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Hope you recover fast Cat!

Ooops I did it again! Went to Target this a.m. & the front of my Crocs tripped me. Fell on the hard, over waxed floor. Of course on my right side again. Bruised but didn't break anything

Sometimes I wonder:

There are so many people on the forum with so much knowledge and wisdom. I wonder if you put all that into ONE person, what would that caregiver look like?

Would it be a caregiver who continues to sacrifice themself, but who finds ways to make it less painful? A sort of band-aid approach.

Would it be a caregiver who completely stops sacrificing themself, and has as a condition that any solution must be a solution that doesn’t in any way sacrifice themself? To be as little involved as possible.


That’s terrific! My grandfather had a truck and a Caddy as well. My brother and I loved riding around with him. We did get in trouble for playing with his push button windows. We had the roll down windows in my dad’s car. So, push buttons were new and fun for us. LOL 😆

NHWM I love that car, it reminds me of my parents every time I drive it,, and I sure could not afford one these days! So it to me seems like a last fun gift from them. I "bought " it from them at "fair market value" when they moved in with me, because they wanted it to drive them places. And they loved every minute in that thing! My Dad always had a pickup truck as they lived in the country, but they also had a Caddy from the time they both got college degrees and "moved on up" from thier beginings,, both first in their families to graduate from college, move away from the small town they grew up in. Caddys were the car to own if you were moving up at the time. When Dad first was getting ALZ he got into his head that the sports model was the one Mom needed,, and she agreed. It was a learning curve as its got alot of "extras" their previous models didn;t have, and they had alot of fun in it! So lots of great memories for me. I'll keep it until it dies, and my DD borrows it sometimes when her car is in the shop,, so it's a win win situation for all of us. Thank you!


Enjoy tooling around in your luxury sports car. How fun!

I’m so ready for fall! It’s unbearably hot! We are hitting record breaking highs and have another heat warning for tomorrow. I’m sick of it! I have been making pitchers of iced tea daily.

I just saw on the news that just across the Louisiana line, there is a grass fire that broke out near the interstate in Mississippi. They closed the interstate in both directions.

I’m in a GREAT mood today!

(Just kidding. I just wanted to see what it feels like to type that).

pamz: I'm glad also that you didn't break down with your auto in Baltimore city!

Woke up this morning ready to go to my last Dr apt before I retire.. my sweet ride finally passed out,, 13 YO luxury sports car that was my parents and still looks new ( haven;t changed the body style much) and very low mileage.. Luckily just a battery,, seems it was the original one so I got lucky. I am planning to drive it alot more once I don;t have to go to the mean city, and save the miles on my SUV. Then they had me for a medicare first apt,, nope, still on hops insurance, and running it down to the wire thank you! Had a small spot frozen off my forehead, got my Mamo scheduled before the insurance ends,, So that was all good! ran some errands, picked up some refill meds (running that ins down!) and then home to relax a bit. So I guess only a small whine,, glad it died in the garage and not in Baltimore!!

I’m in an even worse mood today. More bad things, more problems to solve (my life; nothing to do with my mom, but kind of connected because I would have solved them years ago, if I hadn’t been helping my mom).

Anywayyyyyyyy, Beatty, here’s some more humor, similar to the previous one:

“A thousand-mile journey starts with one step. Then again, so does falling in a ditch and breaking your neck.”

Venting, loved your knocked down, so stay down & nap joke 😁💛

I may not be knocked fully down but low & inactive - Imagined myself a round stone on the beach as I refused to get up on time today. Just laying there peacefully, imaging the wind sweeping over me & the sound of the waves.

I also have more whining to do:

On a positive note:
I solved my mom’s HUGE problem some days ago. Someone in health“care” had (in a mean way) messed up her care.

Solving this, also immediately lifted my writer’s block. I was working on a report, nothing difficult, but had writer’s block. I didn’t realize my writer’s block was connected to the stress of helping my mom.

On a negative note:

There must be all sorts of other unknown effects on me from the stress. I keep saying this, but I’ll really try to take better care of MY health. But the only way for me to do that, is to take a break from my mom’s problems. I’ll do that.

I do have some jokes today:

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday, and look how that turned out.”

“When life knocks you down, stay there and take a nap.”

I have no joke to tell today. Nothing funny.

But my life’s a joke right now. In case anyone wants to laugh. 🥺



“How's the teeth filing going?”

