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Way - that's after a good year or two of working on it, I hear you about your dd. You can draw a boundary! Her stuff should hardly be the deciding factor as to when you move. I have 4 kids and had to purge the basement several times. I remember a small mountain of those plastic CD covers from one of my sons. A month or two after all we have been through would be great!

Need, I still have a few things from when dd and sil lived when younger dgs was born. He is 17 now! Yeah, in a house there is always something. I agree with the dark chocolate. just got some 100% orange flavoured. Yum!!!


It’s always something, isn’t it? We are continually monitoring our household.


Oh my gosh, I have some of my daughters things in my closets! They never seem to completely move everything out of our homes.


I so agree about the chocolate! Has to be dark chocolate though 😊.

Golden, I guess a month or two isn’t bad . I think my bigger problem is my daughter has a lot of stuff in my basement. When she moved in her fiancés condo , half her apartment went in my basement . She’s cheap , she won’t want to pay for a storage unit until they buy a house in a few years.

Way - once R is back there the guy can finish the floor - one or two days. Then I will hire a cleaning company - that will be one day. but depending on when they can do it. Meanwhile I have to organize the move up here and get a new estimate from the movers, but I want to know that things are underway in the condo first so I don't leave them hanging again. I need the repairs here finished and probably those are better done after the furniture is moved??? Or maybe get them done asap. That shouldn't take long once the guy is available. Finally I need the real estate people in here to do their thing. If everything goes really well maybe a month or two???

55 and up - why are you worried about your bathing suit? You're all in the same boat. I go in the pool and hot tub in the hotel near the condo, no problem.

Your estimate sounds good to me. I have cleared closets and many repairs are done. And I don 't move fast any more. Still tossing some clothing!

Golden, Oh geeezzzz. When will you be able to move to the condo ?

I’m S L O W L Y starting to get ready to downsize as well . DH wants to move to 55 and over that does outside maintenance and he would like a pool. Idk about that , I’m not up for being in a bathing suit with gossiping neighbors 😬😬🙄🙄.
I wear one when we go on vacation , but I figure I’ll never see those people again 😂😂😂😂😂.

Cleaning out closets and basement and doing painting , I’m figuring 2 years. Lol

send- I do, oh, I do - every day!

Why, oh why, when I am dealing with my grocery order on my iPhone do I often get a needed phone call and today add on a gut explosion bad enough to scare the cat. I'm at the point where this is becoming funny! 🤣🤣🤣

Like what else can happen? maybe a sinkhole outside my house like Calgary just had. Wouldn't surprise me.

Don't forget to eat a bit of chocolate.

PEA is the same compound found in chocolate that is believed to produce chocolate’s positive effects on mood. The phenylethylamine in chocolate is believed to work by making the brain release b endorphin, an opioid peptide which is the driving force behind its pleasurable effects.

Thx folks. My emotions are a little up and down with all that is going on and coming off the antidepressant to ease the arthritis symptoms in my hand. It's working OK but I have to be careful to keep a balance in everything. Barb - sleeping more than usual - a normal night often which is great. I know the antid gave me insomnia.

cat - Thx Good suggestion. it was a dog but could just as easily been a bear, and bungie cords won't stop them. The bin can stay in the garage for now. This is one of the many reasons I want to be in the condo. Picking up garbage at 10 at night wearing my flip flops with a coat over my nightie is not something I want to do any more!!!🚮

Oh, Golden! Miserable stuff, between the garage cans and R's worrisome medical issues. And MOVING.
Please breathe, meditate and get sleep.

Golden, do you have a rolling cart or a regular garbage can? Put a bungie cord on the handles. It keeps the lid closed even when those dumpster diving critters knock the can over.
When I lived in 'the boonies' my own dogs would occasionally rummage through the garbage cart. Nothing like trash strewn all over the yard first thing in the morning.

Aaargh!!! Went downstairs to get something after settling in bed and found some critter had gotten into the trash bin. Must have been a big dog as the bin was on it's side and garbage chewed on. Bears will tear everything apart and spread it all over the lawn so I wasn't a bear thank goodness. I guess the trash bin has to go in the garage now.

Of course, the moment I started to relax, another big (of course, it had to be big, not small, or medium) problem was thrown into my lap. That's the way the cookie crumbles. Ohh, I shouldn't have told my cloud that I'm about to relax. Should have just typed it here on AC, without telling my cloud.

Greetings to all of you. My cloud and I will now go and try to resolve this new problem.

Cat - no problem and thanks. Cancer is a horrible disease. I am sorry about your bil. I pray he makes it for the birth of his grandchild. My family has been blessedly free of cancer all my life and then suddenly my dd and my sig other both in the last 1 1/2 years got cancer dxs. I am thankful for the treatments that have been developed over the years.

