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We have trollies that brake when you leave a short distance from the supermarket. There is a visible strip embedded in the pavement that somehow stops them moving forward. No discarded trollies around! And several supermarkets now have trollies where the top ‘basket’ is recycled plastic, with a sign saying ‘you are now pushing 55 recycled milk bottles’.


I have seen the carts that you pay money to get them out and you get the money back when you return them to the parking lot.

I haven’t seen the ones that have brakes, interesting 🤔…

The shopping carts up here have brakes on them that go on if you try and take them out of the parking lot

That’s another thing that has changed dramatically since my kids were young. I am amazed at some of the baby strollers that I see. I bet they cost a fortune now too!

I am not a grandmother so I don’t know the prices of baby items nowadays.

I really feel for young people who are building their lives in these days. Everything is incredibly expensive.

School tuition is so much more than it used to be. Most leave college owing money.

Cars are expensive, rent is high.
They can’t afford to buy homes with today’s housing costs.


If you had bought an expensive shopping cart I hope you had a shed or garage to lock it up , or my guess it would be stolen if left outside.

Yeah , a baby stroller design may be better than some walkers as well .

Once upon a time I actually wanted to buy a shopping cart, then I saw how much they cost 😲
Seriously though those little folding shopping carts they market to seniors are terrible - short handles, flimsy baskets and cheap plastic wheels only fit for apartment hallways. I've noticed there are finally a few being made similar to baby strollers, it's about time there was some innovation there.


I know absolutely nothing about hockey! I live in New Orleans. I can’t even roller skate! LOL 😆

Swimming is excellent exercise. Walking is too.

Do you watch the Olympic Games? I love watching it. It’s amazing to see the best athletes competing.


Wow! Expensive.

They have the cutest shopping carts now for kids. When my kids were younger they didn’t have the shopping carts with steering wheels. My girls would have loved those!

I would have loved having a shopping cart with a steering wheel to keep them busy.

My oldest daughter was fine in the grocery or anywhere else but my youngest daughter was challenging! She is the child who caused me to have gray hair! LOL 😆

Need ,

Years ago I heard that the all metal shopping carts were $400-$500 each . But I don’t know what they cost now .


Look at the homeless people. They use shopping carts to carry their few possessions in. They are weak and frail and need the cart to keep them stable while walking the streets. It’s so sad.

I don’t know what shopping carts costs but they are occasionally taken from stores and used by the homeless.


I am sorry about your knees and I hope that your surgery will provide relief for you.

I saw a couple in the store recently . Each were pushing a seperate shopping cart. The wife had the groceries in one shopping cart . The husband had their two walkers folded and in the other shopping cart . It just goes to show that pushing a shopping cart is preferred over using a walker.
I’ve seen other people put walkers or canes in shopping carts too and there is nothing else in the cart .
Down the road , shopping cart is my plan while in the store .

Need, I am to have both knees replaced. Two separate injuries. The left benefits greatly from hyaluronic acid injections but the right is pretty much shot. I’m going to get one more HA shot in it soon and discuss booking replacement surgery. It hurts a bit and clanks, but its instability bothers me the most. I wear a brace to prevent hyperextension and lateral movement. Haven’t sold my hockey gear!

I switched to hockey because it is low impact. I swim too. Walk a lot.

“Be active!”
”Not THAT active. You’ve blown through the joint!”

Where is the sweet spot?


Knee issues and a pain. Are you a candidate for knee replacement surgery?

My mom had the bone on bone situation and struggled with pain. Unfortunately, she wasn’t a candidate for surgery.

My youngest daughter blew out her knee from years of dancing. She’s had knee surgery.

My girls were involved in gymnastics and dance and were on dance and gymnastics teams.

Kids love dance, gymnastics and sports, it’s fun for them but injuries occur and they end up seeing an orthopedic surgeon!

My girls still exercise but they have switched over to yoga!


I bet it cost your mom a fortune to do her kitchen repair work done! Kitchen and bathroom renovations are so expensive.

Ana and Way,

Whenever I took my husband’s grandmother shopping she would walk fine with the shopping cart.

I was happier when I took her shopping where carts were available because she refused to use a walker or a cane.

Lord knows, she wasn’t about to wear sensible shoes which she referred to as “old lady” shoes!

She was in her 80’s and never thought of herself as an older woman! 🤣

They do make those walkers now that a person isn’t hunched over. The upright walkers where a person can walk in an upright position are a lot more expensive! It’s sad that they cost more.

One time my dad told my mom to use the scooter that the store provided for elderly customers. My mom looked at my father like he had two heads and said, “Honey, I am not using that thing!” She used a cane for years and later on switched over to a walker.

Mom's built in double oven died. Replacement options are limited. Had to get the appliance guy and general contractor guy out to figure out the "oven math" (hole in cabinetry.)

Ovens should be stock sizes in the US.

