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Some good news to report. My father’s Medicaid application was finally approved. He entered the NH January 29th. It took this long but it was finally approved. I was so worried about it for months. Many sleepless nights.

This is such a relief. I’m buying a bottle of champagne.


You aren’t the first person to complain about disappearing post! It’s a shame that posts are being removed. I don’t see any reason for doing this. Very puzzling situation, for sure.

AC, can you please replace posts that are removed? Are these accidental deletions or is there a particular reason why we can’t voice our opinions on a subject?

There was a post here last night that had several duplicates. A person whose abusive FIL is in rehab and she wanted to know if her DH can be forced to care for him.

A write a long, detailed response of EXACTLY what to say to discharge and POOF, it has disappeared.

Very disappointed in the mods.

If they are mistakenly harassing you for a defaulted loan then it might be wise to speak to someone there to straighten things out, stuff like that can escalate and affect your credit rating.
If it's just trolling for business then they shouldn't contact anyone on the do not call list and you should make a complaint.

Major whine moment! Yesterday afternoon I got bombarded with calls&texts from a payday loan company. 4 calls,voicemails and 3 texts. I've got a call blocking app and the ability to block the phone calls. Wasn't working obviously so contacted my cell carrier. Hopefully it works. Also was able to opt out of the voter record website & a public search engine. Very annoying!!

TG: Glad your father is getting good care.


Sounds like your dad will receive good care and be near family. Can’t ask for much more than that! I’m happy for you and your dad.

Yes, bittersweet Tgengine.
I think you will get used to having your home back, you and your wife!

It was a long hard road, you did some really good things for your Dad.
Deep breaths, no guilt, now you can relax.

c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s .

The long chapter finally coming to a close. Not the end of the book but a chapter.
Dad agreed to go to a facility for personal care. This will be out of state and back home. He fell quite a bit last month, ended up in the hospital then rehab and the drs said he needed 24-hour care. He belongs to a fraternity where they will care for him for the rest of his life. No cost but SSI. It is a beautiful place and he will be within 15 mins to an hour of a lot of extended family.
He agreed and is happy. After weeks of paperwork, we finally got the OK.
On our end, it is bittersweet. I will see him a couple times a year but family will see him a lot more.
He needs a walker full time, no stairs all the things he needs. Private room.
We have spent the last 2 weeks cleaning out his 2 rooms to get our place back to normal. Now it is moving some things there (suitcase not U-haul).
Thanks for all the good words and thoughts going through the past years. It's been tough. I am glad I could do it but it's been hard on us for so long. He will be safe and cared for.


Well, since I had my cataracts removed I can see everything a little too clearly! LOL 😆

Yes! We do start growing hair in weird places as we age.

What age did y’all start shaving your legs? I begged my mom to shave my legs at 12 years old. She said no and I did it anyway. Paid the price for disobedience too! LOL 😝

I cut my leg from my ankle to my knee because I didn’t know that I had to shave with soap and water. I put my daddy’s sharp razor on a dry leg!

Now, we are sick of shaving or waxing! Plus, finding hair in weird places is crazy!

My mom lost just about all of her leg hair when she got old. They showed up on her chin! She hated it!

Cwillie I have never waxed a nose hair!! That sounds horrible! But I do wax/ pluck my chin hairs and stach.. OMG I'm getting old! I have some scars on my upper lip from an auto accident in my college years and they can grow a crop! thank goodness for good tweezers

My parakeet loves the magnifying mirror!
It makes him look like big bird. 🦜️

Send - my sister gave me one of those magnifying mirrors for Christmas. I have no desire to look that closely so I've stashed it in my cupboard.

If that ever happens to me, I am going to buy a new mirror. 🥃🥂🪞

It wasn't that long ago our face masks hid all of that.

I hear you, I took a close look in the mirror this morning and was horrified to see a forest of big black nose hairs - geez, it wasn't that long ago that I waxed all that, was it 😱

Hair growing in places that I thought only people that are old got it - That's the me, looking at older people when I was younger thinking that I was never going to be like that.

I'm talking ears and nose.

Guess what? that old person is what I'm slowly becoming... and it goes around and around.

Need: You're welcome.

Thanks, HH

I should be used to her going in an out of the hospital. When it is our child, it really hurts.

NHWM, Glad to hear your daughter’s procedure went okay.

Thanks, everyone

My daughter had her procedure today and it went well. They are going to watch her for awhile and then she can go home.

My brother’s stroke was serious and he has to do rehab, PT, OT and speech therapy. He’s having issues with walking, his mobility in general and speaking.

(((Hug))) Need

Need: I am sorry that you had a hard day. How awful that your brother suffered a stroke! Oh, no - and your daughter going in the hospital! Prayers and hugs sent.

NHWM, I'm so sorry for BJ ith your daughter's and brother's health issues! Hoping that they both get answers and heal quickly.

venting: You're welcome.

Need: Yes, I love spring, too.

Way, yeah Daisy had a tough day eating a lot of caviar.

“Yes , I had fun at bingo , the strawberry lemonade was also yummy .”

Yes!! :) :)

Venting ,

Yes , I had fun at bingo , the strawberry lemonade was also yummy .
Daisy says she is tired now .

Way, haha :)
That’s my go-to for everything now: chipwich.
Lost at Bingo? Chipwich.

By the way, you did great at Bingo today!! And I was so glad to see Daisy.


So glad you had a nice time with your dad. My mom loved Sinatra!

Yesterday was a hard day for me. My phone rang early. It was my brother who lives in D. C.

I have been looking forward to seeing him on the 1st. He had reservations to fly into New Orleans and stay for a week.

In one phone call, everything changed. He was having difficulty speaking and in the ICU due to a stroke. He certainly won’t be coming home to visit now. He’s been through so much. I hope that he can recover quickly.

Then, later in the day, while my husband and I were out running errands, my oldest daughter calls, she is going back into the hospital. She too has many health issues.

So many people take their health for granted and others struggle horribly. I get a little down at times thinking about how many things can go wrong with our mental and physical well being.

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