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A whine and three anti-whines. I guess that means,
-2 whines.
(1-3 = -2)

My whine:
It’s another ugh day. Nothing in particular. It’s just taking me ages getting my life back on track, after having helped my mom for ages. I though it would take me two hours. :)

End of whine.

My anti-whines:
1. I’ve always gotten back on my feet before, so I’ll succeed again.
2. It’s summer. How bad can life really be??
3. I need something new in my life. Changing life-long habits. Something new that gets me excited to be alive. Today I’ll brain-storm about what that can be.

End of anti-whines.

glad: Hugs. 💗💗💗

So good to see you, Glad!

Sorry, things are not going well. Hoping that things will improve soon. Hugs!

HOAs are not common in my part of the world and I'd never heard of them until I joined this forum. I really don't get why they are such an accepted thing in the US.

Glad, don't ya just love the HOA?!
After my dad died, we put a medium gardenia bush &ceramic pot in the front garden. 2 months later our HOA sent a letter wanting it removed. Mom didn't have 'permission' from the architectural committee. So she did the forms, HOA rejected her request, did another form and got approved. Kinda asinine 😏

Hi Glad - I'm happy to see you but not so happy you have so much to whine about :(

Hi everyone.
Very angry and frustrated about a lot of things. Tonight? The HOA that has disallowed me on any boards in order to settle a lawsuit! Fine, feather in my cap! A GC that really screwed up grading on my lot (25K to fix)! A hail storm that caused 35K (probably more) of damage, 3" stones. Have had three contracts on my house fall! Just doing good to get by.

Don't even need to think about getting old! Just need to get out of here!

I have just had itl! Maybe I need to vent here more often. Just over the top, 100 degrees doesn't help!


There was a poster a long time ago that was an only child who commented, “Gee, after reading about all of these siblings fighting, I am glad that I am an only child!”

I think WTH can mean both things, people are going to say and/or interpret it as they choose.

All this time I thought WTH meant what the heck. I just learned it means what the h3ll.

GI, I’m an only child. But I think co-caring for an elderly parent with siblings either (1) brings them closer together, or (2) brings out their true nature (their ugly side).

I hope your sister treats you well.

My sister has decided to be aggressive and mean to me while we are co caring for dad on hospice in his home. I am HCP and responsible for dad's finances for 9 yrs. and was his choice to do so. WTH???

“Today I’m thinking about my age, and how time’s slipping by while I help my mom. I want to have kids.”

I think it’s a clear sign that things need to change. You deserve to get your life back.

Barb: What a horrible thing that your friend was told by some people!

Thanks for the kind words. One day at a time, I'll get through it.

Thanks for your compassion Need. Your words are soothing. Thanks Venting.

That’s right, I want freedom.

Hothouse, Verystressed:
like Need, I hope you can both be free.

Thanks Need, you express it better than me!!!

I’m so sorry that you are in this situation, verystressedout. I don’t know your story but I hope that you are able to become free one day.


I hate that expression too. It never made sense to me.

Today I’m thinking about my age, and how time’s slipping by while I help my mom. I want to have kids.


That is truly an awful thing to say to someone. I bet she felt like screaming when she heard that.

Barb - that's even worse than people who tell you god doesn't give us more than we can handle, its not only unhelpful but absolutely wrong.

Young friend, age 28, who just got out of the Navy is having a double mastectomy on June 16th.

She said to me "people keep saying 'look at the bright side...'".

I stopped and told her she has my permission to hit ANYONE who says those words to her.

Hothouse, I hope the next 6 weeks aren’t too terrible. (((HUG)))

(((HUG))) Hothouse.

I live very near my mom. When I visit to help out, I get knots, too. I also noticed I eat a lot of snacks, right before visiting. It’s like I have to numb myself before going there.

I’m thinking of quitting to help. I’ve given years of my life helping (not every day), for an ungrateful, extremely abusive mom.

Hothouse, it’s so hard.
And it just keeps going…unless one totally walks away. I know you’re doing it to help your sisters, otherwise they have to do everything alone.

It’s bad enough giving a huge chunk of one’s time, but getting abused, insulted, while you help?…

Heading back to NYC Tuesday for my six week stint at my parents’. Have a knot in my stomach already. So tired and depressed about it all.

Need: You're welcome. Mine is not constant - not too bad.

Thanks, Llama

My headache finally eased up. I hope you feel better soon too.

Need: Accuweather has a measuring stick of sorts regarding sinus headaches. It has been "very high" for the Baltimore area for days. I've had a headache, too. Hope you feel better.

Ana, your cat is accepted with flying colors!
(Enter: supercat hero music)

My cat wishes to submit her press kit for consideration in an action/superhero role. After all, she has lived with six Great Danes.

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