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Hope your son recovers quickly from Covid.


Crazy situation with your husband. It’s frustrating to say the least and certainly frightening.

I think of my younger brother’s wife who wasn’t informed of her breast cancer (first mammogram.) She did sue and won over a million dollars.

By the time she found the lump she had stage four cancer and had to undergo double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

Sadly she died with lung cancer later on due to smoking.

Beatty ,
We considered canceling trip . We just want it over with . We only go about 3 times a year , and we avoid going during snow season .

Barb, wire left where? Oh my! Speedy recovery for your husband.

Alva ummm.. that wire pulled out picture you painted NOOO (but would be a very good retirement boosting lawsuit).

Way, sorry to hear about your son's covid. Trip cancel??

Just to update, my DH is healing well. Thank you all SO much for listening to my "whine" last night!

"Why can’t just one of them cooperate ?????" That's the million dollar question waytomisery.

My adult son has Covid . He went to visit a friend and they went to a museum and rode a shuttle bus to a factory tour .

He was supposed to cat sit for me this weekend while we go check on MIL 4 hours away .

I feel bad that my son is ill , but I don’t feel bad that now it will cut our trip in half , so we can get back home . The cat is fine by herself for a day .

I don’t even know what I will say to MIL anymore . It’s the same selfish Cr4p everytime . “ I’m not getting any younger , I want great grand children “. “ When is K…… going to get married , so I get to go to my granddaughters wedding , and it better not be another destination wedding .”
(My son had a destination wedding ) .

Apparently my children are not fulfilling their grandmother’s wishes. How dare they live their own lives !!!

Oh and of course DH will try to talk to her about POA etc , and needing a walker etc …….just for her to refuse . She’s only 86, she says “it’s not time yet “. Not to mention she’s a terrible driver , but that’s not new. She’s the kind that causes accidents , but isn’t in them .

Unless something happens suddenly ,she will be the last of our 4 parents to be ripped out of her house for refusing to have help come in . Why can’t just one of them cooperate ?????

Sounhappy, I hope it works out for you.

In about two weeks, I’ll know if JUSTICE IS REAL…or just some myth in fairytales.

Oh, Barb!
I am certainly glad they never did an MRI, Barb, with that wire left in unbeknowst to anyone. I cannot imagine what the results of that would have been. This is definitely medical negligence that has resulted in the need for another surgery. One would think it worthy of a suit, but, oh no. Suits only go forward when there are DAMAGES, so hubby could likely only get a lawsuit if the wire had pulled his genitalia right off during an MRI.

Barb, So glad they found the problem. Thank God for that.

I had a friend who had surgery back in the 1970s. She had huge digestive issues for nearly 50 years. Tests did not reveal anything. She tried everything, medication, gluten free diets, checked for allergies, stress relieving exercises. You name it. It changed how she could live her life.

Last year she had a blockage and was rushed to the hospital and a CT scan was done. It finally revealed a foreign body in her gut. She had emergency surgery to remove a sponge from the surgery done in the 70s. (That was a NYC municipal hospital, not world class but really????)

This egregious mistake messed up her life for 50 years. She chose not to sue because she did not want to waste her precious time doing it. Not sure I agree, I would have been out for blood.

Oh Barb! Praise The Lord they found the wire before something tragic happened.

May your DH recover fully and never have another stone.

Yep, it appears medical errors are still one of the leading causes of death and that is so very sad for those that put their trust in doctors and medical workers. So happy for your family that you are not now a statistic.

Barb, glad that is over and your dh came through it and the kidney stones are gone - and the wire!!! Hope he has an uneventful recovery.

That's why I don't go to doctors unless I absolutely have to! I've had some bad experiences too.

Barb, I get so angry with the whole medical profession. Hearing your story just adds fuel to my fire.

When my mom had a cataract removed they scratched her cornea. I've had mistakes made with my own healthcare as well.

Granted, nobody is perfect but when you become a doctor you should try to be as close as you can to perfect in my humble opinion.

Sorry you had a rough day.

Barb I hope you sue the hospital for that wire being left in DH.

