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Alva: I had a hammer toe when I had to live out of state to take care of my mother. My podiatrist performed corrective sx upon my return.


Oh, yes! The instinct to mate.

I had my pets fixed too. There’s a huge problem with overpopulation in animals.

Cute names. They sound precious!

Need of course we did. Her name is Lucy Lou. Baby is Tuxie Jr after her father who we couldn't catch all spring and summer.

We though it was so cute when late summer he brought his girlfriend over for some food. He even walked her home after.

Little did we know he was wooing her. Then a couple of weeks ago she showed up with an 8 week old kitten in tow who looked just like her daddy.

As soon as the daddy saw the kitten he was like hell no and hasnt been back since. I don't think he wanted to pay kitten support 😁😺

If he comes back he is on my list to be fixed too.

I already have 2 cats both rescues and wasn't looking for 2 more. But we will see.

Oh, Alva

The salt water issue here is continuing to be a main story on our local news.

Along with a fire that has been creating a dense fog that meteorologists are reporting as a ‘super fog.’

The fog is extremely dense and had caused deadly accidents in Louisiana.


It’s so sweet of you to take care of the kitty. Have you given her a name?

When I was a kid my neighbor used to entice stray kitties to follow her home and then she would tell her mom that they followed her! LOL 😆

Her mom wouldn’t let her keep them and she would drop off the kitty to my house! My mom let me keep the kitty, but after a couple of cats my mother told her not to drop off any more cats at our house.

A friend of mine actually named one of her cats, ‘Extra’ because she already had a cat and so she called the stray cat that showed up, ‘Extra.’ I thought it was a funny but cute name.

The next three days are going to be torture. We have a semi-feral cat and her baby in our house and momma is waiting for her spay surgery on Monday. She is upset and stressed as you can imagine. So are we.

Not sure if we will keep her once she is fixed or let her go back into the world. Ironic that she was so good at the vet last week and let them examine her, take blood, etc all without sedation. Her being confined to a cage is making her crazy (and me too). I will be eating a lot of sugar this weekend just to get through it. I feel terrible, but it had to be done.

I wish you could just wave an imaginary wand at a cat, say a few magic words and poof it would automatically be fixed.

Don't worry kids, the end times ARE upon us.
The ice "shelves" are melting way faster than they thought they would. (to say nothing of the salt water wedge coming into New Orleans). Let alone all the global warming that can send us into more controversy than religion OR masks and vaccines, the shelves are melting now at a rare that cannot/will not be stopped no matter we have NO MORE emissions from EVERYWHERE right now.
That is to say, it is over likely for more than a few of us with the oceans going up as much as perhaps 2 feet by end of this century. Would cause quite catastrophic changes. Sounds interesting and the only thing at 81 worth sticking around for is whether AI (artificial intelligence) will take us out earlier or later. I am hoping for earlier; think it could save a few other species, but who knows.

Anyway, the god and religion stuff is fun, but the global warming stuff is a riot.
I sure do recommend Peter Brannen's wonderful non- fiction book The Ends of the Earth. We have had so many of them before, and more are bound to come. He's quite certain mankind won't last nearly as long as the dinos did. Nor NEARLY.
I mean thinking back to when all of Washington State and Oregon were flowing lava. That before they became dense forests so dark you could not see. Before man wrote the bible, or any of the other texts about any of the other gods; before man, in fact. WAY before.
A fun read, if a tough tough one. As Carl Sagan said "Billions and Billions" of years. Now, THERE was somewhat a god to me. And that my religion. And just FULL of end times. Just CHOCK FULL of catastrophes. Makes Noah and the Ark look small. And if you read the bible as parable, it DID have it ALL in the stories of the floods. The prophecy of fire.

Anyway, my day for philosophizing. Y'all got me going good!
To all, I hope you are mending, and justice prevailing. My biggest whine today is what to do about my right foot's hammer toe. Suggestions? And don't tell me to pray about it!


You’re correct about letting it go. I went through a disturbing period of ruminating about everything if I was stressed out to the max with life’s problems.

Not only did I drive myself nuts, I am sure that I was an annoyance to others around me.

The thing about chronic worry is, it doesn’t change anything, except to make things worse.

It took a bit of time for me to work through that awful phase of excessive worrying. We can pick up anxiety from those around us. We have to be careful not to let others emotions seep into our lives.

came upon an interesting piece in The NY Times last night about caregiver rage:

Dear Bounce, I appreciate what you shared about Biblical prophecy of end times (did I understand that correctly?), as I was raised in a Baptist church and church school. Remember, Jesus said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.”

