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“venting . My cat , Daisy, says she wants her own dressing room.”

Haha :)


Feel better .

venting . My cat , Daisy, says she wants her own dressing room .

FIL is back at AL today has called 3 times already , DH trying to work from home . He’s losing it. I told him to put his phone upstairs . He has a different cell phone for work anyway . 😭

Get well soon, Need! Fit for our movie. The little cats are really looking forward to being in the movie.

I have had a sinus headache for two days now. Grrrrrr

I am going to take some Tylenol and allergy meds today.


Transitional times are the worst. After everything is settled, you will feel better.

Congrats on making necessary changes.

TG: Thank you for your update. You are never a failure.💗💗

TG, thanks for the update! Glad you are doing a facility to facility transfer, which is the safest and best way to get this accomplished.

Yes, it's hard and decidedly NO you are no a failure. Your dad needs more and different care than what can be provided at home. Anyone's home, not just yours.

So Dad is still in rehab out of state. He's getting more comfortable. We did discuss going to a permanent facility in another state and he is all for it. My sibling and I are actually in agreement. I am in charge of finance so I am doing all the leg work. Sent the paperwork out to go through the application. Now it is a waiting game. The current place is working with us which is great so far.
Big difference in life at home, able to talk, move things around, and plan to get my office above grade to where my plan and it was was years ago. Be able to be warm working this winter and see daylight.
He's doing OK from what he tells me. Sounds like he is slowing down, speech is different.
Big weight on and off of me. One part is good the other one is hard. I was doing fine until I sent the application packet to the home overnight, kind of like a sword in my stomach, I know it has to be done but man it is hard. Partly feel like a failure that I have to do this but I know it's for his best. I'll go from seeing him every day to maybe 2 times a year. As much as I complained it will be hard.

Venting, oh thankyou for the beautiful cat video! You will be CLEAN my darling kittens!!

I can't stand flying. In Atlanta waiting to get our flight to SLC. Food stands are closing or have broken machines or huge lines. Ridiculous for such a large airport. I know there are worse problems but my whine of the day. I usually don't have many.

Have written myself a prescription: get a little cat asap.

Tired + Fatigued = Exhausted.

FIL ….I want to be taken out for dinner .

Me …..Sorry I am way too tired to go out .

This is my new truthful answer .

This won’t solve anyone’s problems, but you’ll instantly feel better. Video of cat mom.

2:30am my mom is screaming bloody murder, came 'rolling arse' from her bedroom. Says "A roach is in the bathroom"
I said "Maybe you're hallucinating"
She said "I certainly hope not"
That was a funny answer lol.
Low & behold there was a roach in her bathroom. Hahaha
Got a broom and solved the problem. But sheesh what a way to start the morning!!

Need: You're very welcome.

Thanks so much, Burnt, Beatty and Cat

I was sort of surprised when my friend told me that she going to stay with her son. I wouldn’t have thought that her DIL would want her to live with them.

Years ago, my friend was skeptical about her son marrying his wife. His wife is about 10 years older than her son.

I told her that it’s up to her son to decide who he chooses to spend his life with and it doesn’t matter if she is older or has children from a previous marriage.

My friend did accept her daughter in law when she saw that her son is very happy with his wife. I just hope that this is only a temporary thing because it certainly adds stress to a marriage when a parent moves in.

I speak from my own experience! My husband was supportive of my mom but I am well aware that it was a huge sacrifice for him. I wouldn’t make the same choice if I had to do things over again.

We don’t think about these serious issues when we are young. When situations arise we are blindsided by them.

Need, I'm so sorry about your friend. Glad she'll be in good hands & u can visit and call her.
My thoughts & prayers for all who need them.
God bless 🙏

Kind thoughts to you all today.

Especially TG, with such a recent loss & to Need & her friend moving away.. Big kind wishes.

Thanks, Burnt

My friend’s daughter in law is a retired nurse so I know she will be in good hands. Plus, she will be near her precious grandchildren.

I am going to miss her terribly though. We’ll have to talk on the phone a lot until I can visit her.

Thanks, Llama

Need: Prayers sent for your friend AND you.

Pronker: Best of luck to you.💙


Sure it will be hard to say good-bye to your friend, and yes there will be tears. It will okay though. You will not be upsetting her and I'm sure there will be some tears from her too.

Your friend is going near her son and will be getting the care she needs. You two can video call. It won't be the same, but it's something at least.

God bless your friend and I hope she has a good recovery.


Thanks for reminding me about the laughter and joyous moments that we share with our friends. There have been countless times when we have laughed at so many silly things that we have shared with each other.

Thanks, MD

I am always grateful for prayers. She could use a whole bunch of prayers right now.

Thanks, Pronker.

She knows that I am going there later today. I’m predicting that we will both end up in tears.

I hope your friend will be able to spend time in her garden again. I have been enjoying seeing the hummingbirds and butterflies. They love my plumbago plants near my patio.

You’re right, ITRR.

It isn’t the first time that we have cried together. Thanks for reminding me of these moments in our lives.

Need, good friends expect tears and laughter and more tears when they are going to be separated in geographic distance.

Hopefully it is a refreshing, soul cleansing, until we meet again my precious sister and dear friend, kind of visits.

She will be missed and should know. Hugs! This is a hard new season in life.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. She's got a good friend in you --- sometimes we just can't help crying. I cried when my friend phoned me with received news that her July 15 operation to fix a knee got postponed until Oct. due to the anesthesiologist's June 23 diagnosis of a possible mini-stroke. The anesthesiologist didn't wish to risk anything until later diagnoses, but my friend had /so/ looked forward to the operation so she could garden again.

Would it help if you called her first and maybe cried if you so felt like it, then it wouldn't be in her presence? Many sympathies to her and to you.

I’m afraid that I will cry when visiting my friend. I don’t want to upset her. She’s been through a lot of changes in her life recently.

All the best to you, Pronker!

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