Guilty. I have a damaged knee that sticks and/or collapses (infrequently) so I get to push the cart while we shop. My father did the same after his stroke.

cwillie ,
MIL won’t let a walker in the house . She is stubborn but I believe still competent to make decisions . Therefore, I won’t feel responsible when something bad happens .

you are right about them using shopping carts as walkers . Why not ? They aren’t walking as stooped over . It’s probably more comfortable . Why don’t they just make walkers like the smaller shopping carts that aren’t long in the front ? Nobody walks inside those walkers like they are supposed to anyway , they all have them out too far in front .


It’s interesting to see some older people shopping. They use their shopping carts as walkers.

That’s why they shop in Walmart and Target.

They no longer shop in stores that don’t have shopping carts.

Way - does MIL have a walker and just doesn't use it or is it that she won't even allow anyone to get one (like my sister's MIL)? Because I'm stubborn enough that I'd plant one in her house anyway - who knows, she might even secretly use it when no one is looking.


I like that ! So far MIL hasn’t used us as her walking stick. But I’m glad you taught me to say “ I am not a …..…”. She clings on to furniture and wall surfs inside the house .

She uses a cane when she goes out but only because she absolutely could not walk without it in an open space with nothing to hold on to . I can tell she couldn’t walk without it because she is putting almost all her weight on it. (Her left leg can’t seem to carry much weight anymore). A cane is not meant for that ( hence the many falls when she doesn’t keep the cane perfectly upright causing it to give way to one side and it and her fall over like a tree). She is also very hunched over at the waist . She needs Tiny Tim’s crutch , or a good walker . We assume that once she gets upstairs she crawls over to the bed to use that to stand up .

It’s very sad how stubborn she is despite all the times she faceplants on the sidewalk .

Way, BEAR WALKS up the stairs??? 😯🙄🤣

Start practicing now for the next visit 'I am not a stair lifter'.

l've had to add 'I am not a walking stick' to my collection now that BOTH Mothers need one. One refuses to consider getting one, the other has one but often refuses/forgets to use it.

"I don't need one!" as they clutch at furtniture or cling onto somebody else.

Hmm, maybe I will suggest they CRAWL everywhere 🤣🤣🤣

Need - thx I've heard those are good. I was walking in my isotoner slippers which probably wasn't smart. I do have runners which I will use next time and see how they do, I don't need more shoes, in fact I have to get rid of some.

I did some balancing exercises earlier so that may have been part of the problem. ⚖


I like Skechers (Go Walk) shoes for comfort.

My whine today: I had a long phone call with my oldest son and my legs are sore. I have a habit of walking when I am on the phone to him as the calls are often about an hour long, That was no problem back at the house, but here the floors are concrete (under the wood) and I am feeling it. It's one of the unforeseen adjustments to the condo!

When I was at the college we all would have sore legs the first week back after summer holidays as the floors there were concrete too and we spent a lot of time on our feet teaching. I guess I'll adjust or wear shoes with thicker soles.

Oh way, that's funny!!! She's stubborn isn't she? I guess if it works for her...

Need - same for your hubs grandmother. In some ways you have to admire their spirit.


Oh my gosh! Too freaking funny! 😁

My husband’s grandmother refused to move out of her large two story home. She also refused to wear ‘old lady’ shoes!

So, she would climb two flights of stairs in high heels! How the woman didn’t kill herself falling down the stairs is beyond me!

I sort of have a whine to share . At least the old me would have been freaking out over this . But after taking care of 3 of our parents ( now deceased) , DH and I can only laugh at what happened today . 😂😂😂😂. I hope it makes someone else laugh too !

Here goes . Many of you know my FIL died the beginning of last month . MIL lives 4 hours away . We have been for years telling her to put shower grab bars , use a walker , move or get a stair lift etc . All of which she refuses . We believe she is still competent . Ok people , remember this important detail …… MIL BEAR CRAWLS up her stairs .

Today DH called his mother because he needed to know the exact date that his parents’ divorce was final ( 30 years ago ) for some paperwork for FIL’s estate to be settled . ( FIL’s copy along with a lot of other important papers have been MIA since before DH was POA). MIL said she would immediately go upstairs to get that paper and that she knew exactly where it was . She said she would call back . I was listening to DH’s side of this short conversation at the very beginning of our walk for exercise …….

DH and I walked 3 MILES . DH’s phone finally rang and DH said to his mother
“ How many flights of stairs did you climb ?” She said just the one . ( she only has one fight ) . DH asked her if she found the paper right away . His mother said yes .

The old me would have been driving out immediately to assess this situation because it took her so long to get up the stairs . Today all we could do was laugh . We were already planning to go in April for her birthday……..( sooner if needed).

Way, Beatty and Need: Thank you all. I have covered the bases by -
#1 Filling out in detail the comment card from the hospital. I put it in the mail today. At first DH was like "let it go," but he agreed with me when I said "how else would they know they erred unless told?"
#2 I have an appointment on Tuesday with my PCP. I will discuss it with her then.
#3 The new package of dressings came from Amazon today. I was able to shower after DH removed the hospital dressing and he said the wound looked better. Need, thank you. I am told not to apply the A & D ointment while the dressing is on.
#4 The 3" gel mattress topper is enroute.

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