well, but I’ve just had another call where I’ve been chastised for being me. We went from them being willing to help to unwilling back to agreeing but the price went up at least $2K.

After all what’s happened it’s so hard anyway to get up and face another day and try to put my own life back together (I’m sleeping 6hrs a day now tho so yay) and then be told in so many words I’m a jerk.

It’s not just that immediate poke in the gut, but the underlying fear I’ve made everything worse for the person I love just by being me. If there was backup, I’d quit as DPOA and flee the country to a shack on a beach to drink my days away, but the backup died and I’m not much of a drinker. And that’s my whine.

Back to normal now. Must have hit something that had this eerie black background. I thought AC might have done it for black Friday which seems to go on forever.

Thanks for the extra info, Real. I couldn't imagine, myself, putting it in the nostrils. But one never knows!
It is an excellent source of some vitamin I think, as well. C?

I have a Winix air purifier that is about 6 years old, at least! got it when my heavy smoking parents moved in with us and we smoke as well, it's been great. Just have to change the filters once in awhile. They make newer/better ones now but I love this thing! It does my entire main living area with no problem, open floor plan

Sounhappy, is a judgement coming down soon, do you think?

(I’m writing this just for myself. To vent.) Please let the judge rule in my favor. Pleassssssse let justice prevail.

“Every family has some lunatics in it, right? Some worse than others! 😝”

Need, trust me, they’re ALL in my family.


I suppose that many of your tinctures are from old formulas.

My grandmother had high blood pressure. When it would spike she would brew a batch of parsley tea. Not sure how much it helped but she always made it.

I think about her home remedies sometimes. I take the max dosage of BP meds.

Ali, you don't dilute the colloidal silver.

To make a stinging nettle tincture; fill a glass jar full of whole plant organic nettle, (i order from amazon) cover all of that with any alcohol of choice, just be sure it is at least 80 proof, leave to set for 4 to 6 weeks. Use 15 to 30 drops several times a day or as needed. I only use it as needed now but, my hunee gets it 2x daily.

Keep the tincture in a dark place and use an amber or blue dropper bottle to dispense. Light effects everything, just be mindful of that. Oh yea, no metal should be used because it can be picked up from the alcohol making it taste bad.

Stinging nettle has lots of great benefits and is good for male health.

Alva, you DO NOT spray nettle in your nose. You drink it. I have never seen it cause any problems, nor have I ever known anyone that has had a problem with drinking it, can't say I know anyone that uses it in their nasal passages, a tincture would be like fire in the nose.


Purifiers do help. Zyrtec did nothing for me! I have severe allergies, including dust and mites. I told my allergist that I keep my house clean. He said that mites can exist in a clean house.

I wash bedding in hot water frequently because dust mites are one of my worst allergies. I am supposed to have my pillows and mattress enclosed in plastic coverings. SureGuard is a brand of bedding encasement for allergy prevention.

Claritin works better if I am having a sneezing attack. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have sneezed for thirty minutes straight before!

My DH looked at me early on in our marriage and said, “Honey, I hate to tell you this but you are not normal! Please go to the doctor. We should own stock in Kleenex!”

I went to the doctor and found out that I am basically allergic to everything! The allergy that bothered me the most was being told that I was allergic to my cat.

My doctor said, “Get rid of the cat or you’ll continue to suffer.” My response was, ‘Give me meds, Doc, because I won’t be getting rid of my cat. I promise you that I won’t get another cat after she dies.’

He paused for a moment and then said, “Okay, I get it. I have two cats that I live with and I couldn’t get rid of them.”

Barb, I also would love to know what purifier for the air you have found that works well for you. Do let me know by pm or here. RealyReal, does the nettle not freeze our natural protective cilia in the nose? I always worry about natural treatments applied to the nasal passages themselves because in ER I saw some terrific nosebleeds resultant, most from simple drying out of the membranes. I love nettle! Must be the only living person. Initial contact with it has that sort of "sting" and then it feels just so kind of "interesting". Hiker in the past so am familiar with THAT plant, for certain. It makes a great tea. It makes a great pasta. In fact one of the BEST pestos I ever had.

