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I’m happy that DH seems to have a better way to deal now. I just hope he doesn’t get the guilts when FIL passes . He has no reason but still ……..

Bundle , (((((Hugs)))))). You deserve help or an easier time, you bring joy to so many. Thank you

PS. I see why you noted it’s a whine moment. That could have almost looked like one of your jokes . 😞

my whine moment...
i need to find a clone, who looks a bit like me, talks a bit like me, and does my work better than me.

Way - Good - no outings if you stink, in plain language. Hurrah for dh getting past the FOG. It isn't easy!

The sister sounds like a different kettle of fish and much more able.

Dh is right. You shouldn't be feeling bad about the food - definitely not.

I am glad your dh is getting tired if the guilt trips. And I am glad he is angry. It's appropriate for the way fil is behaving. Now to use that anger constructively...You have to protect yourself from hurt with these kind of people.

Golden. Thanks. Yes will check to see if FIL is refusing care again. We’ve been through this before. We just recently started taking FIL out about 2 months ago , after he got out of rehab and he was walking better and I told him we won’t take him out if he does not shower . Two months ago he was letting them help him . But I think he has stopped again or is only allowing it infrequently. We did not take him out for many months prior because of the stench .

DH seems to have gotten past the F.O.G lately which is good. DH like you has decided how much he is willing to do for him and that’s that he says . He also said that the sister is cooperative so far with her kids and has always been in their lives unlike DH’s Dad. So DH says his Dad can not compare his situation with his sister who still lives at home . And he told me not to feel bad about him complaining about the food.

DH seems to be fed up with the guilt trips . DH says we have been taking him out the last 2 months and for his birthday took him and his sister and sister’s daughter and he had his pout face on and threw us under the bus . DH is angry

Need -it's plain incompetence by whoever installed the sprinkler system, by the inspector, and by whoever put on that baseboard. I'm getting the picture that the carpet was installed by the previous condo owner or by a friend - both amateurs. In the process of installing the new flooring a door had to be taken off. R remarked in amazement and disgust, "They used 3" nails"!!! He's putting it back together properly. It speaks of lack of experience and knowledge. But I couldn't have kept that carpet. It was a sort of grey brown and regardless of colour the kitty sheds, and I swore some years ago I would never have carpet again. Too much upkeep.

cw - I hear you. I had this whole house (built about1978) redone abut 12 years ago with none of these problems. And they used to say in the housing boom here in Fort Mc that houses were put up by drunken sailors in a high wind. According to the fire department the pipes should not have been plastic The nailing fault was that whoever did it didn't know you don't nail near the sprinkler system. R said it is normal to have them placed there. He has done years of renos.

Way - goodness gracious!!!! I hate that dripping sound!!! So you had a nail in a water conduit too and it was only a matter of time before it leaked. I think an able carpenter knows to check for pipes, wires etc. before nailing, I know about not being listened too - not R but others. Like I live here, I was here when it happened. I know my house!

Way - it has gotten to you and no surprise there. This man is unpleasant and you owed him nothing yet you have looked after him. You WERE thrown under the bus by his complaining to his sister. How can you not feel that way? This is all on him and not on you and dh. He doesn't appreciate what you do for him. I suspect he is one of those who really don't want to be happy, but get their purpose in life by complaining, especially about the people who help them. Mother did that about me to anyone who would listen. I simply had to decide what I was going to do for her and be satisficed that I had met my own standards. I was never going to meet her standards.

It would be sensible to check up on the bathing routine. Honestly, I would be inclined to tell him I was curtailing my visits if he didn't bath and then follow through. Who needs it???

I thought the reno guys were coming this morning so I am sitting here dressed at 9 am which is unusual. I really need my quiet mornings. I guess they will text me or something. I may go back to bed!

Golden , My house is 18 years old. About 5 years in, I had a leak in the plastic PVC waste pipe from the shower , leaking into the basement. I was in the basement getting meat from the freezer and heard and saw the slight leak when DH was in the shower on the second floor . It was dripping from above my head . Turned out the waste pipe traveled from the second floor behind the stove on the first floor to the basement where it met up with the main waste pipe leaving the house. The repairman made a big hole in my kitchen ceiling 🙄 only to discover it was not the drain leaking , which I could have told him since the ceiling wasn’t wet . It turned out to be a Sheetrock nail in the water waste pipe behind the stove near the floor . The guy said the nail kept it from leaking until enough of it rusted away from the water . I’m surprised these things don’t happen more often when they use nails and can’t see behind the Sheetrock .

