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Pulling for everything to work out as you would like it too. Waiting is so hard. I hope it isn’t too much longer.

Have been gone a while. Hope you’re all well.

Legal process on-going. Pleeeeease let me win. And please don’t let it drag on and on.


Thanks so much. Your kind words made me smile. 😊

Sorry -busy few weeks and I’ve been out of many loops.

Need, I wish you strength and calm and good news re: your honey. Hugs to you from here to there. (stuff a glove and hold it - that’s all of us holding your hand)

Thanks, Alva. I appreciate being in everyone’s thoughts. As soon as I know anything I will post a follow up.

I do like how thorough the doctor is being. I went through a lot of anxiety when I cared for my parents. I’m trying hard not to allow this to happen now.

My husband is the love of my life. He has been my rock for over 40 years.

Thinking of you, Need, and your hubby. Pulling for this to be good news. Will await your updating us.

Thanks, HH.

Need, hugs and prayers from me.

Thanks, Barb.

Hubby is snoring. I’m going to bed in a few minutes. His MRI is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Thanks, Llama.

Need, (((hugs))) and prayers for DH!

Need: Prayers for your DH.

Thanks, Way.


I hope the MRI turns out in your hubby’s favor. 🤞🏻


Thanks, Alva.

Need, my best of good luck to your hubby.

Bounce, the MRI was ordered due to his recent lab results. The doctor is concerned and covering all bases.

Follow up on a former whine.

My husband’s MRI was delayed because of not getting approval from his insurance company.

The doctor contacted his insurance company and it is now approved for him to get his MRI.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers please for everything to go well.

Thanks 😊!

We are experiencing something called Super Fog in some areas due to fires that are difficult to put out. The accidents have been very bad for some commuters resulting in the deaths of some drivers.

Lily, you reminded me my Mother wanted someone to go outside to see if the blinds looked closed from the outside.. 😣

Blickbob’s personal issues about his mother are bigger than just caregiving. I think they go back long before now.

My mom wanted me to take pictures of the outside of the house in the dark, because now she’s paranoid people can look in the living room window and see her (they can’t).
She said be careful you don’t slip and fall out there…if you do I will be in here all by myself with no one taking care of me. For a split second I thought she was concerned about me. She not. At all. It’s all about her.


Thanks, I was not aware of that fact which certainly sheds a whole new light on the issue.

My gosh, therapy is definitely in order then.

I would hope that Blickbob would try to get to the bottom of why he is sticking around instead of living his own life.

Need, bobs moms cancer was successfully treated years ago. She is just being a lazy, useless lump, sucking her sons life and blaming an ancient cancer diagnosis.

Just letting you know.


You have a lot on your plate. Your profile says that you are caring for your mother who has cancer.

I’m sure that you’re having a difficult time managing everything.

It’s even harder to serve your mother when she is critical of your actions. Your efforts deserve to be appreciated.

I feel that going to an unbiased therapist to discuss your situation would help you to understand your behavior and your mother’s behavior.

You have been conditioned to please your mother in all circumstances. I don’t think you realize that your feelings are equally important as your mom’s feelings.

Start thinking about what is important to you.

You may have dreams that you wish to fulfill or you may need to think about what you would like to accomplish in your life.

Best wishes to you.

BlickBob by the time your mother dies you will be a very old man. Sad but true. You are married to your mother.

Blickbob, please can you put your own question on the site so that people can respond to YOU!

And the same comment to all the people who post on a site where everyone's situation gets totally difficult to follow!

My mom gets to raise her voice, but I don't get to raise mine. I accidentally forgot to put one of the groceries in the fridge earlier tonight and she wasn't pleased with me for forgetting. She told me "I don't know what to tell you" and later got emotional over it when I told her I couldn't help it. She later talked about how she had a system going when she was a receptionist and that I need a system regarding where I put the groceries, even though we've put them in the same room of the house all my life.

With the receptionist story, she noted that her boss called her and told her he was going to do something he never did. She feared she was about to get fired, but she was given a raise. A part of me wishes I would get a pay raise since I get paid absolutely nothing. A part of me also wishes I could get fired from this job and I almost wanted to tell her that. If I was a hired caregiver, she probably would've gotten rid of me sometime in the last 2-3 years. There have been moments where I wanted to tell her "if you don't like what I'm doing, get someone else to help you."

She told me one day I'm going to have a job and I'll be juggling more than putting a few things in the refrigerator and getting other groceries put up. I almost wanted to tell her that until she gets serious about getting better, I'm not going to be able to find a job, let alone be able to go to work. She's the one keeping the caregiver gap going and I'll be lucky if I can get an interview with McDonalds when this caregiving saga finally ends. She noted how she wasn't feeling good today and is struggling to get better. I wanted to tell her that without PT, she's going to keep struggling. She'll never ditch the all diet and no exercise strategy. And if I tell her the truth, she'll resist and get emotional.

I agreed with a viral post a FB friend shared last month about how difficult it is raising his mother who won't listen and the friend wanting to...umm...let's just say discipline her if it were possible, even though he said he was kidding about the discipline part.

Several years ago, just before she was diagnosed with cancer, she told me "anger held within leads to depression." And yet, I've been forced to hold mine in. She would talk about seeing things from the other person's perspective, but she won't see things from my perspective. She told me "no one's helping us," but she prefers it that way and refuses to get extra help, believing that no honest caregivers exist. I visited with my godmother recently and she told me "she's stealing your life" and that I should be working and partying instead. She once suggested to my mom she exercise and she got mad and went after her in response. She's known my godmother since they were both kids.


Hope that you sleep well tonight. Good for you for keeping up with your exercise classes!

We went to the cemetery today to bring flowers and afterwards we took our daughter’s dog and her friend’s dog that she is dog sitting for on a long walk! So, we got plenty of exercise today too.

So much for that extra hour of sleep.. LOL Between the dog and the cat and hubs,, I had no room in the bed and no sleep. I went into the spare room blissfully alone at about midnight,, still no sleep. ( some family issues I need to figure out how I feel about ) So I have been cranky today. Hopefully I'll sleep tonight! I may just go to the spare room to start with... But I did go to exercise class 3 times last week, and I am going tomorrow and tues at least!

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