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No, not any kind of oil in our ears.
Tea tree oil is toxic. And maybe others too.

Debrox can clean out your ears. Not sure, maybe there is hydrogen peroxide in it.

And flushing out the ears by a professional is okay, should not hurt, feels clean after.

then there is candling. A tube of wax, you light it up, the smoke draws out the wax. eewww! don't try that at home. You can go to one of those occultic shaman stores, they will have it there. Lol.

Men in construction come into a doctor's office to get their ears flushed. You shoulda seen what came out. Then, they could hear. ewww again.

Speaking of ears, I've been having a plugged feeling in my ears lately and it's caused tinnitus. I think it's allergy related. I've been having problems with allergies more the last few years.

Remember Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live. She used to do this character called Rosanna Rosanna Danna. She used to always say "only goes to show you Jane, it's always something"

My life lately. :P


I have a wax issue too. I know that we aren’t supposed to use Qtips, but the wax is annoying.

My mom’s hearing aid would have to be cleaned just about every week due to wax buildup. Mom’s audiologist told her to use any kind of oil in her ears to keep them moist.

I should look into ear flushing. Is it uncomfortable to do?

Yeah sure Barb, and my little great niece and nephew were long past the contagious stage too. Must have floated to us out of the ether.

My gd had conjunctivitis last week, but too long a lag time, or so thinks the doc. Best thing was, I went to our doc in the box around the corner. Ask her to check my ears which were feeling itchy. They were chock full of wax (lifelong issue). Since they were supremely unbusy, she flushed both my ears. Grateful for small favors!

cat, thanks -Haven't talked with R about how the horses are handing it. I don't think there have been any fires where they are pastured. I imagine livestock across the province are affected in one way or another. He is finally selling his horses. Not sure how many he has left.

Barb - no fun but meds should clear it up. I have something, scratchy but no redness and use a boric acid eye wash which works. Glad your foot is better.

Just spitting rain here a bit but not enough to cover the driveway or to improve air quality. We need much more. Apparently this year is the worst for forest fires in terms of area burnt since 1981.

Golden that's terrible about the fires and constant smoke. It must be awful. You have livestock right? How are they handling it?
Barb, sorry about the eye. Did the doctor start you on meds?
When I worked for the elementary school, the front office staff was Health Clinic back up 2 days a week. Surprisingly I never got sick from any of the little ones.

Wash hands.
Change pillowcases.
Hot clean washcloth, use once on eyes, then sterilize.
Wash hands.
Do not touch face or eyes.

Barb, you know this, it's for others who may not know.


Where did you pick that up Barb, were your grand kids sharing things too?

I have conjunctivitis. Oy.

Sending good thoughts, Golden.

golden: Prayers for the air quality to improve. How awful.

Thx Need. I finally put on the a/c as it was getting warm and that has helped the air throughout the house. it's not as good as the bedroom but much better than outside. Thankful for small mercies!

I’m so sorry, Golden. I hope your situation improves soon. Hugs! 💗

Way, I thought about that but I am fine in the bedroom with the door shut. The cat doesn't like it (the shut door) but she can go elsewhere in the house. The downstairs is all open so I would need more than one big one for there and it's not worth it with me moving. I don't want to buy more stuff to move. I had two downstairs (one borrowed) during covid when dd and dgs were here and going to and fro. I got rid of one as it was a pain re filters and returned the other. With this one I can clean the filters and reuse. I don't have to replace them.

I've turned off the furnace fans as they have "fresh" air intake. Smoke these days!

Golden , what about a second air purifier?

No that wouldn't be good for me, cw. R has sent a few pics. Looks like they are from a movie. of an apocalypse. I can feel it in my chest a little but it doesn't stay. One suggestion I have read has been to spend time in a place like a mall. Not sure it is worth it, This too will pass.

Your nephew is learning about life in Alberta!

Nephew #2 sent a pic yesterday, he said that when he's outside any deep breath causes coughing. I've been hoping for some southwesterly winds for him, but I guess that wouldn't be good for you Golden.

Air quality is worse than ever. We have a 40% chance of rain which would help but no signs of it here yet. I cleaned out my small air purifier and it does do a good job in the bedroom, so I guess I am stuck in here for a while. Anything that helps...

Greetings from the cloud and I.

hereiam: You are welcome.

The cloud and I are now going to go grab a coffee. :)
HUGS to all of you.

Weather forecast is improving slightly. Thanks for the kind words, all of you! Even just those sentences, helped lift me up. The cloud is hovering above my computer right now.

Thanks, Llama! :)

hereiam: Hope that you see your rainbow very soon. I've been there.💚

Thanks for understanding me, Way :).

hereiam ,

I understand , some of us are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Thanks Golden. I have lots of breaks, but I'm not able to switch off the worry button. I'd love a real break. No worries. The caretakers for my sister are great, but you know, things happen. Medical problems appear. You end up always being alert. I'll go make myself some food now. :) I'll try to take a real break.

hereiam - Can you arrange some breaks for yourself Sounds like you need space. It's important to address (hopefully prevent) caregiver burnout.

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