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Wishing you the best.

Thanks a lot!

Sorry Poodle. Sounds like you are waiting to see what's what with a medical issue. The "Waiting Room" is the toughest room in the house. At 81 I have faced down a couple of things, and can tell you that many times things work out OK, and the things that don't once you KNOW what you are dealing with you have something you can sink your teeth into. But the waiting room is tough. I hope you are soon out of it.

Worried about a health problem.

Venting, Dad threw out my 2 brand new sugar bowls - that I bought for him - easier access - because he's mad at me for not letting him throw out tarps we need for painting that we're doing next week. So now he's acting like a two year old! uuuggghhh! Now I'm wondering what else has he thrown out ??? :|

“Venting, they DO get more charming every year, but they save it for strangers, because YOU already love them, right????”


Venting, they DO get more charming every year, but they save it for strangers, because YOU already love them, right????

Would be nice if a partner gets more and more charming, every year. 🙂


He was drop dead gorgeous! They all fell for his good looks. Of course, he was charming in the beginning of the relationship.

Aren’t they all charming when they baiting a new woman? Very deceptive, so even intelligent women are susceptible to their behavior, especially if they are vulnerable due to past troubles in a relationship.

Yep, he could win an academy award for his acting abilities.

Need, He must have been a very good actor, good at charming women/victims, so they’re crazy about him. A lot of men do that. Obviously, being crazy about him didn’t last years: that means it wasn’t his true nature. It was an act.


I see. That’s a different story. Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a cousin who got involved with a guy who wasn’t paying child support for his first child.

My cousin was crazy about him. I said to her, if you marry this guy, he may do the same thing to you if you have children with him.

Guess what? That’s exactly what happened. Then after he and my cousin divorced, he did the same thing to two more women.

Some guys aren’t worth sticking around to see if they will change their ways.

That is sad that they bring out the worst in each other.

More like listen for an hour NHWM, but I've been her ear for a long time now (ever since she couldn't go to mom any more). Separately they are not bad people but together they are a toxic mix that brings out the worst in each other, I told her to leave him 20 years ago so she knows the score 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your sister may not even be seeking advice. Is it possible that she just needs to vent?

Often times, we know that there aren’t any solutions, yet we just need to express our frustration.

cwillie, when my son's GF complains and cries to me about him I look her in the face and remind her, "You picked him."

It's your sister so I'm sure it makes boundaries hard to see and uncomfortable to enforce. Very stressful for you. I wish you clarity, wisdom and peace in your heart in this situation.

More health problems with my BIL have sister calling me multiple times a day. I'm sorry but I can't make him be less of an azzhole, no I don't know if he's cognitively impaired of he's just being his normal self, I can't make him comply with doctors orders, I can't make him be less demeaning and belligerent. They have marital issues that go back decades, what am I supposed to say?

I’m tired of blessings in disguise. Can I have some normal, obvious ones please? Several times a day? 😍

I'm back online! I took it to my computer guy and it worked fine at his place, then when I got it home everything was back to normal. I'm not sure if the issue was fixed by my IP or it was something else.

So, this was my program for today, to turn my life around.

1. Focus on MY health.
2. Spend more time with people who are good for you.
3. Evaluate how you spend your time.
4. Find your passion.
5. Love yourself, even during tough times.

That lasted about 5 minutes. In reality, this is what I did.

1. Stress eating.
2. Spent time writing Volume 8 of “People who get on your nerves”, co-authored by Anabanana, Need, Scampie, Burnt, Oldage, Southiebella, Poodle…and many others.
3. I was too busy to evaluate how I spend my time 🙂.
4. Food.
5. Ok, if you say so.


Hope your dad will be OK. And you.


So sorry about the upheaval in your life at the moment. Hope it all works out soon.

So sorry to hear of your dads fall Tgengine. Hopefully he will make it back to his nice room. You know the drill from long years of caregiving and can appreciate that he is getting the care he needs.
I hope your daughter gets settled soon. Maybe change the locks🤔🤨😇.. Just teasing.

Dads in a retirement facility now, placed him in a very nice facility with ability to be in his own room and bathroom and 3 meals a day and activities as long as he is able to get around in his walker and dress and get to the bathroom and bed with some coaching or minor assistance. well that lasted not a week. He fell getting into or out of bed, they ordered a hospital bed, that didn't work, so they send him to the health care wing with a double room for PT and OT. Not happy about it, has a near deaf roommate driving him crazy. Hes getting PT but not not sure if he does not get better he will loose his nice room.
He is where he needs to be, there was no way we were going to be able to handle him at my home.
On our end live is better but a daughter is bouncing back and forth. Never get a break! I left home at 21 and kept going..... not this generation.

cwillie, if it turns out to not be your provider... for a wifi adaptor, have you looked on In that site search "wifi adapter for pc" and many will come up. Any questions on how to install or use will be easily found on YouTube, for instance if you have a very old PC it may require a different solution.

“I live in a small town so there is nowhere nearby to buy a WiFi adapter or a tablet.”

I should live there so I spend less time on the internet. 🙂

I live in a small town so there is nowhere nearby to buy a WiFi adapter or a tablet.

Unfortunately my PC isn't WiFi capable. They are sending a tech on Friday so I will wait it out. But the person I spoke to said he could see problems with others in my area so it could be my internet provider, I'm hoping it will be fixed sooner.

cwillie, if I understand your problem correctly, can you use your phone as a hotspot to access your wifi for your other devices? I'm on a Mac so can't give you specifics for a PC, but go to YouTube and and search this: "How to use your phone as a hotspot for pc" -- many instructional videos will come up. Also in YouTube, search for "how to fix a PC that can't connect to the internet". Hopefully one will help you.

The internet on my PC is offline for some reason and I'm limited to WiFi on my phone. I spend my whole day on line and this sucks big time, I don't know how people live on their tiny phones

In case this helps anyone, here’s the program I’m creating to turn my life around:

1. Focus on MY health.
2. Spend more time with people who are good for you.
3. Evaluate how you spend your time.
4. Find your passion.
5. Love yourself, even during tough times.

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