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The website has help for those suffering with struggles similar to a mental illness. Do not try to diagnose yourself, or treat yourself with prescription medications.

Each illness has its own symptoms, but common signs of mental illness in adults and adolescents can include the following:
Excessive worrying or fear
Feeling excessively sad or low
Confused thinking or problems concentrating and learning
Extreme mood changes, including uncontrollable “highs” or feelings of euphoria
Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger
Avoiding friends and social activities
Difficulties understanding or relating to other people
Changes in sleeping habits or feeling tired and low energy
Changes in eating habits such as increased hunger or lack of appetite
Changes in sex drive
Difficulty perceiving reality (delusions or hallucinations, in which a person experiences and senses things that don't exist in objective reality)
Inability to perceive changes in one’s own feelings, behavior or personality (”lack of insight” or anosognosia)
Overuse of substances like alcohol or drugs
Multiple physical ailments without obvious causes (such as headaches, stomach aches, vague and ongoing “aches and pains”)
Thinking about suicide
Inability to carry out daily activities or handle daily problems and stress
An intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearance

Above list is from their website.
This is not to diagnose anyone, and does not imply that previous posters have a mental illness.

Sometimes, we all just need a little help.

Thanks for your kindness, Way!

hereiam, sorry for whatever you are going through . You can vent here. ((Hugs))

I wish I could have 10 hours of uninterrupted peace, relaxation, joy - instead of a constant cloud of worry following me around. The weather forecast is bad. Haven't seen a rainbow in a long time. This cloud even follows me into the shower, in the kitchen, in the living room.

Way - the situation is that due to the extremely dry conditions, one fire gets under control and another one breaks out. It will be that way until we get a decent amount of rain. Hopefully June will be rainy. it used to be a rainy month but the climate has changed some so I don't know what it will be. Rain is forecast for much of northern/western Alberta by Monday/Tuesday. We should get some up here.

cw - yes I have read about that. I have an air purifier in the bedroom and retreat to there when the air quality is really bad. Fortunately, though we have periods, mainly at night of say up to 8 or 10 hrs. the rest of the time it is acceptable here. It was further south that was really bad.

Have you heard of the Corsi-Rosenthal box Golden? They are supposed to do a great job at filtering smoke in your home.

Golden ,
I hope the air gets better soon . Are they making headway with the fires ?

Alberta's air quality was among the worst in the world on Tuesday due to the forest fires. R said at one point you could hardly see across the street. Fortunately it's improving and we up here have not had the worst of it..

From being around 32C (90F) it is barely above freezing right now but will warm up in the day time. I had a fire in the fireplace last night.

I am having to taper off the Luvox slowly or I feel yucky, but even that is making an improvement in my finger/hand arthritis. So thankful to have discovered this. And. so far, the fm hasn't flared up.😊 That's good news and also that pesky sore throat/sinus/eye issue is just about gone. Goodness, I don't like this growing old thing!!!🧓

Hothouse . Make time to Skype or FaceTime the grandkids .

My whine moment: I’m flying back for my one month stint with my parents and feeling sad because my 7 and 8 year old granddaughters are not happy that I will be away for so long. They are still at an age where they enjoy spending time with their grandparents. Oh well time to pack. <<sigh>>

Way I am glad you are having time for yourselves this weekend. Hope dh steps out if the FOG (fear, obligation and guilt) and drops the guilt. It doesn't do anyone any good.

Golden .
DH is very busy at work . I’ve been telling him to cut back to once a week . He has been some weeks, which I think is partly why he’s feeling guilty . I’ve been trying to drop off things instead of DH if it’s something that can’t wait until visit time ( like incontinence briefs) . But I don’t do that more than once a week. And it’s not every week. Vacations , Lol I know . FIL
tends to ignore his limitations . I don’t even think he realizes how much he ignored DH . He immersed himself with his second wife and her family . Now she’s gone and he acts like we’ve been “ family “ forever . It is what it is . I talked DH into seeing FIL later this week and skipping this weekend . We are finally seeing some friends . Thank you golden for the kind words

way - maybe DH can cut down to visiting once a week. Vacations Goodness gracious - no!!! I think fil is fortunate to have you do what you do for him.

