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Need ,

she’s been calling and attempting to text all day . Not making sense .


Ouch! I hope your sister’s situation improves soon.

My sister had surgery last Thursday for compression fractures of vertebrae and is experiencing delirium right now . She’s a bad 68yo with multiple medical problems .

To any of you with foot pain--

I went to my podiatrist today with a laundry list of foot issues, one of which is burning in my great toe.

He said that is likely compression is L4 and L5 discs as they terminate in or near the great toe. Who knew?

Need Help,
Thinking of you this weekend as your join with family to mourn the loss of your dear brother.

My whine moment today..I shared that my mom was in hospice under my care with a coworker who I also see outside of work. She immediately launched into what an honor it was to walk through hospice with her mom (for 1 month I think.) Her mom was an an exclusive facility that also cared for family members. She said when she went there to visit they would immediately offer to have her sit down and make her a cup of tea. She used the word “honor” at least 4 times and didn’t once ask what I might be going through.

For all I know this nice lady is on this forum. But from what I am living and what I read here every day, hospice care mostly entails toileting, hard work, sometimes demanding and unreasonable elders, family infighting, family wanting other family to pay for care, or take mom in, etc.

Maybe it will be an honor to hold moms hand when she takes her last breath. But in the meantime it’s messy, stressful, frustrating and just a lot of hard, unending work.

Wow, that’s the first I heard of the earthquake. That’s my neck of the woods.

Sounhappy, vent away. Hope it goes okay for you.

THANK YOU Need and Bounce, and everyone!

Need…just one thing.
It’s not that it’s a private matter. It’s a legal matter. Not allowed to talk.

I am allowed to vent.

Pot rattler was big, and the epicenter was in Millbrae, CA at 6:38 p.m. Friday; and downgraded to a 3.7 from the reported 4.0 earthquake.
Near SFO?
2 km NNE of Millbrae, CA
2023-10-28 01:38:31 (UTC)
11.6 km

There were lots of big aftershocks following.

Much of S.F. land is built on fill.
What is fill?
Often, when we colloquially refer to fill around the Bay Area, we’re actually referring to two different things:
Artificial fill
Former or “reclaimed” marshlands and wetlands.
Artificial fill is land that was created by piling up soil, mud, rocks, rubble and dirt. In many cases, mud was pumped up from the bottom of the San Francisco Bay to fill in piles of rocks, then allowed to dry.

An earthquake in those areas could feel larger if the land was built on fill. Not sure, but an earthquake there could lead to liquifaction. Like said, not sure.


That’s what I meant by saying that you were uncomfortable speaking about it, because it is a private matter.

I’m sure that this situation is taking a toll on you. I hope it’s over soon.

Vent all you want.

Thanks Need! I’m not uncomfortable speaking about it. I just can’t talk about it: because it’s a court case.

Once in a while I need to scream it out (silently):


I don’t expect anyone to read my mind. I’m not writing this for others. I’m writing it for me.


I respect your perspective on privacy and I do not blame you for not speaking about something that would be uncomfortable for you to share.

People have all sorts of craziness in their families. Some like you, are dealing with complicated legal issues.

We aren’t mind readers, so we have no idea what you’re going through. Whatever it is, I certainly hope that you find peace in your life soon.

It’s tough to wait things out, not knowing if, how and when something will occur.

I see! I guess I hoped I would know more in 2 weeks. But nope. More time is needed. (I never said the court case would be over, is over, or will soon be over).

Concerns bullies.

I can’t give details. It’s a court case. There’s no way I’m writing about it.

I don’t write “justice” in order for other people to understand me. I’m not writing in order to be understood. This is the whine section. I’m writing for me. Every once in a while I’m desperately crying out by writing here, JUSTICE.

So I write it again: Justicccccce.

The story is so crazy, it’s totally unbelievable.

Alva: Thank goodness for nothing big on the Richter scale.

From you, Sounhappy on Oct 11:

Oct 11, 2023
In about two weeks, I’ll know if JUSTICE IS REAL…or just some myth in fairytales."

That was the second time you said two weeks. A week later you mentioned "some weeks". So this has been ongoing for a while, and it has varied. But there are never details, nor any speaking of what this is about other than "bullies" and a "court case".

It's all a bit confusing. And yes, indeed, court cases often do go on and on and on. I don't know that just repeating the word "justice" will bring on that nebulous outcome, but I am certain we all wish for justice these days, on many accounts, and for many people in our own world and in nations as a whole. Would that wishing made it so!
But I am certain that you, by now, have our most FERVENT wishes of us ALL.

As to my own whine of the day, we just had a good little pot rattler shake! Don't know what on the scale yet, and it was quite short, but I think this little tremor might have taken down a shelf or two somewhere.

What is your court case regarding, Soun? Can you tell us in broad terms?

Thanks everyone! I appreciate your support!

I thought I had written, in some weeks, not 2 weeks. Maybe I said I’ll know more in 2 weeks?

Court case on-going. Court cases can go on a long time.



I wonder if you could enlighten us so that we could be a bit more mindfully caring of you.
For some weeks now you have said that you would know if the is "justice" within two weeks. That time limit has now passed.
Does your message to us of one word -- "scream"-- repeated, indictate that in your humble opinion justice has NOT been done?
Or are you simply having a bad day waiting for "The Day of Justice"?

sounhappy: So sorry.

Need: You're welcome.

Bounce: Thank you.


You’re in our thoughts.

sounhappy ,

I’m sorry , you don’t sound happy .
I hope your situation improves .

Way, this is a good title for a movie.

My current state? Scream, scream, scream.

This is what I want to do .
Sometimes DH is so dumb .

FIL (in AL ) called DH to say that his sister is coming to visit on Saturday , then dead silence . DH said I know A- ( DHs cousin) texted . ( The cousin drives , her mother) .

DH said it was weird , Dad didht say anything else.

I said
1) It’s not weird the guy does that all the time now , he is struggling to find his words lately . ( dementia)
2) Your Dad was waiting for you to say “Ok we will all go out for a meal”.

DH and I had plans , nothing big , but still . It should not be expected that we stop what we are doing if someone comes to visit .

Thanks, Llama.

Send: Thank you. Believe me, I can advocate for myself. Prairie God for your insurance breakthrough.

Bounce: No, I did wish that I was any taller than 5' 8-3/4." Heels can give you foot pain - sorry that you deal with that. Mother lost height as she aged and so have I.

Yes Llama, you are correct about the insurance. Prayers for a good night's sleep and a good result Thursday.

Hang in there, and I encourage you to make the phone calls, keep trying. Tell them how sick you are (or have been), and ask for their supervisor, and get beyond the first person who says they don't see the order and tells you to wait.

I had a breakthrough with insurance approvals just Tuesday! There has never been a better person who helped me and made all the calls for me while I was on the phone with her. Better now! Took one hour and 20 minutes.

Update: The Toradol injection gave me several hours of relief so that I could thankfully sleep last night. As I still need imaging services done, I have pressed my PCP via phone AND patient first to send an order to my radiologist. In this day and age, insurance apparently dictates the logistics of that success rate or not. Also, plan to TRY to wake up to call the orthopedist Thursday afternoon.

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