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Thank god there are no tests for the flu or any of the other thousands of viruses a human body can hold. All this testing has become a friggin nightmare of epic proportions.

My whine has nothing to do with caregiving, but is about thoughtlessness. My lovely step-daughter is visiting from out of town and we had a planned get-together at our summer home this past weekend. This was over several days, with various sets of people coming and going, including one of her kids and their baby and another step-daughter. Step-daughter #2 arrives and says she has a small cold or allergies so she's trying to not get too close to anybody. We spent most of the time outdoors except for dinner. Two days later, #2 lets everyone know she's tested positive for covid! If I have any symptoms and am going to be in a social gathering or other situation where I'm apt to be in close contact with others, I test beforehand to be on the safe side. She didn't, and has exposed 5 adults (including one senior, me), a 6 year old and an infant. We're now 5 days out from the exposure and so far we're all OK, thank goodness.


So sorry that you tested positive. Hope you feel better soon.

Today is my teen daughter’s moving day. This morning I tested positive for COVID. Factoring in the humidity, it’s 102F or 39c and I am filling my N95 mask with sweat.

Crappy weather today. Flash flood warnings are still in effect. Rain all over the city and metro areas. The rain has slacked up some now. As usual though, we have flooding in the streets in certain neighborhoods.

Thank you Barb!!

Poodle, I have a good friend who got sent for a scan recently which came back with very ambiguous results. He sweated it out for a week before it was confirmed that the scary dx was NOT accurate.

My MIL once told me that worrying when waiting for a diagnosis is a waste of time and energy (I was waiting for a possibly dire test result for my very young daughter).

She said that they way you react to and plan when you ACTUALLY get a poor dx is very different from what you plan during the "what if" stage. She advised me to take a deep breath and try to get on with things and to make plans only when we KNEW what was happening.

It's advice I've tried to follow ever since.


Barb, I’m so very worried. When I see everyone’s kind messages, it really warms me - and at the same time I get tears, because I’m worried. It’s not over.

Poodle, how are you doing? ((((Hugs))).

Thank you!!!

Poodle, wishing you a speedy and full recovery, and peace in your heart in the interim!

Poodle, wishing you the best! Prayers!

Poodle: You are welcome.

Thank you!!!

Poodle: Prayers continue.


Sending prayers and hugs your way today!

Please send a prayer for me.

Poodle: You're welcome.

Thanks Beatty!

Poodle (((hugs)))

Thanks so much Llama. Very worried.

Poodle: Prayers coming.

Thanks Llama. I deleted my comment. Llama, I’m extremely worried. If I’m lucky, everything will just work out. Needs some weeks. Bad, allergic reaction to medicine. If I’m offline now, it’s just because I’m dealing with this. I’ll be back.

Poodle: You okay? Nothing on that last post, but a period.


I didn't cause it.
I don't need to fix it.

I am not responsible for your actions. Or to make the consequences for your decisions work out for you.

Anyone know how that phrase goes again? (I may need it.. 🙃)

Poodle: You're very welcome.

I had to take some powerful medicines that can even be poisonous. Turns out I wasn’t poisoned, but I had a big allergic reaction. I stopped the medicines. It’ll go away.

Thanks for your support!

Thanks a lot Llama. Thanks to everyone for their support. Got results from ER (about my health). I’ll be OK. Major illnesses ruled out. There is a problem, but it’ll heal.

Poodle: Healing thoughts coming your way.

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