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Golden, Yes! Betty White spoiled that bear rotten. She had a special relationship with him. I can’t imagine snuggling up with a bear!

I have always wanted to pet a large cat! I wouldn’t ever try though. I just think that they are absolutely beautiful!

I’m not one of those crazy people like Tiger King. That’s insane! And cruel, honestly. Wild beasts are meant to live in their natural habitat and have humans leave them alone.

I am not fond of zoos. Animals should be free. I am very glad that circuses with animals are not popular anymore. The animals were mistreated, to make the almighty dollar!

boj - the bears are an ongoing problem. They trap and remove one and another starts getting bold. It's part of living in the north. The fish cop called and said they have dealt with 59 bears so far this year. They are always in the bush which surrounds and penetrates the city and cause more trouble for those of us who live across from a bushy, forested area

They have a trap a number of blocks away and they think the same bear has been causing trouble over there too. I hope they catch it and we will be bear-free. bear-safe, bear-less for a while.

None near the condo further south, where I am moving to, as far as I know! 😊


right, it's bearied not buried: sometimes i make spelling errors, typing fast.
i should have paw-sed and edited.

"Waiting to see if they put out a bear trap."

i hope they won't bear arms.
i hope the problem is solved soon, i don't think it'll last furever.

heron - I am so sorry. It seems things happen in groups. Leak in the ceiling Noooo!!! The house stuff is too much. I hope you recover well from covid and you get your mother to her appointments and the house up for sale eventually. What a trip!!!

Md and boj - that's "bearied"

Need - that was scary. You could have become that bear's next meal. The bear Betty White hugged was undoubtedly well trained and very well fed. The ones here are wild and hungry.

Way - That was scary for your friend too. I didn't know that bears responded so well to things they see. They are pretty smart animals. Their drive in life is to feed and for the sows also to look after their young. I will avoid Lake Tahoe. lol Thankfully no bear can see my fridge!

Called the fish cops again and told them I wanted that bear out of here. I pulled the 85 yo and been a resident for 40+ years and never seen one so bold. No one here was heard of a bear coming looking for food by the house in the daytime. I think the dry spring may mean there is less food n the bush for them or this is an old or sick bear that needs easy meals. Dd made the point that she wouldn't want her kids playing outside if there was a bear wandering around and she posted it on her gals group on face book.

Waiting to see if they put out a bear trap.

Way, It wasn’t my idea to camp in this super remote area! It was my boyfriend’s idea. I was dating this guy who was into roughing it, to become closer to nature. Hahaha, he didn’t even catch one fish! I packed peanut butter, jelly, bread and crackers and it’s a good thing! 😆

I love nature too, but he took it to extremes. I did love the hiking and the beauty of the area.

I love Lake Tahoe. Many years ago we stayed in a friend’s vacation home there. They were leaving to go on a trip and asked us if we wanted to stay there while they were gone. It was right on the lake.

They owned a boat that we would use. I love to hike and we went hiking. Didn’t see any bears that trip. I do feel badly for wildlife though. We have invaded so much of their territory.

Many cities are seeing coyotes. There are some in certain areas of New Orleans. I haven’t seen any but I’ve heard of people keeping their small dogs inside unless they go out in the backyard with them.

@Scbluheron ,
Feel better soon .

haha, thanks way ❤️🙂.

bundle is BEARY funny .

Bear story , Stories like Needs , is why I don’t camp !! There is a reason that doors with locks were invented . Lol. I have seen bear poop in my backyard once . Every once in a while there are black bear sitings near me . They will come off the mountain looking for food .

My friend was staying at her sister’s vacation house at Lake Tahoe once. A bear chased her up the steps to the outdoor deck . She was able to quickly get in the house and close the glass sliding door. He looked through the door then he left. But she told me that the bears in Lake Tahoe know what a refrigerator is, and they know when people are not home . They literally break into houses if they can see a refrigerator . They have to close the blinds so the bears can’t see the refrigerator from outside .

I traveled to CO to see mom in AL for the first time since placing her in April and caught COVID. I avoided it for 3 years.

Obviously can't see her nor take care of all the appointments that I had scheduled. And there's a leak in the ceiling of her house that I'm trying to get ready to sell.

Talk about timing...

Crazy bear story, and my ‘stupid carefree’ days of my youth! LOL 😆

I went backpacking in the smoky mountains with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends. We purposefully picked out a remote area to camp so we could be ‘closer to nature.’

I didn’t put my backpack up in a tree next to our tent. I also didn’t listen to my boyfriend about not eating in the tent.

I learned the hard way about a bear’s excellent sense of smell! LOL 😆 A momma black bear with her cubs found my pack and shredded it, completely destroyed everything in it, even my tube of toothpaste!

The bear was pushing against the outside of our tent because she smelled the crackers that I was munching on.

❤️🙂 don't worry, nothing gets buried. important things/posts always come back, just like in life. sometimes, even unbearable situations like about bears, need to have some humour injected. a little smile, a little laugh.


"What did the bear say when he fell down the stairs?
'Oh, how emBEARassing!'"