When I'm being silly, I like to interpret in Disney's Elsa's vernacular: "Let it goooooo, let it goooo." :)

And there is a Sunday school song I think of lately: Brighten the Corner Where You Are.

How can anyone do that if they are burdened with *all of that?*

I'll never say what is right for someone else, but for me, letting things go that I cannot control, and giving them up to providence, has been freeing. Just sharing... It's interesting times, to be sure.

Fwiw, I'm believe I'm aware of the worst of things going on in the world. I watch Frontline docs during downtime or catch up on a global news source. But. What can I do about it? Sometimes I cry. I try to learn. And I come back to in-person compassion and altruism as something I CAN do for the world.

Thank you all for your great advice and support.

I'll definitely look up that Acceptance and Commitment therapy you mentioned Ali. I have gone for cognitive therapy in the past and it really didn't help. I think with anything (at least for me) I need to live it and what I mean by that is having a therapist talk at me is fine but if I don't really feel what they are saying it just doesn't work. In fact, usually it's something random that I hear on t.v. or read or something one of you good people say that makes me go "Yeah, that makes sense" that I get the most help from.

As for MIL's situation. It changes from hour to hour. Two hours ago the news was bad, she was throwing things at people and screaming and crying. Now the latest, she's doing really good. I'm frankly tired of hearing about it. If that makes me sound heartless please keep in mind that my in-laws are not people that I've ever had any kind of relationship with. My choice. Reasons for this I've stated on here before. How it affects my spouse is what matters to me and to see what it's doing to him truly bothers me and upsets me. He doesn't handle emotion well. He turns it outward into anger and I bear the brunt of most of it. So, I hope every thing turns out well for my in-laws but seeing as they are 88 and 94 yrs. of age and not in good health I look at every day as a Hmmm, what will today bring experience.

Bounce, "More than once I've been happily going along my way until hearing some news report update which leaves me with an unsettled feeling."

I completely get that. For me, I've become more proactive about protecting my mental health. Unfortunately, my self-preservation comes at the cost of being aware of local and global politics and situations and even being aware of my friends' personal situations posted on social media, but that's where I'm at with things. I simply don't pay attention to much these days, and instead, I focus on my immediate stuff such as school and work. Kinda sad to frame it as "one can't be socially aware or it's a detriment to them," but the 24/7 fear media cycle hasn't been good for us humans, imo. Just my thoughts. ((((hugs))))

Oh Gershun! Oh Dear!
That's just too much stuff going on. Concentrate on your recovery & better health to you soon!

File MIL's stuff under Other People. MIL's Husband is pushing for her to go home? Well... MIL & Husband can make that decision, they can own it & also wear the consequences.

Gershun, I don't think you can totally rule out a single-time false result in DH's labs. There should be a re-test whenever there is a significant change from baseline/prior results. I'm glad you're getting them again in a month.

During my hospital stay last December, there were a couple of times when the docs reading my chart were like, "This significant of a change doesn't seem likely, let's retest." They re-ordered labs, and then the numbers stabilized. Bad test results happen, so perhaps wait for the next ones to make sure of the changes you're seeing.

Re: sudden anxiety onset. Is there anything happening situational-wise? Is anything changing in your environment when you get a flare-up? *I read your most recent post about MIL, etc. So, yeah, more STRESS. Plus, the interaction of anti-b's on gut health and mood... take a probiotic/prebiotic or get yourself some fermented foods (probably the easiest and best way to help get the microbiota balanced, if you like any of them..)

I don't know if you're familiar with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, but I think it offers some good tools for combatting chronic anxiety. The concepts and techniques are simple enough. The trick is to practice them consistently until they are a new habit. :) I say that with a smile because I know about all these tools and tricks, and I don't practice them consistently when I get an overload/anxiety flare-up. Old habits are hard to change. It's motivating for me to know that there are simple therapies that DO WORK, and if I keep them in mind and keep practicing them, I'll have more mental tools to combat my anxiety instead of turning to soothing distractions or substances (food, etc.). I've resigned myself that I will never be rid of chronic anxiety completely. Having healthy tools is a good thing.