Golden, I apologize for the oversight on your friend passing. My condolences.
Way, praying for your friend. Cancer is a horrible disease. My 70 yr old BIL has been fighting a rare skin cancer most of his life. He stopped responding to the treatment and is very thin. His son and wife are expecting a baby July 15th and he's hoping to make it that long. Sad situation


It’s interesting.

Sometimes we are in such pain that we may find it difficult to express our emotions.

My therapist suggested to journal daily. I found comfort in writing.

I also find comfort in reading. Written words can be quite powerful and leave a lasting impression.

My daughters would usually talk to me about their day at school. Once they acquired cell phones, they spoke less. They were captivated by the world of texting.

I missed our conversations so I decided to chime in by texting short messages. There is something non threatening about reading a message vs. hearing a message.

For awhile they spoke to everyone through text messages! As long as we had communication I didn’t care if it was a text or a short note written on our chalkboard in the kitchen.

Need, thanks . The personal note is a great idea.


I am so sorry to hear about your friend’s diagnosis of cancer. It’s really hard for us to watch our friends struggle with a health crisis.

I think sp gave a great suggestion. Gift certificates for restaurants are nice. I have given gift certificates when I am not exactly sure what to buy.

You can include a nice card and write a personal note.

I’m glad that you respected your friend’s privacy when she said that she couldn’t talk about it right now. I think it’s awful if someone pushes a person to speak about their situation before they have even had a chance to process it.

Thanks for the info on the tool for wax removal. I will do some research on this product.

Goodness, Way, they have their problems, don't they? Gift cards are always good and safe I think. You are a good friend.

Yay, we are getting a break from the smoke right now, but R said his breathing was really affected down where he is last night and he doesn't normally have any breathing issues, allergies or whatever. Today his area is good. It can change so fast. No sign of rain in the forecast for this area for the next week or so..

Golden, thanks. I did tell my friend to let me know what I can do , but I know from her previous knee surgeries that she does not like to ask for help , her husband is not well and no family nearby . That is why I was looking to be more proactive . They do have a cleaning woman already so that is good. I will freeze some meals and get a gift card as well . Her husband is actually a very good cook but short of breath with asthma and COPD.

Stay safe golden .

Thx Way. So sorry about your friend's diagnosis My dd went the other way and opened up as she normally wouldn't Have you thought of asking your friend what would be helpful or good for her? I know my dd's bf cleaned her house for her after surgery I think it was. From what I saw of my dd anything that brightens her day or is helpful like rides to treatment, or house cleaning was good. There are some great suggestions below. As far as food goes, for my dd the chemo really changed her food tastes so that would be worth checking on at a later date. She was happy with flowers - something personal or cheerful. t us important to know that people care for and support you

re the fires, all the rain forecasts for this area have come to naught, but further south it has helped. Fortunately the air quality is better right now but that can change quickly. It is hazy and eerily quiet outside with very few people walking the trails or even the sidewalks. I did go out to visit dd yesterday even though it was very bad air quality. I just needed to get out.

Yes I thought of food too . I also like the blanket and funny video ideas, thanks. I know she would like funny dog videos especially.

WayTT, I know someone who is in a similar situation with a potentially difficult diagnosis, and likewise doesn't feel up to taking as she tries to hold it together. She does appreciate texts, and people are sending her links to funny or cute videos. At times like this, some people don't feel like cooking and eating, so perhaps a gift certificate for a take-out service might be appreicated, or perhps a gift certificate for a massage.

Comfort food?
Or I've heard it mentioned that a cozy throw or shawl is like a warm hug and may be useful during treatment.
(cancer sucks)

I like the idea of a resturant gift card or cards.

One of my best friends texted me last night that she was just diagnosed with breast cancer . She said she can’t talk or she will get very upset . I did send a supportive text back. I would like to send something . I’m afraid flowers are too funeral like . ??? Idk . Anyone have any ideas of what I could send ?

Golden, so sorry about the relentless fires.

Need, instead of cotton Qtips there are now these plastic spiral type you twist them and it catches the wax , and then pulls it out of your ear . I don’t know if they work well , but I saw a commercial .

Thanks for the info, Send.

I have thought about the wax buildup affecting my hearing because my husband often says that I play the television too loud. He doesn’t have wax buildup.

It has to be a genetic thing because it showed up on my DNA results. My brothers and mom had excess wax buildup. It is bothersome


I have horrible tinnitus since my 20’s. I loved Gilda Radner on SNL. She was so funny!

LOL @ Send.

I am going to take some more, just for fun!

I already ate my ice cream.

I've got Claritin. Maybe, I'll pop one. Go on a Claritin trip somewhere. To a land where sneezing, clogged ears and coughing just doesn't exist.

My dH and I just took 1/2 of a Claritin. It dissolves like magic in your mouth.
Never had anything like it!

Keep it way from children, they will love the instantly disappearing medicine.

We were desperate. One can sneeze daily for just so long!

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