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I've had similar problems with my hotmail/outlook. When people change their email address I always have to check to make sure the software is using the correct address which can often mean I have to open up my contact list and check because I don't have that stuff memorized.
And seemingly the addresses from every email I've ever gotten are stored somewhere because they will be offered as suggestions when I start a new email, but they are not on my contacts list so try as I may I can't figure out how to edit or delete them.

Too much in many places. Computers were supposed to make record keeping easier. In fact it seems to be more complicated and prone to errors. Mother was given records that belonged to some one else obviously but had her name on them. She had a hip replacement, this lady had a knee replacement on the other leg. R was shown records that were supposedly his, and they were for his father. Yes the last name is the same but that was all. He hardly looked like an 80+ year old 10 years ago.

Places you buy from want feedback and rating and keep bugging you about it - at least some do. Then they set up the choices for responses so they can control what you say and can reject the response if they want to. That's hardly honest feedback!

I was setting up a new contact in Outlook on my laptop this morning. I made an error and the program remembered it. I tried to edit it but Outlook didn't acknowledge the contact so I couldn't edit it. So I set up a new contact without the error and every time I tried to send an email to the new contact the program inserted the wrong one. When I go to contacts the wrong one doesn't show so I can't delete it. The right one shows but the program won't acknowledge it when I want to send an email. Aaaargh!!! Not a good start to the day.

I agree, Golden

This type of communication is unnecessary. They should only contact you if they need your opinion on a substitution for a particular product that they are out of. Otherwise, they have the information that you provided for them to shop.

It’s the same thing with surveys. There are so many questions and then we return to our doctors only to repeat the same answers over again. Where is the record of the bazillion questions that we already answered? I mentioned this to my nurse one day. I said, ‘Why are you bothering to give me a questionnaire to fill out if you’re going to repeat the same questions to me when I arrive? How does this make anything easier? It’s a waste of my time.’

I do understand the purpose of some surveys, to gather data but they can go overboard and it becomes time consuming and tedious for us to answer their abundance of questions.

And then we have to update records occasionally as well! Why not just ask us to update when changes occur, such as a new address or phone number.

It’s constant and becomes quite annoying when this happens so frequently.

I find that we have to repeat things over and over again when it is totally unnecessary to do so.

Having my groceries delivered is a luxury I guess. But why, oh why, does this shopper need us to write a book, He tried to convince me to buy another brand of something than what I asked for, and later told me he would be a little longer as he was going to wait till they put out fresh chickens. Just do the shopping - I don't need to know blow by blow. He is already ahead of time. I like communication with the shoppers but within reason. The best ones, IMO, just do the job and communicate only when necessary and then the minimum.

In the meanwhile I am getting texts from another source that I need to answer. Always seems to happen that way.

Having one of those days with a lot of little annoyances!!! I will take that into account when rate him.🙂


She certainly sounds amazing! I bet you have had some interesting conversations with her about life. I love chatting with my 100 year old cousin about how different life was for her when she was young. It’s wonderful to see her still enjoying life. She is an excellent seamstress too. She is also an amazing cook.

It’s great to see people who are able to remain active in their senior years. It’s heartbreaking to watch older people go downhill as they age. Then they lose the meaning of life. They have nothing left in their lives to bring them a sense of purpose.

Need: She is amazing! Evelyn lives alone and has sewn many, many quilts.


That’s funny considering that your friend is 104! Wow!

golden: Oh, no! The fire smoke is back? Prayers sent.

Need: My 104 year old friend said to me "You look good for your age." Gee, thanks - I think. LOL. She sends me a birthday card at Halloween, which was my mom's birthday.


This smoke issue is a horrible problem. How awful! Glad the AC helps some.

Blankety blank smoke is back. I am coughing again and taste it!!!

I put the air conditioner on which should help.

Sorry about your friend, need. Eyes are so precious. Diabetes is one to be avoided if at all possible! I know type 1 isn't anything that lifestyle produces. So hard on your dd.

