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Thank you. Please keep him in your prayers.

We are hopeful that they will find a way to resolve his issue, so he can move towards the next step, which is treating his heart condition.

Just a reminder for everyone as it gets hotter, replace those electrolytes, preferably with something not sugar laden like Gatorade or Powerade, buy a good electrolyte supplement and use them. I live in the desert southwest and they are game changers for us.

Heat can be draining, Need. We have had heat the last few days and I have left the a/c on.

Hope your bro is being well looked after and they are finding a way to remove his gall bladder and them attend to his heart issues. I know you are not with him constantly, but I am sure he is still on your mind.

So, so hot here today. In the 90’s as usual but it feels like it’s over a 100 degrees!

My daughter is having to give her Siberian husky ice water to cool down after she walks him.


Thinking of you and your mom and dad during this stressful time. I hope you will be able to get the rest that you need and that your mom’s ankle heals quickly. So sorry that your dad is experiencing heart issues.

Beatty sorry to here about your parents. Please take care of yourself .

Beatty, prayers for your parents.

That sounds like she did a "good" job breaking her ankle. May The Lord guide her care team and touch all of you.

So sorry about your moms fall. Hope you are enjoying your sleep by now and wake with a plan easily at hand for your day.
Big Hugs

((((((Beattie))))) I'm so sorry. It must be overwhelming, with both mum and dad suffering. Does dad have a diagnosis for his swollen feet? Look after yourself in all if this. Do something good for you today,

Mum fell. #ankle. ORIF planned. Dad has health concerns - swollen feet...heart?? I am 'person on the spot' although siblings supportive.. No complaints. Just the heaviness of life. Sleep time here. Always remember the brain can crcle problems at night but problem solving mode is offline.. Always wait until the sun rises to assess the day.

golden: I hear you about simplification! I do not need to text with my Amazon Fresh driver! Good gosh.

Cw: Enjoy the wedding. I am sure that you'll look fabulous!

Need: Thank you. She is!💎

pamz - that's funny too. I could never abide those sorts of things. It was girdles and garter belts in my young days, I was Ok with the garter belts, but girdles - no way!!! Then it was panty hose, now it is shapewear. No thanks.!!! I'd rather do a few exercises to keep things in place.

97 - heels just might help!!!

try diff shoes. Sometimes a higher heel creates a shift in the torso.

Cwillie,, just a thought I had a few years back when I was unhappy with a wedding outfit, No one will be looking at me,, they will all be looking at the bride and bridesmaids! So wear whatever makes you comfortable. I once wore a "bodyshaper" to a nephews wedding, I was so miserable I took that sucker off in the ladies room, and it was a complete activity do that! But boy did I feel better once I wiggled and squirmed my way out of it,, and no one seemed to notice I suddenly jiggled a bit more, and I never wore that sucker again!


She deserves the title of deacon! She sounds lovely.

Need: Evelyn is/was my mother's friend, who became mine. Once when she invited my DH, my mother and me to lunch, she had basically made dinner (a pork roast with gravy, potatoes and green beans). I thought it was lovely and a heavy lunch, but you have to take into account that their noontime meal is the heaviest for some elders. Evelyn became head deacon at her church at 100 years of age.

You're so right about some aged folks, who have lost the ability to fully live life. It brings to mind many conversations that my mother would repeat, e.g."Mrs. Jones lived in that house." The thing was that statement became her iteration. That said, many people up in their years actually have very little to converse about, as their world shrinks.

Btw, Evelyn knew my special day was in January, but never sent me a birthday card, opting to send a person who is deceased one.


LOL! Eat your cookies!

cw - That's funny. Let the cookies decide!

I'm going to pack both dresses and decide tomorrow.

And there's no point denying myself those cookies tonight 😉

Does your sis know what the bride's family are wearing?

What is your sis wearing?

Personally I am past the age where I care to be uncomfortable in my clothing. Have been for a long time, but you are younger.

Sit? LOL

I didn't buy the dress for the wedding, it was something that was supposed to be perfect for every occasion so I wouldn't have to keep buying clothes I never wear.
I wish I had a clue what the bride's family are wearing.


I see. Do you have a long dressy sweater or kimono style jacket that would cover up where it is a little snug?

It sounds like it is a very pretty dress. You bought it for a special occasion. It would be a shame not to be able to wear it. Can you sit comfortably in it?

It's snug through the hips NHWM. It's a very fitted style little black dress that already showed every curve so even a little weigh gain is noticeable. I can still get into it but don't want to look indecent or foolish... I've got a couple of other options but I don't like them as much.

Sorry, I missed the part where you said tomorrow. Goodness, start shopping!

Where is it snug? Some people use body shapers or I guess they were once called girdles. I’ve never tried one of those things before. I guess they work if a dress is snug.

Tomorrow is pretty soon, cw.

Nobody knows but you if you can pull it off.


When is the wedding? You can pick out a new dress as a backup. Do you wear a lot of dresses? Would you use it for other occasions?

I thought I'd better try on the dress I picked out for nephew's wedding tomorrow and it's.... really, really snug. Dang it, I knew I'd been putting on weight and should reign it in but I couldn't seem to care. I don't know whether I can pull it off or I should make a change.

Exactly. cw.

Ah I just found out you have to find your "autocomplete list" and then you can delete the list, but not edit it, according to this information which was not recent. They warned you once it is deleted you have lost it the whole list.

I saw similar questions for gmail as well so it seems to be widespread problem.

Surely it should be possible to make an autocomplete list that can be edited.

When I have the brain cells for it, I am going to keep looking and see if I can find my autocomplete list. I think I would rather delete the whole list than have this pesky problem. Surely you build a new one as you send more emails.

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