And thanks Golden , we are trying to not let this past weekend’s visit with extended relatives get to us , but FIL had his pout face on the whole time . I understand he’s unhappy , but it is hard to not feel like we were thrown under the bus by his complaining to his sister . The sister’s kids so far have managed to keep her out of a facility , but here is the thing , she is cooperative . Also , On her own she used the bathroom before we left for the restaurant , and before she left to go home . She was showered, clean , walks better than my FIL . FIL as usual did not use the bathroom or change his disposable underwear at all while we were with him the entire visit . The rest of us all used a bathroom at some point . He didn’t smell great to begin with, it got worse as the days passed . Not sure how often he’s letting them help with showers again. I told DH to ask the facility.

That kind of disaster is why I am reluctant to tackle any "minor" repair or upgrades, it always seems to lead to something far from minor! They do use that type of flexible plumbing on a lot of the home reno shows, I think the fault could be in the way it was placed - I've heard of leaks like that in copper pipes too.


Gee, that’s not that old. It was just carelessness and it does present problems for y’all.

It’ll get done. Just a pain in the butt for the time being.

Thing is Need. This condo is not that old - built about 2006.

The original problem with the first flooring material was a manufacturer defect. The planks wouldn't lock together properly

This one should never have happened. The plastic hosing should never have been used, and then it should never have passed inspection. And whoever put on the baseboard for this fairly recent carpet that we removed should not have nailed it anywhere near the sprinkler system. R says when replacing baseboard if you see the sprinkler system you don't nail anywhere near it, which makes sense.

Just a series of errors that added up to cause us problems!

It looks like it will be a small delay and little damage for which I am very thankful. At least the new flooring wasn't affected at all - only the old carpet which we are throwing out anyway. I have to look at the bright side.

Golden, That’s usually how it goes. When friends of ours bought an older home to renovate they ran into all sorts of issues.

They started in the kitchen and oh my gosh, they discovered issues when they took out the cabinets to replace.

The same thing happened in the bathroom. They had poor electrical work throughout the home.

The house itself had good bones and it was a beautiful old home with lots of character but unfortunately repairs were not done up to par.

They ended up spending more than they had intended to spend on the renovation.

I’m sorry that R has run into surprises in his renovation process. More time and money! At least, it’s going to be fixed the correct way now.

Need - Not too smart in my view. there was no one else out - even walking. I don't go out in the heat either.

More problems at the condo. You couldn't make this stuff up.

R took off a baseboard and water sprayed out from a nail pinhole in the dry wall. The neighbour below had water running down his walls. Not much and no damage thankfully.

Apparently whoever put in the sprinkler system used plastic hose, in that section anyway, and whoever put on the baseboard nailed it right through the hose so we had a finger in the dyke situation. Amazing it held so well for years.

They had a gong show shutting off water and the hose was still spraying. Finally R cut a hole in the wall, and put a clamp on the hose which will hold it for now.

Being the sprinkler system, the fire department is responsible for fixing it The guy who came was amazed that it passed inspection. Because the system is shut off to some parts of the building now they have to have a man on fire watch over night. The repair guys will come at 6 am to fix it.

Of course, this caused some excitement in the building and the neighbour ladies were out in the hall, as well as the guy from below and a couple of others. Quite a social occasion, I gather.

They should be able to go ahead with the flooring tomorrow once the sprinkler system is fixed. Of course now there is some drywall that needs patching so that means painting as well. Is this ever going to end????

R remarked at least we won't have water from above as we are on the top floor. (As long as the roof is good!) And we don't have a basement that can flood. I am surprised at this sprinkler system error as this is not a cheap condo - quite the opposite.

Well, just another side road on this journey of moving into more suitable housing as I age. I hope I am not too much older by he time I get there!

Golden, Ewwww, how can he go running in that? That’s a die hard jogger!

I see people jogging in our heat. No way! I would faint. Early morning and later in the evening are the only times that I can go for a walk in our heat.

Beatty, Need and Way be sure to look after yourselves in the midst of these problems with family. Need - glad to see you are taking your BP meds. It's so easy to get caught up in the crises and not do what we should for ourselves.

