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I love books, too. Try Librivox, Need. Many many books on there. All free!!!!!

Thanks Need.

My kids avoid seeing MIL .
They get interrogated about their lives .

I’m with Alva, I love listening to podcasts. Not one particular type though, I have always had very eclectic taste in music, art, food, books and yes podcasts. I’ve never been a one groove kind of person.

I have had tinnitus since my 20’s and I hate silence because I notice the ringing in my ears so I have my phone under my ear. So, it’s either a podcast or music on and I fall asleep listening to it.

Oh, and I listen to wrbh radio. They are a nonprofit organization that read unabridged books to the blind in our community but just as many sighted people listen to it. I love that station.

Geeeeez, Way

Sounds stressful! I suppose that it’s better than my 100 year old cousin who still drives. Get this, she argues with the cops who give her speeding tickets!

I gave up on telling her that she shouldn’t be driving and that she should be using the shuttle bus at her facility.

Barb, THANKS!!

Spent today with my MIL.

As predicted , her first question was if she’s getting any great grands soon from my son and daughter in law . And when is my daughter getting married 😤😤

My ears and tongue are hemorrhaging . Good thing I have 180 mile buffer again when I get home.

She still thinks she “drives well “ and she will “think “ about getting POA papers drawn up. She is finally using a cane ( but needs a walker ) when she leaves the house after yet another bad fall on the sidewalk last week and 6 hours in the ER getting scanned since she’s on blood thinners. Her face , arms , hands are bruised and scraped etc. I guess that’s progress.

Thanks for letting me vent .

Cheering you on, SoUn!!!!!

THANK YOU Bounce. You’ve understood me completely.

“What goes around does have a way of coming around in time too.”
Boy do I wish for that.

There are also cable channels with calm music, animal videos and the like. The Hospice company should be able to help with that.

Pam, gotcha. But do consider a little tablet and some podcasts. Trust me, I am WAY into them, but they still put me to sleep, hee hee. I am forever backtracking.

I do dog rescue work, so I can so identify with you. We are getting way more picky now, fearing that one of the other of us 80-somethings will break our silly neck on the stairs with dog-duty. We have a nice back yard and they need to be able to access it themselves!

Good luck with the sleeping. Let us know what works.

Alva, thanks. I’m deliberately vague. By justice I mean court case going on.

Yes Pam I’m only venting. Scared, worried, bullied. Let justice prevail in court.

Sounhappy,, your profile is empty, and your posts tell us nothing about what is going on.. for weeks now. It makes me, at least, a bit worn out on your posts. I have no idea how to help you, or if you even want help? If you just want to vent that's great,, but really, we need some info here! Sorry if I am out of line, but normally we have something to respond to.

Alva I am afraid I would get into them, like I do my books. My DD swears by a white noise type thing she has, she is getting me one. This week its an elderly 4 lb chihuahua with potty issues and who wakes me up at 1 am for a walk,, the one night she didn't wake me up she peed the bed. She and DD are lucky I love them! Plus DH still coughs all night, luckily we go to the dentist next week for his fitting for his permanent teeth, this implant thing has been going on for over a year. We are told it should be better once the permanent "teeth" are placed. The ones he has now have a bit of plate behind them and he has been gagging/coughing etc for the entire time the implants have been "settling" while he was recovering from getting them all pulled they made him dentures, he could not wear them at all!


Have you ever tired podcasts for sleep. I love them waking or sleeping, but if I ever have one of my very rare sleepless nights I find that true crime podcasts put me out like the proverbial light.


"Bullies" don't stop bullying.
It is well enough to hope for justice.
But it is a bit like "hoping for rain". Unpredictable.

Best thing for bullies is to stop waiting, stop hoping, stop weather reports, and just cut them completely out of your life with a surgically sharp knife.
Then don't let them near you again.

Try it; I have found it to have better results that "waiting" and "hoping".

I see a glimmer of justice!!!….Some things are going the right way.

The bullies (family members) continue. But I see some justice.

Still hoping for justice. I’ll know in some weeks.


I hear it takes time to adjust to retirement . ((((Hugs))).

pamz: I don't know how you managed to go anywhere with no sleep, let alone be upright. Hope that you can sort out your sleep hygiene.

@pam ,
when I was young I worked nights , took care of my kids during the day. Took a nap after dinner. I used to say “ sleep, what’s that ? “

way that is what my Dr says.. and several of my friends who have retired are still in the same boat, or have told me it has taken a year to adjust. Getting up at 4 am for 26 years,, its a habit! And I still want to go to bed at 8pm, to my husbands dismay. The medical life is still out to get us!


Former nurse here . Most of us have bad sleep hygiene . I left nursing 4 years ago after 35 years . I still can’t go to sleep at a decent hour .

LLama I have crappy sleep hygiene. So did my mother (a nurse) so maybe its heriditary (my Dr has tried alot of things for it but I don;t like alot of the side effects) I just keep chugging along most days.. but some days I am in a crappy mood! Last night DD puppers and I slept in the spare room,, she and our puppers are too much in one bed and sometimes squabble. She needed a walk at 1 am,, I think I slept walked through that one! She is 14, and a cranky old lady ( like I can be) I may take my ativan again tonight. I used to hate to take it because it would kick in about the time I had to get up for work. But hey,, one good thing about retirement! My friend is arriving at about 3 tomorrow, still not sure what we will do about the craft fair and the rain. She is sort of "high maintenance" and she will be in DD old room with a twin bed. I just can't imagine squeezing the pup and I in that! But its set up nice with a TV and I put "good stuff " in the spare bathroom for her. ( yes she actually once complained about my shampoo and conditioner in there.) But Hey,, I love her.

Thanks Need, Way, all. Crazy situation. I just hope it ends well.

Way: You're welcome.

Need, Llama , thanks .

Way: Prayers for your son and his Covid dx.

pamz: How on earth did you go anywhere with no sleep? My goodness.


Surgeons are supposed to do a sponge count after surgery, but it seemed that they did not do one when your friend had the surgery. This was definitely a malpractice lawsuit that your friend should have pursued, but I guess the statute of limitations ran on that one.


I am not familiar with your situation but I hope that it will work out for you.

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