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Poodle: That's great news!


Oh gosh! I hope that your aunt feels better soon.

She stays busy! She deserves to rest for a bit.

NHWM and Ana,, yep, helping at church. Last time was helping with the Friday Fish fry ( indeed she is catholic) and after several hours on her feet she stepped out back for some fresh air and fell against the wall , broke her arm. Also once fell helping clean the hall. She volunteers to clean the church weekly. In the churches defense, she also has fallen and gotten banged up at Walmart... and off a stepladder ( no more of those at her house!) Can;t keep her down however. She is not coming this weekend now as she is still pretty tired. Hope to see her soon!

Poodle, heal completely, and SOON!


Barb, Praise be to The Lord!

Rejoicing with you and your family at this wonderful report!

Poodle, May The Lord restore you to 100% quickly!

You’re welcome, Poodle.

Thanks Need!!

Barb, celebrating!

I am talking about home tests that people can do compulsively over and over every time they get so much as a sniffle Banana.

Alva the biggest issue with the pcr test is that they can up the cycles to get the result they want. There are no regulations between labs.


That’s wonderful! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you the very best!

Incredibly, my body is recovering. From 100% bad to now 30% bad. Hopefully onwards like this till 0% bad (back to normal).

Ana, speedy recovery!
Barb, great news!

I'm very happy for you and your hubs Barb! Yay!!

pamz: Prayers for your aunt.

Ana: Recover quickly.

Barb: Good news!

sp - Of course there are tests for pretty much all viruses. How do you think diagnoses are made? From nasal or throat swabs, blood, urine, stool, tissue (et cetera) samples. How do you expect to receive medical treatment without a diagnosis? Viruses don’t care whether or not you believe in them.

Barb - Happy news!

Pam - Church activities, you say. Inquiring minds want to know!


LOL 😆, your aunt broke several bones doing “church” activities! Sounds like a wild church!

I have had friends say to me that we (Catholics) get our aerobic exercise in with all of our ‘sit, kneel and standing’ during Mass! Hahaha 🤣.

No broken bones but one time we did end up in the emergency room after church. I accidentally put the kneeler down too soon and our entire pew of people knelt on it, only to discover that we were kneeling on top of my oldest daughter’s foot. Ouch!

My daughter screamed during the most solemn part of the Mass, communion and off to the ER we went! No broken bones though. I do think my daughter watched carefully where she placed her feet afterwards!

Wonderful news, Barb. So glad to hear about your ex and his exams.
I think some of those tests are awful and always did. I used to, when I was an RN, hear the neurologists going through some of these, like the last three presidents. I mean I actually have to THINK. And spell Forum backwards. It gets easier if you practice, visualize the word and do it, but I never could do stuff like that without practice.

My 89 YO Aunt got covid last week,, and she is coming to visit next weekend, She was cleared on Friday, and she was mostly feeling "run down". She got it at a lunch for out of town family members who invited 40 elderly people, This is my Aunt who has broken several bones doing Church activities ( no covid_) and goes to Walmart so often we joke they will call us if she doesn't show up for a day or two! She thinks she got it from the out of town visitors, said the wife looked ill, turns out both the wife and her husband tested positive after the event, as did 2 others. But all are ok now. Thank goodness it is not as deadly as it was.


I certainly don’t feel as if testing is becoming a nightmare. Why would you view testing as a “nightmare?”

There ARE tests for the 'flu. Where I live, if you present with Upper Respiratory Tract symptoms, the protocol is to test for COVID, RSV and 'flu.


I am glad that you haven’t caught Covid. Many people in my family have had it several times, several friends as well.

So far, knock on wood, I have escaped it. I’m like you as far as keeping up to date with getting vaxed and taking precautions.


Yay! Yes, it is amazing! Very happy for you and your husband.

Good news Barb!
I am sure that whatever is happening to my dH, it definitely comes and goes.
I do not have a diagnosis for that, but have lots of hopes.

Barb - I've often thought I would not do very well on some of those cognitive tests

sp196902 - how about you do you and allow other people to do likewise.

This is an anti-whine. This is a whooopeeee!

We had a follow-up with DH's neurologist today. In July, DH had neuropsych testing--18 months after having the first neuropsych eval which resulted in a Dx of MCI.

When DH came home from the psych testing 6 weeks ago, he told me "I did better this time." I asked why and he said part of it was familiarity the tasks (not the actual questions, just the general outline of what they were going to do--he has bad anxiety) and better rapport with this psychologist (the old one retired).

The neurologist looked at the report and and said "you did better this time.". DH whoopped and I asked, does he still qualify for a Dx of Mild Cognitive Impairment?


Wow. Is that amazing or what?!?!?!

Everyone celebrate!

Daughter and son in law got covid right before the summer trip to Michigan for a week with his family. They didn't go. What's kind of funny is that EVERYONE who DID go, got covid without coming into contact with THEM at all. Even the 92 year old Mom, and the infant grandchild. All did very well after the initial week's misery. Virus is quite weakened now due to herd immunity.

Funnier still is that their second summer vacation, to New Orleans, they flew with a friend and husband. Son in law came back with SECOND case of covid, and the couple with them both got it. Again, all did relatively well.

Interesting article out of some recent tests reported in This Week magazine current issue is that studies are showing even those with no long covid symptoms are seeming with recent testing to be more prone to strokes, clotting disorders, et al. I am sure the deniers are going crazy behind THAT one; I can hear them now, hee hee.

I had my 6th shot before my last trip to my daughter for a month and will say I was less careful in general than in past. More contact with family coming and going and friends. So far still escaping it, but think that can't last forever. Just glad it is so weakened, and wondering when the next one will be coming. So thankful we have never faced down ebola, which is so much more easily spread. Hope we never do. Much uglier way to go for certain.

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