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Very smart to elope! What was your MIL’s reaction to your elopement?

So often wedding plans get out of hand. Weddings can become very stressful.

One of my friend’s has a daughter who is a wedding planner. She’s very good at her job and enjoys it. She told me that she rarely has trouble with the bride and groom. She says that the mothers are the ones who are often the most challenging ones to deal with.

I am grateful that my mom or MIL to be never tried to run the show. It’s the bride and groom’s day! Other people shouldn’t interfere in their plans.

Thank you . Happy Thanksgiving to you too ! You need to go to the doctor before that sinus infection goes to your brain.

Indeed my MIL’s view has always been twisted when it comes to how she thinks she conducts herself .
Perfect example…..She REFUSED to come to our wedding because we said she could not invite all of the 100 + friends/coworkers etc that she wanted . Too many people . She also did not approve of the venue we chose , btw she was not paying . She tried to strong arm us to do other things her way as well . We canceled the wedding and eloped instead . Best thing we ever did because MIL makes every party about HER.
Anyway she twists it around that we excluded her . 🙄☹️

Way, your MIL has some interesting revisionist history going on, talking about old times that never existed. lol

Happy Thanksgiving, all.

I'm just weary.

I'll be alright, but boy, am I whiny right now. Still in final-paper throes, don't feel like I'm making much headway on it.

I thought this sinus infection turned a corner yesterday. Today it's back. I'll go to doc when I can, guys, promise. I just don't know when that will be.

My tv died. I now have the chance to join in the black Friday madness.
Lol, just what I wanted to do today, head to the mall the day after Thanksgiving

soun: Good to hear it's about to go your way.

Thank you!!


Glad to to hear it’s going well . Looks like you have something to be Thankful for !!


Love the vegan idea !! 🤣😂🤣.
Happy Thanksgiving .

Bounce ,
Thanks. You are right . A lot can happen in a year. I’m not so sure she would be well enough to travel a year from now anyway. We went and saw her last month . She looks terrible. She has CLL and is wasting away . She used to be a heavy woman . Her partner told us she doesn’t eat much anymore . Happy Thanksgiving to you too .

Yay! Sounhappy

Very glad to hear your news. Happy Thanksgiving to you.


I’m SoUnhappy, but I think I’m on the path to SoHappy. The court case is going in the right direction.


Tell your MIL that your entire family is going to give up meat for your New Year’s resolution so there won’t be any turkey on the menu. You’re not even going to eat any byproducts of animals because you’re considering becoming vegan! LOL 😝


I KNOW ! I was going to take a break , but had to come and whine !!! You can’t make this S4* t up !
I may just say I’m going away next year. The nerve ! What if I wasn’t going to cook next year ? She’s giving me a years notice that we and my children have to be here while she graces us with her presence. I can’t even sleep , I’m so pissed off !!!

My word, Way!

There’s always a first, I suppose! I’m sure this was an unexpected surprise to say the least and certainly an unpleasant one for you. 😝

My MIL called tonight and invited herself to come to us NEXT YEAR for Thanksgiving . She said she wants us to make sure the kids come as well . She lives 4 hours away, Has NEVER invited us over for Thanksgiving, or come to our house on holidays . We gave up decades ago . She said she will hire car service to get back and forth . She waits until she’s 87 and declining to decide to spend a holiday with us . This from the woman who told me 35 or more years ago that her friends were more important to her than family because “ you get to pick who your friends are” . Tonight she says she wants to see the family together like old times . What old times ???? She was always with her friends . I thought I’d heard it all from this woman over the last 40 years , but she’s not done yet . 🙄🙄

Tired of the obligatory Happy Thanksgiving phone call every year. I just feel uncomfortable making small talk to people every year on the phone that I only talk to once a year. I may try knocking back a few drinks before I call tomorrow.


My mother and grandmother were the same way. They could knit faster than people who knit the American way. It’s a different technique.

You’re right though, it doesn’t matter what speed someone goes as long as the result is the same.

