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I'm still in the middle of solving that sudden, big problem. My elderly sister needs more help.

My cloud and I continue to do things together. Yesterday we went to the cinema together. I had no idea my cloud would like a movie about a storm. Impossible to guess.

Hothouse, please let us know when you finally get home so we can be happy with you too.

I hate being gaslighted by my mother. She told me nastily that I had her medical receipts. Long story but it ended okay and I have what I need to supply to the attorney for her Medicaid application. I can’t wait until June 12th to go home to my life. I cannot stand being around her.

Heres hoping for some positive changes as far as her living situation goes. I don’t want to be in this house anymore. I’m done.


Love Back to the Future and Family Ties.

I love Sci-fi and it is fun to imagine getting into a time machine. Not sure how far back I would go. If I were younger I’d choose to go forward! Imagine what the world will be like in say 100 years or so!

Okay, forget self driving cars. I want the transporter like they had on Star Trek! That would be the ultimate way to travel.

@need thank you! :) lol! talking of time machines.. reminds me of one of my fav movies, "Back to the future." and I need to watch the movie with "The Fox" in it, about himself, it's called "Still." That's Michael J Fox, "The fox is back!"

For a long time I thought he was American then I found out he is Canadian. I also loved Family Ties back in the day, a classic, a time when sitcoms were great. I think I'm whine free today, I'll see tomorrow :)

Venting: Hugs.

I really do hate my autocorrect. I proofread, no issues. So, I click post, assuming that it will post what it says. No chance of that happening! LOL 😆

My autocorrect is possessed by a demon! It types whatever it pleases. If I don’t catch the crazy thing it types, then I look dumb typing from my smartphone. 🤣


Benjamin Button is a great movie! It was filmed in my city.

Sure, ditto from me! Where is the time machine that we can step into?

You’re welcome, venting. 😊

Thanks, Need!!

I want to be like Benjamin Button, to stop about the age of 25, then give it another go.... knowing what I know now... any ditto's out there..


Hoping that you get caught up on work soon.

This is just a vent. Please I don't want any advice or solutions.

I'm feeling depressed today. I have a lot to do, I'm so behind. Work is a disaster. My Mom is doing great thanks to me. I have all the time in the world now. But I'm so very behind with my work. I need to be more efficient, or maybe just smarter in how I get my work done.

Way: You're very welcome.

(((((Way)))) Decline is painful to watch, no matter how difficult the person is. I hated seeing my mother go downhill. She had been so independent and active. The "shell" of her in a wheel chair was very hard to see. I understand that it is triggering thoughts of your mother. That makes it doubly hard, as you relive the losses of the past to an extent. more (((((hugs))))

So sorry to hear that Way. Prayers for the FIL

Golden, Llama, Need,
Thanks , The very slow decline of FIL over the past year is painful to watch . It’s very similar to my mother’s decline 4 years ago .


Sorry that your FIL is having a tough time. It’s really hard to see our loved ones doing poorly.

Way: Prayers for FIL.

Way - doesn't sound good for fil. (((((hugs))))

Oh boy ! Waiting for the “fall call”.
Last week FIL walking bad with walker but ate his dinner when we took him out .
Tonight walking worse and did not eat much . He says he has no appetite . Says he feels ok . Checked the fridge and he’s not even eating his favorite chocolate donuts . which is telling . Also noticed bruises on arms . He’s catching himself from falling by leaning up against the wall when he starts to fall.

Geaton, I saw TV ads for Lego. They came out with new designs and new pieces. You probably can still make some good money on your old Lego pieces, but don't wait too long. As for your beanie babies, it's too late. No one buys them anymore. Maybe Goodwill would take them, maybe not.

After raising 3 sons I still have a coffin-sized tub of Legos in my home. I told my boys when we retire and need money I'm gonna sell them by the pound.

I also still have a tub of Beanie Babies... most still have the tags. Gonna pay my future AL rent with those.

I couldn’t post earlier today. This site is certainly temperamental!

Way, for my son it was Star Wars LEGO. I find myself tempted by the architectural series, like FLW’s Robie House and Fallingwater.

Anabanana, my son has plenty of Legos displayed as well. My daughter in law has reached her limit . And yes when he was young I stepped on plenty of Legos , ouch !

My husband has his LEGO Sopwith Camel proudly displayed in our living room. LEGO is great. Until you step on it in bare feet.


Legos are fun. Love those.

Need, Golden , Yeah , the kids still leave clothes , pjs in their rooms too. That’s fine. They stay over .Yeah . My son has some video games and Star Wars Lego’s sets in the basement still , he’s been selling some

Golden and Way,

When I think about all of our children’s belongings, how much space they needed, and all of the money that we spent on all of their stuff, I just shake my head!

Remember VHS movies? We had quite a collection of those! I ended up selling them at a garage sale.

I was super smart about buying clothes. I bought brand names on sale. They grow so fast that they weren’t worn out when they outgrew them. I would take them to the consignment shop and resell them. The percentage was 60/40. I ended up making money on selling them!

I bought tons of paperback books for them at the thrift stores for 25 cents each! We visited the library weekly and they checked out books.

Not sure why but I never bought the kids any gaming systems. They had so many activities that they participated in and I guess I felt like they wouldn’t have time. They occasionally played with their friends gaming systems.

I think toys that utilize their imagination are the cutest ones. My daughters had a variety of interests. Their taste was very eclectic!

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