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((((way)))) -😅😁🤣🤣 believe me I have thought of it.

To me it sounds like fil is unlikely to be able to go back to the AL. On the other hand, you don't know. At one point my father was in hospital and mother was told his liver and kidneys were failing and she should prepare for the end. His heart and lungs fortunately (?) were very good. Two weeks later he was sitting in the garden in a deck chair looking good and enjoying life. Never had liver or kidney problems again. He was 76 then and lived another 5 years. Though, honestly if he had gone it might have been better. He would have been spared the indignity of vascular dementia and a slow decline in those 5 years.

Thanks Golden ,
I was kidding about the house .

Thanks for your kind words . I agree faster would be better for FIL . Who knows . He may partially bounce back until the next episode . But I told DH today that I question whether he will be able to go back to ALF even if he improves .

Way - don't think I can do that with the house, not that it hasn't crossed my mind.🤔 This is a good house, apart from that problem. I don't want to pass the trouble on to some one else.

Sorry you are having an IBS flare up too. No fun. For me it is part of the CFS/FM.

So sorry to hear about your fil and that you are going to be "Johnny (Janie?) on the spot" as dh has to be away with work. Sounds like fil is quite ill. I quite understand that dh doesn't want to deal with fil's anger. It's a difficult time all around. I can only pray that he goes fast as his QOL is sliding downhill fast. I hope that is not inappropriate. May fil find some peace in his last days, and may you and dh be at peace also. ((((((hugs)))))

Golden , my advice , sell during the dry season 🙄. That is such a mess to deal with when all you want to do is get out. The IBS, I totally get as I am having a flare of that as well . Diagnosed years ago.

FIL is in ICU critical condition with respiratory failure and heart failure since late yesterday . He is a DNR . DH has to leave on business trip to the west coast 3,000 miles away , tomorrow through Wednesday . He can’t get out of this trip last minute. I’m stuck with this by myself for now. FIL has gone into respiratory failure twice before since January but this is the first time he’s also in heart failure . Today FIL was very angry . I feel bad for him . He just wants it to be over he said . Depending on how the next few days go , It may be time for palliative care in SNF or hospice . DH doesn’t want to deal with FIL’s anger if he can’t go back to ALF

Today's whine, IBS, Enough said!

Thank you so much, Riverdale. I really appreciate your information.

We did just that a few months ago but the flexible addition leading 10' away was screwed on but not sealed and I think some water still comes out at the join if the rain is heavy. Doing this has cut down the amount of water seeping in by a long shot so R, who has done this in a house in Edmonton, says he will redirect the downspout over to the fence and then along there to empty where the ground is lower and slopes down to the street.

We can't bury here because of the ground freezing. I had suggested that and R said it brings lots of problems in the spring when the frozen ice in the spout and addition is thawing and blocking the flow. I get that.

It is a very deep basement. The basement windows are below ground level with very deep window wells. Just badly done by the builders. For years we didn't have any problems, but since the forest fire and our encounter with the water bomber, we have had seeping/flooding in heavy rains in that corner only. it definitely shook something up. That's why I have wondered if the weeping tile was disturbed/blocked.

I think it has been worse since the back yard was dug up last year to repair the drains. Hard to say but part of the lawn in that corner sank a couple of inches after the repairs were done though the digging was at the bottom of the garden away from the house. All that soil disturbance didn't help!

We are not actually getting standing water in that area, thankfully. Last year too an additional complication is that the neighbour on that side raised the strip of his land along his house with gravel and concrete blocks right by our fence and that corner of the house so we get his drainage from that. That extra drainage doesn't help either.

It is much improved since we put in that flexible addition so we are hoping that redirecting the downspout 10 ' away from that corner with all joints sealed will do it. Possibly caulking the windows as well. I know that is where it is coming in.

2016, the year this all started, the restorers had pulled off the wet dry wall and there was a heavy rain. I saw it seeping in under the windows. That's why I thought French drains in that area might help. It is only in that corner. The window in the room next door is fine. We've never had a problem there.