Very sharp.

”They'll get what's coming to them one way or another.”

So glad you agree.

NH your brother is pretty clever. Great way to scare away solicitors! I have a friend who is very verbal about his political opinions. It can be annoying sometimes.

Oh Beatty,

Your uncle sounds exactly like my brother! 🤣 They would have gotten along very well!

This particular couple were relentless in ringing my bell every Saturday morning, until they met my brother! LOL 😝

Mom and I often giggled about how he would challenge people, especially over religion and politics!

Need, my Uncle used to chat to JW too. Often even invited them in, pour them tea & start l.o.n.g theological discussions. Pick their arguments apart one by one. It was like intellectual sport for him, & he said it was a service to keep them off the street for his neighbours. Your brother & he would have got along fine! 😁


This one particular JW couple would ring my bell every Saturday morning! This was long before the pandemic.

I was polite when I said that I was not interested in hearing about their religion because I attended my own church.

Did that stop them from ringing my doorbell? Nope! So, I stopped answering the bell. Guess what? They still rang my doorbell on Saturday mornings and tirelessly waited for me to answer the door. I continued to ignore them.

One day I asked my brother to come over to be with mom so I could run an errand. He came to stay with mom. When I returned home, my mother and I were in stitches laughing together about the way my brother handled it.

Mom said to me, “Honey, you know that JW couple that keeps ringing the bell early on Saturday mornings even though you ignore them?” I said, ‘Yes, Mom and I wish they would stop it!’ She tells me, “I don’t think you will be hearing from them again. Your brother really shook them up with a million questions and they left shaking their heads.” LOL 😆

They never rang my bell again! I thanked my brother for getting rid of them!

Me either MD! One guy left a VM saying they would contact my father who I used as a reference. That was hysterical for several reasons. #1 I would never list my dad as a reference #2 he passed away 7 years ago so that's impossible. I love when those places threaten to alert my boss😏

I have to whine some more about bad people:

In the past, if I would bump into bad people, I could just walk away; find a new set of people.

But my elderly mom depends on various people within the health“care” business. Then she can’t just walk away from them. That makes those people even worse than evil, because they know my mom depends on them.

I think however, bad people don’t get away with their evilness. Something in the future, will come back and bite them. If necessary, I’ll bite them. I’m filing my 32 teeth right now.

I agree MD.

Back to my general whine about bad people (rude, dishonest…)…

I would love to stop bumping into such people, especially in the health“care” business.

I would love to stop bumping into bad people in general.

There are so many of them. It seems to me, there are very few good people in the world.

MOST of our problems in life don’t come from accidents or unintentional acts by people. They come from intentional acts by bad people.

“Remember how they had those 6 feet markers all over the floor at stores”

I travelled for work during the pandemic, from country to country. It was ridiculous: at the airport, different countries had different rules (some 6 feet, some 4 feet…). So you’d land in one country, go through passport control, stand in line; everyone confused whether it’s 6, 5, 4 feet…Then there would be another queue after passport control, with for example 3 feet markers (because you just entered a new country)!

I find solicitors in general to be a pain in the a**!

I don’t buy anything over the telephone. I hate when phone numbers and emails are sold or shared.

Every now and then someone will show up at my door too. Usually it’s a cable provider or something like that.

Don’t even get me started on door to door ministries! I don’t want Watch Tower magazine from JW Kingdom Halls. I’m never going to join their religion! So don’t ring my doorbell. I wonder how they did their outreach during the pandemic.

Yeah, I've had so many businesses ask me for my email or phone # or street address when all I want is some information or to pay for what I'm buying, I tell them NO.

Cwillie, I'm probably not the first person to deal with this nonsense. Too many scumbag companies sell your personal information to third parties, and it's a nightmare. I've reported so many scammers to the FTC.

General whine about bad people.

The kind of work I do, tends to attract people with integrity, honesty and a desire to make the world a better place. Those are the kind of people I’m used to spending time with.

But ever since my mom needed help, I’ve had to deal with people in the health“care” business (it’s more business, than care). I’ve met some of the most awful people I’ve ever met.

It’s crazy how many bad people work in health“care”.

Rude, dishonest, bullies, threats, psychological tactics, power games, actors, lack of integrity, deceptive, some really awful people.


Cheers! Break out the champagne 🍾 🥂!

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