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venting ,

Lol. My daughter recently told me that based on her future FIL’s personality , she is assuming he will be very difficult to deal with and stubborn when he’s elderly . I told her to eat a chipwich . 🙄🤷‍♀️.


Glad you had a nice visit. I remember having the rare nice visit with my mom . DH has had rare ones with FIL as well but not recently .

I don't have a whine moment today, and believe it or not I finally have something nice to write. I visited my father yesterday at the NH, Was allowed to go into the large room where the residents congregate. They were playing Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole music. Spent a lovely hour sitting with him and his little group singing along. They are really nice people and have a great sense of humor. Had to laugh, one resident has dementia and started ranting and raving over something. When the nurse walked in all the other residents yelled to the nurse good naturedly "Give her the Pill!". I guess she was due for her meds because the nurse did. Just a humorous moment.

My dad was in good spirits. I left feeling good about it all. It was a good day.

Venting, Yeah I hear you. No one knows what is in store for them. Everyone has to play the hand that was dealt to them. Some have it easier than others when it comes to caregiving and dealing with elders.

Sunday morning here. I’m watching a movie: love story: the engaged couple are having a dinner party with both sets of young parents, and they’re all happily toasting, “To family!”

And I’m thinking, they have no idea what’s up ahead. (Meaning caregiving and solving problems for elderly people.) (The movie’s not about that at all. But you can see how my mind works.)

Thanks David!

Venting, it’s bad when one can’t avoid certain people. Anyway, try to move in different circles. Then at least you catch some of the good people, too.

Thanks Llama!! Kind of you!!

I seem to bump into a huge amount of dishonest and rude people (like yesterday). People who don’t keep their word. It’s people I can’t avoid. I hope soon I have better luck of just bumping into better people.


I love spring! One of my favorite trees in the Spring are the cherry blossoms! So pretty! I also love the dogwood trees. We went to D. C. and Virginia to see them. We don’t have those trees here. They are beautiful!

Need: I loved Concord in the spring with all the naturalized daffodils.
All those places you mentioned I know well.

HH: No AC is a health hazard!


Concord is nice. We were there years ago on a trip to see the beautiful fall leaves in New England. We flew into Boston, visited Concord and Lexington, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.

Venting: Sorry for your day. Hugs.

Oh gosh. HH

I don’t know how anyone can go without air conditioning in this heat!

Beatty: What an ignorant driver. Hugs.


Lizard man is a jerk!

Beatty, I’m sure his mother would be proud.

What a loser.

Need: Good for your daughter! I know and love Concord, MA well.


So sorry . Obviously lizard man is a sick individual. Earth is tilted off its axis and the universe has no regard for the human condition . Hence the need for this Forum .

I stopped to let another driver reverse from his carpark yesterday.
The usual custom is to be thanked - a hand raised as a laid back sort of half wave.

Instead, the 'man' inserted his middle finger into his mouth, slowly suggestively removed it to give me a strong middle finger up gesture. Then roared his engine & sped off.

I say 'man' but when he turned to face me the left side of his face appeared heavily tattooed, or was he scaled? I wondered if he was a man sized lizard?

Sigh. At moments like that, I think well.. if that's the worst thing that will happen today, ok.

You’re welcome, venting.

Very sweet, thanks Need!


Sorry you’re having a bad day 😌.

My whine:
Too many things going wrong for me today. Had to talk to very rude people.

My wish:
I need to become more lucky.

Been in NYC for a few days for my one month stint. The temperature and humidity are unbearable. Hate it.

My mother doesn’t want to run the air conditioner, not sure it’s because of the electric bill or what. Finally told her for the aides’ sakes she needs to put it on. Good gosh.


New England gets cold! My youngest daughter has started dating a guy who grew up in Concord, Massachusetts. She met him at a birthday party when she went to visit her friend in Denver awhile back.

He lives in Denver now. He moved to Denver after his parents divorced. His mother moved to Denver. His dad lives in Rhode Island. He has been visiting my daughter here. He is enjoying New Orleans but hates our summer weather!

My daughter is looking forward to moving back to Denver. She loves the snow! My southern daughter has acclimated well to the cold and snow! She hates the heat. Her dog hates the heat! He has the double coat of her and it’s so hot for him.

Need: Hailing from New England, I tolerate winter better than the heat of the mid Atlantic in summer. My SIL, of Norse blood - he loves the cold, also.

Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I don’t like heat or cold.

Feels 110° here! Bring on winter!

Heat advisory for us tomorrow. Geeeez, I am so ready for fall!

96 and high humidity so feeling like 110

New whine:

I’m finishing a report, and I have total writer’s block. It’s not a difficult report.

The only thing I have no block about is food. Why can’t I have food block???

Catch you all later. My chipwich’s waiting for me.

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