They had tons of experience and knitting became second nature to them.

My mother is German and was an avid knitter for many many years. I was always amazed watching how she used her index finger to keep the tension on the yarn and knit extremely rapidly . I could never duplicate it. I do what I do, but will never attain the skill level she reached. I had trouble learning her method, maybe because I’m left handed and just couldn’t figure out how to do it in reverse. But it’s okay, takes me longer but I’m not running an assemby line.


The German way of knitting eliminates the need to wrap the yarn around the needle for each stitch. That’s what makes the process quicker.

It’s hard to explain but I am sure that you could find a diagram of it online.

My mother and grandmother knitted and crocheted beautifully. They did many other handiwork also. My husband’s mother and grandmother did beautiful work also.

Need, how is the German way done because my MIL was English and knitted different than I was taught.


My maternal grandmother’s family came to America from Germany. She and my mother knitted using the German method.

I learned how to knit the German way as well. It’s easier and faster. I haven’t done any knitting in years though. I do enjoy sewing, making jewelry and other craft projects.

My search engine is saying nitpicking came on board only in 1956 and did refer to picking nits, the eggs of lice, out of the hair. Funny, because lice have been around for centuries. My Dad used to speak of having lice on saucer races as a kid. I still don't know if he was serious and it's too late to ask!
But I love love love knit-picking, because you ALWAYS have to fish those stitches when you drop. Gads, I ruined more stuff and can still not make anything more useful than a hot pad.

Ali, go to urgent care. (((Hugs))))


It may be nit-picking! LOL 😆 Thanks for the correction. Also, my ‘smart’ phone has a mind of its own and makes silly corrections to make me look dumb!

Dear Need, you made me laugh, because I’ve always thought it was ‘nit-picking’, as in going for head lice nits, not ‘knit-picking’ – for dropped stitches perhaps?


Just life in general. There is way too much knit-picking going on around us.

I would hardly feel like something left unsaid is tragic on an online forum. Besides, I don’t take comments that personally.

Plus, some people have lost their sense of humor! Laughter is good for the soul. I truly appreciate comic relief! It is much needed in today’s world.

So many people over analyze everything! The older I get, the more annoying it becomes to me. Life is too short to take trivial matters seriously.

I appreciate a quirky sense of humor. It’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with my husband! He made me laugh.

So, yeah…sometimes we may respond in a facetious way but we aren’t trying to be cruel to anyone.

Alva and Ali,

I agree with both of you. How’s that for diplomacy? 😆

First of all, speaking on an online forum isn’t always easy. No one sees our facial expressions or hears the tones of our voices. Misunderstandings occur between posters.

There’s no point to dwell on misunderstandings afterwards. I get a little annoyed when a person doesn’t let something go and they want to drag it out forever.

I do feel that everyone has the right to express their opinion about a subject. Plus, if a person doesn’t want to receive a variety of answers they shouldn’t ask for opinions.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with my point of view and I certainly don’t want to feel pressured by anyone to feel the same way about topics as they do. I like reading various viewpoints, whether I agree or not.

It’s never a good idea to take another person’s opinion personally. It’s simply their opinion on the matter.

There are times when I refrain from commenting because I know that my views will be upsetting to them. Only because I feel they aren’t ready to hear another viewpoint yet.

Everyone travels through their time in life at their own pace. Some travel more slowly, others move along quicker.

I believe we have all said things before that we didn’t intend to offend anyone, yet it was misinterpreted by others. We can’t please everyone! They are entitled to their own personal opinions.

Alva, it's only in my sinuses. I don't have a cough or chest congestion. I am a little concerned, though, that if I don't get it addressed, it could make its way to my ears, throat, or lungs. A few of my coworkers have had strep and pneumonia in the past few months. Lots of respiratory bugs going around in my area. I have been wearing a mask in public indoor spaces again recently and will probably continue to do that all season.

I cut my own hair for three years in the pandemic.
It wasn't pretty.
But no one sees 80 year olds, anyway.

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