Barb: Yikes! So sorry. Get some rest.

Oy. DH had his follow up kidney stone surgery today.

Those of you who've followed along for the last several years know that I call DH a "medical lemon". Things are in the wrong place. Things get missed. The "oh, that NEVER happens" happens.

So, the very nice and very young Endourologist who took out a batch of stones a month ago said to us today--"now that we know what we're dealing with, this'll be much quicker than last time."

Last time was 90 minutes, 3 times longer than usual.

When he said that I thought, "Doc, you've just jinxed it."

He came out 2.5 hours after the start of surgery. Turns out that a wire got left inside DH at some point during prior surgery. It was encrusted with kidney stones. They actually did imaging in the middle of surgery to figure out what the heck he was tugging at.

This is at a world class NYC hospital. Prior surgery was at an even HIGHER class NYC hospital.

Going to bed now. It's been a really long day.


Have fun at the craft fair. I love going to those. I helped my mom when she participated in them. Mom sold tons of merchandise.

No sleep last night, as I did not take my Ativan ( took it for a week at night and it helped, but makes me nervous to take it too much) But I did go to exercise class, only 6 of us were there. At the SC only 5 cases so far, no new ones since the weekend. Got my phone alittle more set up. Decided not to stress over it too much. I have a friend coming in on Friday to go to a huge craft fair thing in my town, and they are calling for lots of rain,, I don't want to go in that case so I am watching the weather. I have gone before in the rain and it was a mess of mud and dodging umbrella's! Plus I get DDs puppers tomorrow as she is going to Nashville for 5 days. So I am hanging in there, but just ready for things to get better. Oh yes,,, and still no MC/SS letter. I am over that! I may call again tomorrow

cmpockets: I am sorry. Caregiving is hard! Hugs.

I feel like I am on one nerve every day trying to help take care of my 79 year old father. I feel trapped and I am in over my head trying to help take care of my uncooperative dad.

I surely do identify with the techie issues, Pam. Remember that Geaton is our Iphone expert and has offered help if we need it with that, but she surely is right that there is not options now other than to move into the 21st century. Just last month I finally gave up my little Jitterbug Flip after realizing that everyone iphones and androids were easier to use than my flip phone. I am moving right along and intend putting in my Alaskaair app soon enough!!

As to Covid I just heard the good news that SF is staying WAY low in cases, that it isn't showing appreciably in our waste water yet and that we had only two deaths in September and very low hospitalizations. That said I am like the only living girl in SF City who is masked on the bus anymore, so am finding those numbers amazingly low.

hubs and I had to get new phones today,, I am already frustrated ( not that it takes much some days) this is going to take a few days to figure out, and I cant add my yahoo accounts for some reason. So I may stop back tomorrow for help with this. we really needed new phones but boy do I hate the learning stage.
and exercise class at the SC was cancelled as they had 5 cases of COVID today so they are disinfecting the place. Luckily I have not been there in over a week. Guess its masks again this week!

It's okay for my mom to interrupt me and get aggravated at me, but not okay if I do either of those things to her. I should note she shows more emotion when she's aggravated, but I'm more mild.

She interrupts me all the time and won't stop despite me giving some hints. That's become my biggest pet peeve.

Matty I am working with a broker, and did everything she said, and helped with. Began in Aug 1 and it was to start in Oct, but they said my birth year was imputted wrong by them! Oh well, hopefully it's getting fixed now, the lady at the local SS office said they are just really behind.

Thank youuuuuuuu.


Whatever it is , I hope it gets better soon ! (((Hugs)))

Not doing well. I hope to turn things around. Please let justice win.

First, make sure you start the Medicare application months (not a few weeks!) before you'll actually be eligible. Go to a licensed insurance agent who specializes in Medicare Advantage plans and let them help. Social Security was a non issue, I don't understand what problems anyone had. Just do everything early.

Pam, it was messy for my husband to go onto Medicare and we even had a broker helping us. This is why you don't want the government to manage anything -- they are horrid at it and has no incentive to improve. I'm going to transition to Medicare in November so hoping it goes "less messy" for me. Good luck with yours!

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