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Thanks Sounhappy.

Take a deep breath. Get the best advice you can get, from knowledgeable people. Bullies don’t change. They get worse. Protect yourself. Don’t trust them. Some people have no shame about how low they’ll go. Expect the worst from them.

I’m in such a horrible situation and I don’t know how to stop it. Bullies.

Geaton, Poodle, get well soon!

My situation, extreme stress. Family bullies, horrible. I hope justice prevails!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geaton: Good luck to you with your health.


My mother died at age 95 in 2021.

She did rehab a few times after falls (Parkinson’s disease). I was amazed by her stamina. She cooperated and did what was required in home health and rehab. PT helped with her strength and balance.

At one time mom did have cortisone injections for her knees. They helped some.

Towards the end stage of her Parkinson’s disease was rough for her and she died in her end of life hospice care home

It sounds like you did extremely well in rehab. I went to PT after a horrific bicycle accident in my 40’s.

I had an open compound fracture and had two steel rods placed in my arm. PT was brutal, three hours long, times a week. Still, I felt like it was easier than the work out that the people who were there after knee surgery!

I used to watch people do pool workouts with their physical therapist. It’s a work out!

I don’t blame you for not wanting to overdo the Tylenol. My husband and I are the same way. We take as little pain medication that we can after surgery, including non prescription drugs.

PT was very helpful for us. I have some permanent damage from my accident but overall I did well. I have about 80 percent range of motion.

My husband had two rotator cuff surgeries and he did well in PT also.

I hope you will continue to improve!

Need, I just started my 6th week post-op. First 4 weeks went swimmingly to the point where PT kicked me out but now told me to go to my fitness club and walk the pool lanes and use some of the weight machines (like they taught me at the appointments). So today was my first day doing the pool for 30 minutes so I'll see how I feel tonight after the Tylenol wears off. Both my knees are feeling more pain this past week and I'm trying so hard to reduce or stay off the Tylenol just so my liver doesn't fail. Thanks for asking! Knee replacement is best done when people are well enough and in a position to do the rehab vigorously and religiously in order to make it worth the effort.

Has your Mom pursued gel injections or cortisone shots for her knee pain? Medicare pays for the gel 2x a year and cortisone at least once, I believe.

The labor shortage is more intense right now because all the college kids have returned to school and the businesses are scrambling to find replacements.


Hefty price, huh? Geeeeeez!

Are you in a lot of pain with your knees?

I wish my mother would have been a candidate for knee surgery. She had the bone on bone situation and was always suffering with her knees.

I am thankful that mom was able to use her walker and avoid a wheelchair. I hope you aren’t suffering badly with your knees.

It is amazing how short staffed people are. I was speaking with my brother in DC yesterday. He was telling me that there are full service restaurants in his area that have had to go to ‘take out’ only because they can’t get people to be servers.

My whine du jour #1:

Just got my single knee replacement surgery cost - $40K (my portion is $4700). They said I can pay it over 36 months with no fees or interest. I have to pony up for a new CPAP. Cost = $1800. Also said I can make payments. Therefore, everyone should know that part of the outrageously high cost of healthcare are things like this. The cost of shouldering installment payments is being built into the up-front price of every medical procedure and device (at least in my state, MN).

Whine du jour #2:
I just returned from a CPAP appointment. I called as soon I pulled out of the driveway because I knew I was going to be late. I was on hold the entire 25-minute drive (they never picked up). At their check-in reception desk was this sign:

"The whole world is short staffed now.

Be kind and thankful for the ones that showed up today and are helping you. Thank you for your understanding."

sounhappy: You're very welcome.

Do you want to talk about it, So?

Thanks a lot Llama!

Things are getting worse and worse. Bullies are being extreme. I so much hope I can tell you all one day, I came out victorious. Let justice prevail, please.

Alva: I'm not far behind ya at 76! Every day is a new adventure - not always a good one.

sounhappy: I'm sorry that you are having a very, very hard time. Hope that things improve soon.

Poodle: You're welcome.

Having a very, very hard time. Connected to caregiving for LO. Some people are bullying me, behaving horribly. Terrible situation for me.


As Good As It Gets is a great movie!

Giggling has sent pain killing endorphins to your brain, therefore adding another 5% to your well-being!

Feeling great yet?

I feel better a bit too, on Patriot's Day, memorializing 9/11.

Send, you gave me the giggles. I would KILL for 90% good on any day. At 81 50-50 is, as the Film said, "As good as it gets"!

Thanks Llama!!

Thanks Send!! Thanks for making me smile, chuckle at your sense of humor.

10 % bad.
Does that mean you are 90 % good?

Keep improving poodledoodle!

That is so amazing.

Makes us who are surviving at only 50% look 50% bad.

Poodle: I am glad to have read that you're improving every day.🧡

Hi Barb, hi everyone, thank you for your support. You’ll never know how much all your words touched me, gave me hope and strength.

I’m every day improving. At first I was every day getting worse and very scared. But now I’m improving every day.

From 100% bad to now 10% bad. I believe I need some more days/weeks to be totally OK again.

Oh boy, Riverdale! Hoping they see "clear margins"!! (((Hugs)))

Hoping for the best Barb. My husband had squamous surgery this week. We hope they got it all but will know for sure in about 10 more days.


How are YOU feeling today, ❤️ Poodle?

More good wishes, Barb!

DH's kidney stone surgery went okay, but they have to go back in to get the rest of the stones (his ureter has detours and pouches). Thanks for all the good wishes!

My husband and I live with my 93-year-old mom with dementia. She's the sweetest little thing but that woman seems to have a foot fetish. And a height fetish. She always (several times in the evening) tells us how beautiful our feet are and how ugly hers are (hers are not ugly...they are old pretty feet.)
The repetitiveness is hard to cope wuth sometimes and the feet discussions are insane! Sometimes I have to just go out on the porch and have a long smoke.
Thats my grievance today. Thanks for letting me vent.

Poodle: You're welcome.

Llama, Need, Barb, Isthisrealyreal, everyone:
You have no idea how much your messages made me feel good. Tears in my eyes. THANK YOU for your kind wishes.

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