"Got a pun but it's pretty bad.
Bear with me."


I watched a documentary on Betty While because I was a huge fan of hers. I still watch Golden Girls reruns regularly.

In. the documentary they showed her feeding a huge bear while she was sitting right next to him in the zoo. She was hugging him.

It was so adorable how she was snuggling up with him. She was a big animal rights advocate.

I think Doris Day was too. Loved her old movies. Mom and I watched those over and over again. They were cute. She started out as a singer. She had a beautiful voice.


“Why did the bear cross the road?
It was the chicken’s day off!”


It was a young bear. Look up the story online. I think it was last week.

The bear was sighted in Destin, Florida. I have been swimming in the Gulf of Mexico since I was a little girl. My daddy grew up in Florida. We went every summer.

I will add that the bear that ate the woman was known to the "Bear Watch" people out there who were supposed to be watching for bears that hung around and then removing them. But they got too complacent and didn't remove this bear and a tragedy followed.

I will be following up with the Fish and Wildlife people. They called tonight and said there had been several bear sightings in the street. They used to put out bear traps but I understood this time that they are still monitoring. I think one that is as bold as this one needs to be removed from this area. I've been here 40 years and never seen or heard of one this bold in town.

Campsites, yes. I have been in Yellowstone camping and we could hear the bears padding back and forth outside the tent at night.

I have never been as close to a bear as I was this time. He was a few feet away. That really made me feel unsafe. We are taught here to be very careful of bears. I won't be walking in the woods again. Dd has suggested I don't go outside around my house unless necessary. This bear is obviously lost any fear of humans. The back yard would be safer as I have a good fence and nothing of interest to a bear. My car is in the garage and the garage is attached to the house so that is safe.

If bears feel threatened they will attack. And you don't always know what will threaten them. There was a fatality here some years ago out at site. A bear actually started eating a woman live and the would be rescuers couldn't get the bear off her. Of course she finally died.

I am aware many people are not afraid of bears. Need, I think your post reflects that. Here we are taught to be very cautious with them. The chances of an attack aren't great. But right now it was a shock seeing the creature a few feet away bold as heck going into my garbage bin in broad daylight. I really don't want to meet one when I am outside in the driveway or on the sidewalk.

Last week a black bear was spotted swimming in Florida. He was swimming near a young boy in the Gulf of Mexico.

People initially thought it was a dog. He eventually ran off into the sand dunes.

No ana, actually they are still around but not as much as before the fire in 2016. They were always a nuisance - garbage is easy pickings.

I just really want to feel safe in my driveway in broad daylight! I am going to buy some bear spray. Just read that there have been 243 black bear attacks in 10 years (2011 to 2021) in Alberta and one this year out at one of the plants in May. The person survived.

Eeeek! Yes Golden, if I saw a bear pawing my bin I would flip! Bears have been spotted about a 15 minute drive north of us, so I’m vigilant in the woods. I hope our 150lb+ dogs will keep them at bay. I suppose the fires have destroyed their habitat and grazing lands.

Gershun -i have had "experiences" and am sure they are real. (((((hugs))))

Well, I think this deserves a whine.

I just had a bear come up to the house and try to get into the garbage bin - in broad daylight! I banged on the window and it went away. I went out and shouted but it was gone. It must have been a bear the last time, but it's a tidy one.

Apparently they have a good memory for the places they got a good feed previously so they were back checking it out. So I hauled the bin in to the garage. It only contained double bagged used kitty litter which I wouldn't have thought was of much interest to a bear. Now I will keep my bin in the garage ALL the time and just put it on the curb in the am on garbage day.

I talked to the fish and wildlife guys (fish cops) and they said there have been sightings further up the street. This one is a bit bold for my liking as there was no odor from the bin that would attract a it, The fish guys said the litter would not attract them so the darn thing was just checking the bin out remembering the last feed.

I can't move out of here fast enough!!!!

Yes, my love for my mom is endless and I miss her so much still. I can't wait to see her again one day. I lost a big part of myself when I lost her.


Your mom lives in your heart. I always smile when I hear you speak about your mom. Your love for her is endless. Love doesn’t stop when a person dies.

Gershun: That's great!💛

So amazing!
I felt that presence once as well.

Yes Llama. Especially since I'm not one who looks for signs. I've always been sceptical to be honest. Although I'm not disputing that others feel and see things I've never expected that. But I definitely felt something. This tingling feeling down my right side and just this feeling that mom was there.

I always went to her bench on her B'day and the anniversary of her death but this year couldn't because of my foot and ankle. Yesterday I was feeling confident with my foot so decided to go. I truly feel my mom was acknowledging that.

Gershun: What an amazing post!

On June 6th "itsmehere" posted she was having severe abd. pain for more than a day. She wasn't certain whether or not to go to the ER. In the end she did say she was going to ER after Barb and I both expressed concern.

I left itsmehere a PM asking that she update us when she knew she was OK. I have since been looking daily to see if there is a post letting us know she is OK. I haven't seen anything.

If anyone is friends with itsmehere I would appreciate knowing things are OK. That I know of she has posted nothing since the 6th.

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