Just trying to be helpful cuz I feel for ya, Gershun! Either way, I know you'll keep on keeping on. Just want you to feel better. ((((hugs))))


When it rains it pours, right? I hope things get better soon. Sending many hugs your way.

Thx Bounce.

I have had a lot going on this last year what with breaking my metatarsals which took forever to heal. My foot is still not totally right. When I get tired I start to limp again. Then I had a kidney infection. The antibiotics they prescribed did a number on my stomach. It's still not totally right. I really need to watch what I eat now or I'm having stomach cramps and the runs. (TMI, I know) Then covid hit with a vengeance. My hubs and I got it bad.

Now my MIL who I confess I've never had a close relationship with but seeing the stress it's causing my hubs is hard. She came through the surgery okay but has not cooperated with the after care at all. Her husband is pushing to have her released from hospital tomorrow which I think is a HUGE mistake but they'll likely release her anyway cause she isn't doing anything they ask of her and they need the bed for someone who will. How this is all gonna play out is going to be interesting and yes, stressful.

So maybe my old trick of "oh, I just won't think about it and maybe it will just go away" isn't working anymore and that's when the anxiety arises.

Need, glad of the news. So happy hubby doing well.
Everyone else hang in the best you can.
Missed your updates Sounhappy, and thought of you just this a.m., wondering how it is going. So correct that anything in the legal system goes on and on and on with usually the losing side asking for continuances and delays. Hope that at least means it is swinging in your favor.

Gershun: Hugs and prayers.

Barb: Hugs to you, too.

pamz: Hugs.

My grand pup gave me a million kisses. We have him until Monday. I’m surely going to miss him when our daughter moves back to Denver.

He is the sweetest pooch!

I would love to have another dog but my husband says that he doesn’t want the responsibility of owning another dog or cat.

Hubby is happy with having our daughter’s pooch occasionally and then giving him back to our daughter.

After our greyhound died I didn’t think that I could go through losing another one but after spending so much time with our daughter’s dog I find myself wanting another one.

Our daughter seems to be smitten with the new guy in her life. He loves her dog too. Hahaha, he FaceTimes with the dog!

This dog is super smart! He got all excited when we arrived at the airport because he thinks that he is picking up my daughter’s boyfriend or another one of her friends that visit her. He has an incredible memory!

sounhappy: Prayers.

Need: You're welcome.

Hugs for all of you going through your issues.

Seems like we all have DH's with health concerns. I and my hubs recently had covid and for some reason my DH's bloodwork came back totally changed since he last had bloodwork in August. His blood glucose is way up. His liver functions too. They were fine in August. So we are waiting a month till we are sure covid is out of his system and will get them redone.

I personally have felt different since getting covid too. Can't really place exactly what but one thing I do know for sure is my anxiety has risen. I can be fine one minute and the next will feel really anxious. It's an unsettling feeling.

Anyway, I hope all our spouses problems will resolve themselves and that we all will be great.

Barb I get the tooth issues,, good luck! Sorry you are missing your vacation!

Yay, Need!

Today I had my front tooth remenents removed ( it broke off on Friday) and had a bone graft placed for the eventual implant.

Then off to NYU to get DH's ureters scanned. One seems quite swollen, no idea why.

We were supposed to get on a plane on Monday for 3 weeks of vacation, but we pulled plug at the last moment.

Geeeeez, Pam. Hubby is busy!

I have to go outside and transfer our grand puppy from our daughter’s car to our car. He’s driving to the airport with us to drop her off.

She’s involved in this long distance relationship! We have the dog again!

Must be medical week,,, My hubs was to get his final teeth today after over a year of implant surguries, etc. They called this morning,, his teeth didn't arrive at the dentist due to some part being needed yet! So hopefully next week. This needs to be over! Then he gets shots 4 times a year for a skin condition, and we were warned the drug could be a sticking point on our new insurance,, the Dr office is working to get him into a program, but in the meantime the CVS called yesterday to say his copay would be 4000$ You read that right! The Dr is getting him a sample dose for now, and CVS is trying to get him into a program too.. but I think we will just ask his Dr to change him to a covered med. My ex employer insurance also would not cover the med, so he was in a program then where we paid 5$ a shot.. huge difference. At least there are other options because no way in heck am I paying 4000$

Great news! Hubby just checked his portal and everything seems to be fine.

He will discuss it further when he sees his doctor.

Thank you all so much for your comforting words and support. It’s very much appreciated!


You’re most welcome. Hang in there!

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