Regarding the smoke - these days it comes and goes quite quickly. Today it is moderately bad. By tonight it may be gone - or not. When I open the door for kitty I get a whiff of wood smoke and it is hazy. I saw one person was running on the trail. Not a good idea in my view! I am quite careful to avoid it and find that the a/c does a good job in the house. Not coughing much at all which is a good sign.

Thanks to all for your concern. I hope we aren't sending any more smoke to the US. 🙂

Beatty, Sorry to hear your mom fell. Hope everything goes okay. The heaviness of life is a good way to put it.

Oh, Beatty! So sorry about your parents' health issues.

Way, My mom had no appetite as she aged. She ate a bite or two here and there of whatever I cooked. Never a complete meal.

Occasionally, she would drink a smoothie. She did like soup, or a boiled egg with a piece of toast.

She used to say to me that she only ate because she knew that she had to but she wasn’t hungry.

The doctor told me that she should gain weight but how could I help her gain weight when she only nibbled at meal time.

97yroldmom,FIL has been on Remeron . His appetite has been poor for years, He drinks boost. His weight is stable, not underweight. But looks very thin compared to 10 years ago, so people like his sister who have not seen him in 10 years think he's starving.I can tell DH to ask doctor to try Megace. In general he's going down hill even though weight is stable. He is soon to be wheelchair bound, his legs just are too weak and he refuses any more PT. His dementia is also worse , Thanks.

Llama., thanks

Way: Hugs sent.

WayI am sorry if you mentioned before who has the responsibility but perhaps you could ask his doctor to prescribe megace to increase his appetite if you are concerned that is the problem. It may not help but you will have tried.


It’s awfully hot here. We have short winters and long summers! Spring and fall are my favorite seasons.

I love the fall season in New England. The fall foliage is stunning. I wish that we had fall foliage. Those red, orange and gold leaves are spectacular.

Need: Please be careful of the heat. Pretty hot here today at least for this New England girl.

Way, I am. I feel better. I’m remembering to take my BP meds. It helps that my brother is remaining optimistic.

If he is concerned or fearful, he hasn’t shown that to us.

Need, Thanks. You are right , FIL is embellishing about the food for sympathy.

I hope you are taking care of yourself despite the worries with your brother.

Beatty: Prayers sent.


Let the relatives drop all the hints they like without batting an eye. You know that your FIL is well cared for and that is all that matters.

His sister doesn’t see her brother on a regular basis. I’m sure that she cares about her brother and wishes for him to be content. ‘She can sweep her own front porch before she tells you to sweep yours!’ I love that expression! 🤣

He is probably enjoying the additional attention and is running his mouth with his sister. Some people are quite good at embellishing the facts.

Golden , Thanks.

I am also sorry about you getting a lot of smoke again. Please stay safe. I haven't been online much recently, so I am now reading posts.

((((((Way))))) no matter who complains - fil or his family - you are doing a great job for him and definitely you are doing enough.

Fil is going to complain about something no matter how good it is. Just the nature of the man and many people in facilities. Mother complained about food, too. A good part of it is in them. They may need pureed food, their tastes/appetite may have changed or they may need something to complain about.

Don't for a minute think you are the cause of his complaints. Your dh is right. Fil should be thankful you do as much as you do for him. (((((hugs))))

Exhausted from spending the weekend with extended family who came to visit FIL in AL for his birthday. FIL's sister and her daughter came. They are very nice, although the sister keeps bringing up that FIL complains about the food, and I took that as I should be bringing more home cooked meals. This woman and her husband live with her single son. Her daughter makes and brings over a lot of the dinners and freezes them for her. The woman and her husband also need an aide to come in but refuse. The adult children work. So far the daughter has taken the car away recently. Daughter told me her and her brother are going to start getting tougher about an aide coming in , her parents just don't know it yet.

Anyway, DH told me not to feel bad. He said FIL is lucky we bring him as much food as we do, considering his history of practically ignoring us for years and how difficult he has been the past year. The food at his AL is good. We have eaten it. He hasn't had a good appetite for years before going into AL and now blames it on the food. We took him to his favorite restaurant 2 weeks ago and only ate a few bites. Yesterday took him out and he didn't eat a lot either.


I love my iced tea in the summer. Very refreshing. I don’t use sugar. Lately, I have been making mint tea.

I haven’t bought Powerade in awhile. I should keep some in the fridge.

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