ITRR, I get the part about the colloidal silver spray... though I'm a ways from making it myself because I've watched the YouTube videos, and by the time I do that and dilute it in a nasal spray bottle, it seemed like a lot of work. I don't have room to store much. We traded some thoughts about colloidal silver before. I do think CS has a place in treating infections.

Yes, please, I want the information. Please PM or put it here, whatever you want to do. Thank you.

Ali, thanks for the purifier info.

Have you ever tried Stinging Nettle? I used to get a LOT of sinus issues and it was ALL, according to the ENT, infectious allergies. Meaning my allergies blocked and plugged everything until infection set it. Fun stuff NOT! But, using stinging nettle has literally cleared that problem from my life.

I make the tincture, super easy and will share if you want. I, also, make my own collodial silver, super easy and super cheap, I recommend doing this if you can, I have the resources and info for the silver if ur interested. It costs pennies to make a $10 an ounce product and I think it works better because I cook it longer.

You can reset the accessibility settings to default, try that Riverdale.

ITRR, I use two Austin Air purifiers in my 1200 sqft place for the past six years, and overall, I think they work really well, but the filters don't get the majority of the "up to five years" they're advertised as. I get about two-three years of use before I notice some decline. I have some immune sensitivity and extra environmental factors, so my perception could be due to that.

Interested in Barb's input.

Riverdale, I changed the colors by accidentally bumping blue man and something in that, took a while to get it figured out, just messed with the settings there until i fixed it. Have you tried that?

Barb, can you share what air purifier you use?

Thank you!

The colors are in black and orange. Don't know how to change that.

Ali, I used to get sinus infections frequently. Was told, more than once to see an allergist.

Finally did. I'm allergic to dust.

Took Zyrtec for several years. Finally found a really good air purifier that filters most of the dust in my apartment. Gave up the Zyrtec. Haven't had a sinus infection in years.


*I just refreshed the thread, and I see 10 new MIL posts! lol I can't imagine having extended family that's dysfunctional. I have my own immediate fam and that's enough... :)

Send, I noticed the sinus blaster stuff has horseradish as a primary ingredient. That's interesting! I have wasabi powder, and I'd eat it plain if it would make me better. 😜

And as often as I've been getting problematic sinus issues the past five years, I need more tools, so thank you very much. I wonder if I have sensitivities from the "mold house." URIs (thanks for the acronym) have become a yearly occurrence for me. Colloidal silver spray worked well for me, but I'm out of it.

I ordered capsaicin & horseradish and colloidal silver sprays. Capsaicin & horseradish cannot feel good on one's sinuses, but neither does peroxide or what I've been dealing with for the past several weeks... and every single year in the past 5 years...


I turned my paper in. I have more questions than answers, which maybe is the hallmark of a good education.

I'm in an applied behavior analysis MS degree. ABA is viewed as a limited-scope psychology methodology. However, relational frame theory and contextual behavior science are based on behaviorism's principles and came from behavior analysts Dermot Holmes and Greg Hanley. There's a lot of crossover in behaviorism psychology and its principles and theories to many different important and emerging modern-day therapies and applications. I see ABA as having relevance in a great many things, including behavioral gerontology, where ABA is currently used... but ABA's not used nearly as much as it should be in gerontology, imho. That probably has to do with learning theory and the fact that dementias significantly decrease learning ability.

If anyone's curious, I'd happily discuss these concepts as best I can. It's interesting to me. Thanks for the support. 💜


I had TWO MIL ‘s because FIL divorced and remarried after the kids were grown . His second wife is deceased but there are plenty of stories there as well mostly directed at her own adult kids and my FIL. We were careful and tried to stay under her radar for the most part . FIL sure knew how to pick them !!! Sheez!!


Every family has some lunatics in it, right? Some worse than others! 😝

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