My understanding is that French drains or replaced weeping tile can be done from the outside with digging - considerable in our case. We have foundation/ waterproofing people here who can do it from the outside. It would likely be expensive as a backhoe or something like that would be needed.

Anyway thank so much for your information. We can't repair that room until we know it is waterproof and I can't put the house up for sale until then and the repairs have been done. So the next step is the downspout and window caulking and wait for a heavy rain.

Any more wisdom/experience is most welcome.

Will this ever be over so I can get out of here???

"A flex pipe needs to be attached to the downspout, buried"

bearied or buried?

i'm kidding. golden ❤️, i really hope it all gets fixed soon.

According to my husband you have to get the downspout water away from the house. A flex pipe needs to be attached to the downspout, buried, and then extended till it empties below the grade of the problem. That is far cheaper than doing an internal French drain. That is a big process.

If you do the French drain you might have the tile situation in better shape. If there is serious water accumulation that is how to solve it. This is what we did: purchased a ranch style house in 1988. Water would stand a bit after heavy rains. They drilled across the concrete floor and placed gravel after digging down. They also drilled around the perimeter of the house. Is your basement very deep? It was all done in 1 day with a large crew. The noise was very loud. I fear you might need to remove the laminate flooring. At least it is that. A waterproofing company is whom you should be dealing with. This was a big job but after doing it and having the sump pump we never had issues with standing water again.

Way - I know the feeling. It's been one thing after another. I have a Jennair stove with downdraft venting and redid the area where the hood used to be for my old stove. Never again!!!! To replace the stove costs $1000s. Replacing the element for one plate was $1000. If I have to replace it with a regular stove, its a major job putting another hood in. And this problem with the basement bedroom has been ongoing since the fire in 2016 when a water bomber hit and doused the house. I've lost count of how many floods I've mopped up.

Riverdale, thx for your info. It's a full basement and the leaking is in one bedroom when it rains heavily. It seeps down through the windows though I had new windows installed in 2016. The windows wells are very deep and R suspects that the weeping tile wasn't done well. The floor is concrete and we have laminate over top.

The house is over 40 years old so from my reading I gather that the weeping tile could be plugged by now. The backfill on these houses is honestly garbage and the lawn wasn't sloped away from the house.

In addition after last years sewer pipe fiasco, the lawn right by that corner of the house has sunk so water is flowing towards the house. As well the downspout needs to be directed totally away from there b/c the ground at the corner gets so soggy.

R will redo the downspout and then we will wait for another rain and see if that works. The rest of the basement is fine. If that isn't enough I think we are looking at French drains or weeping tile replacement. I guess the French drain are cheaper?

Superstorm Sandy must have been awful!!!

The basement was unfinished and had a concrete floor. A couple of years after doing this we refinished the basement and put in a real wood floor and a sump pump. We never had a water issue after doing this even after Superstorm Sandy which caused alot of damage. Uprooted a 75 year oak tree and no power for 12 days.

Golden, can you be more specific on your drain issues. Is the location in a basement. When we waterproofed our house in suburbs of NY we did waterproofing and French drains were installed and we had weeping tile prior to doing this. The waterproofing proved useful for many years. We sold that house in 2019. Now we are near the beach and cannot have a basement

Golden , I have a cash stash too !! The plumber just left with $750 of it. No joke.Now that we decided to start looking to downsize , things are falling apart . Last month we replaced the driveway , had large cracks with gaps and crumbling . Last summer the stove went , couldn’t be fixed .

sorry I don’t know anything about French drains or weeping tile

cw - I suggested to R a sock under the mattress!!! Fortunately he keeps a stash of cash (I don't know where) for emergencies. I don't, but I am thinking about it.🤔

Gee Golden, almost makes you want to keeep your money in a shoe box 🤔🤣

Way - actually not. The trifecta hasn't done it. The back bedroom basement is growing mold on a different wall since the last rains and the floor shows more signs of water damage. There is no standing water but its very humid in there. No standing water is an improvement but obviously we don't have the problem solved yet. I can't put this house up for sale till this problem is fixed! I will post more about it under my "adjusting" thread.