So, I was just thinking about backhanded compliments? LOL 😆

Which one do you hate the most?

How about, “She looks beautiful for her age.” Why can’t someone just say, “She’s beautiful!”

My friend called me yesterday saying that she had to get some sort of laser treatment for her eyes due to her diabetes. She said that it was very uncomfortable. I feel awful for her.

My gosh! Diabetes affects so many things in our bodies. Years ago, another friend of mine ended up having an above the knee amputation.

I think if my oldest brother hadn’t died from his other issues, he would have ended up with complications from his diabetes. He didn’t follow his doctor’s advice on eating healthy.

A lot of people ignore what their doctor recommends for them. It’s so important to follow the doctor’s instructions when a person has diabetes. My oldest daughter struggles with her diabetes. I hope one day that this disease will be curable or at least more manageable for everyone.

As Alva says, it's when it goes away that you need to worry. Please, ER and let us know...

You are in danger.
The real problem here is that the pain MAY suddenly go away. And that can mean your appendix DID burst. There is instant relief in that case. UNTIL your bowels spill into your abdomen. At that point you are in danger of sepsis and it is a life and death situation.
GO TO THE ER AT ONCE. If the pain is this bad, and you had it 24 hours you are in GRAVE DANGER.
This could also be diverticulitis. Which can ALSO perforate.

Did you take your temperature?
Mayo Clinic
Signs and symptoms of appendicitis may include:
Sudden pain that begins on the right side of the lower abdomen
Sudden pain that begins around your navel and often shifts to your lower right abdomen
Pain that worsens if you cough, walk or make other jarring movements
Nausea and vomiting
Loss of appetite
Low-grade fever that may worsen as the illness progresses
Constipation or diarrhea
Abdominal bloating

Its, do you have a Nurse Line vis your insurance company?

Do you have Urgent Care placed near you?

Call your doctor's office and ask what you should do?

Itsmehere - definitely go to ER...NOW.


i hope you see a doctor! hug!!

"Morning hereiam & cloud. Lol"

Morning Catskie. You made me laugh! :)
You made my cloud laugh, too. And he never laughs.

Hi It'sme,

Better safe than sorry. If very worried, get it checked out by a doctor. My cloud says "hi" to you and wishes you to get it checked out, and to recover fast!

Go to the ER . That could be your appendix .

Hothouseflower I think once you get mom into a facility things will get better for you. At least I hope so.

Morning hereiam & cloud. Lol

Hi It'sme,

Thanks a lot! The problem is big. Hopefully solvable.

"You went to a movie with your cloud? You and your cloud are doing everything together?"

Yeah, we do a lot together. You'd think I could have some privacy, but no. My cloud follows me around.

"It sounds like you're happy with your cloud. Can't say I know what you're talking about though."

Oh, I just mentioned how there's a lot to worry about my elderly sister, and therefore it feels like a cloud of worry following me around.

i get you, hothouseflower. the constant stress, worry. i was reading someone's post where they wrote, "i haven't had a single anxiety-free day in years, since helping my elderly parents."

and just when you relax, a new thing happens.

Been up since 2 am worrying about my parents’ plethora of issues. It all just keeps going through my head. At 2 am things just also seem worse, I’d give anything for a good nights sleep. I am mentally exhausted.

Thanks Need , I hope not. Otherwise I’m going to be really spooked if it happens a second time.


Nah, not a jinx. It’s better to have them. My mom always liked having extra of everything.

DH on a work trip , he called his Dad ( in AL). Then DH called me to say his Dad sounded “off”. I told him he’s been having those days on and off …..dementia remember ?? I asked if he wanted me to go check on him. He said No. Then I decided I should probably order more pull ups for the man while I was thinking of it. I ordered them, put my laptop down, then thought to myself , did I jinx him by ordering a case ? FYI unopened bags of them are returnable ….I found out after my Mom passed. (She had a new case of them too ). 😬😬😬

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