I wish DH would stop whining how he feels bad for only visiting his father twice a week in AL , but at the same time says they have nothing to talk about and complains he doesn’t want to go visit . I told DH that his father ignored him most of his adult life . The man is lucky we did/ do as much as we do. The man tries to extract promises that we will take him on vacation . Which we will not , his hygiene and mobility are awful . Very incontinent and does not change often enough or clean properly . That’s no vacation for us . It’s the old man’s fault that he’s lonely . He refuses to go to activities or talk to anyone at his AL , residents or a psychologist. He would rather be miserable in his room . So be it .

I miss them so much.

Cats, I love horses. They are so smart and beautiful.

It's so darn hot already. I forsee a scorcher Summer ahead. When I had my horses, I'd be outside for hours and the heat didn't bother me.

golden: Hope you feel better soon from the days of the missed med. Oh, but now I see that there was a silver lining.

What kind of neuroma? My sister had surgery for Mortons neuroma(?) but still having problems. She wore heels for many years and it messed up her feet.

Way - Thx. Gosh, yes. 30 years is a long time! So looking forward to getting off that med.

Thx Barb - easy does it! I am so sorry about your friend. Just saw recently a Canadian discussion that mammograms should start earlier to catch the more aggressive breast cancers but they were only talking age 40 as opposed to age 50. I know it happens much earlier in some people. Very sad.

Golden, glad you figured that out! Good luck with the taper.

Just found out today that a 29 year old friend in my community has breast cancer. She has one of the BRACA mutations. Damn.

Golden .
That’s wonderful . You know your own body best !! You’ve been dealing with these conditions a long time . I wish and hope for improvement .

Thx Way, Happy Mother's day to you and to everyone 🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷

I just realised there is a silver lining to the missed meds.

Yesterday when I was suffering the dizzy side effects of missing the meds I noticed that my hand was free from arthritis pain and stiffness. I didn't connect the two.

This morning, having taken my meds again, the hand arthritis is back. I checked with Dr Google and joint and arthritis issues are a side effect of the meds I am on.

Woo hoo!!! I am going to start tapering myself off them and see what happens. I sure don't need the hand arthritis and if the supplements and rest are treating the fm then I am good to go without the meds. At the very least I should be able to do with an even lower dose than the low dose I am on, and less side effects. I have tapered off it before under drs directions and know I have to go slowly.

Feeling encouraged!!! 😄😄😄

Golden ,
Enjoy !! Happy Mother’s Day 🌸💐🌺

Way - thx. I am feeling better slowly. The fires will be here for quite a while. That's normal. I pray for rain to diminish them and reduce the smoke. It's the best we can hope for here.

DD and sil are returning from a trip south today and sil wants to take us out for a Mothers Day meal tomorrow. I have to be rested and up for that!!! 😊

I hope you feel better soon , plus these awful fires cease . Rest up . ((((Hugs)))))

My dd says - the older you get the longer it takes to recover. This, for her, refers to muscle recovery after exercise, but as far as I can see it is true in general. I find it so.

My whine is that I missed a couple of days of one med, which I have done before for this particular med without much trouble but this time got withdrawal side effects = dizziness. On account of this, yesterday was kind of a lost cause.

However, I take it for the FM and if I miss it usually I notice the muscle stiffness and soreness, which I didn't have this time. and that is good, I have rearranged my meds routine so I won't miss it again. I am wondering if I still need it or if the supplements are doing the job for me. I would prefer that as the med has a few side effects.

Still having a sore throat off on on which is a symptom of CFS/FM - just never had it hang on so long. Gargling seems to help and eye wash for the scratchy eyes. The air quality is very very poor again today due to smoke and that, no doubt, plays a part in this.

You’re welcome, Llama.

As we age, it is definitely harder to bounce back.

Need: Thank you. At age 76, it's harder to rid of illnesses.


I hope your foot situation is resolved soon.

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