Does anyone have any experience with replacing weeping tile or installing French drains?

MD - it's always some thing.

Golden , Geez,

First the fires , then the bear, now fraud.
Hopefully that’s it , you’ve hit the trifecta .

Banking. Someone got in through a "back door" and is using R's account (actually a joint account but I don't use it) to pay their utility bills and purchase phones from Telus and Rogers. He has has over $4000 taken in the last 2 weeks. The bank hasn't been able to stop it, though they were informed after the first $1000. They shut down the TD website then to do some work and after getting new card and, thinking it was safe, R deposited about $1000 to cover some items he knew were coming up and the thief whipped in and got that too.

In all of this he had contacted the fraud dept. and received a phone call from a guy would claimed to be in the fraud dept. but asked some questions that R found suspicious. R was downtown close to the bank branch so kept this guy talking and walked over and got ahold of the bank manager and signalled her. She checked it out and said it was not their fraud dept.

They think it must be someone within their system who is accessing the account as the money R deposited after the bank making changes and R getting a new card happened so quickly. My other accounts are fine. The "fraud" guy has had the nerve to call R back since and has been told off. The bank are making some changes that they say will work, He will get his money back eventually.

The bank manager said she had only heard of this sort of thing once before.
Pretty nasty stuff.

Chin hairs...........the bane of my existence.

Chin hairs - one word - electrolysis!


I have more chin hairs too. I hate it!

My whine,, chin hairs.. they seem to be getting more and more lately! I pluck between getting them waxed,, but I am going to be getting an apt this next week!

Scbluheron: Feel better.


I hope you’re successful in getting your mom placed in the same place as your dad.

It’s stressful to deal with all of this.

Hothouse - I'm glad you're home, and for the alcohol helping you take the edge off your stress, too.

Hang in there.

Hothouseflower, I’m happy to hear it is in the works. Sorry it will take longer than hoped for. They do seem to know when you are on your last nerve though. Either the elderly are more difficult than kids were or it just seems like it because I’m older now . 🤷‍♀️🤪

Hi W2t, yes, I am working on it. I just supplied all the financial info to the lawyer for the Medicaid application for my mother. The plan is to have her sign a promissory note on the house and to place her in the same facility where my father is. I can't do much until my father's situation is resolved. This can't happen soon enough as far as I'm concerned but it may be awhile. It is all just so awful... I'm hanging on by a thread.

Hothouseflower, Once you get Dads affairs with Medicaid settled , is there a chance you and your sister can work on getting Mom out of the house to a facility ?

My mother's house is falling apart around her. When I was there, the circuit breaker for the air conditioner died and the air conditioner could not be run on the worst air day NYC had ever had. My mother has heart issues could not breathe and had to use oxygen for the first time. I had to get the electrician in on an emergency visit to fix it.

I happily left my mother's house last week and am now home (thank God). I learned yesterday that my sister (whose birthday was yesterday and had wonderful plans to celebrate it) had to deal with my mother's freaking hot water heater flooding the basement and having to get a plumber in to replace the damn thing. She had to clean up the mess and get someone in right away to install a new one. I felt terrible for her and felt guilty that she had to deal with it alone.

My sister was said my mother sat in her chair complaining that she was so stressed about this. Never mind how we, her daughters, are just living one crisis to another crisis. Either it is some health thing or some house thing or both. It is always something and it's never good.

Between all this and hoping that my father's Medicaid application for his nursing home is finally reviewed and approved, I am a total basket case.

Thank goodness for alcohol, it's the only thing that takes the edge off.

Remember the movie with the Lion, “Born Free” that played a long time ago? I watched it with my mom when I was a young girl. I think the lion’s name was Elsa.

I don’t get why people wish to own reptiles, especially snakes!

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